path: root/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo/topo.js
diff options
authorCNlucius <lukai1@huawei.com>2016-09-13 11:40:12 +0800
committerCNlucius <lukai1@huawei.com>2016-09-13 11:41:53 +0800
commitb731e2f1dd0972409b136aebc7b463dd72c9cfad (patch)
tree5107d7d80c19ad8076c2c97c2b5ef8d1cf3ab903 /framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo/topo.js
parentee93993458266114c29271a481ef9ce7ce621b2a (diff)
O/S-SFC-ONOS scenario documentation Change-Id: I51ae1cf736ea24ab6680f8edca1b2bf5dd598365 Signed-off-by: CNlucius <lukai1@huawei.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo/topo.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 557 deletions
diff --git a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo/topo.js b/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo/topo.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3564eb33..00000000
--- a/framework/src/onos/web/gui/src/main/webapp/app/view/topo/topo.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,557 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2014,2015 Open Networking Laboratory
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- ONOS GUI -- Topology View Module
- */
-(function () {
- 'use strict';
- var moduleDependencies = [
- 'ngCookies',
- 'onosUtil',
- 'onosSvg',
- 'onosRemote'
- ];
- // references to injected services etc.
- var $scope, $log, $cookies, fs, ks, zs, gs, ms, sus, flash, wss, ps,
- tds, tes, tfs, tps, tis, tss, tls, tts, tos, fltr, ttbs, ttip, tov;
- // DOM elements
- var ovtopo, svg, defs, zoomLayer, mapG, spriteG, forceG, noDevsLayer;
- // Internal state
- var zoomer, actionMap;
- // --- Short Cut Keys ------------------------------------------------
- function setUpKeys(overlayKeys) {
- // key bindings need to be made after the services have been injected
- // thus, deferred to here...
- actionMap = {
- I: [toggleInstances, 'Toggle ONOS instances panel'],
- O: [toggleSummary, 'Toggle ONOS summary panel'],
- D: [toggleUseDetailsFlag, 'Disable / enable details panel'],
- H: [toggleHosts, 'Toggle host visibility'],
- M: [toggleOffline, 'Toggle offline visibility'],
- P: [togglePorts, 'Toggle Port Highlighting'],
- dash: [tfs.showBadLinks, 'Show bad links'],
- B: [toggleMap, 'Toggle background map'],
- S: [toggleSprites, 'Toggle sprite layer'],
- //X: [toggleNodeLock, 'Lock / unlock node positions'],
- Z: [tos.toggleOblique, 'Toggle oblique view (Experimental)'],
- N: [fltr.clickAction, 'Cycle node layers'],
- L: [tfs.cycleDeviceLabels, 'Cycle device labels'],
- U: [tfs.unpin, 'Unpin node (hover mouse over)'],
- R: [resetZoom, 'Reset pan / zoom'],
- dot: [ttbs.toggleToolbar, 'Toggle Toolbar'],
- E: [equalizeMasters, 'Equalize mastership roles'],
- esc: handleEscape,
- _keyListener: ttbs.keyListener,
- _helpFormat: [
- ['I', 'O', 'D', 'H', 'M', 'P', 'dash', 'B', 'S' ],
- ['X', 'Z', 'N', 'L', 'U', 'R', '-', 'E', '-', 'dot'],
- [] // this column reserved for overlay actions
- ]
- };
- if (fs.isO(overlayKeys)) {
- mergeKeys(overlayKeys);
- }
- ks.keyBindings(actionMap);
- ks.gestureNotes([
- ['click', 'Select the item and show details'],
- ['shift-click', 'Toggle selection state'],
- ['drag', 'Reposition (and pin) device / host'],
- ['cmd-scroll', 'Zoom in / out'],
- ['cmd-drag', 'Pan']
- ]);
- }
- // when a topology overlay is activated, we need to bind their keystrokes
- // and include them in the quick-help panel
- function mergeKeys(extra) {
- var _hf = actionMap._helpFormat[2];
- ks.checkNotGlobal(extra);
- extra._keyOrder.forEach(function (k) {
- var d = extra[k],
- cb = d && d.cb,
- tt = d && d.tt;
- // NOTE: ignore keys that are already defined
- if (d && !actionMap[k]) {
- actionMap[k] = [cb, tt];
- _hf.push(k);
- }
- });
- }
- // --- Keystroke functions -------------------------------------------
- function toggleInstances(x) {
- updatePrefsState('insts', tis.toggle(x));
- tfs.updateDeviceColors();
- }
- function toggleSummary(x) {
- updatePrefsState('summary', tps.toggleSummary(x));
- }
- function toggleUseDetailsFlag(x) {
- updatePrefsState('detail', tps.toggleUseDetailsFlag(x));
- }
- function toggleHosts(x) {
- updatePrefsState('hosts', tfs.toggleHosts(x));
- }
- function toggleOffline(x) {
- updatePrefsState('offdev', tfs.toggleOffline(x));
- }
- function togglePorts(x) {
- updatePrefsState('porthl', tfs.togglePorts(x));
- }
- function _togSvgLayer(x, G, tag, what) {
- var on = (x === 'keyev') ? !sus.visible(G) : !!x,
- verb = on ? 'Show' : 'Hide';
- sus.visible(G, on);
- updatePrefsState(tag, on);
- flash.flash(verb + ' ' + what);
- }
- function toggleMap(x) {
- _togSvgLayer(x, mapG, 'bg', 'background map');
- }
- function toggleSprites(x) {
- _togSvgLayer(x, spriteG, 'spr', 'sprite layer');
- }
- function resetZoom() {
- zoomer.reset();
- flash.flash('Pan and zoom reset');
- }
- function equalizeMasters() {
- wss.sendEvent('equalizeMasters');
- flash.flash('Equalizing master roles');
- }
- function handleEscape() {
- if (tis.showMaster()) {
- // if an instance is selected, cancel the affinity mapping
- tis.cancelAffinity()
- } else if (tov.hooks.escape()) {
- // else if the overlay consumed the ESC event...
- // (work already done)
- } else if (tss.deselectAll()) {
- // else if we have node selections, deselect them all
- // (work already done)
- } else if (tls.deselectLink()) {
- // else if we have a link selected, deselect it
- // (work already done)
- } else if (tis.isVisible()) {
- // else if the Instance Panel is visible, hide it
- tis.hide();
- tfs.updateDeviceColors();
- } else if (tps.summaryVisible()) {
- // else if the Summary Panel is visible, hide it
- tps.hideSummaryPanel();
- }
- }
- // --- Toolbar Functions ---------------------------------------------
- function notValid(what) {
- $log.warn('topo.js getActionEntry(): Not a valid ' + what);
- }
- function getActionEntry(key) {
- var entry;
- if (!key) {
- notValid('key');
- return null;
- }
- entry = actionMap[key];
- if (!entry) {
- notValid('actionMap entry');
- return null;
- }
- return fs.isA(entry) || [entry, ''];
- }
- function setUpToolbar() {
- ttbs.init({
- getActionEntry: getActionEntry,
- setUpKeys: setUpKeys
- });
- ttbs.createToolbar();
- }
- // --- Glyphs, Icons, and the like -----------------------------------
- function setUpDefs() {
- defs = svg.append('defs');
- gs.loadDefs(defs);
- sus.loadGlowDefs(defs);
- }
- // --- Pan and Zoom --------------------------------------------------
- // zoom enabled predicate. ev is a D3 source event.
- function zoomEnabled(ev) {
- return fs.isMobile() || (ev.metaKey || ev.altKey);
- }
- function zoomCallback() {
- var sc = zoomer.scale(),
- tr = zoomer.translate();
- ps.setPrefs('topo_zoom', {tx:tr[0], ty:tr[1], sc:sc});
- // keep the map lines constant width while zooming
- mapG.style('stroke-width', (2.0 / sc) + 'px');
- }
- function setUpZoom() {
- zoomLayer = svg.append('g').attr('id', 'topo-zoomlayer');
- zoomer = zs.createZoomer({
- svg: svg,
- zoomLayer: zoomLayer,
- zoomEnabled: zoomEnabled,
- zoomCallback: zoomCallback
- });
- }
- // callback invoked when the SVG view has been resized..
- function svgResized(s) {
- tfs.newDim([s.width, s.height]);
- }
- // --- Background Map ------------------------------------------------
- function setUpNoDevs() {
- var g, box;
- noDevsLayer = svg.append('g').attr({
- id: 'topo-noDevsLayer',
- transform: sus.translate(500,500)
- });
- // Note, SVG viewbox is '0 0 1000 1000', defined in topo.html.
- // We are translating this layer to have its origin at the center
- g = noDevsLayer.append('g');
- gs.addGlyph(g, 'bird', 100).attr('class', 'noDevsBird');
- g.append('text').text('No devices are connected')
- .attr({ x: 120, y: 80});
- box = g.node().getBBox();
- box.x -= box.width/2;
- box.y -= box.height/2;
- g.attr('transform', sus.translate(box.x, box.y));
- showNoDevs(true);
- }
- function showNoDevs(b) {
- sus.visible(noDevsLayer, b);
- }
- var countryFilters = {
- world: function (c) {
- return c.properties.continent !== 'Antarctica';
- },
- // NOTE: for "usa" we are using our hand-crafted topojson file
- s_america: function (c) {
- return c.properties.continent === 'South America';
- },
- ns_america: function (c) {
- return c.properties.custom === 'US-cont' ||
- c.properties.subregion === 'Central America' ||
- c.properties.continent === 'South America';
- },
- japan: function (c) {
- return c.properties.geounit === 'Japan';
- },
- europe: function (c) {
- return c.properties.continent === 'Europe';
- },
- italy: function (c) {
- return c.properties.geounit === 'Italy';
- },
- uk: function (c) {
- // technically, Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom,
- // but the map looks weird without it showing.
- return c.properties.adm0_a3 === 'GBR' ||
- c.properties.adm0_a3 === 'IRL';
- },
- s_korea: function (c) {
- return c.properties.adm0_a3 === 'KOR';
- },
- australia: function (c) {
- return c.properties.adm0_a3 === 'AUS';
- }
- };
- function setUpMap($loc) {
- var s1 = $loc.search().mapid,
- s2 = ps.getPrefs('topo_mapid'),
- mapId = s1 || (s2 && s2.id) || 'usa',
- promise,
- cfilter,
- opts;
- mapG = zoomLayer.append('g').attr('id', 'topo-map');
- if (mapId === 'usa') {
- promise = ms.loadMapInto(mapG, '*continental_us');
- } else {
- ps.setPrefs('topo_mapid', {id:mapId});
- cfilter = countryFilters[mapId] || countryFilters.world;
- opts = { countryFilter: cfilter };
- promise = ms.loadMapRegionInto(mapG, opts);
- }
- return promise;
- }
- function opacifyMap(b) {
- mapG.transition()
- .duration(1000)
- .attr('opacity', b ? 1 : 0);
- }
- function setUpSprites($loc, tspr) {
- var s1 = $loc.search().sprites,
- s2 = ps.getPrefs('topo_sprites'),
- sprId = s1 || (s2 && s2.id);
- spriteG = zoomLayer.append ('g').attr('id', 'topo-sprites');
- if (sprId) {
- ps.setPrefs('topo_sprites', {id:sprId});
- tspr.loadSprites(spriteG, defs, sprId);
- }
- }
- // --- User Preferemces ----------------------------------------------
- var prefsState = {};
- function updatePrefsState(what, b) {
- prefsState[what] = b ? 1 : 0;
- ps.setPrefs('topo_prefs', prefsState);
- }
- function restoreConfigFromPrefs() {
- // NOTE: toolbar will have set this for us..
- prefsState = ps.asNumbers(ps.getPrefs('topo_prefs'));
- $log.debug('TOPO- Prefs State:', prefsState);
- flash.enable(false);
- toggleInstances(prefsState.insts);
- toggleSummary(prefsState.summary);
- toggleUseDetailsFlag(prefsState.detail);
- toggleHosts(prefsState.hosts);
- toggleOffline(prefsState.offdev);
- togglePorts(prefsState.porthl);
- toggleMap(prefsState.bg);
- toggleSprites(prefsState.spr);
- flash.enable(true);
- }
- // somewhat hackish, because summary update cannot happen until we
- // have opened the websocket to the server; hence this extra function
- // invoked after tes.start()
- function restoreSummaryFromPrefs() {
- prefsState = ps.asNumbers(ps.getPrefs('topo_prefs'));
- $log.debug('TOPO- Prefs SUMMARY State:', prefsState.summary);
- flash.enable(false);
- toggleSummary(prefsState.summary);
- flash.enable(true);
- }
- function topoStartDone() {
- var d = $scope.intentData;
- if (d) {
- tts.selectIntent(d);
- }
- }
- // --- Controller Definition -----------------------------------------
- angular.module('ovTopo', moduleDependencies)
- .controller('OvTopoCtrl', ['$scope', '$log', '$location', '$timeout',
- '$cookies', 'FnService', 'MastService', 'KeyService', 'ZoomService',
- 'GlyphService', 'MapService', 'SvgUtilService', 'FlashService',
- 'WebSocketService', 'PrefsService', 'TopoDialogService',
- 'TopoEventService', 'TopoForceService', 'TopoPanelService',
- 'TopoInstService', 'TopoSelectService', 'TopoLinkService',
- 'TopoTrafficService', 'TopoObliqueService', 'TopoFilterService',
- 'TopoToolbarService', 'TopoSpriteService', 'TooltipService',
- 'TopoOverlayService',
- function (_$scope_, _$log_, $loc, $timeout, _$cookies_, _fs_, mast, _ks_,
- _zs_, _gs_, _ms_, _sus_, _flash_, _wss_, _ps_, _tds_, _tes_,
- _tfs_, _tps_, _tis_, _tss_, _tls_, _tts_, _tos_, _fltr_,
- _ttbs_, tspr, _ttip_, _tov_) {
- var params = $loc.search(),
- projection,
- dim,
- uplink = {
- // provides function calls back into this space
- showNoDevs: showNoDevs,
- projection: function () { return projection; },
- zoomLayer: function () { return zoomLayer; },
- zoomer: function () { return zoomer; },
- opacifyMap: opacifyMap,
- topoStartDone: topoStartDone
- };
- $scope = _$scope_;
- $log = _$log_;
- $cookies = _$cookies_;
- fs = _fs_;
- ks = _ks_;
- zs = _zs_;
- gs = _gs_;
- ms = _ms_;
- sus = _sus_;
- flash = _flash_;
- wss = _wss_;
- ps = _ps_;
- tds = _tds_;
- tes = _tes_;
- tfs = _tfs_;
- // TODO: consider funnelling actions through TopoForceService...
- // rather than injecting references to these 'sub-modules',
- // just so we can invoke functions on them.
- tps = _tps_;
- tis = _tis_;
- tss = _tss_;
- tls = _tls_;
- tts = _tts_;
- tos = _tos_;
- fltr = _fltr_;
- ttbs = _ttbs_;
- ttip = _ttip_;
- tov = _tov_;
- if (params.intentKey && params.intentAppId && params.intentAppName) {
- $scope.intentData = {
- key: params.intentKey,
- appId: params.intentAppId,
- appName: params.intentAppName
- };
- }
- $scope.notifyResize = function () {
- svgResized(fs.windowSize(mast.mastHeight()));
- };
- // Cleanup on destroyed scope..
- $scope.$on('$destroy', function () {
- $log.log('OvTopoCtrl is saying Buh-Bye!');
- tes.stop();
- ks.unbindKeys();
- tps.destroyPanels();
- tds.closeDialog();
- tis.destroyInst();
- tfs.destroyForce();
- ttbs.destroyToolbar();
- });
- // svg layer and initialization of components
- ovtopo = d3.select('#ov-topo');
- svg = ovtopo.select('svg');
- // set the svg size to match that of the window, less the masthead
- svg.attr(fs.windowSize(mast.mastHeight()));
- dim = [svg.attr('width'), svg.attr('height')];
- setUpKeys();
- setUpToolbar();
- setUpDefs();
- setUpZoom();
- setUpNoDevs();
- setUpMap($loc).then(
- function (proj) {
- var z = ps.getPrefs('topo_zoom') || {tx:0, ty:0, sc:1};
- zoomer.panZoom([z.tx, z.ty], z.sc);
- $log.debug('** Zoom restored:', z);
- projection = proj;
- $log.debug('** We installed the projection:', proj);
- flash.enable(false);
- toggleMap(prefsState.bg);
- flash.enable(true);
- // now we have the map projection, we are ready for
- // the server to send us device/host data...
- tes.start();
- // need to do the following so we immediately get
- // the summary panel data back from the server
- restoreSummaryFromPrefs();
- }
- );
- setUpSprites($loc, tspr);
- forceG = zoomLayer.append('g').attr('id', 'topo-force');
- tfs.initForce(svg, forceG, uplink, dim);
- tis.initInst({ showMastership: tfs.showMastership });
- tps.initPanels();
- // temporary solution for persisting user settings
- restoreConfigFromPrefs();
- ttbs.setDefaultOverlay();
- $log.debug('registered overlays...', tov.list());
- $log.log('OvTopoCtrl has been created');
- }]);