path: root/keystone-moon/keystone/tests/unit/test_backend_sql.py
diff options
authorWuKong <rebirthmonkey@gmail.com>2015-06-30 18:47:29 +0200
committerWuKong <rebirthmonkey@gmail.com>2015-06-30 18:47:29 +0200
commitb8c756ecdd7cced1db4300935484e8c83701c82e (patch)
tree87e51107d82b217ede145de9d9d59e2100725bd7 /keystone-moon/keystone/tests/unit/test_backend_sql.py
parentc304c773bae68fb854ed9eab8fb35c4ef17cf136 (diff)
migrate moon code from github to opnfv
Change-Id: Ice53e368fd1114d56a75271aa9f2e598e3eba604 Signed-off-by: WuKong <rebirthmonkey@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'keystone-moon/keystone/tests/unit/test_backend_sql.py')
1 files changed, 948 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/keystone-moon/keystone/tests/unit/test_backend_sql.py b/keystone-moon/keystone/tests/unit/test_backend_sql.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7c63bf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keystone-moon/keystone/tests/unit/test_backend_sql.py
@@ -0,0 +1,948 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import functools
+import uuid
+import mock
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_db import exception as db_exception
+from oslo_db import options
+import sqlalchemy
+from sqlalchemy import exc
+from testtools import matchers
+from keystone.common import driver_hints
+from keystone.common import sql
+from keystone import exception
+from keystone.identity.backends import sql as identity_sql
+from keystone.openstack.common import versionutils
+from keystone.tests import unit as tests
+from keystone.tests.unit import default_fixtures
+from keystone.tests.unit.ksfixtures import database
+from keystone.tests.unit import test_backend
+from keystone.token.persistence.backends import sql as token_sql
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID = CONF.identity.default_domain_id
+class SqlTests(tests.SQLDriverOverrides, tests.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(SqlTests, self).setUp()
+ self.useFixture(database.Database())
+ self.load_backends()
+ # populate the engine with tables & fixtures
+ self.load_fixtures(default_fixtures)
+ # defaulted by the data load
+ self.user_foo['enabled'] = True
+ def config_files(self):
+ config_files = super(SqlTests, self).config_files()
+ config_files.append(tests.dirs.tests_conf('backend_sql.conf'))
+ return config_files
+class SqlModels(SqlTests):
+ def select_table(self, name):
+ table = sqlalchemy.Table(name,
+ sql.ModelBase.metadata,
+ autoload=True)
+ s = sqlalchemy.select([table])
+ return s
+ def assertExpectedSchema(self, table, cols):
+ table = self.select_table(table)
+ for col, type_, length in cols:
+ self.assertIsInstance(table.c[col].type, type_)
+ if length:
+ self.assertEqual(length, table.c[col].type.length)
+ def test_user_model(self):
+ cols = (('id', sql.String, 64),
+ ('name', sql.String, 255),
+ ('password', sql.String, 128),
+ ('domain_id', sql.String, 64),
+ ('enabled', sql.Boolean, None),
+ ('extra', sql.JsonBlob, None))
+ self.assertExpectedSchema('user', cols)
+ def test_group_model(self):
+ cols = (('id', sql.String, 64),
+ ('name', sql.String, 64),
+ ('description', sql.Text, None),
+ ('domain_id', sql.String, 64),
+ ('extra', sql.JsonBlob, None))
+ self.assertExpectedSchema('group', cols)
+ def test_domain_model(self):
+ cols = (('id', sql.String, 64),
+ ('name', sql.String, 64),
+ ('enabled', sql.Boolean, None))
+ self.assertExpectedSchema('domain', cols)
+ def test_project_model(self):
+ cols = (('id', sql.String, 64),
+ ('name', sql.String, 64),
+ ('description', sql.Text, None),
+ ('domain_id', sql.String, 64),
+ ('enabled', sql.Boolean, None),
+ ('extra', sql.JsonBlob, None),
+ ('parent_id', sql.String, 64))
+ self.assertExpectedSchema('project', cols)
+ def test_role_assignment_model(self):
+ cols = (('type', sql.Enum, None),
+ ('actor_id', sql.String, 64),
+ ('target_id', sql.String, 64),
+ ('role_id', sql.String, 64),
+ ('inherited', sql.Boolean, False))
+ self.assertExpectedSchema('assignment', cols)
+ def test_user_group_membership(self):
+ cols = (('group_id', sql.String, 64),
+ ('user_id', sql.String, 64))
+ self.assertExpectedSchema('user_group_membership', cols)
+class SqlIdentity(SqlTests, test_backend.IdentityTests):
+ def test_password_hashed(self):
+ session = sql.get_session()
+ user_ref = self.identity_api._get_user(session, self.user_foo['id'])
+ self.assertNotEqual(user_ref['password'], self.user_foo['password'])
+ def test_delete_user_with_project_association(self):
+ user = {'name': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'domain_id': DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID,
+ 'password': uuid.uuid4().hex}
+ user = self.identity_api.create_user(user)
+ self.assignment_api.add_user_to_project(self.tenant_bar['id'],
+ user['id'])
+ self.identity_api.delete_user(user['id'])
+ self.assertRaises(exception.UserNotFound,
+ self.assignment_api.list_projects_for_user,
+ user['id'])
+ def test_create_null_user_name(self):
+ user = {'name': None,
+ 'domain_id': DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID,
+ 'password': uuid.uuid4().hex}
+ self.assertRaises(exception.ValidationError,
+ self.identity_api.create_user,
+ user)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.UserNotFound,
+ self.identity_api.get_user_by_name,
+ user['name'],
+ def test_create_user_case_sensitivity(self):
+ # user name case sensitivity is down to the fact that it is marked as
+ # an SQL UNIQUE column, which may not be valid for other backends, like
+ # LDAP.
+ # create a ref with a lowercase name
+ ref = {
+ 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex.lower(),
+ 'domain_id': DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID}
+ ref = self.identity_api.create_user(ref)
+ # assign a new ID with the same name, but this time in uppercase
+ ref['name'] = ref['name'].upper()
+ self.identity_api.create_user(ref)
+ def test_create_project_case_sensitivity(self):
+ # project name case sensitivity is down to the fact that it is marked
+ # as an SQL UNIQUE column, which may not be valid for other backends,
+ # like LDAP.
+ # create a ref with a lowercase name
+ ref = {
+ 'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex.lower(),
+ 'domain_id': DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID}
+ self.resource_api.create_project(ref['id'], ref)
+ # assign a new ID with the same name, but this time in uppercase
+ ref['id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ ref['name'] = ref['name'].upper()
+ self.resource_api.create_project(ref['id'], ref)
+ def test_create_null_project_name(self):
+ tenant = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'name': None,
+ 'domain_id': DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID}
+ self.assertRaises(exception.ValidationError,
+ self.resource_api.create_project,
+ tenant['id'],
+ tenant)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.ProjectNotFound,
+ self.resource_api.get_project,
+ tenant['id'])
+ self.assertRaises(exception.ProjectNotFound,
+ self.resource_api.get_project_by_name,
+ tenant['name'],
+ def test_delete_project_with_user_association(self):
+ user = {'name': 'fakeuser',
+ 'domain_id': DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID,
+ 'password': 'passwd'}
+ user = self.identity_api.create_user(user)
+ self.assignment_api.add_user_to_project(self.tenant_bar['id'],
+ user['id'])
+ self.resource_api.delete_project(self.tenant_bar['id'])
+ tenants = self.assignment_api.list_projects_for_user(user['id'])
+ self.assertEqual([], tenants)
+ def test_metadata_removed_on_delete_user(self):
+ # A test to check that the internal representation
+ # or roles is correctly updated when a user is deleted
+ user = {'name': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'domain_id': DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID,
+ 'password': 'passwd'}
+ user = self.identity_api.create_user(user)
+ role = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}
+ self.role_api.create_role(role['id'], role)
+ self.assignment_api.add_role_to_user_and_project(
+ user['id'],
+ self.tenant_bar['id'],
+ role['id'])
+ self.identity_api.delete_user(user['id'])
+ # Now check whether the internal representation of roles
+ # has been deleted
+ self.assertRaises(exception.MetadataNotFound,
+ self.assignment_api._get_metadata,
+ user['id'],
+ self.tenant_bar['id'])
+ def test_metadata_removed_on_delete_project(self):
+ # A test to check that the internal representation
+ # or roles is correctly updated when a project is deleted
+ user = {'name': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'domain_id': DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID,
+ 'password': 'passwd'}
+ user = self.identity_api.create_user(user)
+ role = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}
+ self.role_api.create_role(role['id'], role)
+ self.assignment_api.add_role_to_user_and_project(
+ user['id'],
+ self.tenant_bar['id'],
+ role['id'])
+ self.resource_api.delete_project(self.tenant_bar['id'])
+ # Now check whether the internal representation of roles
+ # has been deleted
+ self.assertRaises(exception.MetadataNotFound,
+ self.assignment_api._get_metadata,
+ user['id'],
+ self.tenant_bar['id'])
+ def test_update_project_returns_extra(self):
+ """This tests for backwards-compatibility with an essex/folsom bug.
+ Non-indexed attributes were returned in an 'extra' attribute, instead
+ of on the entity itself; for consistency and backwards compatibility,
+ those attributes should be included twice.
+ This behavior is specific to the SQL driver.
+ """
+ tenant_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ arbitrary_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ arbitrary_value = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ tenant = {
+ 'id': tenant_id,
+ 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'domain_id': DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID,
+ arbitrary_key: arbitrary_value}
+ ref = self.resource_api.create_project(tenant_id, tenant)
+ self.assertEqual(arbitrary_value, ref[arbitrary_key])
+ self.assertIsNone(ref.get('extra'))
+ tenant['name'] = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ ref = self.resource_api.update_project(tenant_id, tenant)
+ self.assertEqual(arbitrary_value, ref[arbitrary_key])
+ self.assertEqual(arbitrary_value, ref['extra'][arbitrary_key])
+ def test_update_user_returns_extra(self):
+ """This tests for backwards-compatibility with an essex/folsom bug.
+ Non-indexed attributes were returned in an 'extra' attribute, instead
+ of on the entity itself; for consistency and backwards compatibility,
+ those attributes should be included twice.
+ This behavior is specific to the SQL driver.
+ """
+ arbitrary_key = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ arbitrary_value = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ user = {
+ 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'domain_id': DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID,
+ 'password': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ arbitrary_key: arbitrary_value}
+ ref = self.identity_api.create_user(user)
+ self.assertEqual(arbitrary_value, ref[arbitrary_key])
+ self.assertIsNone(ref.get('password'))
+ self.assertIsNone(ref.get('extra'))
+ user['name'] = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ user['password'] = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ ref = self.identity_api.update_user(ref['id'], user)
+ self.assertIsNone(ref.get('password'))
+ self.assertIsNone(ref['extra'].get('password'))
+ self.assertEqual(arbitrary_value, ref[arbitrary_key])
+ self.assertEqual(arbitrary_value, ref['extra'][arbitrary_key])
+ def test_sql_user_to_dict_null_default_project_id(self):
+ user = {
+ 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'domain_id': DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID,
+ 'password': uuid.uuid4().hex}
+ user = self.identity_api.create_user(user)
+ session = sql.get_session()
+ query = session.query(identity_sql.User)
+ query = query.filter_by(id=user['id'])
+ raw_user_ref = query.one()
+ self.assertIsNone(raw_user_ref.default_project_id)
+ user_ref = raw_user_ref.to_dict()
+ self.assertNotIn('default_project_id', user_ref)
+ session.close()
+ def test_list_domains_for_user(self):
+ domain = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}
+ self.resource_api.create_domain(domain['id'], domain)
+ user = {'name': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'password': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'domain_id': domain['id'], 'enabled': True}
+ test_domain1 = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}
+ self.resource_api.create_domain(test_domain1['id'], test_domain1)
+ test_domain2 = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}
+ self.resource_api.create_domain(test_domain2['id'], test_domain2)
+ user = self.identity_api.create_user(user)
+ user_domains = self.assignment_api.list_domains_for_user(user['id'])
+ self.assertEqual(0, len(user_domains))
+ self.assignment_api.create_grant(user_id=user['id'],
+ domain_id=test_domain1['id'],
+ role_id=self.role_member['id'])
+ self.assignment_api.create_grant(user_id=user['id'],
+ domain_id=test_domain2['id'],
+ role_id=self.role_member['id'])
+ user_domains = self.assignment_api.list_domains_for_user(user['id'])
+ self.assertThat(user_domains, matchers.HasLength(2))
+ def test_list_domains_for_user_with_grants(self):
+ # Create two groups each with a role on a different domain, and
+ # make user1 a member of both groups. Both these new domains
+ # should now be included, along with any direct user grants.
+ domain = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}
+ self.resource_api.create_domain(domain['id'], domain)
+ user = {'name': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'password': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'domain_id': domain['id'], 'enabled': True}
+ user = self.identity_api.create_user(user)
+ group1 = {'name': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'domain_id': domain['id']}
+ group1 = self.identity_api.create_group(group1)
+ group2 = {'name': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'domain_id': domain['id']}
+ group2 = self.identity_api.create_group(group2)
+ test_domain1 = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}
+ self.resource_api.create_domain(test_domain1['id'], test_domain1)
+ test_domain2 = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}
+ self.resource_api.create_domain(test_domain2['id'], test_domain2)
+ test_domain3 = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}
+ self.resource_api.create_domain(test_domain3['id'], test_domain3)
+ self.identity_api.add_user_to_group(user['id'], group1['id'])
+ self.identity_api.add_user_to_group(user['id'], group2['id'])
+ # Create 3 grants, one user grant, the other two as group grants
+ self.assignment_api.create_grant(user_id=user['id'],
+ domain_id=test_domain1['id'],
+ role_id=self.role_member['id'])
+ self.assignment_api.create_grant(group_id=group1['id'],
+ domain_id=test_domain2['id'],
+ role_id=self.role_admin['id'])
+ self.assignment_api.create_grant(group_id=group2['id'],
+ domain_id=test_domain3['id'],
+ role_id=self.role_admin['id'])
+ user_domains = self.assignment_api.list_domains_for_user(user['id'])
+ self.assertThat(user_domains, matchers.HasLength(3))
+ def test_list_domains_for_user_with_inherited_grants(self):
+ """Test that inherited roles on the domain are excluded.
+ Test Plan:
+ - Create two domains, one user, group and role
+ - Domain1 is given an inherited user role, Domain2 an inherited
+ group role (for a group of which the user is a member)
+ - When listing domains for user, neither domain should be returned
+ """
+ domain1 = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}
+ domain1 = self.resource_api.create_domain(domain1['id'], domain1)
+ domain2 = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}
+ domain2 = self.resource_api.create_domain(domain2['id'], domain2)
+ user = {'name': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'password': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'domain_id': domain1['id'], 'enabled': True}
+ user = self.identity_api.create_user(user)
+ group = {'name': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'domain_id': domain1['id']}
+ group = self.identity_api.create_group(group)
+ self.identity_api.add_user_to_group(user['id'], group['id'])
+ role = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}
+ self.role_api.create_role(role['id'], role)
+ # Create a grant on each domain, one user grant, one group grant,
+ # both inherited.
+ self.assignment_api.create_grant(user_id=user['id'],
+ domain_id=domain1['id'],
+ role_id=role['id'],
+ inherited_to_projects=True)
+ self.assignment_api.create_grant(group_id=group['id'],
+ domain_id=domain2['id'],
+ role_id=role['id'],
+ inherited_to_projects=True)
+ user_domains = self.assignment_api.list_domains_for_user(user['id'])
+ # No domains should be returned since both domains have only inherited
+ # roles assignments.
+ self.assertThat(user_domains, matchers.HasLength(0))
+class SqlTrust(SqlTests, test_backend.TrustTests):
+ pass
+class SqlToken(SqlTests, test_backend.TokenTests):
+ def test_token_revocation_list_uses_right_columns(self):
+ # This query used to be heavy with too many columns. We want
+ # to make sure it is only running with the minimum columns
+ # necessary.
+ expected_query_args = (token_sql.TokenModel.id,
+ token_sql.TokenModel.expires)
+ with mock.patch.object(token_sql, 'sql') as mock_sql:
+ tok = token_sql.Token()
+ tok.list_revoked_tokens()
+ mock_query = mock_sql.get_session().query
+ mock_query.assert_called_with(*expected_query_args)
+ def test_flush_expired_tokens_batch(self):
+ # TODO(dstanek): This test should be rewritten to be less
+ # brittle. The code will likely need to be changed first. I
+ # just copied the spirit of the existing test when I rewrote
+ # mox -> mock. These tests are brittle because they have the
+ # call structure for SQLAlchemy encoded in them.
+ # test sqlite dialect
+ with mock.patch.object(token_sql, 'sql') as mock_sql:
+ mock_sql.get_session().bind.dialect.name = 'sqlite'
+ tok = token_sql.Token()
+ tok.flush_expired_tokens()
+ filter_mock = mock_sql.get_session().query().filter()
+ self.assertFalse(filter_mock.limit.called)
+ self.assertTrue(filter_mock.delete.called_once)
+ def test_flush_expired_tokens_batch_mysql(self):
+ # test mysql dialect, we don't need to test IBM DB SA separately, since
+ # other tests below test the differences between how they use the batch
+ # strategy
+ with mock.patch.object(token_sql, 'sql') as mock_sql:
+ mock_sql.get_session().query().filter().delete.return_value = 0
+ mock_sql.get_session().bind.dialect.name = 'mysql'
+ tok = token_sql.Token()
+ expiry_mock = mock.Mock()
+ ITERS = [1, 2, 3]
+ expiry_mock.return_value = iter(ITERS)
+ token_sql._expiry_range_batched = expiry_mock
+ tok.flush_expired_tokens()
+ # The expiry strategy is only invoked once, the other calls are via
+ # the yield return.
+ self.assertEqual(1, expiry_mock.call_count)
+ mock_delete = mock_sql.get_session().query().filter().delete
+ self.assertThat(mock_delete.call_args_list,
+ matchers.HasLength(len(ITERS)))
+ def test_expiry_range_batched(self):
+ upper_bound_mock = mock.Mock(side_effect=[1, "final value"])
+ sess_mock = mock.Mock()
+ query_mock = sess_mock.query().filter().order_by().offset().limit()
+ query_mock.one.side_effect = [['test'], sql.NotFound()]
+ for i, x in enumerate(token_sql._expiry_range_batched(sess_mock,
+ upper_bound_mock,
+ batch_size=50)):
+ if i == 0:
+ # The first time the batch iterator returns, it should return
+ # the first result that comes back from the database.
+ self.assertEqual(x, 'test')
+ elif i == 1:
+ # The second time, the database range function should return
+ # nothing, so the batch iterator returns the result of the
+ # upper_bound function
+ self.assertEqual(x, "final value")
+ else:
+ self.fail("range batch function returned more than twice")
+ def test_expiry_range_strategy_sqlite(self):
+ tok = token_sql.Token()
+ sqlite_strategy = tok._expiry_range_strategy('sqlite')
+ self.assertEqual(token_sql._expiry_range_all, sqlite_strategy)
+ def test_expiry_range_strategy_ibm_db_sa(self):
+ tok = token_sql.Token()
+ db2_strategy = tok._expiry_range_strategy('ibm_db_sa')
+ self.assertIsInstance(db2_strategy, functools.partial)
+ self.assertEqual(db2_strategy.func, token_sql._expiry_range_batched)
+ self.assertEqual(db2_strategy.keywords, {'batch_size': 100})
+ def test_expiry_range_strategy_mysql(self):
+ tok = token_sql.Token()
+ mysql_strategy = tok._expiry_range_strategy('mysql')
+ self.assertIsInstance(mysql_strategy, functools.partial)
+ self.assertEqual(mysql_strategy.func, token_sql._expiry_range_batched)
+ self.assertEqual(mysql_strategy.keywords, {'batch_size': 1000})
+class SqlCatalog(SqlTests, test_backend.CatalogTests):
+ _legacy_endpoint_id_in_endpoint = True
+ _enabled_default_to_true_when_creating_endpoint = True
+ def test_catalog_ignored_malformed_urls(self):
+ service = {
+ 'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'type': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'description': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ }
+ self.catalog_api.create_service(service['id'], service.copy())
+ malformed_url = "$(tenant)s"
+ endpoint = {
+ 'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'region_id': None,
+ 'service_id': service['id'],
+ 'interface': 'public',
+ 'url': malformed_url,
+ }
+ self.catalog_api.create_endpoint(endpoint['id'], endpoint.copy())
+ # NOTE(dstanek): there are no valid URLs, so nothing is in the catalog
+ catalog = self.catalog_api.get_catalog('fake-user', 'fake-tenant')
+ self.assertEqual({}, catalog)
+ def test_get_catalog_with_empty_public_url(self):
+ service = {
+ 'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'type': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'description': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ }
+ self.catalog_api.create_service(service['id'], service.copy())
+ endpoint = {
+ 'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'region_id': None,
+ 'interface': 'public',
+ 'url': '',
+ 'service_id': service['id'],
+ }
+ self.catalog_api.create_endpoint(endpoint['id'], endpoint.copy())
+ catalog = self.catalog_api.get_catalog('user', 'tenant')
+ catalog_endpoint = catalog[endpoint['region_id']][service['type']]
+ self.assertEqual(service['name'], catalog_endpoint['name'])
+ self.assertEqual(endpoint['id'], catalog_endpoint['id'])
+ self.assertEqual('', catalog_endpoint['publicURL'])
+ self.assertIsNone(catalog_endpoint.get('adminURL'))
+ self.assertIsNone(catalog_endpoint.get('internalURL'))
+ def test_create_endpoint_region_404(self):
+ service = {
+ 'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'type': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'description': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ }
+ self.catalog_api.create_service(service['id'], service.copy())
+ endpoint = {
+ 'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'region_id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'service_id': service['id'],
+ 'interface': 'public',
+ 'url': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ }
+ self.assertRaises(exception.ValidationError,
+ self.catalog_api.create_endpoint,
+ endpoint['id'],
+ endpoint.copy())
+ def test_create_region_invalid_id(self):
+ region = {
+ 'id': '0' * 256,
+ 'description': '',
+ 'extra': {},
+ }
+ self.assertRaises(exception.StringLengthExceeded,
+ self.catalog_api.create_region,
+ region.copy())
+ def test_create_region_invalid_parent_id(self):
+ region = {
+ 'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'parent_region_id': '0' * 256,
+ }
+ self.assertRaises(exception.RegionNotFound,
+ self.catalog_api.create_region,
+ region)
+ def test_delete_region_with_endpoint(self):
+ # create a region
+ region = {
+ 'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'description': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ }
+ self.catalog_api.create_region(region)
+ # create a child region
+ child_region = {
+ 'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'description': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'parent_id': region['id']
+ }
+ self.catalog_api.create_region(child_region)
+ # create a service
+ service = {
+ 'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'type': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'description': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ }
+ self.catalog_api.create_service(service['id'], service)
+ # create an endpoint attached to the service and child region
+ child_endpoint = {
+ 'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'region_id': child_region['id'],
+ 'interface': uuid.uuid4().hex[:8],
+ 'url': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'service_id': service['id'],
+ }
+ self.catalog_api.create_endpoint(child_endpoint['id'], child_endpoint)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.RegionDeletionError,
+ self.catalog_api.delete_region,
+ child_region['id'])
+ # create an endpoint attached to the service and parent region
+ endpoint = {
+ 'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'region_id': region['id'],
+ 'interface': uuid.uuid4().hex[:8],
+ 'url': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'service_id': service['id'],
+ }
+ self.catalog_api.create_endpoint(endpoint['id'], endpoint)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.RegionDeletionError,
+ self.catalog_api.delete_region,
+ region['id'])
+class SqlPolicy(SqlTests, test_backend.PolicyTests):
+ pass
+class SqlInheritance(SqlTests, test_backend.InheritanceTests):
+ pass
+class SqlTokenCacheInvalidation(SqlTests, test_backend.TokenCacheInvalidation):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(SqlTokenCacheInvalidation, self).setUp()
+ self._create_test_data()
+class SqlFilterTests(SqlTests, test_backend.FilterTests):
+ def clean_up_entities(self):
+ """Clean up entity test data from Filter Test Cases."""
+ for entity in ['user', 'group', 'project']:
+ self._delete_test_data(entity, self.entity_list[entity])
+ self._delete_test_data(entity, self.domain1_entity_list[entity])
+ del self.entity_list
+ del self.domain1_entity_list
+ self.domain1['enabled'] = False
+ self.resource_api.update_domain(self.domain1['id'], self.domain1)
+ self.resource_api.delete_domain(self.domain1['id'])
+ del self.domain1
+ def test_list_entities_filtered_by_domain(self):
+ # NOTE(henry-nash): This method is here rather than in test_backend
+ # since any domain filtering with LDAP is handled by the manager
+ # layer (and is already tested elsewhere) not at the driver level.
+ self.addCleanup(self.clean_up_entities)
+ self.domain1 = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}
+ self.resource_api.create_domain(self.domain1['id'], self.domain1)
+ self.entity_list = {}
+ self.domain1_entity_list = {}
+ for entity in ['user', 'group', 'project']:
+ # Create 5 entities, 3 of which are in domain1
+ self.entity_list[entity] = self._create_test_data(entity, 2)
+ self.domain1_entity_list[entity] = self._create_test_data(
+ entity, DOMAIN1_ENTITIES, self.domain1['id'])
+ # Should get back the DOMAIN1_ENTITIES in domain1
+ hints = driver_hints.Hints()
+ hints.add_filter('domain_id', self.domain1['id'])
+ entities = self._list_entities(entity)(hints=hints)
+ self.assertEqual(DOMAIN1_ENTITIES, len(entities))
+ self._match_with_list(entities, self.domain1_entity_list[entity])
+ # Check the driver has removed the filter from the list hints
+ self.assertFalse(hints.get_exact_filter_by_name('domain_id'))
+ def test_filter_sql_injection_attack(self):
+ """Test against sql injection attack on filters
+ Test Plan:
+ - Attempt to get all entities back by passing a two-term attribute
+ - Attempt to piggyback filter to damage DB (e.g. drop table)
+ """
+ # Check we have some users
+ users = self.identity_api.list_users()
+ self.assertTrue(len(users) > 0)
+ hints = driver_hints.Hints()
+ hints.add_filter('name', "anything' or 'x'='x")
+ users = self.identity_api.list_users(hints=hints)
+ self.assertEqual(0, len(users))
+ # See if we can add a SQL command...use the group table instead of the
+ # user table since 'user' is reserved word for SQLAlchemy.
+ group = {'name': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'domain_id': DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID}
+ group = self.identity_api.create_group(group)
+ hints = driver_hints.Hints()
+ hints.add_filter('name', "x'; drop table group")
+ groups = self.identity_api.list_groups(hints=hints)
+ self.assertEqual(0, len(groups))
+ groups = self.identity_api.list_groups()
+ self.assertTrue(len(groups) > 0)
+ def test_groups_for_user_filtered(self):
+ # The SQL identity driver currently does not support filtering on the
+ # listing groups for a given user, so will fail this test. This is
+ # raised as bug #1412447.
+ try:
+ super(SqlFilterTests, self).test_groups_for_user_filtered()
+ except matchers.MismatchError:
+ return
+ # We shouldn't get here...if we do, it means someone has fixed the
+ # above defect, so we can remove this test override. As an aside, it
+ # would be nice to have used self.assertRaises() around the call above
+ # to achieve the logic here...but that does not seem to work when
+ # wrapping another assert (it won't seem to catch the error).
+ self.assertTrue(False)
+class SqlLimitTests(SqlTests, test_backend.LimitTests):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(SqlLimitTests, self).setUp()
+ test_backend.LimitTests.setUp(self)
+class FakeTable(sql.ModelBase):
+ __tablename__ = 'test_table'
+ col = sql.Column(sql.String(32), primary_key=True)
+ @sql.handle_conflicts('keystone')
+ def insert(self):
+ raise db_exception.DBDuplicateEntry
+ @sql.handle_conflicts('keystone')
+ def update(self):
+ raise db_exception.DBError(
+ inner_exception=exc.IntegrityError('a', 'a', 'a'))
+ @sql.handle_conflicts('keystone')
+ def lookup(self):
+ raise KeyError
+class SqlDecorators(tests.TestCase):
+ def test_initialization_fail(self):
+ self.assertRaises(exception.StringLengthExceeded,
+ FakeTable, col='a' * 64)
+ def test_initialization(self):
+ tt = FakeTable(col='a')
+ self.assertEqual('a', tt.col)
+ def test_non_ascii_init(self):
+ # NOTE(I159): Non ASCII characters must cause UnicodeDecodeError
+ # if encoding is not provided explicitly.
+ self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, FakeTable, col='Я')
+ def test_conflict_happend(self):
+ self.assertRaises(exception.Conflict, FakeTable().insert)
+ self.assertRaises(exception.UnexpectedError, FakeTable().update)
+ def test_not_conflict_error(self):
+ self.assertRaises(KeyError, FakeTable().lookup)
+class SqlModuleInitialization(tests.TestCase):
+ @mock.patch.object(sql.core, 'CONF')
+ @mock.patch.object(options, 'set_defaults')
+ def test_initialize_module(self, set_defaults, CONF):
+ sql.initialize()
+ set_defaults.assert_called_with(CONF,
+ connection='sqlite:///keystone.db')
+class SqlCredential(SqlTests):
+ def _create_credential_with_user_id(self, user_id=uuid.uuid4().hex):
+ credential_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ new_credential = {
+ 'id': credential_id,
+ 'user_id': user_id,
+ 'project_id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'blob': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'type': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'extra': uuid.uuid4().hex
+ }
+ self.credential_api.create_credential(credential_id, new_credential)
+ return new_credential
+ def _validateCredentialList(self, retrieved_credentials,
+ expected_credentials):
+ self.assertEqual(len(retrieved_credentials), len(expected_credentials))
+ retrived_ids = [c['id'] for c in retrieved_credentials]
+ for cred in expected_credentials:
+ self.assertIn(cred['id'], retrived_ids)
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(SqlCredential, self).setUp()
+ self.credentials = []
+ for _ in range(3):
+ self.credentials.append(
+ self._create_credential_with_user_id())
+ self.user_credentials = []
+ for _ in range(3):
+ cred = self._create_credential_with_user_id(self.user_foo['id'])
+ self.user_credentials.append(cred)
+ self.credentials.append(cred)
+ def test_list_credentials(self):
+ credentials = self.credential_api.list_credentials()
+ self._validateCredentialList(credentials, self.credentials)
+ # test filtering using hints
+ hints = driver_hints.Hints()
+ hints.add_filter('user_id', self.user_foo['id'])
+ credentials = self.credential_api.list_credentials(hints)
+ self._validateCredentialList(credentials, self.user_credentials)
+ def test_list_credentials_for_user(self):
+ credentials = self.credential_api.list_credentials_for_user(
+ self.user_foo['id'])
+ self._validateCredentialList(credentials, self.user_credentials)
+class DeprecatedDecorators(SqlTests):
+ def test_assignment_to_role_api(self):
+ """Test that calling one of the methods does call LOG.deprecated.
+ This method is really generic to the type of backend, but we need
+ one to execute the test, so the SQL backend is as good as any.
+ """
+ # Rather than try and check that a log message is issued, we
+ # enable fatal_deprecations so that we can check for the
+ # raising of the exception.
+ # First try to create a role without enabling fatal deprecations,
+ # which should work due to the cross manager deprecated calls.
+ role_ref = {
+ 'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}
+ self.assignment_api.create_role(role_ref['id'], role_ref)
+ self.role_api.get_role(role_ref['id'])
+ # Now enable fatal exceptions - creating a role by calling the
+ # old manager should now fail.
+ self.config_fixture.config(fatal_deprecations=True)
+ role_ref = {
+ 'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}
+ self.assertRaises(versionutils.DeprecatedConfig,
+ self.assignment_api.create_role,
+ role_ref['id'], role_ref)
+ def test_assignment_to_resource_api(self):
+ """Test that calling one of the methods does call LOG.deprecated.
+ This method is really generic to the type of backend, but we need
+ one to execute the test, so the SQL backend is as good as any.
+ """
+ # Rather than try and check that a log message is issued, we
+ # enable fatal_deprecations so that we can check for the
+ # raising of the exception.
+ # First try to create a project without enabling fatal deprecations,
+ # which should work due to the cross manager deprecated calls.
+ project_ref = {
+ 'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'domain_id': DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID}
+ self.resource_api.create_project(project_ref['id'], project_ref)
+ self.resource_api.get_project(project_ref['id'])
+ # Now enable fatal exceptions - creating a project by calling the
+ # old manager should now fail.
+ self.config_fixture.config(fatal_deprecations=True)
+ project_ref = {
+ 'id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex,
+ 'domain_id': DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID}
+ self.assertRaises(versionutils.DeprecatedConfig,
+ self.assignment_api.create_project,
+ project_ref['id'], project_ref)