path: root/keystone-moon/keystone/identity/
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Diffstat (limited to 'keystone-moon/keystone/identity/')
1 files changed, 1259 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/keystone-moon/keystone/identity/ b/keystone-moon/keystone/identity/
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+# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+"""Main entry point into the Identity service."""
+import abc
+import functools
+import os
+import uuid
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_log import log
+from oslo_utils import importutils
+import six
+from keystone import clean
+from keystone.common import cache
+from keystone.common import dependency
+from keystone.common import driver_hints
+from keystone.common import manager
+from keystone import config
+from keystone import exception
+from keystone.i18n import _, _LW
+from keystone.identity.mapping_backends import mapping
+from keystone import notifications
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
+MEMOIZE = cache.get_memoization_decorator(section='identity')
+DOMAIN_CONF_FHEAD = 'keystone.'
+def filter_user(user_ref):
+ """Filter out private items in a user dict.
+ 'password', 'tenants' and 'groups' are never returned.
+ :returns: user_ref
+ """
+ if user_ref:
+ user_ref = user_ref.copy()
+ user_ref.pop('password', None)
+ user_ref.pop('tenants', None)
+ user_ref.pop('groups', None)
+ user_ref.pop('domains', None)
+ try:
+ user_ref['extra'].pop('password', None)
+ user_ref['extra'].pop('tenants', None)
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ return user_ref
+class DomainConfigs(dict):
+ """Discover, store and provide access to domain specific configs.
+ The setup_domain_drivers() call will be made via the wrapper from
+ the first call to any driver function handled by this manager.
+ Domain specific configurations are only supported for the identity backend
+ and the individual configurations are either specified in the resource
+ database or in individual domain configuration files, depending on the
+ setting of the 'domain_configurations_from_database' config option.
+ The result will be that for each domain with a specific configuration,
+ this class will hold a reference to a ConfigOpts and driver object that
+ the identity manager and driver can use.
+ """
+ configured = False
+ driver = None
+ _any_sql = False
+ def _load_driver(self, domain_config):
+ return importutils.import_object(
+ domain_config['cfg'].identity.driver, domain_config['cfg'])
+ def _assert_no_more_than_one_sql_driver(self, domain_id, new_config,
+ config_file=None):
+ """Ensure there is more than one sql driver.
+ Check to see if the addition of the driver in this new config
+ would cause there to now be more than one sql driver.
+ If we are loading from configuration files, the config_file will hold
+ the name of the file we have just loaded.
+ """
+ if (new_config['driver'].is_sql and
+ (self.driver.is_sql or self._any_sql)):
+ # The addition of this driver would cause us to have more than
+ # one sql driver, so raise an exception.
+ if not config_file:
+ config_file = _('Database at /domains/%s/config') % domain_id
+ raise exception.MultipleSQLDriversInConfig(source=config_file)
+ self._any_sql = new_config['driver'].is_sql
+ def _load_config_from_file(self, resource_api, file_list, domain_name):
+ try:
+ domain_ref = resource_api.get_domain_by_name(domain_name)
+ except exception.DomainNotFound:
+ LOG.warning(
+ _LW('Invalid domain name (%s) found in config file name'),
+ domain_name)
+ return
+ # Create a new entry in the domain config dict, which contains
+ # a new instance of both the conf environment and driver using
+ # options defined in this set of config files. Later, when we
+ # service calls via this Manager, we'll index via this domain
+ # config dict to make sure we call the right driver
+ domain_config = {}
+ domain_config['cfg'] = cfg.ConfigOpts()
+ config.configure(conf=domain_config['cfg'])
+ domain_config['cfg'](args=[], project='keystone',
+ default_config_files=file_list)
+ domain_config['driver'] = self._load_driver(domain_config)
+ self._assert_no_more_than_one_sql_driver(domain_ref['id'],
+ domain_config,
+ config_file=file_list)
+ self[domain_ref['id']] = domain_config
+ def _setup_domain_drivers_from_files(self, standard_driver, resource_api):
+ """Read the domain specific configuration files and load the drivers.
+ Domain configuration files are stored in the domain config directory,
+ and must be named of the form:
+ keystone.<domain_name>.conf
+ For each file, call the load config method where the domain_name
+ will be turned into a domain_id and then:
+ - Create a new config structure, adding in the specific additional
+ options defined in this config file
+ - Initialise a new instance of the required driver with this new config
+ """
+ conf_dir = CONF.identity.domain_config_dir
+ if not os.path.exists(conf_dir):
+ LOG.warning(_LW('Unable to locate domain config directory: %s'),
+ conf_dir)
+ return
+ for r, d, f in os.walk(conf_dir):
+ for fname in f:
+ if (fname.startswith(DOMAIN_CONF_FHEAD) and
+ fname.endswith(DOMAIN_CONF_FTAIL)):
+ if fname.count('.') >= 2:
+ self._load_config_from_file(
+ resource_api, [os.path.join(r, fname)],
+ fname[len(DOMAIN_CONF_FHEAD):
+ else:
+ LOG.debug(('Ignoring file (%s) while scanning domain '
+ 'config directory'),
+ fname)
+ def _load_config_from_database(self, domain_id, specific_config):
+ domain_config = {}
+ domain_config['cfg'] = cfg.ConfigOpts()
+ config.configure(conf=domain_config['cfg'])
+ domain_config['cfg'](args=[], project='keystone')
+ # Override any options that have been passed in as specified in the
+ # database.
+ for group in specific_config:
+ for option in specific_config[group]:
+ domain_config['cfg'].set_override(
+ option, specific_config[group][option], group)
+ domain_config['driver'] = self._load_driver(domain_config)
+ self._assert_no_more_than_one_sql_driver(domain_id, domain_config)
+ self[domain_id] = domain_config
+ def _setup_domain_drivers_from_database(self, standard_driver,
+ resource_api):
+ """Read domain specific configuration from database and load drivers.
+ Domain configurations are stored in the domain-config backend,
+ so we go through each domain to find those that have a specific config
+ defined, and for those that do we:
+ - Create a new config structure, overriding any specific options
+ defined in the resource backend
+ - Initialise a new instance of the required driver with this new config
+ """
+ for domain in resource_api.list_domains():
+ domain_config_options = (
+ self.domain_config_api.
+ get_config_with_sensitive_info(domain['id']))
+ if domain_config_options:
+ self._load_config_from_database(domain['id'],
+ domain_config_options)
+ def setup_domain_drivers(self, standard_driver, resource_api):
+ # This is called by the api call wrapper
+ self.configured = True
+ self.driver = standard_driver
+ if CONF.identity.domain_configurations_from_database:
+ self._setup_domain_drivers_from_database(standard_driver,
+ resource_api)
+ else:
+ self._setup_domain_drivers_from_files(standard_driver,
+ resource_api)
+ def get_domain_driver(self, domain_id):
+ if domain_id in self:
+ return self[domain_id]['driver']
+ def get_domain_conf(self, domain_id):
+ if domain_id in self:
+ return self[domain_id]['cfg']
+ else:
+ return CONF
+ def reload_domain_driver(self, domain_id):
+ # Only used to support unit tests that want to set
+ # new config values. This should only be called once
+ # the domains have been configured, since it relies on
+ # the fact that the configuration files/database have already been
+ # read.
+ if self.configured:
+ if domain_id in self:
+ self[domain_id]['driver'] = (
+ self._load_driver(self[domain_id]))
+ else:
+ # The standard driver
+ self.driver = self.driver()
+def domains_configured(f):
+ """Wraps API calls to lazy load domain configs after init.
+ This is required since the assignment manager needs to be initialized
+ before this manager, and yet this manager's init wants to be
+ able to make assignment calls (to build the domain configs). So
+ instead, we check if the domains have been initialized on entry
+ to each call, and if requires load them,
+ """
+ @functools.wraps(f)
+ def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if (not self.domain_configs.configured and
+ CONF.identity.domain_specific_drivers_enabled):
+ self.domain_configs.setup_domain_drivers(
+ self.driver, self.resource_api)
+ return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ return wrapper
+def exception_translated(exception_type):
+ """Wraps API calls to map to correct exception."""
+ def _exception_translated(f):
+ @functools.wraps(f)
+ def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ return f(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ except exception.PublicIDNotFound as e:
+ if exception_type == 'user':
+ raise exception.UserNotFound(user_id=str(e))
+ elif exception_type == 'group':
+ raise exception.GroupNotFound(group_id=str(e))
+ elif exception_type == 'assertion':
+ raise AssertionError(_('Invalid user / password'))
+ else:
+ raise
+ return wrapper
+ return _exception_translated
+@dependency.requires('assignment_api', 'credential_api', 'id_mapping_api',
+ 'resource_api', 'revoke_api')
+class Manager(manager.Manager):
+ """Default pivot point for the Identity backend.
+ See :mod:`keystone.common.manager.Manager` for more details on how this
+ dynamically calls the backend.
+ This class also handles the support of domain specific backends, by using
+ the DomainConfigs class. The setup call for DomainConfigs is called
+ from with the @domains_configured wrapper in a lazy loading fashion
+ to get around the fact that we can't satisfy the assignment api it needs
+ from within our __init__() function since the assignment driver is not
+ itself yet initialized.
+ Each of the identity calls are pre-processed here to choose, based on
+ domain, which of the drivers should be called. The non-domain-specific
+ driver is still in place, and is used if there is no specific driver for
+ the domain in question (or we are not using multiple domain drivers).
+ Starting with Juno, in order to be able to obtain the domain from
+ just an ID being presented as part of an API call, a public ID to domain
+ and local ID mapping is maintained. This mapping also allows for the local
+ ID of drivers that do not provide simple UUIDs (such as LDAP) to be
+ referenced via a public facing ID. The mapping itself is automatically
+ generated as entities are accessed via the driver.
+ This mapping is only used when:
+ - the entity is being handled by anything other than the default driver, or
+ - the entity is being handled by the default LDAP driver and backward
+ compatible IDs are not required.
+ This means that in the standard case of a single SQL backend or the default
+ settings of a single LDAP backend (since backward compatible IDs is set to
+ True by default), no mapping is used. An alternative approach would be to
+ always use the mapping table, but in the cases where we don't need it to
+ make the public and local IDs the same. It is felt that not using the
+ mapping by default is a more prudent way to introduce this functionality.
+ """
+ _USER = 'user'
+ _GROUP = 'group'
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(Manager, self).__init__(CONF.identity.driver)
+ self.domain_configs = DomainConfigs()
+ self.event_callbacks = {
+ notifications.ACTIONS.deleted: {
+ 'domain': [self._domain_deleted],
+ },
+ }
+ def _domain_deleted(self, service, resource_type, operation,
+ payload):
+ domain_id = payload['resource_info']
+ user_refs = self.list_users(domain_scope=domain_id)
+ group_refs = self.list_groups(domain_scope=domain_id)
+ for group in group_refs:
+ # Cleanup any existing groups.
+ try:
+ self.delete_group(group['id'])
+ except exception.GroupNotFound:
+ LOG.debug(('Group %(groupid)s not found when deleting domain '
+ 'contents for %(domainid)s, continuing with '
+ 'cleanup.'),
+ {'groupid': group['id'], 'domainid': domain_id})
+ # And finally, delete the users themselves
+ for user in user_refs:
+ try:
+ self.delete_user(user['id'])
+ except exception.UserNotFound:
+ LOG.debug(('User %(userid)s not found when deleting domain '
+ 'contents for %(domainid)s, continuing with '
+ 'cleanup.'),
+ {'userid': user['id'], 'domainid': domain_id})
+ # Domain ID normalization methods
+ def _set_domain_id_and_mapping(self, ref, domain_id, driver,
+ entity_type):
+ """Patch the domain_id/public_id into the resulting entity(ies).
+ :param ref: the entity or list of entities to post process
+ :param domain_id: the domain scope used for the call
+ :param driver: the driver used to execute the call
+ :param entity_type: whether this is a user or group
+ :returns: post processed entity or list or entities
+ Called to post-process the entity being returned, using a mapping
+ to substitute a public facing ID as necessary. This method must
+ take into account:
+ - If the driver is not domain aware, then we must set the domain
+ attribute of all entities irrespective of mapping.
+ - If the driver does not support UUIDs, then we always want to provide
+ a mapping, except for the special case of this being the default
+ driver and backward_compatible_ids is set to True. This is to ensure
+ that entity IDs do not change for an existing LDAP installation (only
+ single domain/driver LDAP configurations were previously supported).
+ - If the driver does support UUIDs, then we always create a mapping
+ entry, but use the local UUID as the public ID. The exception to
+ - this is that if we just have single driver (i.e. not using specific
+ multi-domain configs), then we don't both with the mapping at all.
+ """
+ conf = CONF.identity
+ if not self._needs_post_processing(driver):
+ # a classic case would be when running with a single SQL driver
+ return ref
+ LOG.debug('ID Mapping - Domain ID: %(domain)s, '
+ 'Default Driver: %(driver)s, '
+ 'Domains: %(aware)s, UUIDs: %(generate)s, '
+ 'Compatible IDs: %(compat)s',
+ {'domain': domain_id,
+ 'driver': (driver == self.driver),
+ 'aware': driver.is_domain_aware(),
+ 'generate': driver.generates_uuids(),
+ 'compat': CONF.identity_mapping.backward_compatible_ids})
+ if isinstance(ref, dict):
+ return self._set_domain_id_and_mapping_for_single_ref(
+ ref, domain_id, driver, entity_type, conf)
+ elif isinstance(ref, list):
+ return [self._set_domain_id_and_mapping(
+ x, domain_id, driver, entity_type) for x in ref]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(_('Expected dict or list: %s') % type(ref))
+ def _needs_post_processing(self, driver):
+ """Returns whether entity from driver needs domain added or mapping."""
+ return (driver is not self.driver or not driver.generates_uuids() or
+ not driver.is_domain_aware())
+ def _set_domain_id_and_mapping_for_single_ref(self, ref, domain_id,
+ driver, entity_type, conf):
+ LOG.debug('Local ID: %s', ref['id'])
+ ref = ref.copy()
+ self._insert_domain_id_if_needed(ref, driver, domain_id, conf)
+ if self._is_mapping_needed(driver):
+ local_entity = {'domain_id': ref['domain_id'],
+ 'local_id': ref['id'],
+ 'entity_type': entity_type}
+ public_id = self.id_mapping_api.get_public_id(local_entity)
+ if public_id:
+ ref['id'] = public_id
+ LOG.debug('Found existing mapping to public ID: %s',
+ ref['id'])
+ else:
+ # Need to create a mapping. If the driver generates UUIDs
+ # then pass the local UUID in as the public ID to use.
+ if driver.generates_uuids():
+ public_id = ref['id']
+ ref['id'] = self.id_mapping_api.create_id_mapping(
+ local_entity, public_id)
+ LOG.debug('Created new mapping to public ID: %s',
+ ref['id'])
+ return ref
+ def _insert_domain_id_if_needed(self, ref, driver, domain_id, conf):
+ """Inserts the domain ID into the ref, if required.
+ If the driver can't handle domains, then we need to insert the
+ domain_id into the entity being returned. If the domain_id is
+ None that means we are running in a single backend mode, so to
+ remain backwardly compatible, we put in the default domain ID.
+ """
+ if not driver.is_domain_aware():
+ if domain_id is None:
+ domain_id = conf.default_domain_id
+ ref['domain_id'] = domain_id
+ def _is_mapping_needed(self, driver):
+ """Returns whether mapping is needed.
+ There are two situations where we must use the mapping:
+ - this isn't the default driver (i.e. multiple backends), or
+ - we have a single backend that doesn't use UUIDs
+ The exception to the above is that we must honor backward
+ compatibility if this is the default driver (e.g. to support
+ current LDAP)
+ """
+ is_not_default_driver = driver is not self.driver
+ return (is_not_default_driver or (
+ not driver.generates_uuids() and
+ not CONF.identity_mapping.backward_compatible_ids))
+ def _clear_domain_id_if_domain_unaware(self, driver, ref):
+ """Clear domain_id details if driver is not domain aware."""
+ if not driver.is_domain_aware() and 'domain_id' in ref:
+ ref = ref.copy()
+ ref.pop('domain_id')
+ return ref
+ def _select_identity_driver(self, domain_id):
+ """Choose a backend driver for the given domain_id.
+ :param domain_id: The domain_id for which we want to find a driver. If
+ the domain_id is specified as None, then this means
+ we need a driver that handles multiple domains.
+ :returns: chosen backend driver
+ If there is a specific driver defined for this domain then choose it.
+ If the domain is None, or there no specific backend for the given
+ domain is found, then we chose the default driver.
+ """
+ if domain_id is None:
+ driver = self.driver
+ else:
+ driver = (self.domain_configs.get_domain_driver(domain_id) or
+ self.driver)
+ # If the driver is not domain aware (e.g. LDAP) then check to
+ # ensure we are not mapping multiple domains onto it - the only way
+ # that would happen is that the default driver is LDAP and the
+ # domain is anything other than None or the default domain.
+ if (not driver.is_domain_aware() and driver == self.driver and
+ domain_id != CONF.identity.default_domain_id and
+ domain_id is not None):
+ LOG.warning('Found multiple domains being mapped to a '
+ 'driver that does not support that (e.g. '
+ 'LDAP) - Domain ID: %(domain)s, '
+ 'Default Driver: %(driver)s',
+ {'domain': domain_id,
+ 'driver': (driver == self.driver)})
+ raise exception.DomainNotFound(domain_id=domain_id)
+ return driver
+ def _get_domain_driver_and_entity_id(self, public_id):
+ """Look up details using the public ID.
+ :param public_id: the ID provided in the call
+ :returns: domain_id, which can be None to indicate that the driver
+ in question supports multiple domains
+ driver selected based on this domain
+ entity_id which will is understood by the driver.
+ Use the mapping table to look up the domain, driver and local entity
+ that is represented by the provided public ID. Handle the situations
+ were we do not use the mapping (e.g. single driver that understands
+ UUIDs etc.)
+ """
+ conf = CONF.identity
+ # First, since we don't know anything about the entity yet, we must
+ # assume it needs mapping, so long as we are using domain specific
+ # drivers.
+ if conf.domain_specific_drivers_enabled:
+ local_id_ref = self.id_mapping_api.get_id_mapping(public_id)
+ if local_id_ref:
+ return (
+ local_id_ref['domain_id'],
+ self._select_identity_driver(local_id_ref['domain_id']),
+ local_id_ref['local_id'])
+ # So either we are using multiple drivers but the public ID is invalid
+ # (and hence was not found in the mapping table), or the public ID is
+ # being handled by the default driver. Either way, the only place left
+ # to look is in that standard driver. However, we don't yet know if
+ # this driver also needs mapping (e.g. LDAP in non backward
+ # compatibility mode).
+ driver = self.driver
+ if driver.generates_uuids():
+ if driver.is_domain_aware:
+ # No mapping required, and the driver can handle the domain
+ # information itself. The classic case of this is the
+ # current SQL driver.
+ return (None, driver, public_id)
+ else:
+ # Although we don't have any drivers of this type, i.e. that
+ # understand UUIDs but not domains, conceptually you could.
+ return (conf.default_domain_id, driver, public_id)
+ # So the only place left to find the ID is in the default driver which
+ # we now know doesn't generate UUIDs
+ if not CONF.identity_mapping.backward_compatible_ids:
+ # We are not running in backward compatibility mode, so we
+ # must use a mapping.
+ local_id_ref = self.id_mapping_api.get_id_mapping(public_id)
+ if local_id_ref:
+ return (
+ local_id_ref['domain_id'],
+ driver,
+ local_id_ref['local_id'])
+ else:
+ raise exception.PublicIDNotFound(id=public_id)
+ # If we reach here, this means that the default driver
+ # requires no mapping - but also doesn't understand domains
+ # (e.g. the classic single LDAP driver situation). Hence we pass
+ # back the public_ID unmodified and use the default domain (to
+ # keep backwards compatibility with existing installations).
+ #
+ # It is still possible that the public ID is just invalid in
+ # which case we leave this to the caller to check.
+ return (conf.default_domain_id, driver, public_id)
+ def _assert_user_and_group_in_same_backend(
+ self, user_entity_id, user_driver, group_entity_id, group_driver):
+ """Ensures that user and group IDs are backed by the same backend.
+ Raise a CrossBackendNotAllowed exception if they are not from the same
+ backend, otherwise return None.
+ """
+ if user_driver is not group_driver:
+ # Determine first if either IDs don't exist by calling
+ # the driver.get methods (which will raise a NotFound
+ # exception).
+ user_driver.get_user(user_entity_id)
+ group_driver.get_group(group_entity_id)
+ # If we get here, then someone is attempting to create a cross
+ # backend membership, which is not allowed.
+ raise exception.CrossBackendNotAllowed(group_id=group_entity_id,
+ user_id=user_entity_id)
+ def _mark_domain_id_filter_satisfied(self, hints):
+ if hints:
+ for filter in hints.filters:
+ if (filter['name'] == 'domain_id' and
+ filter['comparator'] == 'equals'):
+ hints.filters.remove(filter)
+ def _ensure_domain_id_in_hints(self, hints, domain_id):
+ if (domain_id is not None and
+ not hints.get_exact_filter_by_name('domain_id')):
+ hints.add_filter('domain_id', domain_id)
+ # The actual driver calls - these are pre/post processed here as
+ # part of the Manager layer to make sure we:
+ #
+ # - select the right driver for this domain
+ # - clear/set domain_ids for drivers that do not support domains
+ # - create any ID mapping that might be required
+ @notifications.emit_event('authenticate')
+ @domains_configured
+ @exception_translated('assertion')
+ def authenticate(self, context, user_id, password):
+ domain_id, driver, entity_id = (
+ self._get_domain_driver_and_entity_id(user_id))
+ ref = driver.authenticate(entity_id, password)
+ return self._set_domain_id_and_mapping(
+ ref, domain_id, driver, mapping.EntityType.USER)
+ @domains_configured
+ @exception_translated('user')
+ def create_user(self, user_ref, initiator=None):
+ user = user_ref.copy()
+ user['name'] = clean.user_name(user['name'])
+ user.setdefault('enabled', True)
+ user['enabled'] = clean.user_enabled(user['enabled'])
+ domain_id = user['domain_id']
+ self.resource_api.get_domain(domain_id)
+ # For creating a user, the domain is in the object itself
+ domain_id = user_ref['domain_id']
+ driver = self._select_identity_driver(domain_id)
+ user = self._clear_domain_id_if_domain_unaware(driver, user)
+ # Generate a local ID - in the future this might become a function of
+ # the underlying driver so that it could conform to rules set down by
+ # that particular driver type.
+ user['id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ ref = driver.create_user(user['id'], user)
+ notifications.Audit.created(self._USER, user['id'], initiator)
+ return self._set_domain_id_and_mapping(
+ ref, domain_id, driver, mapping.EntityType.USER)
+ @domains_configured
+ @exception_translated('user')
+ def get_user(self, user_id):
+ domain_id, driver, entity_id = (
+ self._get_domain_driver_and_entity_id(user_id))
+ ref = driver.get_user(entity_id)
+ return self._set_domain_id_and_mapping(
+ ref, domain_id, driver, mapping.EntityType.USER)
+ def assert_user_enabled(self, user_id, user=None):
+ """Assert the user and the user's domain are enabled.
+ :raise AssertionError if the user or the user's domain is disabled.
+ """
+ if user is None:
+ user = self.get_user(user_id)
+ self.resource_api.assert_domain_enabled(user['domain_id'])
+ if not user.get('enabled', True):
+ raise AssertionError(_('User is disabled: %s') % user_id)
+ @domains_configured
+ @exception_translated('user')
+ def get_user_by_name(self, user_name, domain_id):
+ driver = self._select_identity_driver(domain_id)
+ ref = driver.get_user_by_name(user_name, domain_id)
+ return self._set_domain_id_and_mapping(
+ ref, domain_id, driver, mapping.EntityType.USER)
+ @manager.response_truncated
+ @domains_configured
+ @exception_translated('user')
+ def list_users(self, domain_scope=None, hints=None):
+ driver = self._select_identity_driver(domain_scope)
+ hints = hints or driver_hints.Hints()
+ if driver.is_domain_aware():
+ # Force the domain_scope into the hint to ensure that we only get
+ # back domains for that scope.
+ self._ensure_domain_id_in_hints(hints, domain_scope)
+ else:
+ # We are effectively satisfying any domain_id filter by the above
+ # driver selection, so remove any such filter.
+ self._mark_domain_id_filter_satisfied(hints)
+ ref_list = driver.list_users(hints)
+ return self._set_domain_id_and_mapping(
+ ref_list, domain_scope, driver, mapping.EntityType.USER)
+ @domains_configured
+ @exception_translated('user')
+ def update_user(self, user_id, user_ref, initiator=None):
+ old_user_ref = self.get_user(user_id)
+ user = user_ref.copy()
+ if 'name' in user:
+ user['name'] = clean.user_name(user['name'])
+ if 'enabled' in user:
+ user['enabled'] = clean.user_enabled(user['enabled'])
+ if 'domain_id' in user:
+ self.resource_api.get_domain(user['domain_id'])
+ if 'id' in user:
+ if user_id != user['id']:
+ raise exception.ValidationError(_('Cannot change user ID'))
+ # Since any ID in the user dict is now irrelevant, remove its so as
+ # the driver layer won't be confused by the fact the this is the
+ # public ID not the local ID
+ user.pop('id')
+ domain_id, driver, entity_id = (
+ self._get_domain_driver_and_entity_id(user_id))
+ user = self._clear_domain_id_if_domain_unaware(driver, user)
+ self.get_user.invalidate(self, old_user_ref['id'])
+ self.get_user_by_name.invalidate(self, old_user_ref['name'],
+ old_user_ref['domain_id'])
+ ref = driver.update_user(entity_id, user)
+ notifications.Audit.updated(self._USER, user_id, initiator)
+ enabled_change = ((user.get('enabled') is False) and
+ user['enabled'] != old_user_ref.get('enabled'))
+ if enabled_change or user.get('password') is not None:
+ self.emit_invalidate_user_token_persistence(user_id)
+ return self._set_domain_id_and_mapping(
+ ref, domain_id, driver, mapping.EntityType.USER)
+ @domains_configured
+ @exception_translated('user')
+ def delete_user(self, user_id, initiator=None):
+ domain_id, driver, entity_id = (
+ self._get_domain_driver_and_entity_id(user_id))
+ # Get user details to invalidate the cache.
+ user_old = self.get_user(user_id)
+ driver.delete_user(entity_id)
+ self.assignment_api.delete_user(user_id)
+ self.get_user.invalidate(self, user_id)
+ self.get_user_by_name.invalidate(self, user_old['name'],
+ user_old['domain_id'])
+ self.credential_api.delete_credentials_for_user(user_id)
+ self.id_mapping_api.delete_id_mapping(user_id)
+ notifications.Audit.deleted(self._USER, user_id, initiator)
+ @domains_configured
+ @exception_translated('group')
+ def create_group(self, group_ref, initiator=None):
+ group = group_ref.copy()
+ group.setdefault('description', '')
+ domain_id = group['domain_id']
+ self.resource_api.get_domain(domain_id)
+ # For creating a group, the domain is in the object itself
+ domain_id = group_ref['domain_id']
+ driver = self._select_identity_driver(domain_id)
+ group = self._clear_domain_id_if_domain_unaware(driver, group)
+ # Generate a local ID - in the future this might become a function of
+ # the underlying driver so that it could conform to rules set down by
+ # that particular driver type.
+ group['id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ ref = driver.create_group(group['id'], group)
+ notifications.Audit.created(self._GROUP, group['id'], initiator)
+ return self._set_domain_id_and_mapping(
+ ref, domain_id, driver, mapping.EntityType.GROUP)
+ @domains_configured
+ @exception_translated('group')
+ def get_group(self, group_id):
+ domain_id, driver, entity_id = (
+ self._get_domain_driver_and_entity_id(group_id))
+ ref = driver.get_group(entity_id)
+ return self._set_domain_id_and_mapping(
+ ref, domain_id, driver, mapping.EntityType.GROUP)
+ @domains_configured
+ @exception_translated('group')
+ def get_group_by_name(self, group_name, domain_id):
+ driver = self._select_identity_driver(domain_id)
+ ref = driver.get_group_by_name(group_name, domain_id)
+ return self._set_domain_id_and_mapping(
+ ref, domain_id, driver, mapping.EntityType.GROUP)
+ @domains_configured
+ @exception_translated('group')
+ def update_group(self, group_id, group, initiator=None):
+ if 'domain_id' in group:
+ self.resource_api.get_domain(group['domain_id'])
+ domain_id, driver, entity_id = (
+ self._get_domain_driver_and_entity_id(group_id))
+ group = self._clear_domain_id_if_domain_unaware(driver, group)
+ ref = driver.update_group(entity_id, group)
+ self.get_group.invalidate(self, group_id)
+ notifications.Audit.updated(self._GROUP, group_id, initiator)
+ return self._set_domain_id_and_mapping(
+ ref, domain_id, driver, mapping.EntityType.GROUP)
+ @domains_configured
+ @exception_translated('group')
+ def delete_group(self, group_id, initiator=None):
+ domain_id, driver, entity_id = (
+ self._get_domain_driver_and_entity_id(group_id))
+ user_ids = (u['id'] for u in self.list_users_in_group(group_id))
+ driver.delete_group(entity_id)
+ self.get_group.invalidate(self, group_id)
+ self.id_mapping_api.delete_id_mapping(group_id)
+ self.assignment_api.delete_group(group_id)
+ notifications.Audit.deleted(self._GROUP, group_id, initiator)
+ for uid in user_ids:
+ self.emit_invalidate_user_token_persistence(uid)
+ @domains_configured
+ @exception_translated('group')
+ def add_user_to_group(self, user_id, group_id):
+ @exception_translated('user')
+ def get_entity_info_for_user(public_id):
+ return self._get_domain_driver_and_entity_id(public_id)
+ _domain_id, group_driver, group_entity_id = (
+ self._get_domain_driver_and_entity_id(group_id))
+ # Get the same info for the user_id, taking care to map any
+ # exceptions correctly
+ _domain_id, user_driver, user_entity_id = (
+ get_entity_info_for_user(user_id))
+ self._assert_user_and_group_in_same_backend(
+ user_entity_id, user_driver, group_entity_id, group_driver)
+ group_driver.add_user_to_group(user_entity_id, group_entity_id)
+ @domains_configured
+ @exception_translated('group')
+ def remove_user_from_group(self, user_id, group_id):
+ @exception_translated('user')
+ def get_entity_info_for_user(public_id):
+ return self._get_domain_driver_and_entity_id(public_id)
+ _domain_id, group_driver, group_entity_id = (
+ self._get_domain_driver_and_entity_id(group_id))
+ # Get the same info for the user_id, taking care to map any
+ # exceptions correctly
+ _domain_id, user_driver, user_entity_id = (
+ get_entity_info_for_user(user_id))
+ self._assert_user_and_group_in_same_backend(
+ user_entity_id, user_driver, group_entity_id, group_driver)
+ group_driver.remove_user_from_group(user_entity_id, group_entity_id)
+ self.emit_invalidate_user_token_persistence(user_id)
+ @notifications.internal(notifications.INVALIDATE_USER_TOKEN_PERSISTENCE)
+ def emit_invalidate_user_token_persistence(self, user_id):
+ """Emit a notification to the callback system to revoke user tokens.
+ This method and associated callback listener removes the need for
+ making a direct call to another manager to delete and revoke tokens.
+ :param user_id: user identifier
+ :type user_id: string
+ """
+ pass
+ @manager.response_truncated
+ @domains_configured
+ @exception_translated('user')
+ def list_groups_for_user(self, user_id, hints=None):
+ domain_id, driver, entity_id = (
+ self._get_domain_driver_and_entity_id(user_id))
+ hints = hints or driver_hints.Hints()
+ if not driver.is_domain_aware():
+ # We are effectively satisfying any domain_id filter by the above
+ # driver selection, so remove any such filter
+ self._mark_domain_id_filter_satisfied(hints)
+ ref_list = driver.list_groups_for_user(entity_id, hints)
+ return self._set_domain_id_and_mapping(
+ ref_list, domain_id, driver, mapping.EntityType.GROUP)
+ @manager.response_truncated
+ @domains_configured
+ @exception_translated('group')
+ def list_groups(self, domain_scope=None, hints=None):
+ driver = self._select_identity_driver(domain_scope)
+ hints = hints or driver_hints.Hints()
+ if driver.is_domain_aware():
+ # Force the domain_scope into the hint to ensure that we only get
+ # back domains for that scope.
+ self._ensure_domain_id_in_hints(hints, domain_scope)
+ else:
+ # We are effectively satisfying any domain_id filter by the above
+ # driver selection, so remove any such filter.
+ self._mark_domain_id_filter_satisfied(hints)
+ ref_list = driver.list_groups(hints)
+ return self._set_domain_id_and_mapping(
+ ref_list, domain_scope, driver, mapping.EntityType.GROUP)
+ @manager.response_truncated
+ @domains_configured
+ @exception_translated('group')
+ def list_users_in_group(self, group_id, hints=None):
+ domain_id, driver, entity_id = (
+ self._get_domain_driver_and_entity_id(group_id))
+ hints = hints or driver_hints.Hints()
+ if not driver.is_domain_aware():
+ # We are effectively satisfying any domain_id filter by the above
+ # driver selection, so remove any such filter
+ self._mark_domain_id_filter_satisfied(hints)
+ ref_list = driver.list_users_in_group(entity_id, hints)
+ return self._set_domain_id_and_mapping(
+ ref_list, domain_id, driver, mapping.EntityType.USER)
+ @domains_configured
+ @exception_translated('group')
+ def check_user_in_group(self, user_id, group_id):
+ @exception_translated('user')
+ def get_entity_info_for_user(public_id):
+ return self._get_domain_driver_and_entity_id(public_id)
+ _domain_id, group_driver, group_entity_id = (
+ self._get_domain_driver_and_entity_id(group_id))
+ # Get the same info for the user_id, taking care to map any
+ # exceptions correctly
+ _domain_id, user_driver, user_entity_id = (
+ get_entity_info_for_user(user_id))
+ self._assert_user_and_group_in_same_backend(
+ user_entity_id, user_driver, group_entity_id, group_driver)
+ return group_driver.check_user_in_group(user_entity_id,
+ group_entity_id)
+ @domains_configured
+ def change_password(self, context, user_id, original_password,
+ new_password):
+ # authenticate() will raise an AssertionError if authentication fails
+ self.authenticate(context, user_id, original_password)
+ update_dict = {'password': new_password}
+ self.update_user(user_id, update_dict)
+class Driver(object):
+ """Interface description for an Identity driver."""
+ def _get_list_limit(self):
+ return CONF.identity.list_limit or CONF.list_limit
+ def is_domain_aware(self):
+ """Indicates if Driver supports domains."""
+ return True
+ @property
+ def is_sql(self):
+ """Indicates if this Driver uses SQL."""
+ return False
+ @property
+ def multiple_domains_supported(self):
+ return (self.is_domain_aware() or
+ CONF.identity.domain_specific_drivers_enabled)
+ def generates_uuids(self):
+ """Indicates if Driver generates UUIDs as the local entity ID."""
+ return True
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def authenticate(self, user_id, password):
+ """Authenticate a given user and password.
+ :returns: user_ref
+ :raises: AssertionError
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # user crud
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def create_user(self, user_id, user):
+ """Creates a new user.
+ :raises: keystone.exception.Conflict
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def list_users(self, hints):
+ """List users in the system.
+ :param hints: filter hints which the driver should
+ implement if at all possible.
+ :returns: a list of user_refs or an empty list.
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def list_users_in_group(self, group_id, hints):
+ """List users in a group.
+ :param group_id: the group in question
+ :param hints: filter hints which the driver should
+ implement if at all possible.
+ :returns: a list of user_refs or an empty list.
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def get_user(self, user_id):
+ """Get a user by ID.
+ :returns: user_ref
+ :raises: keystone.exception.UserNotFound
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def update_user(self, user_id, user):
+ """Updates an existing user.
+ :raises: keystone.exception.UserNotFound,
+ keystone.exception.Conflict
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def add_user_to_group(self, user_id, group_id):
+ """Adds a user to a group.
+ :raises: keystone.exception.UserNotFound,
+ keystone.exception.GroupNotFound
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def check_user_in_group(self, user_id, group_id):
+ """Checks if a user is a member of a group.
+ :raises: keystone.exception.UserNotFound,
+ keystone.exception.GroupNotFound
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def remove_user_from_group(self, user_id, group_id):
+ """Removes a user from a group.
+ :raises: keystone.exception.NotFound
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def delete_user(self, user_id):
+ """Deletes an existing user.
+ :raises: keystone.exception.UserNotFound
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def get_user_by_name(self, user_name, domain_id):
+ """Get a user by name.
+ :returns: user_ref
+ :raises: keystone.exception.UserNotFound
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # group crud
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def create_group(self, group_id, group):
+ """Creates a new group.
+ :raises: keystone.exception.Conflict
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def list_groups(self, hints):
+ """List groups in the system.
+ :param hints: filter hints which the driver should
+ implement if at all possible.
+ :returns: a list of group_refs or an empty list.
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def list_groups_for_user(self, user_id, hints):
+ """List groups a user is in
+ :param user_id: the user in question
+ :param hints: filter hints which the driver should
+ implement if at all possible.
+ :returns: a list of group_refs or an empty list.
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def get_group(self, group_id):
+ """Get a group by ID.
+ :returns: group_ref
+ :raises: keystone.exception.GroupNotFound
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def get_group_by_name(self, group_name, domain_id):
+ """Get a group by name.
+ :returns: group_ref
+ :raises: keystone.exception.GroupNotFound
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def update_group(self, group_id, group):
+ """Updates an existing group.
+ :raises: keystone.exceptionGroupNotFound,
+ keystone.exception.Conflict
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def delete_group(self, group_id):
+ """Deletes an existing group.
+ :raises: keystone.exception.GroupNotFound
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # end of identity
+class MappingManager(manager.Manager):
+ """Default pivot point for the ID Mapping backend."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(MappingManager, self).__init__(CONF.identity_mapping.driver)
+class MappingDriver(object):
+ """Interface description for an ID Mapping driver."""
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def get_public_id(self, local_entity):
+ """Returns the public ID for the given local entity.
+ :param dict local_entity: Containing the entity domain, local ID and
+ type ('user' or 'group').
+ :returns: public ID, or None if no mapping is found.
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def get_id_mapping(self, public_id):
+ """Returns the local mapping.
+ :param public_id: The public ID for the mapping required.
+ :returns dict: Containing the entity domain, local ID and type. If no
+ mapping is found, it returns None.
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def create_id_mapping(self, local_entity, public_id=None):
+ """Create and store a mapping to a public_id.
+ :param dict local_entity: Containing the entity domain, local ID and
+ type ('user' or 'group').
+ :param public_id: If specified, this will be the public ID. If this
+ is not specified, a public ID will be generated.
+ :returns: public ID
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def delete_id_mapping(self, public_id):
+ """Deletes an entry for the given public_id.
+ :param public_id: The public ID for the mapping to be deleted.
+ The method is silent if no mapping is found.
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def purge_mappings(self, purge_filter):
+ """Purge selected identity mappings.
+ :param dict purge_filter: Containing the attributes of the filter that
+ defines which entries to purge. An empty
+ filter means purge all mappings.
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover