path: root/moon_manager/moon_manager/api/json_import.py
diff options
authorThomas Duval <thomas.duval@orange.com>2020-06-03 10:06:52 +0200
committerThomas Duval <thomas.duval@orange.com>2020-06-03 10:06:52 +0200
commit7bb53c64da2dcf88894bfd31503accdd81498f3d (patch)
tree4310e12366818af27947b5e2c80cb162da93a4b5 /moon_manager/moon_manager/api/json_import.py
parentcbea4e360e9bfaa9698cf7c61c83c96a1ba89b8c (diff)
Update to new version 5.4HEADstable/jermamaster
Signed-off-by: Thomas Duval <thomas.duval@orange.com> Change-Id: Idcd868133d75928a1ffd74d749ce98503e0555ea
Diffstat (limited to 'moon_manager/moon_manager/api/json_import.py')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 570 deletions
diff --git a/moon_manager/moon_manager/api/json_import.py b/moon_manager/moon_manager/api/json_import.py
index 05f4a0c0..922c5c2c 100644
--- a/moon_manager/moon_manager/api/json_import.py
+++ b/moon_manager/moon_manager/api/json_import.py
@@ -1,27 +1,23 @@
-# Copyright 2015 Open Platform for NFV Project, Inc. and its contributors
-# This software is distributed under the terms and conditions of the 'Apache-2.0'
-# license which can be found in the file 'LICENSE' in this package distribution
-# or at 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0'.
+# Software Name: MOON
-from flask import request
-from flask_restful import Resource
-import flask_restful
-from flask import abort
+# Version: 5.4
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Orange and its contributors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# This software is distributed under the 'Apache License 2.0',
+# the text of which is available at 'http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt'
+# or see the "LICENSE" file for more details.
-from python_moonutilities.security_functions import check_auth
-from python_moonutilities import exceptions
-import logging
-import json
-from moon_manager.api.base_exception import BaseException
-from moon_manager.api.json_utils import JsonUtils, UnknownName
-from python_moondb.core import PDPManager
-from python_moondb.core import PolicyManager
-from python_moondb.core import ModelManager
+import hug
+import logging
+from moon_manager import db_driver as driver
+from moon_utilities.json_utils import JsonImport
+from moon_utilities.auth_functions import api_key_authentication
-__version__ = "4.5.0"
-logger = logging.getLogger("moon.manager.api." + __name__)
+LOGGER = logging.getLogger("moon.manager.api." + __name__)
@@ -29,556 +25,20 @@ ASSIGNMENT_CALLBACK = 2
-class ForbiddenOverride(BaseException):
- def __init__(self, message):
- # Call the base class constructor with the parameters it needs
- super(ForbiddenOverride, self).__init__(message)
-class UnknownPolicy(BaseException):
- def __init__(self, message):
- # Call the base class constructor with the parameters it needs
- super(UnknownPolicy, self).__init__(message)
-class UnknownModel(BaseException):
- def __init__(self, message):
- # Call the base class constructor with the parameters it needs
- super(UnknownModel, self).__init__(message)
-class UnknownData(BaseException):
- def __init__(self, message):
- # Call the base class constructor with the parameters it needs
- super(UnknownData, self).__init__(message)
-class MissingPolicy(BaseException):
- def __init__(self, message):
- # Call the base class constructor with the parameters it needs
- super(MissingPolicy, self).__init__(message)
-class InvalidJson(BaseException):
- def __init__(self, message):
- # Call the base class constructor with the parameters it needs
- super(InvalidJson, self).__init__(message)
-class JsonImport(Resource):
- __urls__ = (
- "/import",
- "/import/",
- )
- def _reorder_rules_ids(self, rule, ordered_perimeter_categories_ids, json_data_ids, policy_id,
- get_function):
- ordered_json_ids = [None] * len(ordered_perimeter_categories_ids)
- for json_id in json_data_ids:
- data = get_function(self._user_id, policy_id, data_id=json_id)
- data = data[0]
- if data["category_id"] not in ordered_perimeter_categories_ids:
- raise InvalidJson(
- "The category id {} of the rule {} does not match the meta rule".format(
- data["category_id"], rule))
- if ordered_json_ids[
- ordered_perimeter_categories_ids.index(data["category_id"])] is not None:
- raise InvalidJson(
- "The category id {} of the rule {} shall not be used twice in the same rule".format(
- data["category_id"], rule))
- ordered_json_ids[ordered_perimeter_categories_ids.index(data["category_id"])] = json_id
- logger.info(ordered_json_ids)
- return ordered_json_ids
- def _import_rules(self, json_rules):
- if not isinstance(json_rules, list):
- raise InvalidJson("rules shall be a list!")
- for json_rule in json_rules:
- json_to_use = dict()
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_rule, json_to_use, "instructions", str)
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_rule, json_to_use, "enabled", bool,
- default_value=True)
- json_ids = dict()
- JsonUtils.convert_name_to_id(json_rule, json_ids, "policy", "policy_id", "policy",
- PolicyManager, self._user_id)
- JsonUtils.convert_name_to_id(json_rule, json_to_use, "meta_rule", "meta_rule_id",
- "meta_rule", ModelManager, self._user_id)
- json_subject_ids = dict()
- json_object_ids = dict()
- json_action_ids = dict()
- JsonUtils.convert_names_to_ids(json_rule["rule"], json_subject_ids, "subject_data",
- "subject", "subject_data", PolicyManager, self._user_id,
- json_ids["policy_id"])
- JsonUtils.convert_names_to_ids(json_rule["rule"], json_object_ids, "object_data",
- "object", "object_data", PolicyManager, self._user_id,
- json_ids["policy_id"])
- JsonUtils.convert_names_to_ids(json_rule["rule"], json_action_ids, "action_data",
- "action", "action_data", PolicyManager, self._user_id,
- json_ids["policy_id"])
- meta_rule = ModelManager.get_meta_rules(self._user_id, json_to_use["meta_rule_id"])
- meta_rule = [v for v in meta_rule.values()]
- meta_rule = meta_rule[0]
- json_to_use_rule = self._reorder_rules_ids(json_rule, meta_rule["subject_categories"],
- json_subject_ids["subject"],
- json_ids["policy_id"],
- PolicyManager.get_subject_data)
- json_to_use_rule = json_to_use_rule + self._reorder_rules_ids(json_rule, meta_rule[
- "object_categories"], json_object_ids["object"], json_ids["policy_id"],
- PolicyManager.get_object_data)
- json_to_use_rule = json_to_use_rule + self._reorder_rules_ids(json_rule, meta_rule[
- "action_categories"], json_action_ids["action"], json_ids["policy_id"],
- PolicyManager.get_action_data)
- json_to_use["rule"] = json_to_use_rule
- try:
- logger.debug("Adding / updating a rule from json {}".format(json_to_use))
- PolicyManager.add_rule(self._user_id, json_ids["policy_id"],
- json_to_use["meta_rule_id"], json_to_use)
- except exceptions.RuleExisting:
- pass
- except exceptions.PolicyUnknown:
- raise UnknownPolicy("Unknown policy with id {}".format(json_ids["policy_id"]))
- def _import_meta_rules(self, json_meta_rules):
- logger.info("Input meta rules : {}".format(json_meta_rules))
- for json_meta_rule in json_meta_rules:
- json_to_use = dict()
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_meta_rule, json_to_use, "name", str)
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_meta_rule, json_to_use, "description", str)
- JsonUtils.convert_names_to_ids(json_meta_rule, json_to_use, "subject_categories",
- "subject_categories", "subject_category", ModelManager,
- self._user_id)
- JsonUtils.convert_names_to_ids(json_meta_rule, json_to_use, "object_categories",
- "object_categories", "object_category", ModelManager,
- self._user_id)
- JsonUtils.convert_names_to_ids(json_meta_rule, json_to_use, "action_categories",
- "action_categories", "action_category", ModelManager,
- self._user_id)
- logger.debug("Adding / updating a metarule from json {}".format(json_meta_rule))
- meta_rule = ModelManager.add_meta_rule(self._user_id, meta_rule_id=None,
- value=json_to_use)
- logger.debug("Added / updated meta rule : {}".format(meta_rule))
- def _import_subject_object_action_assignments(self, json_item_assignments, type_element):
- import_method = getattr(PolicyManager, 'add_' + type_element + '_assignment')
- get_method = getattr(PolicyManager, 'get_' + type_element + '_data')
- if not isinstance(json_item_assignments, list):
- raise InvalidJson(type_element + " assignments shall be a list!")
- # get the policy id related to the user
- policies = PolicyManager.get_policies(self._user_id)
- for json_item_assignment in json_item_assignments:
- item_override = JsonUtils.get_override(json_item_assignment)
- if item_override is True:
- raise ForbiddenOverride(
- "{} assignments do not support override flag !".format(type_element))
- json_assignment = dict()
- JsonUtils.convert_name_to_id(json_item_assignment, json_assignment, "category",
- "category_id", type_element + "_category", ModelManager,
- self._user_id)
- has_found_data = False
- # loop over policies
- for policy_id in policies:
- json_data = dict()
- try:
- JsonUtils.convert_name_to_id(json_item_assignment, json_assignment,
- type_element, "id", type_element, PolicyManager,
- self._user_id, policy_id)
- JsonUtils.convert_names_to_ids(json_item_assignment, json_data, "assignments",
- "data_id", type_element + "_data", PolicyManager,
- self._user_id, policy_id,
- json_assignment["category_id"])
- has_found_data = True
- except UnknownName:
- # the category or data has not been found in this policy : we look into the next one
- continue
- for data_id in json_data["data_id"]:
- # find the policy related to the current data
- data = get_method(self._user_id, policy_id, data_id,
- json_assignment["category_id"])
- if data is not None and len(data) == 1:
- logger.debug(
- "Adding / updating a {} assignment from json {}".format(type_element,
- json_assignment))
- import_method(self._user_id, policy_id, json_assignment["id"],
- json_assignment["category_id"],
- data_id)
- else:
- raise UnknownData("Unknown data with id {}".format(data_id))
- # case the data has not been found in any policies
- if has_found_data is False:
- raise InvalidJson("The json contains unknown {} data or category : {}".format(
- type_element,
- json_item_assignment))
- def _import_subject_object_action_datas(self, json_items_data, mandatory_policy_ids,
- type_element):
- if type_element == "subject":
- import_method = getattr(PolicyManager, 'set_' + type_element + '_data')
- else:
- import_method = getattr(PolicyManager, 'add_' + type_element + '_data')
- # get_method = getattr(PolicyManager, 'get_' + type_element + '_data')
- if not isinstance(json_items_data, list):
- raise InvalidJson(type_element + " data shall be a list!")
- for json_item_data in json_items_data:
- item_override = JsonUtils.get_override(json_items_data)
- if item_override is True:
- raise ForbiddenOverride(
- "{} datas do not support override flag !".format(type_element))
- json_to_use = dict()
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_item_data, json_to_use, "name", str)
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_item_data, json_to_use, "description", str)
- json_policy = dict()
- # field_mandatory : not mandatory if there is some mandatory policies
- JsonUtils.convert_names_to_ids(json_item_data, json_policy, "policies", "policy_id",
- "policy",
- PolicyManager, self._user_id,
- field_mandatory=len(mandatory_policy_ids) == 0)
- json_category = dict()
- JsonUtils.convert_name_to_id(json_item_data, json_category, "category", "category_id",
- type_element + "_category",
- ModelManager, self._user_id)
- policy_ids = []
- if "policy_id" in json_policy:
- policy_ids = json_policy["policy_id"]
- for policy_id in policy_ids:
- if policy_id is not None and policy_id not in mandatory_policy_ids:
- mandatory_policy_ids.append(policy_id)
- if len(mandatory_policy_ids) == 0:
- raise InvalidJson("Invalid data, the policy shall be set when importing {}".format(
- json_item_data))
- category_id = None
- if "category_id" in json_category:
- category_id = json_category["category_id"]
- if category_id is None:
- raise InvalidJson(
- "Invalid data, the category shall be set when importing {}".format(
- json_item_data))
- for policy_id in mandatory_policy_ids:
- try:
- data = import_method(self._user_id, policy_id, category_id=category_id,
- value=json_to_use)
- except exceptions.PolicyUnknown:
- raise UnknownPolicy("Unknown policy with id {}".format(policy_id))
- except Exception as e:
- logger.exception(str(e))
- raise e
- def _import_subject_object_action_categories(self, json_item_categories, type_element):
- import_method = getattr(ModelManager, 'add_' + type_element + '_category')
- get_method = getattr(ModelManager, 'get_' + type_element + '_categories')
- categories = get_method(self._user_id)
- if not isinstance(json_item_categories, list):
- raise InvalidJson(type_element + " categories shall be a list!")
- for json_item_category in json_item_categories:
- json_to_use = dict()
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_item_category, json_to_use, "name", str)
- # check if category with the same name exists : do this in moondb ?
- existing_id = None
- for category_key in categories:
- if categories[category_key]["name"] == json_to_use["name"]:
- existing_id = category_key
+class JsonImportAPI(object):
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_item_category, json_to_use, "description", str)
- item_override = JsonUtils.get_override(json_item_category)
- if item_override is True:
- raise ForbiddenOverride(
- "{} categories do not support override flag !".format(type_element))
- try:
- category = import_method(self._user_id, existing_id, json_to_use)
- except (exceptions.SubjectCategoryExisting, exceptions.ObjectCategoryExisting,
- exceptions.ActionCategoryExisting):
- # it already exists: do nothing
- logger.warning("Ignored {} category with name {} is already in the database".format(
- type_element, json_to_use["name"]))
- except Exception as e:
- logger.warning("Error while importing the category : {}".format(str(e)))
- logger.exception(str(e))
- raise e
- def _import_subject_object_action(self, json_items, mandatory_policy_ids, type_element):
- import_method = getattr(PolicyManager, 'add_' + type_element)
- get_method = getattr(PolicyManager, 'get_' + type_element + 's')
- if not isinstance(json_items, list):
- raise InvalidJson(type_element + " items shall be a list!")
- for json_item in json_items:
- json_without_policy_name = dict()
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_item, json_without_policy_name, "name", str)
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_item, json_without_policy_name, "description", str)
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_item, json_without_policy_name, "extra", dict)
- JsonUtils.convert_names_to_ids(json_item, json_without_policy_name, "policies",
- "policy_list", "policy", PolicyManager, self._user_id,
- field_mandatory=False)
- policy_ids = json_without_policy_name["policy_list"]
- for mandatory_policy_id in mandatory_policy_ids:
- if mandatory_policy_id not in policy_ids:
- policy_ids.append(mandatory_policy_id)
- # policy_ids and json_without_policy_name are references to the same array...
- # json_without_policy_name["policy_list"].append(mandatory_policy_id)
- item_override = JsonUtils.get_override(json_item)
- if item_override is True:
- raise ForbiddenOverride("{} does not support override flag !".format(type_element))
- if len(policy_ids) == 0:
- raise MissingPolicy(
- "a {} needs at least one policy to be created or updated : {}".format(
- type_element, json.dumps(json_item)))
- for policy_id in policy_ids:
- try:
- items_in_db = get_method(self._user_id, policy_id)
- key = None
- for key_in_db in items_in_db:
- if items_in_db[key_in_db]["name"] == json_without_policy_name["name"]:
- key = key_in_db
- break
- element = import_method(self._user_id, policy_id, perimeter_id=key,
- value=json_without_policy_name)
- logger.debug("Added / updated {} : {}".format(type_element, element))
- except exceptions.PolicyUnknown:
- raise UnknownPolicy("Unknown policy when adding a {}!".format(type_element))
- except Exception as e:
- logger.exception(str(e))
- raise BaseException(str(e))
- def _import_policies(self, json_policies):
- policy_mandatory_ids = []
- if not isinstance(json_policies, list):
- raise InvalidJson("policies shall be a list!")
- for json_policy in json_policies:
- # TODO put this in moondb
- # policy_in_db = PolicyManager.get_policies_by_name(json_without_model_name["name"])
- policies = PolicyManager.get_policies(self._user_id)
- policy_in_db = None
- policy_id = None
- for policy_key in policies:
- if policies[policy_key]["name"] == json_policy["name"]:
- policy_in_db = policies[policy_key]
- policy_id = policy_key
- # end TODO
- if policy_in_db is None:
- policy_does_exist = False
- else:
- policy_does_exist = True
- policy_override = JsonUtils.get_override(json_policy)
- policy_mandatory = JsonUtils.get_mandatory(json_policy)
- if policy_override is False and policy_does_exist:
- if policy_id:
- policy_mandatory_ids.append(policy_id)
- logger.warning(
- "Existing policy not updated because of the override option is not set !")
- continue
- json_without_model_name = dict()
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_policy, json_without_model_name, "name", str)
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_policy, json_without_model_name, "description", str)
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_policy, json_without_model_name, "genre", str)
- JsonUtils.convert_name_to_id(json_policy, json_without_model_name, "model", "model_id",
- "model", ModelManager, self._user_id,
- field_mandatory=False)
- if not policy_does_exist:
- logger.debug("Creating policy {} ".format(json_without_model_name))
- added_policy = PolicyManager.add_policy(self._user_id, None,
- json_without_model_name)
- if policy_mandatory is True:
- keys = list(added_policy.keys())
- policy_mandatory_ids.append(keys[0])
- elif policy_override is True:
- logger.debug("Updating policy {} ".format(json_without_model_name))
- updated_policy = PolicyManager.update_policy(self._user_id, policy_id,
- json_without_model_name)
- if policy_mandatory is True:
- policy_mandatory_ids.append(policy_id)
- return policy_mandatory_ids
- def _import_models_with_new_meta_rules(self, json_models):
- if not isinstance(json_models, list):
- raise InvalidJson("models shall be a list!")
- for json_model in json_models:
- logger.debug("json_model {}".format(json_model))
- models = ModelManager.get_models(self._user_id)
- model_in_db = None
- model_id = None
- for model_key in models:
- if ("id" in json_model and model_key == json_model["id"]) or (
- "name" in json_model and models[model_key]["name"] == json_model["name"]):
- model_in_db = models[model_key]
- model_id = model_key
- # this should not occur as the model has been put in db previously in _import_models_without_new_meta_rules
- if model_in_db is None:
- raise UnknownModel("Unknown model ")
- json_key = dict()
- JsonUtils.convert_names_to_ids(json_model, json_key, "meta_rules", "meta_rule_id",
- "meta_rule", ModelManager, self._user_id)
- for meta_rule_id in json_key["meta_rule_id"]:
- if meta_rule_id not in model_in_db["meta_rules"]:
- model_in_db["meta_rules"].append(meta_rule_id)
- ModelManager.update_model(self._user_id, model_id, model_in_db)
- def _import_models_without_new_meta_rules(self, json_models):
- if not isinstance(json_models, list):
- raise InvalidJson("models shall be a list!")
- for json_model in json_models:
- json_without_new_metarules = dict()
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_model, json_without_new_metarules, "name", str)
- # TODO put this in moondb
- # model_in_db = ModelManager.get_models_by_name(json_without_new_metarules["name"])
- models = ModelManager.get_models(self._user_id)
- model_in_db = None
- for model_key in models:
- if models[model_key]["name"] == json_without_new_metarules["name"]:
- model_in_db = models[model_key]
- model_id = model_key
- # end TODO
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_model, json_without_new_metarules, "description",
- str)
- if model_in_db is None:
- model_does_exist = False
- else:
- json_without_new_metarules["meta_rules"] = model_in_db["meta_rules"]
- model_does_exist = True
- model_override = JsonUtils.get_override(json_model)
- if not model_does_exist:
- logger.debug("Creating model {} ".format(json_without_new_metarules))
- ModelManager.add_model(self._user_id, None, json_without_new_metarules)
- elif model_override is True:
- logger.debug(
- "Updating model with id {} : {} ".format(model_id, json_without_new_metarules))
- ModelManager.update_model(self._user_id, model_id, json_without_new_metarules)
- def _import_pdps(self, json_pdps):
- if not isinstance(json_pdps, list):
- raise InvalidJson("pdps shall be a list!")
- for json_pdp in json_pdps:
- json_to_use = dict()
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_pdp, json_to_use, "name", str)
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_pdp, json_to_use, "keystone_project_id", str)
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_pdp, json_to_use, "security_pipeline", list)
- JsonUtils.copy_field_if_exists(json_pdp, json_to_use, "description", str)
- pdps = PDPManager.get_pdp(self._user_id)
- exists = False
- for pdp_key in pdps:
- if pdps[pdp_key]["name"] == json_to_use["name"]:
- PDPManager.update_pdp(self._user_id, pdp_id=pdp_key, value=json_to_use)
- exists = True
- if exists is False:
- PDPManager.add_pdp(self._user_id, value=json_to_use)
- def _import_json(self, user_id):
- self._user_id = user_id
- if 'file' in request.files:
- file = request.files['file']
- logger.debug("Importing {} file...".format(file))
- json_content = json.load(file)
- else:
- json_content = request.json
- logger.debug("Importing content: {} ...".format(json_content))
- # first import the models without the meta rules as they are not yet defined
- if "models" in json_content:
- logger.info("Importing models...")
- self._import_models_without_new_meta_rules(json_content["models"])
- # import the policies that depends on the models
- mandatory_policy_ids = []
- if "policies" in json_content:
- logger.info("Importing policies...")
- mandatory_policy_ids = self._import_policies(json_content["policies"])
- # import subjects, subject_data, subject_categories, idem for object and action
- list_element = [{"key": "subject"}, {"key": "object"}, {"key": "action"}]
- for elt in list_element:
- in_key = elt["key"]
- key = in_key + "s"
- if key in json_content:
- logger.info("Importing {}...".format(key))
- self._import_subject_object_action(json_content[key], mandatory_policy_ids, in_key)
- key = in_key + "_categories"
- if key in json_content:
- logger.info("Importing {}...".format(key))
- self._import_subject_object_action_categories(json_content[key], in_key)
- # import meta rules
- if "meta_rules" in json_content:
- logger.info("Importing meta rules...")
- self._import_meta_rules(json_content["meta_rules"])
- # add the metarule to model
- if "models" in json_content:
- logger.info("Updating models with meta rules...")
- self._import_models_with_new_meta_rules(json_content["models"])
- for elt in list_element:
- in_key = elt["key"]
- key = in_key + "_data"
- if key in json_content:
- logger.info("Importing {}...".format(key))
- self._import_subject_object_action_datas(json_content[key], mandatory_policy_ids,
- in_key)
- # import subjects assignments, idem for object and action
- for elt in list_element:
- in_key = elt["key"]
- key = in_key + "_assignments"
- if key in json_content:
- logger.info("Importing {}...".format(key))
- self._import_subject_object_action_assignments(json_content[key], in_key)
- # import rules
- if "rules" in json_content:
- logger.info("Importing rules...")
- self._import_rules(json_content["rules"])
- # import pdps
- if "pdps" in json_content:
- logger.info("Importing pdps...")
- self._import_pdps(json_content["pdps"])
- @check_auth
- def post(self, user_id=None):
- """Import file.
- :param user_id: user ID who do the request
- :return: {
- }
- :internal_api:
+ @staticmethod
+ @hug.post("/import", requires=api_key_authentication)
+ def post(request, body, authed_user: hug.directives.user = None):
+ """
+ Import data inside the database
+ :param request: the request send by the user
+ :param body: the content of the request
+ :param authed_user: the name of the authenticated user
+ :return: "Import ok !" (if import is OK)
+ :raises multiple exceptions depending on the context
- self._import_json(user_id)
- return "Import ok !"
+ json_import_ob = JsonImport(driver_name="db", driver=driver)
+ imported_data = json_import_ob.import_json(moon_user_id=authed_user, request=request, body=body)
+ LOGGER.info('Imported data: {}'.format(imported_data))
+ return imported_data