path: root/framework/src/onos/core/api/src/test/java/org/onosproject/net/flow/DefaultFlowEntryTest.java
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diff --git a/framework/src/onos/core/api/src/test/java/org/onosproject/net/flow/DefaultFlowEntryTest.java b/framework/src/onos/core/api/src/test/java/org/onosproject/net/flow/DefaultFlowEntryTest.java
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- * Copyright 2014 Open Networking Laboratory
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.onosproject.net.flow;
-import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
-import org.junit.Test;
-import org.onosproject.net.intent.IntentTestsMocks;
-import com.google.common.testing.EqualsTester;
-import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
-import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan;
-import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is;
-import static org.onosproject.net.NetTestTools.did;
- * Unit tests for the DefaultFlowEntry class.
- */
-public class DefaultFlowEntryTest {
- private static final IntentTestsMocks.MockSelector SELECTOR =
- new IntentTestsMocks.MockSelector();
- private static final IntentTestsMocks.MockTreatment TREATMENT =
- new IntentTestsMocks.MockTreatment();
- private static DefaultFlowEntry makeFlowEntry(int uniqueValue) {
- FlowRule rule = DefaultFlowRule.builder()
- .forDevice(did("id" + Integer.toString(uniqueValue)))
- .withSelector(SELECTOR)
- .withTreatment(TREATMENT)
- .withPriority(uniqueValue)
- .withCookie(uniqueValue)
- .makeTemporary(uniqueValue)
- .build();
- return new DefaultFlowEntry(rule, FlowEntry.FlowEntryState.ADDED,
- uniqueValue, uniqueValue, uniqueValue);
- }
- final DefaultFlowEntry defaultFlowEntry1 = makeFlowEntry(1);
- final DefaultFlowEntry sameAsDefaultFlowEntry1 = makeFlowEntry(1);
- final DefaultFlowEntry defaultFlowEntry2 = makeFlowEntry(2);
- /**
- * Tests the equals, hashCode and toString methods using Guava EqualsTester.
- */
- @Test
- public void testEquals() {
- new EqualsTester()
- .addEqualityGroup(defaultFlowEntry1, sameAsDefaultFlowEntry1)
- .addEqualityGroup(defaultFlowEntry2)
- .testEquals();
- }
- /**
- * Tests the construction of a default flow entry from a device id.
- */
- @Test
- public void testDeviceBasedObject() {
- assertThat(defaultFlowEntry1.deviceId(), is(did("id1")));
- assertThat(defaultFlowEntry1.selector(), is(SELECTOR));
- assertThat(defaultFlowEntry1.treatment(), is(TREATMENT));
- assertThat(defaultFlowEntry1.timeout(), is(1));
- assertThat(defaultFlowEntry1.life(), is(1L));
- assertThat(defaultFlowEntry1.packets(), is(1L));
- assertThat(defaultFlowEntry1.bytes(), is(1L));
- assertThat(defaultFlowEntry1.state(), is(FlowEntry.FlowEntryState.ADDED));
- assertThat(defaultFlowEntry1.lastSeen(),
- greaterThan(System.currentTimeMillis() -
- TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)));
- }
- /**
- * Tests the setters on a default flow entry object.
- */
- @Test
- public void testSetters() {
- final DefaultFlowEntry entry = makeFlowEntry(1);
- entry.setLastSeen();
- entry.setState(FlowEntry.FlowEntryState.PENDING_REMOVE);
- entry.setPackets(11);
- entry.setBytes(22);
- entry.setLife(33);
- assertThat(entry.deviceId(), is(did("id1")));
- assertThat(entry.selector(), is(SELECTOR));
- assertThat(entry.treatment(), is(TREATMENT));
- assertThat(entry.timeout(), is(1));
- assertThat(entry.life(), is(33L));
- assertThat(entry.packets(), is(11L));
- assertThat(entry.bytes(), is(22L));
- assertThat(entry.state(), is(FlowEntry.FlowEntryState.PENDING_REMOVE));
- assertThat(entry.lastSeen(),
- greaterThan(System.currentTimeMillis() -
- TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)));
- }
- /**
- * Tests a default flow rule built for an error.
- */
- @Test
- public void testErrorObject() {
- final DefaultFlowEntry errorEntry =
- new DefaultFlowEntry(new IntentTestsMocks.MockFlowRule(1),
- 111,
- 222);
- assertThat(errorEntry.errType(), is(111));
- assertThat(errorEntry.errCode(), is(222));
- assertThat(errorEntry.state(), is(FlowEntry.FlowEntryState.FAILED));
- assertThat(errorEntry.lastSeen(),
- greaterThan(System.currentTimeMillis() -
- TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)));
- }
- /**
- * Tests a default flow entry constructed from a flow rule.
- */
- @Test
- public void testFlowBasedObject() {
- final DefaultFlowEntry entry =
- new DefaultFlowEntry(new IntentTestsMocks.MockFlowRule(1));
- assertThat(entry.priority(), is(1));
- assertThat(entry.appId(), is((short) 0));
- assertThat(entry.lastSeen(),
- greaterThan(System.currentTimeMillis() -
- TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)));
- }
- /**
- * Tests a default flow entry constructed from a flow rule plus extra
- * parameters.
- */
- @Test
- public void testFlowBasedObjectWithParameters() {
- final DefaultFlowEntry entry =
- new DefaultFlowEntry(new IntentTestsMocks.MockFlowRule(33),
- FlowEntry.FlowEntryState.REMOVED,
- 101, 102, 103);
- assertThat(entry.state(), is(FlowEntry.FlowEntryState.REMOVED));
- assertThat(entry.life(), is(101L));
- assertThat(entry.packets(), is(102L));
- assertThat(entry.bytes(), is(103L));
- assertThat(entry.lastSeen(),
- greaterThan(System.currentTimeMillis() -
- TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)));
- }