path: root/framework/src/ant/apache-ant-1.9.6/manual/using.html
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authorAshlee Young <ashlee@onosfw.com>2015-10-23 10:05:40 -0700
committerAshlee Young <ashlee@onosfw.com>2015-10-23 10:05:40 -0700
commitb9421dc80af485591a9c50cc8921f912e0def11e (patch)
tree93f0935070ca2b2e661f281ac22761879f7cf893 /framework/src/ant/apache-ant-1.9.6/manual/using.html
parent753a6c60f47f3ac4f270005b65e9d6481de8eb68 (diff)
Removing sources to replace with download links instead.
Change-Id: Ie28789a725051aec0d1b04dd291b7690a7898668 Signed-off-by: Ashlee Young <ashlee@onosfw.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'framework/src/ant/apache-ant-1.9.6/manual/using.html')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 579 deletions
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- Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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-<title>Writing a Simple Buildfile</title>
-<h1>Using Apache Ant</h1>
-<h2><a name="buildfile">Writing a Simple Buildfile</a></h2>
-<p>Apache Ant's buildfiles are written in XML. Each buildfile contains one project
-and at least one (default) target. Targets contain task elements.
-Each task element of the buildfile can have an <code>id</code> attribute and
-can later be referred to by the value supplied to this. The value has
-to be unique. (For additional information, see the
-<a href="#tasks"> Tasks</a> section below.)</p>
-<h3><a name="projects">Projects</a></h3>
-<p>A <i>project</i> has three attributes:</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td valign="top"><b>Attribute</b></td>
- <td valign="top"><b>Description</b></td>
- <td align="center" valign="top"><b>Required</b></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign="top">name</td>
- <td valign="top">the name of the project.</td>
- <td align="center" valign="top">No</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign="top">default</td>
- <td valign="top">the default target to use when no target is supplied.</td>
- <td align="center" valign="top">No; however, <b>since Ant 1.6.0</b>,
- every project includes an implicit target that contains any and
- all top-level tasks and/or types. This target will always be
- executed as part of the project's initialization, even when Ant is
- run with the <a href="running.html#options">-projecthelp</a> option.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign="top">basedir</td>
- <td valign="top">the base directory from which all path calculations are
- done. This attribute might be overridden by setting
- the &quot;basedir&quot;
- property beforehand. When this is done, it must be omitted in the
- project tag. If neither the attribute nor the property have
- been set, the parent directory of the buildfile will be used.<br/>
- A relative path is resolved relative to the directory containing
- the build file.
- </td>
- <td align="center" valign="top">No</td>
- </tr>
-<p>Optionally, a description for the project can be provided as a
-top-level <code>&lt;description&gt;</code> element (see the <a
-href="Types/description.html">description</a> type).</p>
-<p>Each project defines one or more <i>targets</i>.
-A target is a set of <i>tasks</i> you want
-to be executed. When starting Ant, you can select which target(s) you
-want to have executed. When no target is given,
-the project's default is used.</p>
-<h3><a name="targets">Targets</a></h3>
-<p>A target can depend on other targets. You might have a target for compiling,
-for example, and a target for creating a distributable. You can only build a
-distributable when you have compiled first, so the distribute target
-<i>depends on</i> the compile target. Ant resolves these dependencies.</p>
-<p>It should be noted, however, that Ant's <code>depends</code> attribute
-only specifies the <i>order</i> in which targets should be executed - it
-does not affect whether the target that specifies the dependency(s) gets
-executed if the dependent target(s) did not (need to) run.
-<p>More information can be found in the
- dedicated <a href="targets.html">manual page</a>.</p>
-<h3><a name="tasks">Tasks</a></h3>
-<p>A task is a piece of code that can be executed.</p>
-<p>A task can have multiple attributes (or arguments, if you prefer). The value
-of an attribute might contain references to a property. These references will be
-resolved before the task is executed.</p>
-<p>Tasks have a common structure:</p>
- <pre>&lt;<i>name</i> <i>attribute1</i>=&quot;<i>value1</i>&quot; <i>attribute2</i>=&quot;<i>value2</i>&quot; ... /&gt;</pre>
-<p>where <i>name</i> is the name of the task,
-<i>attributeN</i> is the attribute name, and
-<i>valueN</i> is the value for this attribute.</p>
-<p>There is a set of <a href="tasklist.html" target="navFrame">built-in tasks</a>, but it is also very
-easy to <a href="develop.html#writingowntask">write your own</a>.</p>
-<p>All tasks share a task name attribute. The value of
-this attribute will be used in the logging messages generated by
-Tasks can be assigned an <code>id</code> attribute:
-<pre>&lt;<i>taskname</i> id="<i>taskID</i>" ... /&gt;</pre>
-where <i>taskname</i> is the name of the task, and <i>taskID</i> is
-a unique identifier for this task.
-You can refer to the
-corresponding task object in scripts or other tasks via this name.
-For example, in scripts you could do:
-&lt;script ... &gt;
- task1.setFoo("bar");
-to set the <code>foo</code> attribute of this particular task instance.
-In another task (written in Java), you can access the instance via
-Note<sup>1</sup>: If &quot;task1&quot; has not been run yet, then
-it has not been configured (ie., no attributes have been set), and if it is
-going to be configured later, anything you've done to the instance may
-be overwritten.
-Note<sup>2</sup>: Future versions of Ant will most likely <i>not</i>
-be backward-compatible with this behaviour, since there will likely be no
-task instances at all, only proxies.
-<h3><a name="properties">Properties</a></h3>
-<p>Properties are an important way to customize a build process or
- to just provide shortcuts for strings that are used repeatedly
- inside a build file.</p>
-<p>In its most simple form properties are defined in the build file
- (for example by the <a href="Tasks/property.html">property</a>
- task) or might be set outside Ant. A property has a name and a
- value; the name is case-sensitive. Properties may be used in the
- value of task attributes or in the nested text of tasks that support
- them. This is done by placing the property name between
- &quot;<code>${</code>&quot; and &quot;<code>}</code>&quot; in the
- attribute value. For example, if there is a &quot;builddir&quot;
- property with the value &quot;build&quot;, then this could be used
- in an attribute like this: <code>${builddir}/classes</code>. This
- is resolved at run-time as <code>build/classes</code>.</p>
-<p>With Ant 1.8.0 property expansion has become much more powerful
- than simple key value pairs, more details can be
- found <a href="properties.html">in the concepts section</a> of this
- manual.</p>
-<h3><a name="example">Example Buildfile</a></h3>
-&lt;project name=&quot;MyProject&quot; default=&quot;dist&quot; basedir=&quot;.&quot;&gt;
- &lt;description&gt;
- simple example build file
- &lt;/description&gt;
- &lt;!-- set global properties for this build --&gt;
- &lt;property name=&quot;src&quot; location=&quot;src&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;property name=&quot;build&quot; location=&quot;build&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;property name=&quot;dist&quot; location=&quot;dist&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;target name=&quot;init&quot;&gt;
- &lt;!-- Create the time stamp --&gt;
- &lt;tstamp/&gt;
- &lt;!-- Create the build directory structure used by compile --&gt;
- &lt;mkdir dir=&quot;${build}&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;/target&gt;
- &lt;target name=&quot;compile&quot; depends=&quot;init&quot;
- description=&quot;compile the source&quot;&gt;
- &lt;!-- Compile the java code from ${src} into ${build} --&gt;
- &lt;javac srcdir=&quot;${src}&quot; destdir=&quot;${build}&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;/target&gt;
- &lt;target name=&quot;dist&quot; depends=&quot;compile&quot;
- description=&quot;generate the distribution&quot;&gt;
- &lt;!-- Create the distribution directory --&gt;
- &lt;mkdir dir=&quot;${dist}/lib&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;!-- Put everything in ${build} into the MyProject-${DSTAMP}.jar file --&gt;
- &lt;jar jarfile=&quot;${dist}/lib/MyProject-${DSTAMP}.jar&quot; basedir=&quot;${build}&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;/target&gt;
- &lt;target name=&quot;clean&quot;
- description=&quot;clean up&quot;&gt;
- &lt;!-- Delete the ${build} and ${dist} directory trees --&gt;
- &lt;delete dir=&quot;${build}&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;delete dir=&quot;${dist}&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;/target&gt;
-<p>Notice that we are declaring properties outside any target. As of
-Ant 1.6 all tasks can be declared outside targets (earlier version
-only allowed <tt>&lt;property&gt;</tt>,<tt>&lt;typedef&gt;</tt> and
-<tt>&lt;taskdef&gt;</tt>). When you do this they are evaluated before
-any targets are executed. Some tasks will generate build failures if
-they are used outside of targets as they may cause infinite loops
-otherwise (<code>&lt;antcall&gt;</code> for example).</p>
-We have given some targets descriptions; this causes the <tt>projecthelp</tt>
-invocation option to list them as public targets with the descriptions; the
-other target is internal and not listed.
-Finally, for this target to work the source in the <tt>src</tt> subdirectory
-should be stored in a directory tree which matches the package names. Check the
-<tt>&lt;javac&gt;</tt> task for details.
-<h3><a name="filters">Token Filters</a></h3>
-<p>A project can have a set of tokens that might be automatically expanded if
-found when a file is copied, when the filtering-copy behavior is selected in the
-tasks that support this. These might be set in the buildfile
-by the <a href="Tasks/filter.html">filter</a> task.</p>
-<p>Since this can potentially be a very harmful behavior,
-the tokens in the files <b>must</b>
-be of the form <code>@</code><i>token</i><code>@</code>, where
-<i>token</i> is the token name that is set
-in the <code>&lt;filter&gt;</code> task. This token syntax matches the syntax of other build systems
-that perform such filtering and remains sufficiently orthogonal to most
-programming and scripting languages, as well as with documentation systems.</p>
-<p>Note: If a token with the format <code>@</code><i>token</i><code>@</code>
-is found in a file, but no
-filter is associated with that token, no changes take place;
-therefore, no escaping
-method is available - but as long as you choose appropriate names for your
-tokens, this should not cause problems.</p>
-<p><b>Warning:</b> If you copy binary files with filtering turned on, you can corrupt the
-files. This feature should be used with text files <em>only</em>.</p>
-<h3><a name="path">Path-like Structures</a></h3>
-<p>You can specify <code>PATH</code>- and <code>CLASSPATH</code>-type
-references using both
-&quot;<code>:</code>&quot; and &quot;<code>;</code>&quot; as separator
-characters. Ant will
-convert the separator to the correct character of the current operating
-<p>Wherever path-like values need to be specified, a nested element can
-be used. This takes the general form of:</p>
- &lt;classpath&gt;
- &lt;pathelement path=&quot;${classpath}&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;pathelement location=&quot;lib/helper.jar&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;/classpath&gt;
-<p>The <code>location</code> attribute specifies a single file or
-directory relative to the project's base directory (or an absolute
-filename), while the <code>path</code> attribute accepts colon-
-or semicolon-separated lists of locations. The <code>path</code>
-attribute is intended to be used with predefined paths - in any other
-case, multiple elements with <code>location</code> attributes should be
-<p><em>Since Ant 1.8.2</em> the location attribute can also contain a
- wildcard in its last path component (i.e. it can end in a
- &quot;*&quot;) in order to support wildcard CLASSPATHs introduced
- with Java6. Ant will not expand or evaluate the wildcards and the
- resulting path may not work as anything else but a CLASSPATH - or
- even as a CLASSPATH for a Java VM prior to Java6.</p>
-<p>As a shortcut, the <code>&lt;classpath&gt;</code> tag
-supports <code>path</code> and
-<code>location</code> attributes of its own, so:</p>
- &lt;classpath&gt;
- &lt;pathelement path=&quot;${classpath}&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;/classpath&gt;
-<p>can be abbreviated to:</p>
- &lt;classpath path=&quot;${classpath}&quot;/&gt;
-<p>In addition, one or more
-<a href="Types/resources.html#collection">Resource Collection</a>s
-can be specified as nested elements (these must consist of
-<a href="Types/resources.html#file">file</a>-type resources only).
-Additionally, it should be noted that although resource collections are
-processed in the order encountered, certain resource collection types
-such as <a href="Types/fileset.html">fileset</a>,
-<a href="Types/dirset.html">dirset</a> and
-<a href="Types/resources.html#files">files</a>
-are undefined in terms of order.</p>
- &lt;classpath&gt;
- &lt;pathelement path=&quot;${classpath}&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;fileset dir=&quot;lib&quot;&gt;
- &lt;include name=&quot;**/*.jar&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;/fileset&gt;
- &lt;pathelement location=&quot;classes&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;dirset dir=&quot;${build.dir}&quot;&gt;
- &lt;include name=&quot;apps/**/classes&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;exclude name=&quot;apps/**/*Test*&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;/dirset&gt;
- &lt;filelist refid=&quot;third-party_jars&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;/classpath&gt;
-<p>This builds a path that holds the value of <code>${classpath}</code>,
-followed by all jar files in the <code>lib</code> directory,
-the <code>classes</code> directory, all directories named
-<code>classes</code> under the <code>apps</code> subdirectory of
-<code>${build.dir}</code>, except those
-that have the text <code>Test</code> in their name, and
-the files specified in the referenced FileList.</p>
-<p>If you want to use the same path-like structure for several tasks,
-you can define them with a <code>&lt;path&gt;</code> element at the
-same level as <i>target</i>s, and reference them via their
-<i>id</i> attribute--see <a href="#references">References</a> for an
-<p>By default a path like structure will re-evaluate all nested
- resource collections whenever it is used, which may lead to
- unnecessary re-scanning of the filesystem. Since Ant 1.8.0 path has
- an optional <i>cache</i> attribute, if it is set to true, the path
- instance will only scan its nested resource collections once and
- assume it doesn't change during the build anymore (the default
- for <i>cache</i> still is <i>false</i>). Even if you are using the
- path only in a single task it may improve overall performance to set
- <i>cache</i> to <i>true</i> if you are using complex nested
- constructs.</p>
-<p>A path-like structure can include a reference to another path-like
-structure (a path being itself a resource collection)
-via nested <code>&lt;path&gt;</code> elements:</p>
- &lt;path id=&quot;base.path&quot;&gt;
- &lt;pathelement path=&quot;${classpath}&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;fileset dir=&quot;lib&quot;&gt;
- &lt;include name=&quot;**/*.jar&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;/fileset&gt;
- &lt;pathelement location=&quot;classes&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;/path&gt;
- &lt;path id=&quot;tests.path&quot; cache=&quot;true&quot;&gt;
- &lt;path refid=&quot;base.path&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;pathelement location=&quot;testclasses&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;/path&gt;
- The shortcuts previously mentioned for <code>&lt;classpath&gt;</code> are also valid for <code>&lt;path&gt;</code>.For example:
- &lt;path id=&quot;base.path&quot;&gt;
- &lt;pathelement path=&quot;${classpath}&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;/path&gt;
-can be written as:
- &lt;path id=&quot;base.path&quot; path=&quot;${classpath}&quot;/&gt;
- <h4><a name="pathshortcut">Path Shortcut</a></h4>
- <p>
- In Ant 1.6 a shortcut for converting paths to OS specific strings
- in properties has been added. One can use the expression
- ${toString:<em>pathreference</em>} to convert a path element
- reference to a string that can be used for a path argument.
- For example:
- </p>
- &lt;path id="lib.path.ref"&gt;
- &lt;fileset dir="lib" includes="*.jar"/&gt;
- &lt;/path&gt;
- &lt;javac srcdir="src" destdir="classes"&gt;
- &lt;compilerarg arg="-Xbootclasspath/p:${toString:lib.path.ref}"/&gt;
- &lt;/javac&gt;
-<h3><a name="arg">Command-line Arguments</a></h3>
-<p>Several tasks take arguments that will be passed to another
-process on the command line. To make it easier to specify arguments
-that contain space characters, nested <code>arg</code> elements can be used.</p>
-<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
- <td width="12%" valign="top"><b>Attribute</b></td>
- <td width="78%" valign="top"><b>Description</b></td>
- <td width="10%" valign="top"><b>Required</b></td>
- <tr>
- <td valign="top">value</td>
- <td valign="top">a single command-line argument; can contain space
- characters.</td>
- <td align="center" rowspan="5">Exactly one of these.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign="top">file</td>
- <td valign="top">The name of a file as a single command-line
- argument; will be replaced with the absolute filename of the file.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign="top">path</td>
- <td valign="top">A string that will be treated as a path-like
- string as a single command-line argument; you can use <code>;</code>
- or <code>:</code> as
- path separators and Ant will convert it to the platform's local
- conventions.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign="top">pathref</td>
- <td valign="top"><a href="#references">Reference</a> to a path
- defined elsewhere. Ant will convert it to the platform's local
- conventions.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign="top">line</td>
- <td valign="top">a space-delimited list of command-line arguments.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign="top">prefix</td>
- <td valign="top">A fixed string to be placed in front of the
- argument. In the case of a line broken into parts, it will be
- placed in front of every part. <em>Since Ant 1.8.</em></td>
- <td valign="top" align="center">No</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign="top">suffix</td>
- <td valign="top">A fixed string to be placed immediately after the
- argument. In the case of a line broken into parts, it will be
- placed after every part. <em>Since Ant 1.8.</em></td>
- <td valign="top" align="center">No</td>
- </tr>
-<p>It is highly recommended to avoid the <code>line</code> version
-when possible. Ant will try to split the command line in a way
-similar to what a (Unix) shell would do, but may create something that
-is very different from what you expect under some circumstances.</p>
- &lt;arg value=&quot;-l -a&quot;/&gt;
-<p>is a single command-line argument containing a space character,
-<i>not</i> separate commands "-l" and "-a".</p>
- &lt;arg line=&quot;-l -a&quot;/&gt;
-<p>This is a command line with two separate arguments, "-l" and "-a".</p>
- &lt;arg path=&quot;/dir;/dir2:\dir3&quot;/&gt;
-<p>is a single command-line argument with the value
-<code>\dir;\dir2;\dir3</code> on DOS-based systems and
-<code>/dir:/dir2:/dir3</code> on Unix-like systems.</p>
-<h3><a name="references">References</a></h3>
-<p>Any project element can be assigned an identifier using its
-<code>id</code> attribute. In most cases the element can subsequently
-be referenced by specifying the <code>refid</code> attribute on an
-element of the same type. This can be useful if you are going to
-replicate the same snippet of XML over and over again--using a
-<code>&lt;classpath&gt;</code> structure more than once, for example.</p>
-<p>The following example:</p>
-&lt;project ... &gt;
- &lt;target ... &gt;
- &lt;rmic ...&gt;
- &lt;classpath&gt;
- &lt;pathelement location=&quot;lib/&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;pathelement path=&quot;${java.class.path}/&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;pathelement path=&quot;${additional.path}&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;/classpath&gt;
- &lt;/rmic&gt;
- &lt;/target&gt;
- &lt;target ... &gt;
- &lt;javac ...&gt;
- &lt;classpath&gt;
- &lt;pathelement location=&quot;lib/&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;pathelement path=&quot;${java.class.path}/&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;pathelement path=&quot;${additional.path}&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;/classpath&gt;
- &lt;/javac&gt;
- &lt;/target&gt;
-<p>could be rewritten as:</p>
-&lt;project ... &gt;
- &lt;path id=&quot;project.class.path&quot;&gt;
- &lt;pathelement location=&quot;lib/&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;pathelement path=&quot;${java.class.path}/&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;pathelement path=&quot;${additional.path}&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;/path&gt;
- &lt;target ... &gt;
- &lt;rmic ...&gt;
- &lt;classpath refid=&quot;project.class.path&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;/rmic&gt;
- &lt;/target&gt;
- &lt;target ... &gt;
- &lt;javac ...&gt;
- &lt;classpath refid=&quot;project.class.path&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;/javac&gt;
- &lt;/target&gt;
-<p>All tasks that use nested elements for
-<a href="Types/patternset.html">PatternSet</a>s,
-<a href="Types/fileset.html">FileSet</a>s,
-<a href="Types/zipfileset.html">ZipFileSet</a>s or
-<a href="#path">path-like structures</a> accept references to these structures
-as shown in the examples. Using <code>refid</code> on a task will ordinarily
-have the same effect (referencing a task already declared), but the user
-should be aware that the interpretation of this attribute is dependent on the
-implementation of the element upon which it is specified. Some tasks (the
-<a href="Tasks/property.html">property</a> task is a handy example)
-deliberately assign a different meaning to <code>refid</code>.</p>
-<h3><a name="external-tasks">Use of external tasks</a></h3>
-Ant supports a plugin mechanism for using third party tasks. For using them you
-have to do two steps:
- <li>place their implementation somewhere where Ant can find them</li>
- <li>declare them.</li>
-Don't add anything to the CLASSPATH environment variable - this is often the
-reason for very obscure errors. Use Ant's own <a href="install.html#optionalTasks">mechanisms</a>
-for adding libraries:
- <li>via command line argument <code>-lib</code></li>
- <li>adding to <code>${user.home}/.ant/lib</code></li>
- <li>adding to <code>${ant.home}/lib</code></li>
-For the declaration there are several ways:
- <li>declare a single task per using instruction using
- <code>&lt;<a href="Tasks/taskdef.html">taskdef</a> name=&quot;taskname&quot;
- classname=&quot;ImplementationClass&quot;/&gt;</code>
- <br>
- <code>&lt;taskdef name=&quot;for&quot; classname=&quot;net.sf.antcontrib.logic.For&quot; /&gt;
- &lt;for ... /&gt;</code>
- </li>
- <li>declare a bundle of tasks using a properties-file holding these
- taskname-ImplementationClass-pairs and <code>&lt;taskdef&gt;</code>
- <br>
- <code>&lt;taskdef resource=&quot;net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties&quot; /&gt;
- &lt;for ... /&gt;</code>
- </li>
- <li>declare a bundle of tasks using a <a href="Types/antlib.html">xml-file</a> holding these
- taskname-ImplementationClass-pairs and <code>&lt;taskdef&gt;</code>
- <br>
- <code>&lt;taskdef resource=&quot;net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml&quot; /&gt;
- &lt;for ... /&gt;</code>
- </li>
- <li>declare a bundle of tasks using a xml-file named antlib.xml, XML-namespace and
- <a href="Types/antlib.html#antlibnamespace"><code>antlib:</code> protocol handler</a>
- <br>
- <code>&lt;project xmlns:ac=&quot;antlib:net.sf.antcontrib&quot;/&gt;
- &lt;ac:for ... /&gt;</code>
- </li>
-If you need a special function, you should
- <li>have a look at this manual, because Ant provides lot of tasks</li>
- <li>have a look at the external task page <a href="http://ant.apache.org/external.html">online</a></li>
- <li>have a look at the external task <a href="http://wiki.apache.org/ant/AntExternalTaskdefs">wiki
- page</a></li>
- <li>ask on the <a href="http://ant.apache.org/mail.html#User%20List">Ant user</a> list</li>
- <li><a href="tutorial-writing-tasks.html">implement </a>(and share) your own</li>