path: root/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo/topoPanel.js
diff options
authorCNlucius <lukai1@huawei.com>2016-09-13 11:40:12 +0800
committerCNlucius <lukai1@huawei.com>2016-09-13 11:41:53 +0800
commitb731e2f1dd0972409b136aebc7b463dd72c9cfad (patch)
tree5107d7d80c19ad8076c2c97c2b5ef8d1cf3ab903 /framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo/topoPanel.js
parentee93993458266114c29271a481ef9ce7ce621b2a (diff)
O/S-SFC-ONOS scenario documentation Change-Id: I51ae1cf736ea24ab6680f8edca1b2bf5dd598365 Signed-off-by: CNlucius <lukai1@huawei.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo/topoPanel.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 539 deletions
diff --git a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo/topoPanel.js b/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo/topoPanel.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b8c2192..00000000
--- a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo/topoPanel.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,539 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2015 Open Networking Laboratory
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- ONOS GUI -- Topology Panel Module.
- Defines functions for manipulating the summary, detail, and instance panels.
- */
-(function () {
- 'use strict';
- // injected refs
- var $log, $window, $rootScope, fs, ps, gs, flash, wss, bns, mast, ns;
- // constants
- var pCls = 'topo-p',
- idSum = 'topo-p-summary',
- idDet = 'topo-p-detail',
- panelOpts = {
- width: 260
- },
- sumMax = 262,
- padTop = 20,
- devPath = 'device';
- // internal state
- var useDetails = true, // should we show details if we have 'em?
- haveDetails = false, // do we have details that we could show?
- sumFromTop, // summary panel distance from top of screen
- unbindWatch;
- // panels
- var summary, detail;
- // === -----------------------------------------------------
- // Panel API
- function createTopoPanel(id, opts) {
- var p = ps.createPanel(id, opts),
- pid = id,
- header, body, footer;
- p.classed(pCls, true);
- function panel() {
- return p;
- }
- function hAppend(x) {
- return header.append(x);
- }
- function bAppend(x) {
- return body.append(x);
- }
- function fAppend(x) {
- return footer.append(x);
- }
- function setup() {
- p.empty();
- p.append('div').classed('header', true);
- p.append('div').classed('body', true);
- p.append('div').classed('footer', true);
- header = p.el().select('.header');
- body = p.el().select('.body');
- footer = p.el().select('.footer');
- }
- function destroy() {
- ps.destroyPanel(pid);
- }
- // fromTop is how many pixels from the top of the page the panel is
- // max is the max height of the panel in pixels
- // only adjusts if the body content would be 10px or larger
- function adjustHeight(fromTop, max) {
- var totalPHeight, avSpace,
- overflow = 0,
- pdg = 30;
- if (!fromTop) {
- $log.warn('adjustHeight: height from top of page not given');
- return null;
- } else if (!body || !p) {
- $log.warn('adjustHeight: panel contents are not defined');
- return null;
- }
- p.el().style('height', null);
- body.style('height', null);
- totalPHeight = fromTop + p.height();
- avSpace = fs.windowSize(pdg).height;
- if (totalPHeight >= avSpace) {
- overflow = totalPHeight - avSpace;
- }
- function _adjustBody(height) {
- if (height < 10) {
- return false;
- } else {
- body.style('height', height + 'px');
- }
- return true;
- }
- if (!_adjustBody(fs.noPxStyle(body, 'height') - overflow)) {
- return;
- }
- if (max && p.height() > max) {
- _adjustBody(fs.noPxStyle(body, 'height') - (p.height() - max));
- }
- }
- return {
- panel: panel,
- setup: setup,
- destroy: destroy,
- appendHeader: hAppend,
- appendBody: bAppend,
- appendFooter: fAppend,
- adjustHeight: adjustHeight
- };
- }
- // === -----------------------------------------------------
- // Utility functions
- function addSep(tbody) {
- tbody.append('tr').append('td').attr('colspan', 2).append('hr');
- }
- function addBtnFooter() {
- detail.appendFooter('hr');
- detail.appendFooter('div').classed('actionBtns', true);
- }
- function addProp(tbody, label, value) {
- var tr = tbody.append('tr'),
- lab;
- if (typeof label === 'string') {
- lab = label.replace(/_/g, ' ');
- } else {
- lab = label;
- }
- function addCell(cls, txt) {
- tr.append('td').attr('class', cls).html(txt);
- }
- addCell('label', lab + ' :');
- addCell('value', value);
- }
- function listProps(tbody, data) {
- data.propOrder.forEach(function (p) {
- if (p === '-') {
- addSep(tbody);
- } else {
- addProp(tbody, p, data.props[p]);
- }
- });
- }
- function watchWindow() {
- unbindWatch = $rootScope.$watchCollection(
- function () {
- return {
- h: $window.innerHeight,
- w: $window.innerWidth
- };
- }, function () {
- summary.adjustHeight(sumFromTop, sumMax);
- detail.adjustHeight(detail.ypos.current);
- }
- );
- }
- // === -----------------------------------------------------
- // Functions for populating the summary panel
- function populateSummary(data) {
- summary.setup();
- var svg = summary.appendHeader('div')
- .classed('icon', true)
- .append('svg'),
- title = summary.appendHeader('h2'),
- table = summary.appendBody('table'),
- tbody = table.append('tbody'),
- glyphId = data.type || 'node';
- gs.addGlyph(svg, glyphId, 40);
- if (glyphId === 'node') {
- gs.addGlyph(svg, 'bird', 24, true, [8,12]);
- }
- title.text(data.title);
- listProps(tbody, data);
- }
- // === -----------------------------------------------------
- // Functions for populating the detail panel
- var isDevice = {
- switch: 1,
- roadm: 1
- };
- function displaySingle(data) {
- detail.setup();
- var svg = detail.appendHeader('div')
- .classed('icon clickable', true)
- .append('svg'),
- title = detail.appendHeader('h2')
- .classed('clickable', true),
- table = detail.appendBody('table'),
- tbody = table.append('tbody'),
- navFn;
- gs.addGlyph(svg, (data.type || 'unknown'), 40);
- title.text(data.title);
- // only add navigation when displaying a device
- if (isDevice[data.type]) {
- navFn = function () {
- ns.navTo(devPath, { devId: data.id });
- };
- svg.on('click', navFn);
- title.on('click', navFn);
- }
- listProps(tbody, data);
- addBtnFooter();
- }
- function displayMulti(ids) {
- detail.setup();
- var title = detail.appendHeader('h3'),
- table = detail.appendBody('table'),
- tbody = table.append('tbody');
- title.text('Selected Nodes');
- ids.forEach(function (d, i) {
- addProp(tbody, i+1, d);
- });
- addBtnFooter();
- }
- function addAction(o) {
- var btnDiv = d3.select('#' + idDet)
- .select('.actionBtns')
- .append('div')
- .classed('actionBtn', true);
- bns.button(btnDiv, idDet + '-' + o.id, o.gid, o.cb, o.tt);
- }
- var friendlyIndex = {
- device: 1,
- host: 0
- };
- function friendly(d) {
- var i = friendlyIndex[d.class] || 0;
- return (d.labels && d.labels[i]) || '';
- }
- function linkSummary(d) {
- var o = d && d.online ? 'online' : 'offline';
- return d ? d.type + ' / ' + o : '-';
- }
- // provided to change presentation of internal type name
- var linkTypePres = {
- hostLink: 'edge link'
- };
- function linkType(d) {
- return linkTypePres[d.type()] || d.type();
- }
- var coreOrder = [
- 'Type', '-',
- 'A_type', 'A_id', 'A_label', 'A_port', '-',
- 'B_type', 'B_id', 'B_label', 'B_port', '-'
- ],
- edgeOrder = [
- 'Type', '-',
- 'A_type', 'A_id', 'A_label', '-',
- 'B_type', 'B_id', 'B_label', 'B_port'
- ];
- function displayLink(data) {
- detail.setup();
- var svg = detail.appendHeader('div')
- .classed('icon', true)
- .append('svg'),
- title = detail.appendHeader('h2'),
- table = detail.appendBody('table'),
- tbody = table.append('tbody'),
- edgeLink = data.type() === 'hostLink',
- order = edgeLink ? edgeOrder : coreOrder;
- gs.addGlyph(svg, 'ports', 40);
- title.text('Link');
- listProps(tbody, {
- propOrder: order,
- props: {
- Type: linkType(data),
- A_type: data.source.class,
- A_id: data.source.id,
- A_label: friendly(data.source),
- A_port: data.srcPort,
- B_type: data.target.class,
- B_id: data.target.id,
- B_label: friendly(data.target),
- B_port: data.tgtPort
- }
- });
- if (!edgeLink) {
- addProp(tbody, 'A &rarr; B', linkSummary(data.fromSource));
- addProp(tbody, 'B &rarr; A', linkSummary(data.fromTarget));
- }
- }
- function displayNothing() {
- haveDetails = false;
- hideDetailPanel();
- }
- function displaySomething() {
- haveDetails = true;
- if (useDetails) {
- showDetailPanel();
- }
- }
- // === -----------------------------------------------------
- // Event Handlers
- function showSummary(data) {
- populateSummary(data);
- showSummaryPanel();
- }
- function toggleSummary(x) {
- var kev = (x === 'keyev'),
- on = kev ? !summary.panel().isVisible() : !!x,
- verb = on ? 'Show' : 'Hide';
- if (on) {
- // ask server to start sending summary data.
- wss.sendEvent('requestSummary');
- // note: the summary panel will appear, once data arrives
- } else {
- hideSummaryPanel();
- }
- flash.flash(verb + ' summary panel');
- return on;
- }
- // === -----------------------------------------------------
- // === LOGIC For showing/hiding summary and detail panels...
- function showSummaryPanel() {
- function _show() {
- summary.panel().show();
- summary.adjustHeight(sumFromTop, sumMax);
- }
- if (detail.panel().isVisible()) {
- detail.down(_show);
- } else {
- _show();
- }
- }
- function hideSummaryPanel() {
- // instruct server to stop sending summary data
- wss.sendEvent("cancelSummary");
- summary.panel().hide(detail.up);
- }
- function showDetailPanel() {
- if (summary.panel().isVisible()) {
- detail.down(detail.panel().show);
- } else {
- detail.up(detail.panel().show);
- }
- }
- function hideDetailPanel() {
- detail.panel().hide();
- }
- // ==========================
- function augmentDetailPanel() {
- var d = detail,
- downPos = sumFromTop + sumMax + 20;
- d.ypos = { up: sumFromTop, down: downPos, current: downPos};
- d._move = function (y, cb) {
- var yp = d.ypos,
- endCb;
- if (fs.isF(cb)) {
- endCb = function () {
- cb();
- d.adjustHeight(d.ypos.current);
- }
- } else {
- endCb = function () {
- d.adjustHeight(d.ypos.current);
- }
- }
- if (yp.current !== y) {
- yp.current = y;
- d.panel().el().transition().duration(300)
- .each('end', endCb)
- .style('top', yp.current + 'px');
- } else {
- endCb();
- }
- };
- d.down = function (cb) { d._move(d.ypos.down, cb); };
- d.up = function (cb) { d._move(d.ypos.up, cb); };
- }
- function toggleUseDetailsFlag(x) {
- var kev = (x === 'keyev'),
- verb;
- useDetails = kev ? !useDetails : !!x;
- verb = useDetails ? 'Enable' : 'Disable';
- if (useDetails) {
- if (haveDetails) {
- showDetailPanel();
- }
- } else {
- hideDetailPanel();
- }
- flash.flash(verb + ' details panel');
- return useDetails;
- }
- // ==========================
- function initPanels() {
- sumFromTop = mast.mastHeight() + padTop;
- summary = createTopoPanel(idSum, panelOpts);
- detail = createTopoPanel(idDet, panelOpts);
- augmentDetailPanel();
- watchWindow();
- }
- function destroyPanels() {
- summary.destroy();
- summary = null;
- detail.destroy();
- detail = null;
- haveDetails = false;
- unbindWatch();
- }
- // ==========================
- angular.module('ovTopo')
- .factory('TopoPanelService',
- ['$log', '$window', '$rootScope', 'FnService', 'PanelService', 'GlyphService',
- 'FlashService', 'WebSocketService', 'ButtonService', 'MastService',
- 'NavService',
- function (_$log_, _$window_, _$rootScope_,
- _fs_, _ps_, _gs_, _flash_, _wss_, _bns_, _mast_, _ns_) {
- $log = _$log_;
- $window = _$window_;
- $rootScope = _$rootScope_;
- fs = _fs_;
- ps = _ps_;
- gs = _gs_;
- flash = _flash_;
- wss = _wss_;
- bns = _bns_;
- mast = _mast_;
- ns = _ns_;
- return {
- initPanels: initPanels,
- destroyPanels: destroyPanels,
- createTopoPanel: createTopoPanel,
- showSummary: showSummary,
- toggleSummary: toggleSummary,
- toggleUseDetailsFlag: toggleUseDetailsFlag,
- displaySingle: displaySingle,
- displayMulti: displayMulti,
- displayLink: displayLink,
- displayNothing: displayNothing,
- displaySomething: displaySomething,
- addAction: addAction,
- hideSummaryPanel: hideSummaryPanel,
- detailVisible: function () { return detail.panel().isVisible(); },
- summaryVisible: function () { return summary.panel().isVisible(); }
- };
- }]);