path: root/behave_tests/features/steps/testapi.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'behave_tests/features/steps/testapi.py')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/behave_tests/features/steps/testapi.py b/behave_tests/features/steps/testapi.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f211ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/behave_tests/features/steps/testapi.py
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2021 Orange
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import logging
+import requests
+class TestapiClient:
+ __test__ = False # Hint for pytest: TestapiClient is not a test class.
+ def __init__(self, testapi_url: str):
+ """
+ Args:
+ testapi_url: testapi URL as a string, for instance
+ ""
+ """
+ self._base_url = testapi_url
+ self._logger = logging.getLogger("behave_tests")
+ def find_last_result(self, testapi_params, scenario_tag: str, nfvbench_test_input):
+ """Search testapi database and return latest result matching filters.
+ Look for the most recent testapi result matching testapi params, behave
+ scenario tag and nfvbench test input params, and return that result as a
+ dictionary.
+ Args:
+ testapi_params: dict holding the parameters of the testapi request. See
+ `build_testapi_url()` for the list of supported keys.
+ scenario_tag: Behave scenario tag to filter results. One of
+ "throughput" or "latency".
+ nfvbench_test_input: dict holding nfvbench test parameters and used
+ to filter the testapi results. The following keys are currently
+ supported:
+ - mandatory keys: 'duration_sec', 'frame_sizes', 'flow_count', 'rate'
+ - optional keys: 'user_label'
+ Returns:
+ None if no result matching the filters can be found, else a dictionary
+ built from testapi JSON test result.
+ """
+ self._logger.info(f"find_last_result: filter on scenario tag: {scenario_tag}")
+ nfvbench_input_str = nfvbench_input_to_str(nfvbench_test_input)
+ self._logger.info(f"find_last_result: filter on test conditions: {nfvbench_input_str}")
+ page = 1
+ while True: # While there are results pages to read
+ url = self._build_testapi_url(testapi_params, page)
+ self._logger.info("find_last_result: GET " + url)
+ last_results = self._do_testapi_request(url)
+ for result in last_results["results"]:
+ for tagged_result in result["details"]["results"][scenario_tag]:
+ if tagged_result["output"]["status"] != "OK":
+ # Drop result if nfvbench status is not OK
+ # (such result should not have been put in database by behave_tests,
+ # but let's be cautious)
+ continue
+ if equal_test_conditions(tagged_result["input"], nfvbench_test_input):
+ return tagged_result
+ if page >= last_results["pagination"]["total_pages"]:
+ break
+ page += 1
+ return None
+ def _build_testapi_url(self, testapi_params, page=1):
+ """Build URL for testapi request.
+ Build a URL for a testapi HTTP GET request using the provided parameters and
+ limiting the results to the tests whose criteria equals "PASS".
+ Args:
+ testapi_params: dictionary holding the parameters of the testapi
+ request:
+ - mandatory keys: "project_name", "case_name"
+ - optional keys: "installer", "pod_name"
+ - ignored keys: "build_tag", "scenario", "version", "criteria".
+ page: (Optional) number of the results page to get.
+ """
+ url = self._base_url
+ url += f"?project={testapi_params['project_name']}"
+ url += f"&case={testapi_params['case_name']}"
+ if "installer" in testapi_params.keys():
+ url += f"&installer={testapi_params['installer']}"
+ if "pod_name" in testapi_params.keys():
+ url += f"&pod={testapi_params['pod_name']}"
+ url += '&criteria=PASS'
+ url += f"&page={page}"
+ return url
+ def _do_testapi_request(self, testapi_url):
+ """Perform HTTP GET request on testapi.
+ Perform an HTTP GET request on testapi, check status code and return JSON
+ results as dictionary.
+ Args:
+ testapi_url: a complete URL to request testapi results (with base
+ endpoint and parameters)
+ Returns:
+ The JSON document from testapi as a Python dictionary
+ Raises:
+ * requests.exceptions.ConnectionError in case of network problem
+ when trying to establish a connection with the TestAPI database
+ (DNS failure, refused connection, ...)
+ * requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout in case of timeout during the
+ request.
+ * requests.exception.HTTPError if the HTTP request returned an
+ unsuccessful status code.
+ * another exception derived from requests.exceptions.RequestException
+ in case of problem during the HTTP request.
+ """
+ response = requests.get(testapi_url)
+ # raise an HTTPError if the HTTP request returned an unsuccessful status code:
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ return response.json()
+def equal_test_conditions(testapi_input, nfvbench_input):
+ """Check test conditions in behave scenario results record.
+ Check whether a behave scenario results record from testapi matches a given
+ nfvbench input, ie whether the record comes from a test done under the same
+ conditions (frame size, flow count, ...)
+ Args:
+ testapi_input: dict holding the test conditions of a behave scenario
+ results record from testapi
+ nfvbench_input: dict of nfvbench test parameters (reference)
+ The following dict keys are currently supported:
+ - mandatory keys: 'duration_sec', 'frame_sizes', 'flow_count', 'rate'
+ - optional keys: 'user_label'
+ Optional keys are taken into account only when they can be found in
+ `nfvbench_input`, else they are ignored.
+ Returns:
+ True if test conditions match, else False.
+ """
+ # Select required keys (other keys can be not set or unconsistent between scenarios)
+ required_keys = ['duration_sec', 'frame_sizes', 'flow_count', 'rate']
+ if 'user_label' in nfvbench_input:
+ required_keys.append('user_label')
+ try:
+ testapi_subset = {k: testapi_input[k] for k in required_keys}
+ nfvbench_subset = {k: nfvbench_input[k] for k in required_keys}
+ return testapi_subset == nfvbench_subset
+ except KeyError:
+ # Fail the comparison if a required key is missing from one of the dicts
+ return False
+def nfvbench_input_to_str(nfvbench_input: dict) -> str:
+ """Build string showing nfvbench input parameters used for results search
+ Args:
+ nfvbench_input: dict of nfvbench test parameters
+ """
+ string = ""
+ for key in ['user_label', 'frame_sizes', 'flow_count', 'rate', 'duration_sec']:
+ if key in nfvbench_input:
+ string += f"{key}={nfvbench_input[key]} "
+ return string