path: root/docs/testing/user/userguide/quickstart_docker.rst
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-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
-.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
-.. (c) Cisco Systems, Inc
-NFVbench Installation and Quick Start Guide
-.. _docker_installation:
-Make sure you satisfy the `hardware and software requirements <requirements>` before you start .
-NFVbench can be used in CLI mode or in REST server mode.
-The CLI mode allows to run NFVbench benchmarks from the CLI. The REST server mode allows to run NFVbench benchmarks through a REST interface.
-1. Container installation
-To pull the latest NFVbench container image:
-.. code-block:: bash
- docker pull opnfv/nfvbench
-2. NFVbench configuration file
-Create a directory under $HOME called nfvbench to store the minimal configuration file:
-.. code-block:: bash
- mkdir $HOME/nfvbench
-Create a new file containing the minimal configuration for NFVbench, we can call it any name, for example "nfvbench.cfg" and paste the following yaml template in the file:
-.. code-block:: bash
- openrc_file: /tmp/nfvbench/openrc
- traffic_generator:
- generator_profile:
- - name: trex-local
- tool: TRex
- ip:
- cores: 3
- software_mode: false
- interfaces:
- - port: 0
- pci: "0a:00.0"
- - port: 1
- pci: "0a:00.1"
- intf_speed:
-If OpenStack is not used, the openrc_file property can be removed.
-If OpenStack is used, the openrc_file property must contain a valid container pathname of the OpenStack ``openrc`` file to connect to OpenStack using the OpenStack API.
-This file can be downloaded from the OpenStack Horizon dashboard (refer to the OpenStack documentation on how to
-retrieve the openrc file). This property must point to a valid pathname in the container (/tmp/nfvbench/openrc).
-We will map the host $HOME/nfvbench directory to the container /tmp/nfvbench directory and name the file "openrc".
-The file name viewed from the container will be "/tmp/nfvbench/openrc" (see container file pathname mapping in the next sections).
-The PCI address of the 2 physical interfaces that will be used by the traffic generator must be configured.
-The PCI address can be obtained for example by using the "lspci" Linux command. For example:
-.. code-block:: bash
- [root@sjc04-pod6-build ~]# lspci | grep 710
- 0a:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Controller X710 for 10GbE SFP+ (rev 01)
- 0a:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Controller X710 for 10GbE SFP+ (rev 01)
- 0a:00.2 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Controller X710 for 10GbE SFP+ (rev 01)
- 0a:00.3 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Controller X710 for 10GbE SFP+ (rev 01)
-In the above example, the PCI addresses "0a:00.0" and "0a:00.1" (first 2 ports of the quad port NIC) are used.
-.. warning::
- You have to put quotes around the pci addresses as shown in the above example, otherwise TRex will read it wrong.
- The other fields in the minimal configuration must be present and must have the same values as above.
-3. Starting NFVbench in CLI mode
-In this mode, the NFVbench code will reside in a container running in the background. This container will not run anything in the background.
-An alias is then used to invoke a new NFVbench benchmark run using docker exec.
-The $HOME/nfvbench directory on the host is mapped on the /tmp/nfvbench in the container to facilitate file sharing between the 2 environments.
-Start NFVbench container
-The NFVbench container can be started using docker run command or using docker compose.
-To run NFVBench in CLI mode using docker run:
-.. code-block:: bash
- docker run --name nfvbench --detach --privileged -v /lib/modules/$(uname -r):/lib/modules/$(uname -r) -v /usr/src/kernels:/usr/src/kernels -v /dev:/dev -v $HOME/nfvbench:/tmp/nfvbench opnfv/nfvbench
-| Docker options | Description |
-| --name nfvbench | container name is "nfvbench" |
-| --detach | run container in background |
-| --privileged | (optional) required if SELinux is enabled on the host |
-| -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules | needed by kernel modules in the container |
-| -v /usr/src/kernels:/usr/src/kernels | needed by TRex to build kernel modules when needed |
-| -v /dev:/dev | needed by kernel modules in the container |
-| -v $HOME/nfvbench:/tmp/nfvbench | folder mapping to pass files between the |
-| | host and the docker space (see examples below) |
-| | Here we map the $HOME/nfvbench directory on the host |
-| | to the /tmp/nfvbench director in the container. |
-| | Any other mapping can work as well |
-| opnfv/nfvbench | container image name |
-To run NFVbench using docker compose, create the docker-compose.yml file and paste the following content:
-.. code-block:: bash
- version: '3'
- services:
- nfvbench:
- image: "opnfv/nfvbench"
- container_name: "nfvbench"
- volumes:
- - /dev:/dev
- - /usr/src/kernels:/usr/src/kernels
- - /lib/modules:/lib/modules
- - ${HOME}/nfvbench:/tmp/nfvbench
- network_mode: "host"
- privileged: true
-Then start the container in detached mode:
-.. code-block:: bash
- docker-compose up -d
-Requesting an NFVbench benchmark run
-Create an alias to make it easy to execute nfvbench commands directly from the host shell prompt:
-.. code-block:: bash
- alias nfvbench='docker exec -it nfvbench nfvbench'
-The next to last "nfvbench" refers to the name of the container while the last "nfvbench" refers to the NFVbench binary that is available to run inside the container.
-Once the alias is set, NFVbench runs can simply be requested from teh command line using "nfvbench <options>".
-To verify it is working:
-.. code-block:: bash
- nfvbench --version
- nfvbench --help
-Example of run
-To do a single run at 10,000pps bi-directional (or 5kpps in each direction) using the PVP packet path:
-.. code-block:: bash
- nfvbench -c /tmp/nfvbench/nfvbench.cfg --rate 10kpps
-NFVbench options used:
-* ``-c /tmp/nfvbench/nfvbench.cfg`` : specify the config file to use
-* ``--rate 10kpps`` : specify rate of packets for test for both directions using the kpps unit (thousands of packets per second)
-Retrieve complete configuration file as template
-The full configuration file template with comments (yaml format) can be obtained using the --show-default-config option in order to use more advanced configuration options:
-.. code-block:: bash
- nfvbench --show-default-config > $HOME/nfvbench/full_nfvbench.cfg
-Edit the full_nfvbench.cfg file to only keep those properties that need to be modified (preserving the nesting).
-4. Start NFVbench in REST server mode
-In this mode, the NFVbench REST server will run in the container.
-The $HOME/nfvbench directory on the host is mapped on the /tmp/nfvbench in the container to facilitate file sharing between the 2 environments.
-Start NFVbench container
-To start the NFVbench container with REST server using docker run cli:
-.. code-block:: bash
- docker run --name nfvbench --detach --privileged --net=host -e CONFIG_FILE="/tmp/nfvbench/nfvbench.cfg" -v /lib/modules/$(uname -r):/lib/modules/$(uname -r) -v /usr/src/kernels:/usr/src/kernels -v /dev:/dev -v $HOME/nfvbench:/tmp/nfvbench opnfv/nfvbench start_rest_server
-REST mode requires the same arguments as CLI mode and adds the following options:
-| Docker options | Description |
-| --net=host | use "host" docker networking mode |
-| | Other modes (such as NAT) could be used if required |
-| | with proper adjustment of the port to use for REST |
-| -e CONFIG_FILE="/tmp/nfvbench/nfvbench.cfg" | (optional) |
-| | specify the initial NFVbench config file to use. |
-| | defaults to none |
-| start_rest_server | to request a REST server to run in background in the |
-| | container |
-| -e HOST="" | (optional) |
-| | specify the IP address to listen to. |
-| | defaults to |
-| -e PORT=7555 | (optional) |
-| | specify the port address to listen to. |
-| | defaults to 7555 |
-The initial configuration file is optional but is handy to define mandatory deployment parameters that are common to all subsequent REST requests.
-If this initial configuration file is not passed at container start time, it must be included in every REST request.
-To start the NFVbench container with REST server using docker compose, use the following compose file:
-.. code-block:: bash
- version: '3'
- services:
- nfvbench:
- image: "opnfv/nfvbench"
- container_name: "nfvbench_server"
- command: start_rest_server
- volumes:
- - /dev:/dev
- - /usr/src/kernels:/usr/src/kernels
- - /lib/modules:/lib/modules
- - ${HOME}/nfvbench:/tmp/nfvbench
- network_mode: "host"
- environment:
- - HOST=""
- - PORT=7555
- privileged: true
-Requesting an NFVbench benchmark run
-To request a benchmark run, you must create a JSON document that describes the benchmark and send it to the NFVbench server in the body of a POST request.
-Examples of REST requests
-In this example, we will use curl to interact with the NFVbench REST server.
-Query the NFVbench version:
-.. code-block:: bash
- [root@sjc04-pod3-mgmt ~]# curl -G
- 3.1.1
-This is the JSON for a fixed rate run at 10,000pps bi-directional (or 5kpps in each direction) using the PVP packet path:
-.. code-block:: bash
- {"rate": "10kpps"}
-This is the curl request to send this benchmark request to the NFVbench server:
-.. code-block:: bash
- [root@sjc04-pod3-mgmt ~]# curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"rate": "10kpps"}'
- {
- "error_message": "nfvbench run still pending",
- "status": "PENDING"
- }
- [root@sjc04-pod3-mgmt ~]#
-This request will return immediately with status set to "PENDING" if the request was started successfully.
-The status can be polled until the run completes. Here the poll returns a "PENDING" status, indicating the run is still not completed:
-.. code-block:: bash
- [root@sjc04-pod3-mgmt ~]# curl -G
- {
- "error_message": "nfvbench run still pending",
- "status": "PENDING"
- }
- [root@sjc04-pod3-mgmt ~]#
-Finally, the status request returns a "OK" status along with the full results (truncated here):
-.. code-block:: bash
- [root@sjc04-pod3-mgmt ~]# curl -G
- {
- "result": {
- "benchmarks": {
- "network": {
- "service_chain": {
- "PVP": {
- "result": {
- "bidirectional": true,
- ...
- "status": "OK"
- }
- [root@sjc04-pod3-mgmt ~]#
-Retrieve complete configuration file as template
-7. Terminating the NFVbench container
-When no longer needed, the container can be terminated using the usual docker commands:
-.. code-block:: bash
- docker kill nfvbench
- docker rm nfvbench