path: root/keystone-moon/keystone/contrib/moon/core.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'keystone-moon/keystone/contrib/moon/core.py')
1 files changed, 2375 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/keystone-moon/keystone/contrib/moon/core.py b/keystone-moon/keystone/contrib/moon/core.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1dc23c4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keystone-moon/keystone/contrib/moon/core.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2375 @@
+# Copyright 2015 Open Platform for NFV Project, Inc. and its contributors
+# This software is distributed under the terms and conditions of the 'Apache-2.0'
+# license which can be found in the file 'LICENSE' in this package distribution
+# or at 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0'.
+from uuid import uuid4
+import os
+import json
+import copy
+import re
+import six
+from keystone.common import manager
+from keystone import config
+from oslo_log import log
+from keystone.common import dependency
+from keystone import exception
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from keystone.i18n import _
+from keystone.contrib.moon.exception import *
+CONF = config.CONF
+LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
+_OPTS = [
+ cfg.StrOpt('authz_driver',
+ default='keystone.contrib.moon.backends.flat.SuperExtensionConnector',
+ help='Authorisation backend driver.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('log_driver',
+ default='keystone.contrib.moon.backends.flat.LogConnector',
+ help='Logs backend driver.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('superextension_driver',
+ default='keystone.contrib.moon.backends.flat.SuperExtensionConnector',
+ help='SuperExtension backend driver.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('intraextension_driver',
+ default='keystone.contrib.moon.backends.sql.IntraExtensionConnector',
+ help='IntraExtension backend driver.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('tenant_driver',
+ default='keystone.contrib.moon.backends.sql.TenantConnector',
+ help='Tenant backend driver.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('interextension_driver',
+ default='keystone.contrib.moon.backends.sql.InterExtensionConnector',
+ help='InterExtension backend driver.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('policy_directory',
+ default='/etc/keystone/policies',
+ help='Local directory where all policies are stored.'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('super_extension_directory',
+ default='/etc/keystone/super_extension',
+ help='Local directory where SuperExtension configuration is stored.'),
+CONF.register_opts(_OPTS, group='moon')
+def filter_args(func):
+ def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
+ _args = []
+ for arg in args:
+ if type(arg) in (unicode, str):
+ arg = "".join(re.findall("[\w\-+]*", arg))
+ _args.append(arg)
+ for arg in kwargs:
+ if type(kwargs[arg]) in (unicode, str):
+ kwargs[arg] = "".join(re.findall("[\w\-+]*", kwargs[arg]))
+ return func(*_args, **kwargs)
+ return wrapped
+def enforce(actions, object, **extra):
+ def wrap(func):
+ def wrapped(*args):
+ global actions
+ self = args[0]
+ user_name = args[1]
+ intra_extension_uuid = args[2]
+ _admin_extension_uuid = self.tenant_api.get_admin_extension_uuid(args[2])
+ # func.func_globals["_admin_extension_uuid"] = _admin_extension_uuid
+ if not _admin_extension_uuid:
+ args[0].moonlog_api.warning("No admin IntraExtension found, authorization granted by default.")
+ return func(*args)
+ else:
+ _authz = False
+ if type(actions) in (str, unicode):
+ actions = (actions, )
+ for action in actions:
+ if self.authz_api.authz(
+ intra_extension_uuid,
+ user_name,
+ object,
+ action):
+ _authz = True
+ else:
+ _authz = False
+ break
+ if _authz:
+ return func(*args)
+ return wrapped
+ return wrap
+def filter_input(data):
+ if type(data) not in (str, unicode):
+ return data
+ try:
+ return "".join(re.findall("[\w\-+*]", data))
+ except TypeError:
+ LOG.error("Error in filtering input data: {}".format(data))
+class LogManager(manager.Manager):
+ def __init__(self):
+ driver = CONF.moon.log_driver
+ super(LogManager, self).__init__(driver)
+ def get_logs(self, options):
+ return self.driver.get_logs(options)
+ def authz(self, message):
+ return self.driver.authz(message)
+ def debug(self, message):
+ return self.driver.debug(message)
+ def info(self, message):
+ return self.driver.info(message)
+ def warning(self, message):
+ return self.driver.warning(message)
+ def error(self, message):
+ return self.driver.error(message)
+ def critical(self, message):
+ return self.driver.critical(message)
+class TenantManager(manager.Manager):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(TenantManager, self).__init__(CONF.moon.tenant_driver)
+ def get_tenant_dict(self):
+ """
+ Return a dictionnary with all tenants
+ :return: dict
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.driver.get_tenant_dict()
+ except TenantListEmptyError:
+ self.moonlog_api.error(_("Tenant Mapping list is empty."))
+ return {}
+ def get_tenant_name(self, tenant_uuid):
+ _tenant_dict = self.get_tenant_dict()
+ if tenant_uuid not in _tenant_dict:
+ raise TenantNotFoundError(_("Tenant UUID ({}) was not found.".format(tenant_uuid)))
+ return _tenant_dict[tenant_uuid]["name"]
+ def set_tenant_name(self, tenant_uuid, tenant_name):
+ _tenant_dict = self.get_tenant_dict()
+ if tenant_uuid not in _tenant_dict:
+ raise TenantNotFoundError(_("Tenant UUID ({}) was not found.".format(tenant_uuid)))
+ _tenant_dict[tenant_uuid]['name'] = tenant_name
+ return self.driver.set_tenant_dict(_tenant_dict)
+ def get_extension_uuid(self, tenant_uuid, scope="authz"):
+ """
+ Return the UUID of the scoped extension for a particular tenant.
+ :param tenant_uuid: UUID of the tenant
+ :param scope: "admin" or "authz"
+ :return (str): the UUID of the scoped extension
+ """
+ # 1 tenant only with 1 authz extension and 1 admin extension
+ _tenant_dict = self.get_tenant_dict()
+ if tenant_uuid not in _tenant_dict:
+ raise TenantNotFoundError(_("Tenant UUID ({}) was not found.".format(tenant_uuid)))
+ if not _tenant_dict[tenant_uuid][scope]:
+ raise IntraExtensionNotFound(_("No IntraExtension found for Tenant {}.".format(tenant_uuid)))
+ return _tenant_dict[tenant_uuid][scope]
+ def get_tenant_uuid(self, extension_uuid):
+ for _tenant_uuid, _tenant_value in six.iteritems(self.get_tenant_dict()):
+ if extension_uuid == _tenant_value["authz"] or extension_uuid == _tenant_value["admin"]:
+ return _tenant_uuid
+ raise TenantNotFoundError()
+ def get_admin_extension_uuid(self, authz_extension_uuid):
+ _tenants = self.get_tenant_dict()
+ for _tenant_uuid in _tenants:
+ if authz_extension_uuid == _tenants[_tenant_uuid]['authz']and _tenants[_tenant_uuid]['admin']:
+ return _tenants[_tenant_uuid]['admin']
+ self.moonlog_api.error(_("No IntraExtension found mapping this Authz IntraExtension: {}.".format(
+ authz_extension_uuid)))
+ # FIXME (dthom): if AdminIntraExtensionNotFound, maybe we can add an option in configuration file
+ # to allow or not the fact that Admin IntraExtension can be None
+ # raise AdminIntraExtensionNotFound()
+ def delete(self, authz_extension_uuid):
+ _tenants = self.get_tenant_dict()
+ for _tenant_uuid in _tenants:
+ if authz_extension_uuid == _tenants[_tenant_uuid]['authz']:
+ return self.set_tenant_dict(_tenant_uuid, "", "", "")
+ raise AuthzIntraExtensionNotFound(_("No IntraExtension found mapping this Authz IntraExtension: {}.".format(
+ authz_extension_uuid)))
+ def set_tenant_dict(self, tenant_uuid, name, authz_extension_uuid, admin_extension_uuid):
+ tenant = {
+ tenant_uuid: {
+ "name": name,
+ "authz": authz_extension_uuid,
+ "admin": admin_extension_uuid
+ }
+ }
+ # TODO (dthom): Tenant must be checked against Keystone database.
+ return self.driver.set_tenant_dict(tenant)
+class TenantDriver:
+ def get_tenant_dict(self):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_tenant_dict(self, tenant):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+@dependency.requires('identity_api', 'moonlog_api', 'tenant_api', 'authz_api')
+class IntraExtensionManager(manager.Manager):
+ __genre__ = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ driver = CONF.moon.intraextension_driver
+ super(IntraExtensionManager, self).__init__(driver)
+ def authz(self, uuid, sub, obj, act):
+ """Check authorization for a particular action.
+ :param uuid: UUID of an IntraExtension
+ :param sub: subject of the request
+ :param obj: object of the request
+ :param act: action of the request
+ :return: True or False or raise an exception
+ """
+ if not self.driver.get_intra_extension(uuid):
+ raise IntraExtensionNotFound()
+ # self.moonlog_api.authz("Unknown: Authorization framework disabled ({} {} {} {})".format(uuid, sub, obj, act))
+ # self.moonlog_api.warning("Unknown: Authorization framework disabled ({} {} {} {})".format(uuid, sub, obj, act))
+ # return True
+ # #TODO (dthom): must raise IntraExtensionNotAuthorized
+ # try:
+ # _subject_category_dict = self.driver.get_subject_category_dict(extension_uuid)
+ # _object_category_dict = self.driver.get_object_category_dict(extension_uuid)
+ # _action_category_dict = self.driver.get_action_category_dict(extension_uuid)
+ # _subject_category_value_dict = self.driver.get_subject_category_value_dict(extension_uuid, subject_name)
+ # _object_category_value_dict = self.driver.get_object_category_value_dict(extension_uuid, object_name)
+ # _action_category_value_dict = self.driver.get_action_category_value_dict(extension_uuid, action_name)
+ # _meta_rule = self.driver.get_meta_rule(extension_uuid)
+ # _rules = self.driver.get_rules(extension_uuid)
+ # # TODO: algorithm to validate requests
+ # return True
+ # except exception: # TODO: exception.IntraExtension.NotAuthorized
+ # pass
+ sub_meta_rule = self.driver.get_meta_rule(uuid)
+ subject_assignments = self.driver.get_subject_category_assignment_dict(uuid)
+ action_assignments = self.driver.get_action_category_assignment_dict(uuid)
+ object_assignments = self.driver.get_object_category_assignment_dict(uuid)
+ # check if subject exists
+ if sub not in self.driver.get_subject_dict(uuid):
+ self.moonlog_api.authz("KO: Subject {} unknown".format(sub))
+ return False
+ # check if object exists
+ if obj not in self.driver.get_object_dict(uuid):
+ self.moonlog_api.authz("KO: Object {} unknown".format(obj))
+ return False
+ # check if action exists
+ if act not in self.driver.get_action_dict(uuid):
+ self.moonlog_api.authz("KO: Action {} unknown".format(act))
+ return False
+ # check if subject is in subject_assignment
+ for cat in subject_assignments.keys():
+ if sub in subject_assignments[cat]:
+ break
+ else:
+ self.moonlog_api.authz("KO: Subject no found in categories {}".format(
+ subject_assignments.keys()))
+ return False
+ # check if object is in object_assignment
+ for cat in object_assignments.keys():
+ if obj in object_assignments[cat]:
+ break
+ else:
+ self.moonlog_api.authz("KO: Object no found in categories {}".format(
+ object_assignments))
+ return False
+ # check if action is in action_assignment
+ for cat in action_assignments.keys():
+ if act in action_assignments[cat]:
+ break
+ else:
+ self.moonlog_api.authz("KO: Action no found in categories {}".format(
+ action_assignments.keys()))
+ return False
+ # get all rules for intra_extension
+ rules = self.driver.get_rules(uuid)
+ # check if relation exists in rules
+ relation_to_check = None
+ relations = self.driver.get_sub_meta_rule_relations(uuid)
+ for relation in rules:
+ if relation in relations:
+ # hypothesis: only one relation to check
+ relation_to_check = relation
+ break
+ else:
+ self.moonlog_api.authz("KO: No relation can be used {}".format(rules.keys()))
+ return False
+ for sub_rule in rules[relation_to_check]:
+ for cat in sub_meta_rule[relation_to_check]["subject_categories"]:
+ rule_scope = sub_rule.pop(0)
+ if rule_scope in subject_assignments[cat][sub]:
+ break
+ else:
+ continue
+ for cat in sub_meta_rule[relation_to_check]["action_categories"]:
+ rule_scope = sub_rule.pop(0)
+ if rule_scope in action_assignments[cat][act]:
+ break
+ else:
+ continue
+ for cat in sub_meta_rule[relation_to_check]["object_categories"]:
+ rule_scope = sub_rule.pop(0)
+ if rule_scope in object_assignments[cat][obj]:
+ break
+ else:
+ continue
+ self.moonlog_api.authz("OK ({} {},{},{})".format(uuid, sub, act, obj))
+ return True
+ self.moonlog_api.authz("KO ({} {},{},{})".format(uuid, sub, act, obj))
+ return False
+ def __get_key_from_value(self, value, values_dict):
+ return filter(lambda v: v[1] == value, values_dict.iteritems())[0][0]
+ def get_intra_extension_list(self):
+ # TODO: check will be done through super_extension later
+ return self.driver.get_intra_extension_list()
+ def get_intra_extension_id_for_tenant(self, tenant_id):
+ for intra_extension_id in self.driver.get_intra_extension_list():
+ if self.driver.get_intra_extension(intra_extension_id)["tenant"] == tenant_id:
+ return intra_extension_id
+ LOG.error("IntraExtension not found for tenant {}".format(tenant_id))
+ raise exception.NotFound
+ def get_intra_extension(self, uuid):
+ return self.driver.get_intra_extension(uuid)
+ def set_perimeter_values(self, ie, policy_dir):
+ perimeter_path = os.path.join(policy_dir, 'perimeter.json')
+ f = open(perimeter_path)
+ json_perimeter = json.load(f)
+ subject_dict = dict()
+ # We suppose that all subjects can be mapped to a true user in Keystone
+ for _subject in json_perimeter['subjects']:
+ user = self.identity_api.get_user_by_name(_subject, "default")
+ subject_dict[user["id"]] = user["name"]
+ self.driver.set_subject_dict(ie["id"], subject_dict)
+ ie["subjects"] = subject_dict
+ # Copy all values for objects and subjects
+ object_dict = dict()
+ for _object in json_perimeter['objects']:
+ object_dict[uuid4().hex] = _object
+ self.driver.set_object_dict(ie["id"], object_dict)
+ ie["objects"] = object_dict
+ action_dict = dict()
+ for _action in json_perimeter['actions']:
+ action_dict[uuid4().hex] = _action
+ self.driver.set_action_dict(ie["id"], action_dict)
+ ie["ations"] = action_dict
+ def set_metadata_values(self, ie, policy_dir):
+ metadata_path = os.path.join(policy_dir, 'metadata.json')
+ f = open(metadata_path)
+ json_perimeter = json.load(f)
+ subject_categories_dict = dict()
+ for _cat in json_perimeter['subject_categories']:
+ subject_categories_dict[uuid4().hex] = _cat
+ self.driver.set_subject_category_dict(ie["id"], subject_categories_dict)
+ # Initialize scope categories
+ for _cat in subject_categories_dict.keys():
+ self.driver.set_subject_category_scope_dict(ie["id"], _cat, {})
+ ie['subject_categories'] = subject_categories_dict
+ object_categories_dict = dict()
+ for _cat in json_perimeter['object_categories']:
+ object_categories_dict[uuid4().hex] = _cat
+ self.driver.set_object_category_dict(ie["id"], object_categories_dict)
+ # Initialize scope categories
+ for _cat in object_categories_dict.keys():
+ self.driver.set_object_category_scope_dict(ie["id"], _cat, {})
+ ie['object_categories'] = object_categories_dict
+ action_categories_dict = dict()
+ for _cat in json_perimeter['action_categories']:
+ action_categories_dict[uuid4().hex] = _cat
+ self.driver.set_action_category_dict(ie["id"], action_categories_dict)
+ # Initialize scope categories
+ for _cat in action_categories_dict.keys():
+ self.driver.set_action_category_scope_dict(ie["id"], _cat, {})
+ ie['action_categories'] = action_categories_dict
+ def set_scope_values(self, ie, policy_dir):
+ metadata_path = os.path.join(policy_dir, 'scope.json')
+ f = open(metadata_path)
+ json_perimeter = json.load(f)
+ ie['subject_category_scope'] = dict()
+ for category, scope in json_perimeter["subject_category_scope"].iteritems():
+ category = self.__get_key_from_value(
+ category,
+ self.driver.get_subject_category_dict(ie["id"])["subject_categories"])
+ _scope_dict = dict()
+ for _scope in scope:
+ _scope_dict[uuid4().hex] = _scope
+ self.driver.set_subject_category_scope_dict(ie["id"], category, _scope_dict)
+ ie['subject_category_scope'][category] = _scope_dict
+ ie['object_category_scope'] = dict()
+ for category, scope in json_perimeter["object_category_scope"].iteritems():
+ category = self.__get_key_from_value(
+ category,
+ self.driver.get_object_category_dict(ie["id"])["object_categories"])
+ _scope_dict = dict()
+ for _scope in scope:
+ _scope_dict[uuid4().hex] = _scope
+ self.driver.set_object_category_scope_dict(ie["id"], category, _scope_dict)
+ ie['object_category_scope'][category] = _scope_dict
+ ie['action_category_scope'] = dict()
+ for category, scope in json_perimeter["action_category_scope"].iteritems():
+ category = self.__get_key_from_value(
+ category,
+ self.driver.get_action_category_dict(ie["id"])["action_categories"])
+ _scope_dict = dict()
+ for _scope in scope:
+ _scope_dict[uuid4().hex] = _scope
+ self.driver.set_action_category_scope_dict(ie["id"], category, _scope_dict)
+ ie['action_category_scope'][category] = _scope_dict
+ def set_assignments_values(self, ie, policy_dir):
+ f = open(os.path.join(policy_dir, 'assignment.json'))
+ json_assignments = json.load(f)
+ subject_assignments = dict()
+ for category, value in json_assignments['subject_assignments'].iteritems():
+ category = self.__get_key_from_value(
+ category,
+ self.driver.get_subject_category_dict(ie["id"])["subject_categories"])
+ for user in value:
+ if user not in subject_assignments:
+ subject_assignments[user] = dict()
+ subject_assignments[user][category] = \
+ map(lambda x: self.__get_key_from_value(x, ie['subject_category_scope'][category]), value[user])
+ else:
+ subject_assignments[user][category].extend(
+ map(lambda x: self.__get_key_from_value(x, ie['subject_category_scope'][category]), value[user])
+ )
+ # Note (dthom): subject_category_assignment must be initialized because when there is no data in json
+ # we will not go through the for loop
+ self.driver.set_subject_category_assignment_dict(ie["id"])
+ for subject in subject_assignments:
+ self.driver.set_subject_category_assignment_dict(ie["id"], subject, subject_assignments[subject])
+ object_assignments = dict()
+ for category, value in json_assignments["object_assignments"].iteritems():
+ category = self.__get_key_from_value(
+ category,
+ self.driver.get_object_category_dict(ie["id"])["object_categories"])
+ for object_name in value:
+ if object_name not in object_assignments:
+ object_assignments[object_name] = dict()
+ object_assignments[object_name][category] = \
+ map(lambda x: self.__get_key_from_value(x, ie['object_category_scope'][category]),
+ value[object_name])
+ else:
+ object_assignments[object_name][category].extend(
+ map(lambda x: self.__get_key_from_value(x, ie['object_category_scope'][category]),
+ value[object_name])
+ )
+ # Note (dthom): object_category_assignment must be initialized because when there is no data in json
+ # we will not go through the for loop
+ self.driver.set_object_category_assignment_dict(ie["id"])
+ for object in object_assignments:
+ self.driver.set_object_category_assignment_dict(ie["id"], object, object_assignments[object])
+ action_assignments = dict()
+ for category, value in json_assignments["action_assignments"].iteritems():
+ category = self.__get_key_from_value(
+ category,
+ self.driver.get_action_category_dict(ie["id"])["action_categories"])
+ for action_name in value:
+ if action_name not in action_assignments:
+ action_assignments[action_name] = dict()
+ action_assignments[action_name][category] = \
+ map(lambda x: self.__get_key_from_value(x, ie['action_category_scope'][category]),
+ value[action_name])
+ else:
+ action_assignments[action_name][category].extend(
+ map(lambda x: self.__get_key_from_value(x, ie['action_category_scope'][category]),
+ value[action_name])
+ )
+ # Note (dthom): action_category_assignment must be initialized because when there is no data in json
+ # we will not go through the for loop
+ self.driver.set_action_category_assignment_dict(ie["id"])
+ for action in action_assignments:
+ self.driver.set_action_category_assignment_dict(ie["id"], action, action_assignments[action])
+ def set_metarule_values(self, ie, policy_dir):
+ metadata_path = os.path.join(policy_dir, 'metarule.json')
+ f = open(metadata_path)
+ json_metarule = json.load(f)
+ # ie["meta_rules"] = copy.deepcopy(json_metarule)
+ metarule = dict()
+ categories = {
+ "subject_categories": self.driver.get_subject_category_dict(ie["id"]),
+ "object_categories": self.driver.get_object_category_dict(ie["id"]),
+ "action_categories": self.driver.get_action_category_dict(ie["id"])
+ }
+ # Translate value from JSON file to UUID for Database
+ for relation in json_metarule["sub_meta_rules"]:
+ metarule[relation] = dict()
+ for item in ("subject_categories", "object_categories", "action_categories"):
+ metarule[relation][item] = list()
+ for element in json_metarule["sub_meta_rules"][relation][item]:
+ metarule[relation][item].append(self.__get_key_from_value(
+ element,
+ categories[item][item]
+ ))
+ submetarules = {
+ "aggregation": json_metarule["aggregation"],
+ "sub_meta_rules": metarule
+ }
+ self.driver.set_meta_rule_dict(ie["id"], submetarules)
+ def set_subrules_values(self, ie, policy_dir):
+ metadata_path = os.path.join(policy_dir, 'rules.json')
+ f = open(metadata_path)
+ json_rules = json.load(f)
+ ie["sub_rules"] = {"rules": copy.deepcopy(json_rules)}
+ # Translate value from JSON file to UUID for Database
+ rules = dict()
+ sub_meta_rules = self.driver.get_meta_rule_dict(ie["id"])
+ for relation in json_rules:
+ if relation not in self.get_sub_meta_rule_relations("admin", ie["id"])["sub_meta_rule_relations"]:
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad relation name {} in rules".format(relation))
+ rules[relation] = list()
+ for rule in json_rules[relation]:
+ subrule = list()
+ for cat, cat_func in (
+ ("subject_categories", self.driver.get_subject_category_scope_dict),
+ ("action_categories", self.driver.get_action_category_scope_dict),
+ ("object_categories", self.driver.get_object_category_scope_dict),
+ ):
+ for cat_value in sub_meta_rules["sub_meta_rules"][relation][cat]:
+ scope = cat_func(
+ ie["id"],
+ cat_value
+ )[cat_func.__name__.replace("get_", "").replace("_dict", "")]
+ _ = rule.pop(0)
+ a_scope = self.__get_key_from_value(_, scope[cat_value])
+ subrule.append(a_scope)
+ # if a positive/negative value exists, all titem of rule have not be consumed
+ if len(rule) >= 1 and type(rule[0]) is bool:
+ subrule.append(rule[0])
+ else:
+ # if value doesn't exist add a default value
+ subrule.append(True)
+ rules[relation].append(subrule)
+ self.driver.set_rules(ie["id"], rules)
+ def load_intra_extension(self, intra_extension):
+ ie = dict()
+ # TODO: clean some values
+ ie['id'] = uuid4().hex
+ ie["name"] = filter_input(intra_extension["name"])
+ ie["model"] = filter_input(intra_extension["policymodel"])
+ ie["description"] = filter_input(intra_extension["description"])
+ ref = self.driver.set_intra_extension(ie['id'], ie)
+ self.moonlog_api.debug("Creation of IE: {}".format(ref))
+ # read the profile given by "policymodel" and populate default variables
+ policy_dir = os.path.join(CONF.moon.policy_directory, ie["model"])
+ self.set_perimeter_values(ie, policy_dir)
+ self.set_metadata_values(ie, policy_dir)
+ self.set_scope_values(ie, policy_dir)
+ self.set_assignments_values(ie, policy_dir)
+ self.set_metarule_values(ie, policy_dir)
+ self.set_subrules_values(ie, policy_dir)
+ return ref
+ def delete_intra_extension(self, intra_extension_id):
+ ref = self.driver.delete_intra_extension(intra_extension_id)
+ return ref
+ # Perimeter functions
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "subjects")
+ def get_subject_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid):
+ return self.driver.get_subject_dict(intra_extension_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce(("read", "write"), "subjects")
+ def set_subject_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_dict):
+ for uuid in subject_dict:
+ # Next line will raise an error if user is not present in Keystone database
+ self.identity_api.get_user(uuid)
+ return self.driver.set_subject_dict(intra_extension_uuid, subject_dict)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce(("read", "write"), "subjects")
+ def add_subject_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid):
+ # Next line will raise an error if user is not present in Keystone database
+ user = self.identity_api.get_user(subject_uuid)
+ return self.driver.add_subject(intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid, user["name"])
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("write", "subjects")
+ def del_subject(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid):
+ self.driver.remove_subject(intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "objects")
+ def get_object_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid):
+ return self.driver.get_object_dict(intra_extension_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce(("read", "write"), "objects")
+ def set_object_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_dict):
+ return self.driver.set_object_dict(intra_extension_uuid, object_dict)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce(("read", "write"), "objects")
+ def add_object_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_name):
+ object_uuid = uuid4().hex
+ return self.driver.add_object(intra_extension_uuid, object_uuid, object_name)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("write", "objects")
+ def del_object(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_uuid):
+ self.driver.remove_object(intra_extension_uuid, object_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "actions")
+ def get_action_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid):
+ return self.driver.get_action_dict(intra_extension_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce(("read", "write"), "actions")
+ def set_action_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_dict):
+ return self.driver.set_action_dict(intra_extension_uuid, action_dict)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce(("read", "write"), "actions")
+ def add_action_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_name):
+ action_uuid = uuid4().hex
+ return self.driver.add_action(intra_extension_uuid, action_uuid, action_name)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("write", "actions")
+ def del_action(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_uuid):
+ self.driver.remove_action(intra_extension_uuid, action_uuid)
+ # Metadata functions
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "subject_categories")
+ def get_subject_category_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid):
+ return self.driver.get_subject_category_dict(intra_extension_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "subject_categories")
+ @enforce("read", "subject_category_scope")
+ @enforce("write", "subject_category_scope")
+ def set_subject_category_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_category):
+ subject_category_dict = self.driver.set_subject_category_dict(intra_extension_uuid, subject_category)
+ # if we add a new category, we must add it to the subject_category_scope
+ for _cat in subject_category.keys():
+ try:
+ _ = self.driver.get_subject_category_scope_dict(intra_extension_uuid, _cat)
+ except CategoryNotFound:
+ self.driver.set_subject_category_scope_dict(intra_extension_uuid, _cat, {})
+ return subject_category_dict
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "subject_categories")
+ @enforce("write", "subject_categories")
+ def add_subject_category_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_category_name):
+ subject_category_uuid = uuid4().hex
+ return self.driver.add_subject_category_dict(intra_extension_uuid, subject_category_uuid, subject_category_name)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("write", "subject_categories")
+ def del_subject_category(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid):
+ return self.driver.remove_subject_category(intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "object_categories")
+ def get_object_category_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid):
+ return self.driver.get_object_category_dict(intra_extension_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "object_categories")
+ @enforce("read", "object_category_scope")
+ @enforce("write", "object_category_scope")
+ def set_object_category_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_category):
+ object_category_dict = self.driver.set_object_category_dict(intra_extension_uuid, object_category)
+ # if we add a new category, we must add it to the object_category_scope
+ for _cat in object_category.keys():
+ try:
+ _ = self.driver.get_object_category_scope_dict(intra_extension_uuid, _cat)
+ except CategoryNotFound:
+ self.driver.set_object_category_scope_dict(intra_extension_uuid, _cat, {})
+ return object_category_dict
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "object_categories")
+ @enforce("write", "object_categories")
+ def add_object_category_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_category_name):
+ object_category_uuid = uuid4().hex
+ return self.driver.add_object_category_dict(intra_extension_uuid, object_category_uuid, object_category_name)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("write", "object_categories")
+ def del_object_category(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_uuid):
+ return self.driver.remove_object_category(intra_extension_uuid, object_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "action_categories")
+ def get_action_category_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid):
+ return self.driver.get_action_category_dict(intra_extension_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "action_categories")
+ @enforce("read", "action_category_scope")
+ @enforce("write", "action_category_scope")
+ def set_action_category_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_category):
+ action_category_dict = self.driver.set_action_category_dict(intra_extension_uuid, action_category)
+ # if we add a new category, we must add it to the action_category_scope
+ for _cat in action_category.keys():
+ try:
+ _ = self.driver.get_action_category_scope_dict(intra_extension_uuid, _cat)
+ except CategoryNotFound:
+ self.driver.set_action_category_scope_dict(intra_extension_uuid, _cat, {})
+ return action_category_dict
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "action_categories")
+ @enforce("write", "action_categories")
+ def add_action_category_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_category_name):
+ action_category_uuid = uuid4().hex
+ return self.driver.add_action_category_dict(intra_extension_uuid, action_category_uuid, action_category_name)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("write", "action_categories")
+ def del_action_category(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_uuid):
+ return self.driver.remove_action_category(intra_extension_uuid, action_uuid)
+ # Scope functions
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "subject_category_scope")
+ @enforce("read", "subject_category")
+ def get_subject_category_scope_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, category):
+ if category not in self.get_subject_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["subject_categories"]:
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Subject category {} is unknown.".format(category))
+ return self.driver.get_subject_category_scope_dict(intra_extension_uuid, category)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "subject_category_scope")
+ @enforce("read", "subject_category")
+ def set_subject_category_scope_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, category, scope):
+ if category not in self.get_subject_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["subject_categories"]:
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Subject category {} is unknown.".format(category))
+ return self.driver.set_subject_category_scope_dict(intra_extension_uuid, category, scope)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce(("read", "write"), "subject_category_scope")
+ @enforce("read", "subject_category")
+ def add_subject_category_scope_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_category, scope_name):
+ subject_categories = self.get_subject_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)
+ # check if subject_category exists in database
+ if subject_category not in subject_categories["subject_categories"]:
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Subject category {} is unknown.".format(subject_category))
+ scope_uuid = uuid4().hex
+ return self.driver.add_subject_category_scope_dict(
+ intra_extension_uuid,
+ subject_category,
+ scope_uuid,
+ scope_name)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("write", "subject_category_scope")
+ @enforce("read", "subject_category")
+ def del_subject_category_scope(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_category, subject_category_scope):
+ subject_categories = self.get_subject_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)
+ # check if subject_category exists in database
+ if subject_category not in subject_categories["subject_categories"]:
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Subject category {} is unknown.".format(subject_category))
+ return self.driver.remove_subject_category_scope_dict(
+ intra_extension_uuid,
+ subject_category,
+ subject_category_scope)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "object_category_scope")
+ @enforce("read", "object_category")
+ def get_object_category_scope_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, category):
+ if category not in self.get_object_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["object_categories"]:
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Object category {} is unknown.".format(category))
+ return self.driver.get_object_category_scope_dict(intra_extension_uuid, category)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "object_category_scope")
+ @enforce("read", "object_category")
+ def set_object_category_scope_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, category, scope):
+ if category not in self.get_object_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["object_categories"]:
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Object category {} is unknown.".format(category))
+ return self.driver.set_object_category_scope_dict(intra_extension_uuid, category, scope)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce(("read", "write"), "object_category_scope")
+ @enforce("read", "object_category")
+ def add_object_category_scope_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_category, scope_name):
+ object_categories = self.get_object_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)
+ # check if object_category exists in database
+ if object_category not in object_categories["object_categories"]:
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Object category {} is unknown.".format(object_category))
+ scope_uuid = uuid4().hex
+ return self.driver.add_object_category_scope_dict(
+ intra_extension_uuid,
+ object_category,
+ scope_uuid,
+ scope_name)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("write", "object_category_scope")
+ @enforce("read", "object_category")
+ def del_object_category_scope(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_category, object_category_scope):
+ object_categories = self.get_object_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)
+ # check if object_category exists in database
+ if object_category not in object_categories["object_categories"]:
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Object category {} is unknown.".format(object_category))
+ return self.driver.remove_object_category_scope_dict(
+ intra_extension_uuid,
+ object_category,
+ object_category_scope)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "action_category_scope")
+ @enforce("read", "action_category")
+ def get_action_category_scope_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, category):
+ if category not in self.get_action_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["action_categories"]:
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Action category {} is unknown.".format(category))
+ return self.driver.get_action_category_scope_dict(intra_extension_uuid, category)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce(("read", "write"), "action_category_scope")
+ @enforce("read", "action_category")
+ def set_action_category_scope_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, category, scope):
+ if category not in self.get_action_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["action_categories"]:
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Action category {} is unknown.".format(category))
+ return self.driver.set_action_category_scope_dict(intra_extension_uuid, category, scope)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce(("read", "write"), "action_category_scope")
+ @enforce("read", "action_category")
+ def add_action_category_scope_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_category, scope_name):
+ action_categories = self.get_action_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)
+ # check if action_category exists in database
+ if action_category not in action_categories["action_categories"]:
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Action category {} is unknown.".format(action_category))
+ scope_uuid = uuid4().hex
+ return self.driver.add_action_category_scope_dict(
+ intra_extension_uuid,
+ action_category,
+ scope_uuid,
+ scope_name)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("write", "action_category_scope")
+ @enforce("read", "action_category")
+ def del_action_category_scope(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_category, action_category_scope):
+ action_categories = self.get_action_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)
+ # check if action_category exists in database
+ if action_category not in action_categories["action_categories"]:
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Action category {} is unknown.".format(action_category))
+ return self.driver.remove_action_category_scope_dict(
+ intra_extension_uuid,
+ action_category,
+ action_category_scope)
+ # Assignment functions
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "subject_category_assignment")
+ @enforce("read", "subjects")
+ def get_subject_category_assignment_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid):
+ # check if subject exists in database
+ if subject_uuid not in self.get_subject_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["subjects"]:
+ LOG.error("add_subject_assignment: unknown subject_id {}".format(subject_uuid))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data")
+ return self.driver.get_subject_category_assignment_dict(intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "subject_category_assignment")
+ @enforce("write", "subject_category_assignment")
+ @enforce("read", "subjects")
+ def set_subject_category_assignment_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid, assignment_dict):
+ # check if subject exists in database
+ if subject_uuid not in self.get_subject_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["subjects"]:
+ LOG.error("add_subject_assignment: unknown subject_id {}".format(subject_uuid))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data")
+ return self.driver.set_subject_category_assignment_dict(intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid, assignment_dict)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "subject_category_assignment")
+ @enforce("write", "subject_category_assignment")
+ @enforce("read", "subjects")
+ @enforce("read", "subject_category")
+ def del_subject_category_assignment(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid):
+ # check if category exists in database
+ if category_uuid not in self.get_subject_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["subject_categories"]:
+ LOG.error("add_subject_category_scope: unknown subject_category {}".format(category_uuid))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data")
+ # check if subject exists in database
+ if subject_uuid not in self.get_subject_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["subjects"]:
+ LOG.error("add_subject_assignment: unknown subject_id {}".format(subject_uuid))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data")
+ self.driver.remove_subject_category_assignment(intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("write", "subject_category_assignment")
+ @enforce("read", "subjects")
+ @enforce("read", "subject_category")
+ def add_subject_category_assignment_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid):
+ # check if category exists in database
+ if category_uuid not in self.get_subject_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["subject_categories"]:
+ LOG.error("add_subject_category_scope: unknown subject_category {}".format(category_uuid))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data")
+ # check if subject exists in database
+ if subject_uuid not in self.get_subject_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["subjects"]:
+ LOG.error("add_subject_assignment: unknown subject_id {}".format(subject_uuid))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data")
+ return self.driver.add_subject_category_assignment_dict(intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "object_category_assignment")
+ @enforce("read", "objects")
+ def get_object_category_assignment_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_uuid):
+ # check if object exists in database
+ if object_uuid not in self.get_object_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["objects"]:
+ LOG.error("add_object_assignment: unknown object_id {}".format(object_uuid))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data")
+ return self.driver.get_object_category_assignment_dict(intra_extension_uuid, object_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "object_category_assignment")
+ @enforce("write", "object_category_assignment")
+ @enforce("read", "objects")
+ def set_object_category_assignment_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_uuid, assignment_dict):
+ # check if object exists in database
+ if object_uuid not in self.get_object_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["objects"]:
+ LOG.error("add_object_assignment: unknown object_id {}".format(object_uuid))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data")
+ return self.driver.set_object_category_assignment_dict(intra_extension_uuid, object_uuid, assignment_dict)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "object_category_assignment")
+ @enforce("write", "object_category_assignment")
+ @enforce("read", "objects")
+ @enforce("read", "object_category")
+ def del_object_category_assignment(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid):
+ # check if category exists in database
+ if category_uuid not in self.get_object_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["object_categories"]:
+ LOG.error("add_object_category_scope: unknown object_category {}".format(category_uuid))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data")
+ # check if object exists in database
+ if object_uuid not in self.get_object_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["objects"]:
+ LOG.error("add_object_assignment: unknown object_id {}".format(object_uuid))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data")
+ self.driver.remove_object_category_assignment(intra_extension_uuid, object_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("write", "object_category_assignment")
+ @enforce("read", "objects")
+ @enforce("read", "object_category")
+ def add_object_category_assignment_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid):
+ # check if category exists in database
+ if category_uuid not in self.get_object_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["object_categories"]:
+ LOG.error("add_object_category_scope: unknown object_category {}".format(category_uuid))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data")
+ # check if object exists in database
+ if object_uuid not in self.get_object_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["objects"]:
+ LOG.error("add_object_assignment: unknown object_id {}".format(object_uuid))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data")
+ return self.driver.add_object_category_assignment_dict(intra_extension_uuid, object_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "action_category_assignment")
+ @enforce("read", "actions")
+ def get_action_category_assignment_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_uuid):
+ # check if action exists in database
+ if action_uuid not in self.get_action_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["actions"]:
+ LOG.error("add_action_assignment: unknown action_id {}".format(action_uuid))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data")
+ return self.driver.get_action_category_assignment_dict(intra_extension_uuid, action_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "action_category_assignment")
+ @enforce("write", "action_category_assignment")
+ @enforce("read", "actions")
+ def set_action_category_assignment_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_uuid, assignment_dict):
+ # check if action exists in database
+ if action_uuid not in self.get_action_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["actions"]:
+ LOG.error("add_action_assignment: unknown action_id {}".format(action_uuid))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data")
+ return self.driver.set_action_category_assignment_dict(intra_extension_uuid, action_uuid, assignment_dict)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "action_category_assignment")
+ @enforce("write", "action_category_assignment")
+ @enforce("read", "actions")
+ @enforce("read", "action_category")
+ def del_action_category_assignment(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid):
+ # check if category exists in database
+ if category_uuid not in self.get_action_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["action_categories"]:
+ LOG.error("add_action_category_scope: unknown action_category {}".format(category_uuid))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data")
+ # check if action exists in database
+ if action_uuid not in self.get_action_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["actions"]:
+ LOG.error("add_action_assignment: unknown action_id {}".format(action_uuid))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data")
+ self.driver.remove_action_category_assignment(intra_extension_uuid, action_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("write", "action_category_assignment")
+ @enforce("read", "actions")
+ @enforce("read", "action_category")
+ def add_action_category_assignment_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid):
+ # check if category exists in database
+ if category_uuid not in self.get_action_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["action_categories"]:
+ LOG.error("add_action_category_scope: unknown action_category {}".format(category_uuid))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data")
+ # check if action exists in database
+ if action_uuid not in self.get_action_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["actions"]:
+ LOG.error("add_action_assignment: unknown action_id {}".format(action_uuid))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data")
+ return self.driver.add_action_category_assignment_dict(
+ intra_extension_uuid,
+ action_uuid,
+ category_uuid,
+ scope_uuid
+ )
+ # Metarule functions
+ @filter_args
+ def get_aggregation_algorithms(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid):
+ # TODO: check which algorithms are really usable
+ return {"aggregation_algorithms": ["and_true_aggregation", "test_aggregation"]}
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "aggregation_algorithms")
+ def get_aggregation_algorithm(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid):
+ return self.driver.get_meta_rule_dict(intra_extension_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "aggregation_algorithms")
+ @enforce("write", "aggregation_algorithms")
+ def set_aggregation_algorithm(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, aggregation_algorithm):
+ if aggregation_algorithm not in self.get_aggregation_algorithms(
+ user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["aggregation_algorithms"]:
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Unknown aggregation_algorithm: {}".format(aggregation_algorithm))
+ meta_rule = self.driver.get_meta_rule_dict(intra_extension_uuid)
+ meta_rule["aggregation"] = aggregation_algorithm
+ return self.driver.set_meta_rule_dict(intra_extension_uuid, meta_rule)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "sub_meta_rule")
+ def get_sub_meta_rule(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid):
+ return self.driver.get_meta_rule_dict(intra_extension_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "sub_meta_rule")
+ @enforce("write", "sub_meta_rule")
+ def set_sub_meta_rule(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, sub_meta_rules):
+ # TODO (dthom): When sub_meta_rule is set, all rules must be dropped
+ # because the previous rules cannot be mapped to the new sub_meta_rule.
+ for relation in sub_meta_rules.keys():
+ if relation not in self.get_sub_meta_rule_relations(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["sub_meta_rule_relations"]:
+ LOG.error("set_sub_meta_rule unknown MetaRule relation {}".format(relation))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data.")
+ for cat in ("subject_categories", "object_categories", "action_categories"):
+ if cat not in sub_meta_rules[relation]:
+ LOG.error("set_sub_meta_rule category {} missed".format(cat))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data.")
+ if type(sub_meta_rules[relation][cat]) is not list:
+ LOG.error("set_sub_meta_rule category {} is not a list".format(cat))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data.")
+ subject_categories = self.get_subject_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)
+ for data in sub_meta_rules[relation]["subject_categories"]:
+ if data not in subject_categories["subject_categories"]:
+ LOG.error("set_sub_meta_rule category {} is not part of subject_categories {}".format(
+ data, subject_categories))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data.")
+ object_categories = self.get_object_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)
+ for data in sub_meta_rules[relation]["object_categories"]:
+ if data not in object_categories["object_categories"]:
+ LOG.error("set_sub_meta_rule category {} is not part of object_categories {}".format(
+ data, object_categories))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data.")
+ action_categories = self.get_action_category_dict(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)
+ for data in sub_meta_rules[relation]["action_categories"]:
+ if data not in action_categories["action_categories"]:
+ LOG.error("set_sub_meta_rule category {} is not part of action_categories {}".format(
+ data, action_categories))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data.")
+ aggregation = self.driver.get_meta_rule_dict(intra_extension_uuid)["aggregation"]
+ return self.driver.set_meta_rule_dict(
+ intra_extension_uuid,
+ {
+ "aggregation": aggregation,
+ "sub_meta_rules": sub_meta_rules
+ })
+ # Sub-rules functions
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "sub_rules")
+ def get_sub_rules(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid):
+ return self.driver.get_rules(intra_extension_uuid)
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "sub_rules")
+ @enforce("write", "sub_rules")
+ def set_sub_rule(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, relation, sub_rule):
+ for item in sub_rule:
+ if type(item) not in (str, unicode, bool):
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data (sub_rule).")
+ ref_rules = self.driver.get_rules(intra_extension_uuid)
+ _sub_rule = list(sub_rule)
+ if relation not in self.get_sub_meta_rule_relations(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)["sub_meta_rule_relations"]:
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data (rules).")
+ # filter strings in sub_rule
+ sub_rule = [filter_input(x) for x in sub_rule]
+ # check if length of sub_rule is correct from metadata_sub_rule
+ metadata_sub_rule = self.get_sub_meta_rule(user_name, intra_extension_uuid)
+ metadata_sub_rule_length = len(metadata_sub_rule['sub_meta_rules'][relation]["subject_categories"]) + \
+ len(metadata_sub_rule['sub_meta_rules'][relation]["action_categories"]) + \
+ len(metadata_sub_rule['sub_meta_rules'][relation]["object_categories"]) + 1
+ if metadata_sub_rule_length != len(sub_rule):
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad number of argument in sub_rule {}/{}".format(sub_rule,
+ metadata_sub_rule_length))
+ # check if each item in sub_rule match a corresponding scope value
+ for category in metadata_sub_rule['sub_meta_rules'][relation]["subject_categories"]:
+ item = _sub_rule.pop(0)
+ if item not in self.get_subject_category_scope_dict(
+ user_name,
+ intra_extension_uuid, category)["subject_category_scope"][category].keys():
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad subject value in sub_rule {}/{}".format(category, item))
+ for category in metadata_sub_rule['sub_meta_rules'][relation]["action_categories"]:
+ action_categories = self.get_action_category_scope_dict(
+ user_name,
+ intra_extension_uuid, category)["action_category_scope"][category]
+ item = _sub_rule.pop(0)
+ if item not in action_categories.keys():
+ self.moonlog_api.warning("set_sub_rule bad action value in sub_rule {}/{}".format(category, item))
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad input data.")
+ for category in metadata_sub_rule['sub_meta_rules'][relation]["object_categories"]:
+ item = _sub_rule.pop(0)
+ if item not in self.get_object_category_scope_dict(
+ user_name,
+ intra_extension_uuid, category)["object_category_scope"][category].keys():
+ raise IntraExtensionError("Bad object value in sub_rule {}/{}".format(category, item))
+ # check if relation is already there
+ if relation not in ref_rules["rules"]:
+ ref_rules["rules"][relation] = list()
+ # add sub_rule
+ ref_rules["rules"][relation].append(sub_rule)
+ return self.driver.set_rules(intra_extension_uuid, ref_rules["rules"])
+ @filter_args
+ @enforce("read", "sub_rules")
+ @enforce("write", "sub_rules")
+ def del_sub_rule(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, relation_name, rule):
+ ref_rules = self.driver.get_rules(intra_extension_uuid)
+ rule = rule.split("+")
+ for index, _item in enumerate(rule):
+ if "True" in _item:
+ rule[index] = True
+ if "False" in _item:
+ rule[index] = False
+ if relation_name in ref_rules["rules"]:
+ if rule in ref_rules["rules"][relation_name]:
+ ref_rules["rules"][relation_name].remove(rule)
+ else:
+ self.moonlog_api.error("Unknown rule: {}".format(rule))
+ else:
+ self.moonlog_api.error("Unknown relation name for rules: {}".format(relation_name))
+ return self.driver.set_rules(intra_extension_uuid, ref_rules["rules"])
+@dependency.requires('identity_api', 'moonlog_api', 'tenant_api')
+class IntraExtensionAuthzManager(IntraExtensionManager):
+ __genre__ = "authz"
+ def authz(self, uuid, sub, obj, act):
+ """Check authorization for a particular action.
+ :param uuid: UUID of a tenant
+ :param sub: subject of the request
+ :param obj: object of the request
+ :param act: action of the request
+ :return: True or False or raise an exception
+ """
+ _uuid = self.tenant_api.get_extension_uuid(uuid, "authz")
+ return super(IntraExtensionAuthzManager, self).authz(_uuid, sub, obj, act)
+ def delete_intra_extension(self, intra_extension_id):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def set_subject_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_dict):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def add_subject_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def del_subject(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def set_object_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_dict):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def add_object_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_name):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def del_object(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_uuid):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def set_action_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_dict):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def add_action_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_name):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def del_action(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_uuid):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def set_subject_category_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_category):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def add_subject_category_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_category_name):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def del_subject_category(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def set_object_category_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_category):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def add_object_category_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_category_name):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def del_object_category(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_uuid):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def set_action_category_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_category):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def add_action_category_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_category_name):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def del_action_category(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_uuid):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def set_subject_category_scope_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, category, scope):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def add_subject_category_scope_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_category, scope_name):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def del_subject_category_scope(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_category, subject_category_scope):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def set_object_category_scope_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, category, scope):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def add_object_category_scope_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_category, scope_name):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def del_object_category_scope(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_category, object_category_scope):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def set_action_category_scope_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, category, scope):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def add_action_category_scope_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_category, scope_name):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def del_action_category_scope(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_category, action_category_scope):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def set_subject_category_assignment_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid, assignment_dict):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def del_subject_category_assignment(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def add_subject_category_assignment_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, subject_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def set_object_category_assignment_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_uuid, assignment_dict):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def del_object_category_assignment(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def add_object_category_assignment_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, object_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def set_action_category_assignment_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_uuid, assignment_dict):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def del_action_category_assignment(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def add_action_category_assignment_dict(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, action_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def set_aggregation_algorithm(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, aggregation_algorithm):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def set_sub_meta_rule(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, sub_meta_rules):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def set_sub_rule(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, relation, sub_rule):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ def del_sub_rule(self, user_name, intra_extension_uuid, relation_name, rule):
+ raise AuthIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+@dependency.requires('identity_api', 'moonlog_api', 'tenant_api')
+class IntraExtensionAdminManager(IntraExtensionManager):
+ __genre__ = "admin"
+ # def set_perimeter_values(self, ie, policy_dir):
+ #
+ # # Check if object like "subjects", "objects", "actions" exist...
+ # perimeter_path = os.path.join(policy_dir, 'perimeter.json')
+ # f = open(perimeter_path)
+ # json_perimeter = json.load(f)
+ # for item in ("subjects", "objects", "actions"):
+ # if item not in json_perimeter["objects"]:
+ # raise AdminIntraExtensionCreationError()
+ #
+ # super(IntraExtensionAdminManager, self).set_perimeter_values(ie, policy_dir)
+ #
+ # @filter_args
+ # def add_subject_dict(self, user_name, uuid, subject_uuid):
+ # raise AdminIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+ #
+ # @filter_args
+ # def del_subject(self, user_name, uuid, subject_uuid):
+ # raise AdminIntraExtensionModificationNotAuthorized()
+class AuthzDriver(object):
+ def get_subject_category_list(self, extension_uuid):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def get_object_category_list(self, extension_uuid):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def get_action_category_list(self, extension_uuid):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def get_subject_category_value_dict(self, extension_uuid, subject_uuid):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def get_object_category_value_dict(self, extension_uuid, object_uuid):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def get_action_category_value_dict(self, extension_uuid, action_uuid):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def get_meta_rule(self, extension_uuid):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def get_rules(self, extension_uuid):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+class UpdateDriver(object):
+ def get_intra_extensions(self):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def get_intra_extension(self, extension_uuid):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def create_intra_extensions(self, extension_uuid, intra_extension):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def delete_intra_extensions(self, extension_uuid):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter and setter for tenant
+ def get_tenant(self, uuid):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_tenant(self, uuid, tenant_id):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter and setter for name
+ def get_name(self, uuid):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_name(self, uuid, name):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter and setter for model
+ def get_model(self, uuid):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_model(self, uuid, model):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter and setter for genre
+ def get_genre(self, uuid):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_genre(self, uuid, genre):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter and setter for description
+ def get_description(self, uuid):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_description(self, uuid, args):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+class IntraExtensionDriver(object):
+ # Getter ad Setter for subjects
+ def get_subject_dict(self, extension_uuid):
+ """Get the list of subject for that IntraExtension
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing all subjects for that IntraExtension, eg. {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_subject_dict(self, extension_uuid, subject_dict):
+ """Set the list of subject for that IntraExtension
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param subject_dict: dict of subject: {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ :type subject_dict: dict
+ :return: a dictionary containing all subjects for that IntraExtension, eg. {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def add_subject(self, extension_uuid, subject_uuid, subject_name):
+ """Add a subject
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param subject_uuid: Subject UUID
+ :type subject_uuid: string
+ :param subject_name: Subject name
+ :type subject_name: string
+ :return: the added subject {"uuid1": "name1"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def remove_subject(self, extension_uuid, subject_uuid):
+ """Remove a subject
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param subject_uuid: Subject UUID
+ :type subject_uuid: string
+ :return: None
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter ad Setter for objects
+ def get_object_dict(self, extension_uuid):
+ """Get the list of object for that IntraExtension
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing all objects for that IntraExtension, eg. {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_object_dict(self, extension_uuid, object_dict):
+ """Set the list of object for that IntraExtension
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param object_dict: dict of object: {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ :type object_dict: dict
+ :return: a dictionary containing all objects for that IntraExtension, eg. {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def add_object(self, extension_uuid, object_uuid, object_name):
+ """Ad an object
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param object_uuid: Object UUID
+ :type object_uuid: string
+ :param object_name: Object name
+ :type object_name: string
+ :return: the added object {"uuid1": "name1"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def remove_object(self, extension_uuid, object_uuid):
+ """Remove an object
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param object_uuid: Object UUID
+ :type object_uuid: string
+ :return: None
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter ad Setter for actions
+ def get_action_dict(self, extension_uuid):
+ """ Get the list of action for that IntraExtension
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing all actions for that IntraExtension, eg. {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_action_dict(self, extension_uuid, action_dict):
+ """ Set the list of action for that IntraExtension
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param action_dict: dict of actions: {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ :type action_dict: dict
+ :return: a dictionary containing all actions for that IntraExtension, eg. {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def add_action(self, extension_uuid, action_uuid, action_name):
+ """Ad an action
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param action_uuid: Action UUID
+ :type action_uuid: string
+ :param action_name: Action name
+ :type action_name: string
+ :return: the added action {"uuid1": "name1"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def remove_action(self, extension_uuid, action_uuid):
+ """Remove an action
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param action_uuid: Action UUID
+ :type action_uuid: string
+ :return: None
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter ad Setter for subject_category
+ def get_subject_category_dict(self, extension_uuid):
+ """Get a list of all subject categories
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing all subject categories {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_subject_category_dict(self, extension_uuid, subject_categories):
+ """Set the list of all subject categories
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param subject_categories: dict of subject categories {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ :type subject_categories: dict
+ :return: a dictionary containing all subject categories {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def add_subject_category_dict(self, extension_uuid, subject_category_uuid, subject_category_name):
+ """Add a subject category
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param subject_category_uuid: the UUID of the subject category
+ :type subject_category_uuid: string
+ :param subject_category_name: the name of the subject category
+ :type subject_category_name: string
+ :return: a dictionnary with the subject catgory added {"uuid1": "name1"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def remove_subject_category(self, extension_uuid, subject_category_uuid):
+ """Remove one subject category
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param subject_category_uuid: the UUID of subject category to remove
+ :type subject_category_uuid: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing all subject categories {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter ad Setter for object_category
+ def get_object_category_dict(self, extension_uuid):
+ """Get a list of all object categories
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing all object categories {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_object_category_dict(self, extension_uuid, object_categories):
+ """Set the list of all object categories
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param object_categories: dict of object categories {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ :type object_categories: dict
+ :return: a dictionary containing all object categories {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def add_object_category_dict(self, extension_uuid, object_category_uuid, object_category_name):
+ """Add a object category
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param object_category_uuid: the UUID of the object category
+ :type object_category_uuid: string
+ :param object_category_name: the name of the object category
+ :type object_category_name: string
+ :return: a dictionnary with the object catgory added {"uuid1": "name1"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def remove_object_category(self, extension_uuid, object_category_uuid):
+ """Remove one object category
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param object_category_uuid: the UUID of object category to remove
+ :type object_category_uuid: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing all object categories {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter ad Setter for action_category
+ def get_action_category_dict(self, extension_uuid):
+ """Get a list of all action categories
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing all action categories {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_action_category_dict(self, extension_uuid, action_categories):
+ """Set the list of all action categories
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param action_categories: dict of action categories {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ :type action_categories: dict
+ :return: a dictionary containing all action categories {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def add_action_category_dict(self, extension_uuid, action_category_uuid, action_category_name):
+ """Add a action category
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param action_category_uuid: the UUID of the action category
+ :type action_category_uuid: string
+ :param action_category_name: the name of the action category
+ :type action_category_name: string
+ :return: a dictionnary with the action catgory added {"uuid1": "name1"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def remove_action_category(self, extension_uuid, action_category_uuid):
+ """Remove one action category
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param action_category_uuid: the UUID of action category to remove
+ :type action_category_uuid: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing all action categories {"uuid1": "name1", "uuid2": "name2"}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter and Setter for subject_category_value_scope
+ def get_subject_category_scope_dict(self, extension_uuid, category):
+ """Get a list of all subject category scope
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param category: the category UUID where the scope values are
+ :type category: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing all subject category scope {"category1": {"scope_uuid1": "scope_name1}}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_subject_category_scope_dict(self, extension_uuid, subject_category, scope):
+ """Set the list of all scope for that subject category
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param subject_category: the UUID of the subject category where this scope will be set
+ :type subject_category: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing all scope {"scope_uuid1": "scope_name1, "scope_uuid2": "scope_name2}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def add_subject_category_scope_dict(self, extension_uuid, subject_category, scope_uuid, scope_name):
+ """Add a subject category
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param subject_category: the subject category UUID where the scope will be added
+ :type subject_category: string
+ :param scope_uuid: the UUID of the subject category
+ :type scope_uuid: string
+ :param scope_name: the name of the subject category
+ :type scope_name: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing the subject category scope added {"category1": {"scope_uuid1": "scope_name1}}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def remove_subject_category_scope_dict(self, extension_uuid, subject_category, scope_uuid):
+ """Remove one scope belonging to a subject category
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param subject_category: the UUID of subject categorywhere we can find the scope to remove
+ :type subject_category: string
+ :param scope_uuid: the UUID of the scope to remove
+ :type scope_uuid: string
+ :return: None
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter and Setter for object_category_scope
+ def get_object_category_scope_dict(self, extension_uuid, category):
+ """Get a list of all object category scope
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param category: the category UUID where the scope values are
+ :type category: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing all object category scope {"category1": {"scope_uuid1": "scope_name1}}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_object_category_scope_dict(self, extension_uuid, object_category, scope):
+ """Set the list of all scope for that object category
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param object_category: the UUID of the object category where this scope will be set
+ :type object_category: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing all scope {"scope_uuid1": "scope_name1, "scope_uuid2": "scope_name2}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def add_object_category_scope_dict(self, extension_uuid, object_category, scope_uuid, scope_name):
+ """Add a object category
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param object_category: the object category UUID where the scope will be added
+ :type object_category: string
+ :param scope_uuid: the UUID of the object category
+ :type scope_uuid: string
+ :param scope_name: the name of the object category
+ :type scope_name: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing the object category scope added {"category1": {"scope_uuid1": "scope_name1}}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def remove_object_category_scope_dict(self, extension_uuid, object_category, scope_uuid):
+ """Remove one scope belonging to a object category
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param object_category: the UUID of object categorywhere we can find the scope to remove
+ :type object_category: string
+ :param scope_uuid: the UUID of the scope to remove
+ :type scope_uuid: string
+ :return: None
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter and Setter for action_category_scope
+ def get_action_category_scope_dict(self, extension_uuid, category):
+ """Get a list of all action category scope
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param category: the category UUID where the scope values are
+ :type category: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing all action category scope {"category1": {"scope_uuid1": "scope_name1}}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_action_category_scope_dict(self, extension_uuid, action_category, scope):
+ """Set the list of all scope for that action category
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param action_category: the UUID of the action category where this scope will be set
+ :type action_category: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing all scope {"scope_uuid1": "scope_name1, "scope_uuid2": "scope_name2}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def add_action_category_scope_dict(self, extension_uuid, action_category, scope_uuid, scope_name):
+ """Add a action category
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param action_category: the action category UUID where the scope will be added
+ :type action_category: string
+ :param scope_uuid: the UUID of the action category
+ :type scope_uuid: string
+ :param scope_name: the name of the action category
+ :type scope_name: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing the action category scope added {"category1": {"scope_uuid1": "scope_name1}}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def remove_action_category_scope_dict(self, extension_uuid, action_category, scope_uuid):
+ """Remove one scope belonging to a action category
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param action_category: the UUID of action categorywhere we can find the scope to remove
+ :type action_category: string
+ :param scope_uuid: the UUID of the scope to remove
+ :type scope_uuid: string
+ :return: None
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter and Setter for subject_category_assignment
+ def get_subject_category_assignment_dict(self, extension_uuid, subject_uuid):
+ """Get the assignment for a given subject_uuid
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param subject_uuid: subject UUID
+ :type subject_uuid: string
+ :return: a dictionary of assignment for the given subject {"cat1": ["scope_uuid1", "scope_uuid2"]}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_subject_category_assignment_dict(self, extension_uuid, subject_uuid, assignment_dict):
+ """Set the assignment for a given subject_uuid
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param subject_uuid: subject UUID
+ :type subject_uuid: string
+ :param assignment_dict: the assignment dictionary {"cat1": ["scope_uuid1", "scope_uuid2"]}
+ :type assignment_dict: dict
+ :return: a dictionary of assignment for the given subject {"cat1": ["scope_uuid1", "scope_uuid2"]}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def add_subject_category_assignment_dict(self, extension_uuid, subject_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid):
+ """Add a scope to a category and to a subject
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param subject_uuid: the subject UUID
+ :type subject_uuid: string
+ :param category_uuid: the category UUID
+ :type category_uuid: string
+ :param scope_uuid: the scope UUID
+ :type scope_uuid: string
+ :return: a dictionary of assignment for the given subject {"cat1": ["scope_uuid1", "scope_uuid2"]}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def remove_subject_category_assignment(self, extension_uuid, subject_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid):
+ """Remove a scope from a category and from a subject
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param subject_uuid: the subject UUID
+ :type subject_uuid: string
+ :param category_uuid: the category UUID
+ :type category_uuid: string
+ :param scope_uuid: the scope UUID
+ :type scope_uuid: string
+ :return: None
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter and Setter for object_category_assignment
+ def get_object_category_assignment_dict(self, extension_uuid, object_uuid):
+ """Get the assignment for a given object_uuid
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param object_uuid: object UUID
+ :type object_uuid: string
+ :return: a dictionary of assignment for the given object {"cat1": ["scope_uuid1", "scope_uuid2"]}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_object_category_assignment_dict(self, extension_uuid, object_uuid, assignment_dict):
+ """Set the assignment for a given object_uuid
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param object_uuid: object UUID
+ :type object_uuid: string
+ :param assignment_dict: the assignment dictionary {"cat1": ["scope_uuid1", "scope_uuid2"]}
+ :type assignment_dict: dict
+ :return: a dictionary of assignment for the given object {"cat1": ["scope_uuid1", "scope_uuid2"]}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def add_object_category_assignment_dict(self, extension_uuid, object_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid):
+ """Add a scope to a category and to a object
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param object_uuid: the object UUID
+ :type object_uuid: string
+ :param category_uuid: the category UUID
+ :type category_uuid: string
+ :param scope_uuid: the scope UUID
+ :type scope_uuid: string
+ :return: a dictionary of assignment for the given object {"cat1": ["scope_uuid1", "scope_uuid2"]}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def remove_object_category_assignment(self, extension_uuid, object_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid):
+ """Remove a scope from a category and from a object
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param object_uuid: the object UUID
+ :type object_uuid: string
+ :param category_uuid: the category UUID
+ :type category_uuid: string
+ :param scope_uuid: the scope UUID
+ :type scope_uuid: string
+ :return: None
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter and Setter for action_category_assignment
+ def get_action_category_assignment_dict(self, extension_uuid, action_uuid):
+ """Get the assignment for a given action_uuid
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param action_uuid: action UUID
+ :type action_uuid: string
+ :return: a dictionary of assignment for the given action {"cat1": ["scope_uuid1", "scope_uuid2"]}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_action_category_assignment_dict(self, extension_uuid, action_uuid, assignment_dict):
+ """Set the assignment for a given action_uuid
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param action_uuid: action UUID
+ :type action_uuid: string
+ :param assignment_dict: the assignment dictionary {"cat1": ["scope_uuid1", "scope_uuid2"]}
+ :type assignment_dict: dict
+ :return: a dictionary of assignment for the given action {"cat1": ["scope_uuid1", "scope_uuid2"]}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def add_action_category_assignment_dict(self, extension_uuid, action_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid):
+ """Add a scope to a category and to a action
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param action_uuid: the action UUID
+ :type action_uuid: string
+ :param category_uuid: the category UUID
+ :type category_uuid: string
+ :param scope_uuid: the scope UUID
+ :type scope_uuid: string
+ :return: a dictionary of assignment for the given action {"cat1": ["scope_uuid1", "scope_uuid2"]}
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def remove_action_category_assignment(self, extension_uuid, action_uuid, category_uuid, scope_uuid):
+ """Remove a scope from a category and from a action
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param action_uuid: the action UUID
+ :type action_uuid: string
+ :param category_uuid: the category UUID
+ :type category_uuid: string
+ :param scope_uuid: the scope UUID
+ :type scope_uuid: string
+ :return: None
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter and Setter for meta_rule
+ def get_meta_rule_dict(self, extension_uuid):
+ """Get the Meta rule
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing the meta_rule
+ Here is an example of a meta_rule:
+ {
+ "sub_meta_rules": {
+ "relation_super": {
+ "subject_categories": ["role"],
+ "action_categories": ["computing_action"],
+ "object_categories": ["id"],
+ "relation": "relation_super"
+ }
+ },
+ "aggregation": "and_true_aggregation"
+ }
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_meta_rule_dict(self, extension_uuid, meta_rule):
+ """Set the Meta rule
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param meta_rule: a dictionary representing the meta_rule (see below)
+ :return:a dictionary containing the meta_rule
+ Here is an example of a meta_rule:
+ {
+ "sub_meta_rules": {
+ "relation_super": {
+ "subject_categories": ["role"],
+ "action_categories": ["computing_action"],
+ "object_categories": ["id"],
+ "relation": "relation_super"
+ }
+ },
+ "aggregation": "and_true_aggregation"
+ }
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter and Setter for rules
+ def get_rules(self, extension_uuid):
+ """Get all rules
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :return: a dictionary containing rules ie.
+ {
+ "relation_super":[
+ ["admin", "vm_admin", "servers", True],
+ ["admin", "vm_access", "servers", True]
+ ]
+ }
+ All items will be UUID.
+ The last boolean item is the positive/negative value. If True, request that conforms to that rule
+ will be authorized, if false, request will be rejected.
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_rules(self, extension_uuid, rules):
+ """Set all rules
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param rules: a dictionary containing rules (see below)
+ :type rules: dict
+ :return: a dictionary containing rules ie.
+ {
+ "relation_super":[
+ ["admin", "vm_admin", "servers", True],
+ ["admin", "vm_access", "servers", True]
+ ]
+ }
+ All items will be UUID.
+ The last boolean item is the positive/negative value. If True, request that conforms to that rule
+ will be authorized, if false, request will be rejected.
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ # Getter and Setter for intra_extension
+ def get_intra_extension_list(self):
+ """Get a list of IntraExtension UUIDs
+ :return: a list of IntraExtension UUIDs ["uuid1", "uuid2"]
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def get_intra_extension_dict(self, extension_uuid):
+ """Get a description of an IntraExtension
+ :param extension_uuid: the UUID of the IntraExtension
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :return:
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def set_intra_extension(self, extension_uuid, extension_dict):
+ """Set a new IntraExtension
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :param extension_dict: a dictionary withe the description of the IntraExtension (see below)
+ :type extension_dict: dict
+ :return: the IntraExtension dictionary, example:
+ {
+ "id": "uuid1",
+ "name": "Name of the intra_extension",
+ "model": "Model of te intra_extension (admin or authz)"
+ "description": "a description of the intra_extension"
+ }
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def delete_intra_extension(self, extension_uuid):
+ """Delete an IntraExtension
+ :param extension_uuid: IntraExtension UUID
+ :type extension_uuid: string
+ :return: None
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def get_sub_meta_rule_relations(self, username, uuid):
+ # TODO: check which relations are really usable
+ return {"sub_meta_rule_relations": ["relation_super", "relation_test"]}
+class LogDriver(object):
+ def authz(self, message):
+ """Log authorization message
+ :param message: the message to log
+ :type message: string
+ :return: None
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def debug(self, message):
+ """Log debug message
+ :param message: the message to log
+ :type message: string
+ :return: None
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def info(self, message):
+ """Log informational message
+ :param message: the message to log
+ :type message: string
+ :return: None
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def warning(self, message):
+ """Log warning message
+ :param message: the message to log
+ :type message: string
+ :return: None
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def error(self, message):
+ """Log error message
+ :param message: the message to log
+ :type message: string
+ :return: None
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def critical(self, message):
+ """Log critical message
+ :param message: the message to log
+ :type message: string
+ :return: None
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ def get_logs(self, options):
+ """Get logs
+ :param options: options to filter log events
+ :type options: string eg: "event_number=10,from=2014-01-01-10:10:10,to=2014-01-01-12:10:10,filter=expression"
+ :return: a list of log events
+ TIME_FORMAT is '%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S'
+ """
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+# @dependency.provider('superextension_api')
+# class SuperExtensionManager(manager.Manager):
+# def __init__(self):
+# driver = CONF.moon.superextension_driver
+# super(SuperExtensionManager, self).__init__(driver)
+# def authz(self, sub, obj, act):
+# #return self.driver.admin(sub, obj, act)
+# return True
+# @dependency.provider('interextension_api')
+# @dependency.requires('identity_api')
+# class InterExtensionManager(manager.Manager):
+# def __init__(self):
+# driver = CONF.moon.interextension_driver
+# super(InterExtensionManager, self).__init__(driver)
+# def check_inter_extension(self, uuid):
+# if uuid not in self.get_inter_extensions():
+# LOG.error("Unknown InterExtension {}".format(uuid))
+# raise exception.NotFound("InterExtension not found.")
+# def get_inter_extensions(self):
+# return self.driver.get_inter_extensions()
+# def get_inter_extension(self, uuid):
+# return self.driver.get_inter_extension(uuid)
+# def create_inter_extension(self, inter_extension):
+# ie = dict()
+# ie['id'] = uuid4().hex
+# ie["requesting_intra_extension_uuid"] = filter_input(inter_extension["requesting_intra_extension_uuid"])
+# ie["requested_intra_extension_uuid"] = filter_input(inter_extension["requested_intra_extension_uuid"])
+# ie["description"] = filter_input(inter_extension["description"])
+# ie["virtual_entity_uuid"] = filter_input(inter_extension["virtual_entity_uuid"])
+# ie["genre"] = filter_input(inter_extension["genre"])
+# ref = self.driver.create_inter_extensions(ie['id'], ie)
+# return ref
+# def delete_inter_extension(self, inter_extension_id):
+# LOG.error("Deleting {}".format(inter_extension_id))
+# ref = self.driver.delete_inter_extensions(inter_extension_id)
+# return ref
+# class SuperExtensionDriver(object):
+# def __init__(self):
+# self.__super_extension = None
+# def admin(self, sub, obj, act):
+# return self.__super_extension.authz(sub, obj, act)
+# def delegate(self, delegating_uuid, delegated_uuid, privilege): # TODO later
+# pass
+# # Getter and Setter for SuperExtensions
+# def get_super_extensions(self):
+# raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+# def create_super_extensions(self, super_id, super_extension):
+# raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+# class InterExtensionDriver(object):
+# # Getter and Setter for InterExtensions
+# def get_inter_extensions(self):
+# raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+# def get_inter_extension(self, uuid):
+# raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+# def create_inter_extensions(self, intra_id, intra_extension):
+# raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+# def delete_inter_extensions(self, intra_extension_id):
+# raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+# class VirtualEntityDriver(object):
+# # Getter and Setter for InterExtensions
+# def get_virtual_entities(self):
+# raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+# def create_virtual_entities(self, ve_id, virtual_entity):
+# raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover