path: root/keystone-moon/doc/source/external-auth.rst
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+Using external authentication with Keystone
+.. _external-auth:
+When Keystone is executed in a web server like :doc:`Apache HTTPD
+<apache-httpd>` it is possible to use external authentication methods different
+from the authentication provided by the identity store backend or the different
+authentication plugins. For example, this makes possible to use an SQL identity
+backend together with, X.509 authentication or Kerberos, for example, instead
+of using the username and password combination.
+When a web server is in charge of authentication, it is normally possible to
+set the ``REMOTE_USER`` environment variable so that it can be used in the
+underlying application. Keystone can be configured to use that environment
+variable if set, so that the authentication is handled by the web server.
+In Identity API v2, there is no way to disable external authentication. In
+order to activate the external authentication mechanism for Identity API v3,
+the ``external`` method must be in the list of enabled authentication methods.
+By default it is enabled, so if you don't want to use external authentication,
+remove it from the ``methods`` option in the ``auth`` section.
+To configure the plugin that should be used set the ``external`` option again
+in the ``auth`` section. There are two external authentication method plugins
+provided by Keystone:
+* ``keystone.auth.plugins.external.Default``: This plugin won't take into
+ account the domain information that the external authentication method may
+ pass down to Keystone and will always use the configured default domain. The
+ ``REMOTE_USER`` variable is the username.
+* ``keystone.auth.plugins.external.Domain``: This plugin expects that the
+ ``REMOTE_DOMAIN`` variable contains the domain for the user. If this variable
+ is not present, the configured default domain will be used. The
+ ``REMOTE_USER`` variable is the username.
+Using HTTPD authentication
+Web servers like Apache HTTP support many methods of authentication. Keystone
+can profit from this feature and let the authentication be done in the web
+server, that will pass down the authenticated user to Keystone using the
+``REMOTE_USER`` environment variable. This user must exist in advance in the
+identity backend to get a token from the controller.
+To use this method, Keystone should be running on :doc:`HTTPD <apache-httpd>`.
+X.509 example
+The following snippet for the Apache conf will authenticate the user based on
+a valid X.509 certificate from a known CA::
+ <VirtualHost _default_:5000>
+ SSLEngine on
+ SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ssl.cert
+ SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/ssl.key
+ SSLCACertificatePath /etc/ssl/allowed_cas
+ SSLCARevocationPath /etc/ssl/allowed_cas
+ SSLVerifyClient require
+ SSLVerifyDepth 10
+ (...)
+ </VirtualHost>
+Developing a WSGI middleware for authentication
+In addition to the method described above, it is possible to implement other
+custom authentication mechanisms using the ``REMOTE_USER`` WSGI environment
+ Please note that even if it is possible to develop a custom authentication
+ module, it is preferable to use the modules in the HTTPD server. Such
+ authentication modules in webservers like Apache have normally undergone
+ years of development and use in production systems and are actively
+ maintained upstream. Developing a custom authentication module that
+ implements the same authentication as an existing Apache module likely
+ introduces a higher security risk.
+If you find you must implement a custom authentication mechanism, you will need
+to develop a custom WSGI middleware pipeline component. This middleware should
+set the environment variable ``REMOTE_USER`` to the authenticated username.
+Keystone then will assume that the user has been already authenticated upstream
+and will not try to authenticate it. However, as with HTTPD authentication, the
+user must exist in advance in the identity backend so that a proper token can
+be issued.
+Your code should set the ``REMOTE_USER`` if the user is properly authenticated,
+following the semantics below:
+.. code-block:: python
+ from keystone.common import wsgi
+ from keystone import exception
+ class MyMiddlewareAuth(wsgi.Middleware):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(MyMiddlewareAuth, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def process_request(self, request):
+ if request.environ.get('REMOTE_USER', None) is not None:
+ # Assume that it is authenticated upstream
+ return self.application
+ if not self.is_auth_applicable(request):
+ # Not applicable
+ return self.application
+ username = self.do_auth(request)
+ if username is not None:
+ # User is authenticated
+ request.environ['REMOTE_USER'] = username
+ else:
+ # User is not authenticated, render exception
+ raise exception.Unauthorized("Invalid user")
+Pipeline configuration
+Once you have your WSGI middleware component developed you have to add it to
+your pipeline. The first step is to add the middleware to your configuration
+file. Assuming that your middleware module is
+``keystone.middleware.MyMiddlewareAuth``, you can configure it in your
+``keystone-paste.ini`` as::
+ [filter:my_auth]
+ paste.filter_factory = keystone.middleware.MyMiddlewareAuth.factory
+The second step is to add your middleware to the pipeline. The exact place
+where you should place it will depend on your code (i.e. if you need for
+example that the request body is converted from JSON before perform the
+authentication you should place it after the ``json_body`` filter) but it
+should be set before the ``public_service`` (for the ``public_api`` pipeline)
+or ``admin_service`` (for the ``admin_api`` pipeline), since they consume
+For example, if the original pipeline looks like this::
+ [pipeline:public_api]
+ pipeline = url_normalize token_auth admin_token_auth json_body debug ec2_extension user_crud_extension public_service
+Your modified pipeline might then look like this::
+ [pipeline:public_api]
+ pipeline = url_normalize token_auth admin_token_auth json_body my_auth debug ec2_extension user_crud_extension public_service