path: root/nfvbench/traffic_gen/trex.py
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 460 deletions
diff --git a/nfvbench/traffic_gen/trex.py b/nfvbench/traffic_gen/trex.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 23faebc..0000000
--- a/nfvbench/traffic_gen/trex.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import os
-import random
-import time
-import traceback
-from collections import defaultdict
-from itertools import count
-from nfvbench.log import LOG
-from nfvbench.specs import ChainType
-from nfvbench.traffic_server import TRexTrafficServer
-from nfvbench.utils import cast_integer
-from nfvbench.utils import timeout
-from nfvbench.utils import TimeoutError
-from traffic_base import AbstractTrafficGenerator
-from traffic_base import TrafficGeneratorException
-import traffic_utils as utils
-# pylint: disable=import-error
-from trex_stl_lib.api import CTRexVmInsFixHwCs
-from trex_stl_lib.api import Dot1Q
-from trex_stl_lib.api import Ether
-from trex_stl_lib.api import IP
-from trex_stl_lib.api import STLClient
-from trex_stl_lib.api import STLError
-from trex_stl_lib.api import STLFlowLatencyStats
-from trex_stl_lib.api import STLFlowStats
-from trex_stl_lib.api import STLPktBuilder
-from trex_stl_lib.api import STLScVmRaw
-from trex_stl_lib.api import STLStream
-from trex_stl_lib.api import STLTXCont
-from trex_stl_lib.api import STLVmFixChecksumHw
-from trex_stl_lib.api import STLVmFlowVar
-from trex_stl_lib.api import STLVmFlowVarRepetableRandom
-from trex_stl_lib.api import STLVmWrFlowVar
-from trex_stl_lib.api import UDP
-from trex_stl_lib.services.trex_stl_service_arp import STLServiceARP
-# pylint: enable=import-error
-class TRex(AbstractTrafficGenerator):
- LATENCY_PPS = 1000
- def __init__(self, runner):
- AbstractTrafficGenerator.__init__(self, runner)
- self.client = None
- self.id = count()
- self.latencies = defaultdict(list)
- self.stream_ids = defaultdict(list)
- self.port_handle = []
- self.streamblock = defaultdict(list)
- self.rates = []
- self.arps = {}
- def get_version(self):
- return self.client.get_server_version()
- def extract_stats(self, in_stats):
- utils.nan_replace(in_stats)
- LOG.debug(in_stats)
- result = {}
- for ph in self.port_handle:
- stats = self.__combine_stats(in_stats, ph)
- result[ph] = {
- 'tx': {
- 'total_pkts': cast_integer(stats['tx_pkts']['total']),
- 'total_pkt_bytes': cast_integer(stats['tx_bytes']['total']),
- 'pkt_rate': cast_integer(stats['tx_pps']['total']),
- 'pkt_bit_rate': cast_integer(stats['tx_bps']['total'])
- },
- 'rx': {
- 'total_pkts': cast_integer(stats['rx_pkts']['total']),
- 'total_pkt_bytes': cast_integer(stats['rx_bytes']['total']),
- 'pkt_rate': cast_integer(stats['rx_pps']['total']),
- 'pkt_bit_rate': cast_integer(stats['rx_bps']['total']),
- 'dropped_pkts': cast_integer(
- stats['tx_pkts']['total'] - stats['rx_pkts']['total'])
- }
- }
- lat = self.__combine_latencies(in_stats, ph)
- result[ph]['rx']['max_delay_usec'] = cast_integer(
- lat['total_max']) if 'total_max' in lat else float('nan')
- result[ph]['rx']['min_delay_usec'] = cast_integer(
- lat['total_min']) if 'total_min' in lat else float('nan')
- result[ph]['rx']['avg_delay_usec'] = cast_integer(
- lat['average']) if 'average' in lat else float('nan')
- total_tx_pkts = result[0]['tx']['total_pkts'] + result[1]['tx']['total_pkts']
- result["total_tx_rate"] = cast_integer(total_tx_pkts / self.config.duration_sec)
- return result
- def __combine_stats(self, in_stats, port_handle):
- """Traverses TRex result dictionary and combines stream stats. Used for combining latency
- and regular streams together.
- """
- result = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float))
- for pg_id in [self.stream_ids[port_handle]] + self.latencies[port_handle]:
- record = in_stats['flow_stats'][pg_id]
- for stat_type, stat_type_values in record.iteritems():
- for ph, value in stat_type_values.iteritems():
- result[stat_type][ph] += value
- return result
- def __combine_latencies(self, in_stats, port_handle):
- """Traverses TRex result dictionary and combines chosen latency stats."""
- if not self.latencies[port_handle]:
- return {}
- result = defaultdict(float)
- result['total_min'] = float("inf")
- for lat_id in self.latencies[port_handle]:
- lat = in_stats['latency'][lat_id]
- result['dropped_pkts'] += lat['err_cntrs']['dropped']
- result['total_max'] = max(lat['latency']['total_max'], result['total_max'])
- result['total_min'] = min(lat['latency']['total_min'], result['total_min'])
- result['average'] += lat['latency']['average']
- result['average'] /= len(self.latencies[port_handle])
- return result
- def create_pkt(self, stream_cfg, l2frame_size):
- # 46 = 14 (Ethernet II) + 4 (CRC Checksum) + 20 (IPv4) + 8 (UDP)
- payload = 'x' * (max(64, int(l2frame_size)) - 46)
- pkt_base = Ether(src=stream_cfg['mac_src'], dst=stream_cfg['mac_dst'])
- if stream_cfg['vlan_tag'] is not None:
- pkt_base /= Dot1Q(vlan=stream_cfg['vlan_tag'])
- udp_args = {}
- if stream_cfg['udp_src_port']:
- udp_args['sport'] = int(stream_cfg['udp_src_port'])
- if stream_cfg['udp_dst_port']:
- udp_args['dport'] = int(stream_cfg['udp_dst_port'])
- pkt_base /= IP() / UDP(**udp_args)
- if stream_cfg['ip_addrs_step'] == 'random':
- src_fv = STLVmFlowVarRepetableRandom(
- name="ip_src",
- min_value=stream_cfg['ip_src_addr'],
- max_value=stream_cfg['ip_src_addr_max'],
- size=4,
- seed=random.randint(0, 32767),
- limit=stream_cfg['ip_src_count'])
- dst_fv = STLVmFlowVarRepetableRandom(
- name="ip_dst",
- min_value=stream_cfg['ip_dst_addr'],
- max_value=stream_cfg['ip_dst_addr_max'],
- size=4,
- seed=random.randint(0, 32767),
- limit=stream_cfg['ip_dst_count'])
- else:
- src_fv = STLVmFlowVar(
- name="ip_src",
- min_value=stream_cfg['ip_src_addr'],
- max_value=stream_cfg['ip_src_addr'],
- size=4,
- op="inc",
- step=stream_cfg['ip_addrs_step'])
- dst_fv = STLVmFlowVar(
- name="ip_dst",
- min_value=stream_cfg['ip_dst_addr'],
- max_value=stream_cfg['ip_dst_addr_max'],
- size=4,
- op="inc",
- step=stream_cfg['ip_addrs_step'])
- vm_param = [
- src_fv,
- STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="ip_src", pkt_offset="IP.src"),
- dst_fv,
- STLVmWrFlowVar(fv_name="ip_dst", pkt_offset="IP.dst"),
- STLVmFixChecksumHw(l3_offset="IP",
- l4_offset="UDP",
- l4_type=CTRexVmInsFixHwCs.L4_TYPE_UDP)
- ]
- return STLPktBuilder(pkt=pkt_base / payload, vm=STLScVmRaw(vm_param))
- def generate_streams(self, port_handle, stream_cfg, l2frame, isg=0.0, latency=True):
- idx_lat = None
- streams = []
- if l2frame == 'IMIX':
- for t, (ratio, l2_frame_size) in enumerate(zip(self.imix_ratios, self.imix_l2_sizes)):
- pkt = self.create_pkt(stream_cfg, l2_frame_size)
- streams.append(STLStream(packet=pkt,
- isg=0.1 * t,
- flow_stats=STLFlowStats(
- pg_id=self.stream_ids[port_handle]),
- mode=STLTXCont(pps=ratio)))
- if latency:
- idx_lat = self.id.next()
- sl = STLStream(packet=pkt,
- isg=isg,
- flow_stats=STLFlowLatencyStats(pg_id=idx_lat),
- mode=STLTXCont(pps=self.LATENCY_PPS))
- streams.append(sl)
- else:
- pkt = self.create_pkt(stream_cfg, l2frame)
- streams.append(STLStream(packet=pkt,
- flow_stats=STLFlowStats(pg_id=self.stream_ids[port_handle]),
- mode=STLTXCont()))
- if latency:
- idx_lat = self.id.next()
- streams.append(STLStream(packet=pkt,
- flow_stats=STLFlowLatencyStats(pg_id=idx_lat),
- mode=STLTXCont(pps=self.LATENCY_PPS)))
- if latency:
- self.latencies[port_handle].append(idx_lat)
- return streams
- def init(self):
- pass
- @timeout(5)
- def __connect(self, client):
- client.connect()
- def __connect_after_start(self):
- # after start, Trex may take a bit of time to initialize
- # so we need to retry a few times
- for it in xrange(self.config.generic_retry_count):
- try:
- time.sleep(1)
- self.client.connect()
- break
- except Exception as ex:
- if it == (self.config.generic_retry_count - 1):
- raise ex
- LOG.info("Retrying connection to TRex (%s)...", ex.message)
- def connect(self):
- LOG.info("Connecting to TRex...")
- server_ip = self.config.generator_config.ip
- # Connect to TRex server
- self.client = STLClient(server=server_ip)
- try:
- self.__connect(self.client)
- except (TimeoutError, STLError) as e:
- if server_ip == '':
- try:
- self.__start_server()
- self.__connect_after_start()
- except (TimeoutError, STLError) as e:
- LOG.error('Cannot connect to TRex')
- LOG.error(traceback.format_exc())
- logpath = '/tmp/trex.log'
- if os.path.isfile(logpath):
- # Wait for TRex to finish writing error message
- last_size = 0
- for _ in xrange(self.config.generic_retry_count):
- size = os.path.getsize(logpath)
- if size == last_size:
- # probably not writing anymore
- break
- last_size = size
- time.sleep(1)
- with open(logpath, 'r') as f:
- message = f.read()
- else:
- message = e.message
- raise TrafficGeneratorException(message)
- else:
- raise TrafficGeneratorException(e.message)
- ports = list(self.config.generator_config.ports)
- self.port_handle = ports
- # Prepare the ports
- self.client.reset(ports)
- def set_mode(self):
- if self.config.service_chain == ChainType.EXT and not self.config.no_arp:
- self.__set_l3_mode()
- else:
- self.__set_l2_mode()
- def __set_l3_mode(self):
- self.client.set_service_mode(ports=self.port_handle, enabled=True)
- for port, device in zip(self.port_handle, self.config.generator_config.devices):
- try:
- self.client.set_l3_mode(port=port,
- src_ipv4=device.tg_gateway_ip,
- dst_ipv4=device.dst.gateway_ip,
- vlan=device.vlan_tag if device.vlan_tagging else None)
- except STLError:
- # TRex tries to resolve ARP already, doesn't have to be successful yet
- continue
- self.client.set_service_mode(ports=self.port_handle, enabled=False)
- def __set_l2_mode(self):
- self.client.set_service_mode(ports=self.port_handle, enabled=True)
- for port, device in zip(self.port_handle, self.config.generator_config.devices):
- for cfg in device.get_stream_configs(self.config.generator_config.service_chain):
- self.client.set_l2_mode(port=port, dst_mac=cfg['mac_dst'])
- self.client.set_service_mode(ports=self.port_handle, enabled=False)
- def __start_server(self):
- server = TRexTrafficServer()
- server.run_server(self.config.generator_config)
- def resolve_arp(self):
- self.client.set_service_mode(ports=self.port_handle)
- LOG.info('Polling ARP until successful')
- resolved = 0
- attempt = 0
- for port, device in zip(self.port_handle, self.config.generator_config.devices):
- ctx = self.client.create_service_ctx(port=port)
- arps = [
- STLServiceARP(ctx,
- src_ip=cfg['ip_src_tg_gw'],
- dst_ip=cfg['mac_discovery_gw'],
- vlan=device.vlan_tag if device.vlan_tagging else None)
- for cfg in device.get_stream_configs(self.config.generator_config.service_chain)
- ]
- for _ in xrange(self.config.generic_retry_count):
- attempt += 1
- try:
- ctx.run(arps)
- except STLError:
- LOG.error(traceback.format_exc())
- continue
- self.arps[port] = [arp.get_record().dst_mac for arp in arps
- if arp.get_record().dst_mac is not None]
- if len(self.arps[port]) == self.config.service_chain_count:
- resolved += 1
- LOG.info('ARP resolved successfully for port %s', port)
- break
- else:
- failed = [arp.get_record().dst_ip for arp in arps
- if arp.get_record().dst_mac is None]
- LOG.info('Retrying ARP for: %d (%d / %d)',
- failed, attempt, self.config.generic_retry_count)
- time.sleep(self.config.generic_poll_sec)
- self.client.set_service_mode(ports=self.port_handle, enabled=False)
- return resolved == len(self.port_handle)
- def config_interface(self):
- pass
- def __is_rate_enough(self, l2frame_size, rates, bidirectional, latency):
- """Check if rate provided by user is above requirements. Applies only if latency is True."""
- intf_speed = self.config.generator_config.intf_speed
- if latency:
- if bidirectional:
- mult = 2
- total_rate = 0
- for rate in rates:
- r = utils.convert_rates(l2frame_size, rate, intf_speed)
- total_rate += int(r['rate_pps'])
- else:
- mult = 1
- total_rate = utils.convert_rates(l2frame_size, rates[0], intf_speed)
- # rate must be enough for latency stream and at least 1 pps for base stream per chain
- required_rate = (self.LATENCY_PPS + 1) * self.config.service_chain_count * mult
- result = utils.convert_rates(l2frame_size,
- {'rate_pps': required_rate},
- intf_speed * mult)
- result['result'] = total_rate >= required_rate
- return result
- return {'result': True}
- def create_traffic(self, l2frame_size, rates, bidirectional, latency=True):
- r = self.__is_rate_enough(l2frame_size, rates, bidirectional, latency)
- if not r['result']:
- raise TrafficGeneratorException(
- 'Required rate in total is at least one of: \n{pps}pps \n{bps}bps \n{load}%.'
- .format(pps=r['rate_pps'],
- bps=r['rate_bps'],
- load=r['rate_percent']))
- stream_cfgs = [d.get_stream_configs(self.config.generator_config.service_chain)
- for d in self.config.generator_config.devices]
- self.rates = [utils.to_rate_str(rate) for rate in rates]
- for ph in self.port_handle:
- # generate one pg_id for each direction
- self.stream_ids[ph] = self.id.next()
- for i, (fwd_stream_cfg, rev_stream_cfg) in enumerate(zip(*stream_cfgs)):
- if self.config.service_chain == ChainType.EXT and not self.config.no_arp:
- fwd_stream_cfg['mac_dst'] = self.arps[self.port_handle[0]][i]
- rev_stream_cfg['mac_dst'] = self.arps[self.port_handle[1]][i]
- self.streamblock[0].extend(self.generate_streams(self.port_handle[0],
- fwd_stream_cfg,
- l2frame_size,
- latency=latency))
- if len(self.rates) > 1:
- self.streamblock[1].extend(self.generate_streams(self.port_handle[1],
- rev_stream_cfg,
- l2frame_size,
- isg=10.0,
- latency=bidirectional and latency))
- for ph in self.port_handle:
- self.client.add_streams(self.streamblock[ph], ports=ph)
- LOG.info('Created traffic stream for port %s.', ph)
- def clear_streamblock(self):
- self.streamblock = defaultdict(list)
- self.latencies = defaultdict(list)
- self.stream_ids = defaultdict(list)
- self.rates = []
- self.client.reset(self.port_handle)
- LOG.info('Cleared all existing streams.')
- def get_stats(self):
- stats = self.client.get_pgid_stats()
- return self.extract_stats(stats)
- def get_macs(self):
- return [self.client.get_port_attr(port=port)['src_mac'] for port in self.port_handle]
- def clear_stats(self):
- if self.port_handle:
- self.client.clear_stats()
- def start_traffic(self):
- for port, rate in zip(self.port_handle, self.rates):
- self.client.start(ports=port, mult=rate, duration=self.config.duration_sec, force=True)
- def stop_traffic(self):
- self.client.stop(ports=self.port_handle)
- def cleanup(self):
- if self.client:
- try:
- self.client.reset(self.port_handle)
- self.client.disconnect()
- except STLError:
- # TRex does not like a reset while in disconnected state
- pass