path: root/keystone-moon/keystone/common/ldap
diff options
authorWuKong <rebirthmonkey@gmail.com>2015-06-30 18:47:29 +0200
committerWuKong <rebirthmonkey@gmail.com>2015-06-30 18:47:29 +0200
commitb8c756ecdd7cced1db4300935484e8c83701c82e (patch)
tree87e51107d82b217ede145de9d9d59e2100725bd7 /keystone-moon/keystone/common/ldap
parentc304c773bae68fb854ed9eab8fb35c4ef17cf136 (diff)
migrate moon code from github to opnfv
Change-Id: Ice53e368fd1114d56a75271aa9f2e598e3eba604 Signed-off-by: WuKong <rebirthmonkey@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'keystone-moon/keystone/common/ldap')
2 files changed, 1925 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/keystone-moon/keystone/common/ldap/__init__.py b/keystone-moon/keystone/common/ldap/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab5bf4d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keystone-moon/keystone/common/ldap/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from keystone.common.ldap.core import * # noqa
diff --git a/keystone-moon/keystone/common/ldap/core.py b/keystone-moon/keystone/common/ldap/core.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..144c0cfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keystone-moon/keystone/common/ldap/core.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1910 @@
+# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import abc
+import codecs
+import functools
+import os.path
+import re
+import sys
+import weakref
+import ldap.filter
+import ldappool
+from oslo_log import log
+import six
+from keystone import exception
+from keystone.i18n import _
+from keystone.i18n import _LW
+LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
+LDAP_VALUES = {'TRUE': True, 'FALSE': False}
+CONTROL_TREEDELETE = '1.2.840.113556.1.4.805'
+ 'sub': ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE}
+LDAP_DEREF = {'always': ldap.DEREF_ALWAYS,
+ 'default': None,
+ 'finding': ldap.DEREF_FINDING,
+ 'never': ldap.DEREF_NEVER,
+ 'searching': ldap.DEREF_SEARCHING}
+LDAP_TLS_CERTS = {'never': ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER,
+ 'demand': ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND,
+ 'allow': ldap.OPT_X_TLS_ALLOW}
+# RFC 4511 (The LDAP Protocol) defines a list containing only the OID '1.1' to
+# indicate that no attributes should be returned besides the DN.
+DN_ONLY = ['1.1']
+_utf8_encoder = codecs.getencoder('utf-8')
+def utf8_encode(value):
+ """Encode a basestring to UTF-8.
+ If the string is unicode encode it to UTF-8, if the string is
+ str then assume it's already encoded. Otherwise raise a TypeError.
+ :param value: A basestring
+ :returns: UTF-8 encoded version of value
+ :raises: TypeError if value is not basestring
+ """
+ if isinstance(value, six.text_type):
+ return _utf8_encoder(value)[0]
+ elif isinstance(value, six.binary_type):
+ return value
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("value must be basestring, "
+ "not %s" % value.__class__.__name__)
+_utf8_decoder = codecs.getdecoder('utf-8')
+def utf8_decode(value):
+ """Decode a from UTF-8 into unicode.
+ If the value is a binary string assume it's UTF-8 encoded and decode
+ it into a unicode string. Otherwise convert the value from its
+ type into a unicode string.
+ :param value: value to be returned as unicode
+ :returns: value as unicode
+ :raises: UnicodeDecodeError for invalid UTF-8 encoding
+ """
+ if isinstance(value, six.binary_type):
+ return _utf8_decoder(value)[0]
+ return six.text_type(value)
+def py2ldap(val):
+ """Type convert a Python value to a type accepted by LDAP (unicode).
+ The LDAP API only accepts strings for values therefore convert
+ the value's type to a unicode string. A subsequent type conversion
+ will encode the unicode as UTF-8 as required by the python-ldap API,
+ but for now we just want a string representation of the value.
+ :param val: The value to convert to a LDAP string representation
+ :returns: unicode string representation of value.
+ """
+ if isinstance(val, bool):
+ return u'TRUE' if val else u'FALSE'
+ else:
+ return six.text_type(val)
+def enabled2py(val):
+ """Similar to ldap2py, only useful for the enabled attribute."""
+ try:
+ return LDAP_VALUES[val]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ return int(val)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ return utf8_decode(val)
+def ldap2py(val):
+ """Convert an LDAP formatted value to Python type used by OpenStack.
+ Virtually all LDAP values are stored as UTF-8 encoded strings.
+ OpenStack prefers values which are unicode friendly.
+ :param val: LDAP formatted value
+ :returns: val converted to preferred Python type
+ """
+ return utf8_decode(val)
+def convert_ldap_result(ldap_result):
+ """Convert LDAP search result to Python types used by OpenStack.
+ Each result tuple is of the form (dn, attrs), where dn is a string
+ containing the DN (distinguished name) of the entry, and attrs is
+ a dictionary containing the attributes associated with the
+ entry. The keys of attrs are strings, and the associated values
+ are lists of strings.
+ OpenStack wants to use Python types of its choosing. Strings will
+ be unicode, truth values boolean, whole numbers int's, etc. DN's will
+ also be decoded from UTF-8 to unicode.
+ :param ldap_result: LDAP search result
+ :returns: list of 2-tuples containing (dn, attrs) where dn is unicode
+ and attrs is a dict whose values are type converted to
+ OpenStack preferred types.
+ """
+ py_result = []
+ at_least_one_referral = False
+ for dn, attrs in ldap_result:
+ ldap_attrs = {}
+ if dn is None:
+ # this is a Referral object, rather than an Entry object
+ at_least_one_referral = True
+ continue
+ for kind, values in six.iteritems(attrs):
+ try:
+ val2py = enabled2py if kind == 'enabled' else ldap2py
+ ldap_attrs[kind] = [val2py(x) for x in values]
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ LOG.debug('Unable to decode value for attribute %s', kind)
+ py_result.append((utf8_decode(dn), ldap_attrs))
+ if at_least_one_referral:
+ LOG.debug(('Referrals were returned and ignored. Enable referral '
+ 'chasing in keystone.conf via [ldap] chase_referrals'))
+ return py_result
+def safe_iter(attrs):
+ if attrs is None:
+ return
+ elif isinstance(attrs, list):
+ for e in attrs:
+ yield e
+ else:
+ yield attrs
+def parse_deref(opt):
+ try:
+ return LDAP_DEREF[opt]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise ValueError(_('Invalid LDAP deref option: %(option)s. '
+ 'Choose one of: %(options)s') %
+ {'option': opt,
+ 'options': ', '.join(LDAP_DEREF.keys()), })
+def parse_tls_cert(opt):
+ try:
+ return LDAP_TLS_CERTS[opt]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise ValueError(_(
+ 'Invalid LDAP TLS certs option: %(option)s. '
+ 'Choose one of: %(options)s') % {
+ 'option': opt,
+ 'options': ', '.join(LDAP_TLS_CERTS.keys())})
+def ldap_scope(scope):
+ try:
+ return LDAP_SCOPES[scope]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise ValueError(
+ _('Invalid LDAP scope: %(scope)s. Choose one of: %(options)s') % {
+ 'scope': scope,
+ 'options': ', '.join(LDAP_SCOPES.keys())})
+def prep_case_insensitive(value):
+ """Prepare a string for case-insensitive comparison.
+ This is defined in RFC4518. For simplicity, all this function does is
+ lowercase all the characters, strip leading and trailing whitespace,
+ and compress sequences of spaces to a single space.
+ """
+ value = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', value.strip().lower())
+ return value
+def is_ava_value_equal(attribute_type, val1, val2):
+ """Returns True if and only if the AVAs are equal.
+ When comparing AVAs, the equality matching rule for the attribute type
+ should be taken into consideration. For simplicity, this implementation
+ does a case-insensitive comparison.
+ Note that this function uses prep_case_insenstive so the limitations of
+ that function apply here.
+ """
+ return prep_case_insensitive(val1) == prep_case_insensitive(val2)
+def is_rdn_equal(rdn1, rdn2):
+ """Returns True if and only if the RDNs are equal.
+ * RDNs must have the same number of AVAs.
+ * Each AVA of the RDNs must be the equal for the same attribute type. The
+ order isn't significant. Note that an attribute type will only be in one
+ AVA in an RDN, otherwise the DN wouldn't be valid.
+ * Attribute types aren't case sensitive. Note that attribute type
+ comparison is more complicated than implemented. This function only
+ compares case-insentive. The code should handle multiple names for an
+ attribute type (e.g., cn, commonName, and are the same).
+ Note that this function uses is_ava_value_equal to compare AVAs so the
+ limitations of that function apply here.
+ """
+ if len(rdn1) != len(rdn2):
+ return False
+ for attr_type_1, val1, dummy in rdn1:
+ found = False
+ for attr_type_2, val2, dummy in rdn2:
+ if attr_type_1.lower() != attr_type_2.lower():
+ continue
+ found = True
+ if not is_ava_value_equal(attr_type_1, val1, val2):
+ return False
+ break
+ if not found:
+ return False
+ return True
+def is_dn_equal(dn1, dn2):
+ """Returns True if and only if the DNs are equal.
+ Two DNs are equal if they've got the same number of RDNs and if the RDNs
+ are the same at each position. See RFC4517.
+ Note that this function uses is_rdn_equal to compare RDNs so the
+ limitations of that function apply here.
+ :param dn1: Either a string DN or a DN parsed by ldap.dn.str2dn.
+ :param dn2: Either a string DN or a DN parsed by ldap.dn.str2dn.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(dn1, list):
+ dn1 = ldap.dn.str2dn(utf8_encode(dn1))
+ if not isinstance(dn2, list):
+ dn2 = ldap.dn.str2dn(utf8_encode(dn2))
+ if len(dn1) != len(dn2):
+ return False
+ for rdn1, rdn2 in zip(dn1, dn2):
+ if not is_rdn_equal(rdn1, rdn2):
+ return False
+ return True
+def dn_startswith(descendant_dn, dn):
+ """Returns True if and only if the descendant_dn is under the dn.
+ :param descendant_dn: Either a string DN or a DN parsed by ldap.dn.str2dn.
+ :param dn: Either a string DN or a DN parsed by ldap.dn.str2dn.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(descendant_dn, list):
+ descendant_dn = ldap.dn.str2dn(utf8_encode(descendant_dn))
+ if not isinstance(dn, list):
+ dn = ldap.dn.str2dn(utf8_encode(dn))
+ if len(descendant_dn) <= len(dn):
+ return False
+ # Use the last len(dn) RDNs.
+ return is_dn_equal(descendant_dn[-len(dn):], dn)
+class LDAPHandler(object):
+ '''Abstract class which defines methods for a LDAP API provider.
+ Native Keystone values cannot be passed directly into and from the
+ python-ldap API. Type conversion must occur at the LDAP API
+ boudary, examples of type conversions are:
+ * booleans map to the strings 'TRUE' and 'FALSE'
+ * integer values map to their string representation.
+ * unicode strings are encoded in UTF-8
+ In addition to handling type conversions at the API boundary we
+ have the requirement to support more than one LDAP API
+ provider. Currently we have:
+ * python-ldap, this is the standard LDAP API for Python, it
+ requires access to a live LDAP server.
+ * Fake LDAP which emulates python-ldap. This is used for
+ testing without requiring a live LDAP server.
+ To support these requirements we need a layer that performs type
+ conversions and then calls another LDAP API which is configurable
+ (e.g. either python-ldap or the fake emulation).
+ We have an additional constraint at the time of this writing due to
+ limitations in the logging module. The logging module is not
+ capable of accepting UTF-8 encoded strings, it will throw an
+ encoding exception. Therefore all logging MUST be performed prior
+ to UTF-8 conversion. This means no logging can be performed in the
+ ldap APIs that implement the python-ldap API because those APIs
+ are defined to accept only UTF-8 strings. Thus the layer which
+ performs type conversions must also do the logging. We do the type
+ conversions in two steps, once to convert all Python types to
+ unicode strings, then log, then convert the unicode strings to
+ UTF-8.
+ There are a variety of ways one could accomplish this, we elect to
+ use a chaining technique whereby instances of this class simply
+ call the next member in the chain via the "conn" attribute. The
+ chain is constructed by passing in an existing instance of this
+ class as the conn attribute when the class is instantiated.
+ Here is a brief explanation of why other possible approaches were
+ not used:
+ subclassing
+ To perform the wrapping operations in the correct order
+ the type convesion class would have to subclass each of
+ the API providers. This is awkward, doubles the number of
+ classes, and does not scale well. It requires the type
+ conversion class to be aware of all possible API
+ providers.
+ decorators
+ Decorators provide an elegant solution to wrap methods and
+ would be an ideal way to perform type conversions before
+ calling the wrapped function and then converting the
+ values returned from the wrapped function. However
+ decorators need to be aware of the method signature, it
+ has to know what input parameters need conversion and how
+ to convert the result. For an API like python-ldap which
+ has a large number of different method signatures it would
+ require a large number of specialized
+ decorators. Experience has shown it's very easy to apply
+ the wrong decorator due to the inherent complexity and
+ tendency to cut-n-paste code. Another option is to
+ parameterize the decorator to make it "smart". Experience
+ has shown such decorators become insanely complicated and
+ difficult to understand and debug. Also decorators tend to
+ hide what's really going on when a method is called, the
+ operations being performed are not visible when looking at
+ the implemation of a decorated method, this too experience
+ has shown leads to mistakes.
+ Chaining simplifies both wrapping to perform type conversion as
+ well as the substitution of alternative API providers. One simply
+ creates a new instance of the API interface and insert it at the
+ front of the chain. Type conversions are explicit and obvious.
+ If a new method needs to be added to the API interface one adds it
+ to the abstract class definition. Should one miss adding the new
+ method to any derivations of the abstract class the code will fail
+ to load and run making it impossible to forget updating all the
+ derived classes.
+ '''
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def __init__(self, conn=None):
+ self.conn = conn
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def connect(self, url, page_size=0, alias_dereferencing=None,
+ use_tls=False, tls_cacertfile=None, tls_cacertdir=None,
+ tls_req_cert='demand', chase_referrals=None, debug_level=None,
+ use_pool=None, pool_size=None, pool_retry_max=None,
+ pool_retry_delay=None, pool_conn_timeout=None,
+ pool_conn_lifetime=None):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def set_option(self, option, invalue):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def get_option(self, option):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def simple_bind_s(self, who='', cred='',
+ serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def unbind_s(self):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def add_s(self, dn, modlist):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def search_s(self, base, scope,
+ filterstr='(objectClass=*)', attrlist=None, attrsonly=0):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def search_ext(self, base, scope,
+ filterstr='(objectClass=*)', attrlist=None, attrsonly=0,
+ serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None,
+ timeout=-1, sizelimit=0):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def result3(self, msgid=ldap.RES_ANY, all=1, timeout=None,
+ resp_ctrl_classes=None):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def modify_s(self, dn, modlist):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def delete_s(self, dn):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def delete_ext_s(self, dn, serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None):
+ raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
+class PythonLDAPHandler(LDAPHandler):
+ '''Implementation of the LDAPHandler interface which calls the
+ python-ldap API.
+ Note, the python-ldap API requires all string values to be UTF-8
+ encoded. The KeystoneLDAPHandler enforces this prior to invoking
+ the methods in this class.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, conn=None):
+ super(PythonLDAPHandler, self).__init__(conn=conn)
+ def connect(self, url, page_size=0, alias_dereferencing=None,
+ use_tls=False, tls_cacertfile=None, tls_cacertdir=None,
+ tls_req_cert='demand', chase_referrals=None, debug_level=None,
+ use_pool=None, pool_size=None, pool_retry_max=None,
+ pool_retry_delay=None, pool_conn_timeout=None,
+ pool_conn_lifetime=None):
+ _common_ldap_initialization(url=url,
+ use_tls=use_tls,
+ tls_cacertfile=tls_cacertfile,
+ tls_cacertdir=tls_cacertdir,
+ tls_req_cert=tls_req_cert,
+ debug_level=debug_level)
+ self.conn = ldap.initialize(url)
+ self.conn.protocol_version = ldap.VERSION3
+ if alias_dereferencing is not None:
+ self.conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_DEREF, alias_dereferencing)
+ self.page_size = page_size
+ if use_tls:
+ self.conn.start_tls_s()
+ if chase_referrals is not None:
+ self.conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, int(chase_referrals))
+ def set_option(self, option, invalue):
+ return self.conn.set_option(option, invalue)
+ def get_option(self, option):
+ return self.conn.get_option(option)
+ def simple_bind_s(self, who='', cred='',
+ serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None):
+ return self.conn.simple_bind_s(who, cred, serverctrls, clientctrls)
+ def unbind_s(self):
+ return self.conn.unbind_s()
+ def add_s(self, dn, modlist):
+ return self.conn.add_s(dn, modlist)
+ def search_s(self, base, scope,
+ filterstr='(objectClass=*)', attrlist=None, attrsonly=0):
+ return self.conn.search_s(base, scope, filterstr,
+ attrlist, attrsonly)
+ def search_ext(self, base, scope,
+ filterstr='(objectClass=*)', attrlist=None, attrsonly=0,
+ serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None,
+ timeout=-1, sizelimit=0):
+ return self.conn.search_ext(base, scope,
+ filterstr, attrlist, attrsonly,
+ serverctrls, clientctrls,
+ timeout, sizelimit)
+ def result3(self, msgid=ldap.RES_ANY, all=1, timeout=None,
+ resp_ctrl_classes=None):
+ # The resp_ctrl_classes parameter is a recent addition to the
+ # API. It defaults to None. We do not anticipate using it.
+ # To run with older versions of python-ldap we do not pass it.
+ return self.conn.result3(msgid, all, timeout)
+ def modify_s(self, dn, modlist):
+ return self.conn.modify_s(dn, modlist)
+ def delete_s(self, dn):
+ return self.conn.delete_s(dn)
+ def delete_ext_s(self, dn, serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None):
+ return self.conn.delete_ext_s(dn, serverctrls, clientctrls)
+def _common_ldap_initialization(url, use_tls=False, tls_cacertfile=None,
+ tls_cacertdir=None, tls_req_cert=None,
+ debug_level=None):
+ '''Method for common ldap initialization between PythonLDAPHandler and
+ PooledLDAPHandler.
+ '''
+ LOG.debug("LDAP init: url=%s", url)
+ LOG.debug('LDAP init: use_tls=%s tls_cacertfile=%s tls_cacertdir=%s '
+ 'tls_req_cert=%s tls_avail=%s',
+ use_tls, tls_cacertfile, tls_cacertdir,
+ tls_req_cert, ldap.TLS_AVAIL)
+ if debug_level is not None:
+ ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL, debug_level)
+ using_ldaps = url.lower().startswith("ldaps")
+ if use_tls and using_ldaps:
+ raise AssertionError(_('Invalid TLS / LDAPS combination'))
+ # The certificate trust options apply for both LDAPS and TLS.
+ if use_tls or using_ldaps:
+ if not ldap.TLS_AVAIL:
+ raise ValueError(_('Invalid LDAP TLS_AVAIL option: %s. TLS '
+ 'not available') % ldap.TLS_AVAIL)
+ if tls_cacertfile:
+ # NOTE(topol)
+ # python ldap TLS does not verify CACERTFILE or CACERTDIR
+ # so we add some extra simple sanity check verification
+ # Also, setting these values globally (i.e. on the ldap object)
+ # works but these values are ignored when setting them on the
+ # connection
+ if not os.path.isfile(tls_cacertfile):
+ raise IOError(_("tls_cacertfile %s not found "
+ "or is not a file") %
+ tls_cacertfile)
+ ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, tls_cacertfile)
+ elif tls_cacertdir:
+ # NOTE(topol)
+ # python ldap TLS does not verify CACERTFILE or CACERTDIR
+ # so we add some extra simple sanity check verification
+ # Also, setting these values globally (i.e. on the ldap object)
+ # works but these values are ignored when setting them on the
+ # connection
+ if not os.path.isdir(tls_cacertdir):
+ raise IOError(_("tls_cacertdir %s not found "
+ "or is not a directory") %
+ tls_cacertdir)
+ ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTDIR, tls_cacertdir)
+ if tls_req_cert in LDAP_TLS_CERTS.values():
+ ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, tls_req_cert)
+ else:
+ LOG.debug("LDAP TLS: invalid TLS_REQUIRE_CERT Option=%s",
+ tls_req_cert)
+class MsgId(list):
+ '''Wrapper class to hold connection and msgid.'''
+ pass
+def use_conn_pool(func):
+ '''Use this only for connection pool specific ldap API.
+ This adds connection object to decorated API as next argument after self.
+ '''
+ def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ # assert isinstance(self, PooledLDAPHandler)
+ with self._get_pool_connection() as conn:
+ self._apply_options(conn)
+ return func(self, conn, *args, **kwargs)
+ return wrapper
+class PooledLDAPHandler(LDAPHandler):
+ '''Implementation of the LDAPHandler interface which uses pooled
+ connection manager.
+ Pool specific configuration is defined in [ldap] section.
+ All other LDAP configuration is still used from [ldap] section
+ Keystone LDAP authentication logic authenticates an end user using its DN
+ and password via LDAP bind to establish supplied password is correct.
+ This can fill up the pool quickly (as pool re-uses existing connection
+ based on its bind data) and would not leave space in pool for connection
+ re-use for other LDAP operations.
+ Now a separate pool can be established for those requests when related flag
+ 'use_auth_pool' is enabled. That pool can have its own size and
+ connection lifetime. Other pool attributes are shared between those pools.
+ If 'use_pool' is disabled, then 'use_auth_pool' does not matter.
+ If 'use_auth_pool' is not enabled, then connection pooling is not used for
+ those LDAP operations.
+ Note, the python-ldap API requires all string values to be UTF-8
+ encoded. The KeystoneLDAPHandler enforces this prior to invoking
+ the methods in this class.
+ '''
+ # Added here to allow override for testing
+ Connector = ldappool.StateConnector
+ auth_pool_prefix = 'auth_pool_'
+ connection_pools = {} # static connector pool dict
+ def __init__(self, conn=None, use_auth_pool=False):
+ super(PooledLDAPHandler, self).__init__(conn=conn)
+ self.who = ''
+ self.cred = ''
+ self.conn_options = {} # connection specific options
+ self.page_size = None
+ self.use_auth_pool = use_auth_pool
+ self.conn_pool = None
+ def connect(self, url, page_size=0, alias_dereferencing=None,
+ use_tls=False, tls_cacertfile=None, tls_cacertdir=None,
+ tls_req_cert='demand', chase_referrals=None, debug_level=None,
+ use_pool=None, pool_size=None, pool_retry_max=None,
+ pool_retry_delay=None, pool_conn_timeout=None,
+ pool_conn_lifetime=None):
+ _common_ldap_initialization(url=url,
+ use_tls=use_tls,
+ tls_cacertfile=tls_cacertfile,
+ tls_cacertdir=tls_cacertdir,
+ tls_req_cert=tls_req_cert,
+ debug_level=debug_level)
+ self.page_size = page_size
+ # Following two options are not added in common initialization as they
+ # need to follow a sequence in PythonLDAPHandler code.
+ if alias_dereferencing is not None:
+ self.set_option(ldap.OPT_DEREF, alias_dereferencing)
+ if chase_referrals is not None:
+ self.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, int(chase_referrals))
+ if self.use_auth_pool: # separate pool when use_auth_pool enabled
+ pool_url = self.auth_pool_prefix + url
+ else:
+ pool_url = url
+ try:
+ self.conn_pool = self.connection_pools[pool_url]
+ except KeyError:
+ self.conn_pool = ldappool.ConnectionManager(
+ url,
+ size=pool_size,
+ retry_max=pool_retry_max,
+ retry_delay=pool_retry_delay,
+ timeout=pool_conn_timeout,
+ connector_cls=self.Connector,
+ use_tls=use_tls,
+ max_lifetime=pool_conn_lifetime)
+ self.connection_pools[pool_url] = self.conn_pool
+ def set_option(self, option, invalue):
+ self.conn_options[option] = invalue
+ def get_option(self, option):
+ value = self.conn_options.get(option)
+ # if option was not specified explicitly, then use connection default
+ # value for that option if there.
+ if value is None:
+ with self._get_pool_connection() as conn:
+ value = conn.get_option(option)
+ return value
+ def _apply_options(self, conn):
+ # if connection has a lifetime, then it already has options specified
+ if conn.get_lifetime() > 30:
+ return
+ for option, invalue in six.iteritems(self.conn_options):
+ conn.set_option(option, invalue)
+ def _get_pool_connection(self):
+ return self.conn_pool.connection(self.who, self.cred)
+ def simple_bind_s(self, who='', cred='',
+ serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None):
+ '''Not using use_conn_pool decorator here as this API takes cred as
+ input.
+ '''
+ self.who = who
+ self.cred = cred
+ with self._get_pool_connection() as conn:
+ self._apply_options(conn)
+ def unbind_s(self):
+ # After connection generator is done `with` statement execution block
+ # connection is always released via finally block in ldappool.
+ # So this unbind is a no op.
+ pass
+ @use_conn_pool
+ def add_s(self, conn, dn, modlist):
+ return conn.add_s(dn, modlist)
+ @use_conn_pool
+ def search_s(self, conn, base, scope,
+ filterstr='(objectClass=*)', attrlist=None, attrsonly=0):
+ return conn.search_s(base, scope, filterstr, attrlist,
+ attrsonly)
+ def search_ext(self, base, scope,
+ filterstr='(objectClass=*)', attrlist=None, attrsonly=0,
+ serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None,
+ timeout=-1, sizelimit=0):
+ '''This API is asynchoronus API which returns MsgId instance to be used
+ in result3 call.
+ To work with result3 API in predicatable manner, same LDAP connection
+ is needed which provided msgid. So wrapping used connection and msgid
+ in MsgId class. The connection associated with search_ext is released
+ once last hard reference to MsgId object is freed. This will happen
+ when the method is done with returned MsgId usage.
+ '''
+ conn_ctxt = self._get_pool_connection()
+ conn = conn_ctxt.__enter__()
+ try:
+ msgid = conn.search_ext(base, scope,
+ filterstr, attrlist, attrsonly,
+ serverctrls, clientctrls,
+ timeout, sizelimit)
+ except Exception:
+ conn_ctxt.__exit__(*sys.exc_info())
+ raise
+ res = MsgId((conn, msgid))
+ weakref.ref(res, functools.partial(conn_ctxt.__exit__,
+ None, None, None))
+ return res
+ def result3(self, msgid, all=1, timeout=None,
+ resp_ctrl_classes=None):
+ '''This method is used to wait for and return the result of an
+ operation previously initiated by one of the LDAP asynchronous
+ operation routines (eg search_ext()) It returned an invocation
+ identifier (a message id) upon successful initiation of their
+ operation.
+ Input msgid is expected to be instance of class MsgId which has LDAP
+ session/connection used to execute search_ext and message idenfier.
+ The connection associated with search_ext is released once last hard
+ reference to MsgId object is freed. This will happen when function
+ which requested msgId and used it in result3 exits.
+ '''
+ conn, msg_id = msgid
+ return conn.result3(msg_id, all, timeout)
+ @use_conn_pool
+ def modify_s(self, conn, dn, modlist):
+ return conn.modify_s(dn, modlist)
+ @use_conn_pool
+ def delete_s(self, conn, dn):
+ return conn.delete_s(dn)
+ @use_conn_pool
+ def delete_ext_s(self, conn, dn, serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None):
+ return conn.delete_ext_s(dn, serverctrls, clientctrls)
+class KeystoneLDAPHandler(LDAPHandler):
+ '''Convert data types and perform logging.
+ This LDAP inteface wraps the python-ldap based interfaces. The
+ python-ldap interfaces require string values encoded in UTF-8. The
+ OpenStack logging framework at the time of this writing is not
+ capable of accepting strings encoded in UTF-8, the log functions
+ will throw decoding errors if a non-ascii character appears in a
+ string.
+ Prior to the call Python data types are converted to a string
+ representation as required by the LDAP APIs.
+ Then logging is performed so we can track what is being
+ sent/received from LDAP. Also the logging filters security
+ sensitive items (i.e. passwords).
+ Then the string values are encoded into UTF-8.
+ Then the LDAP API entry point is invoked.
+ Data returned from the LDAP call is converted back from UTF-8
+ encoded strings into the Python data type used internally in
+ OpenStack.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, conn=None):
+ super(KeystoneLDAPHandler, self).__init__(conn=conn)
+ self.page_size = 0
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def _disable_paging(self):
+ # Disable the pagination from now on
+ self.page_size = 0
+ def connect(self, url, page_size=0, alias_dereferencing=None,
+ use_tls=False, tls_cacertfile=None, tls_cacertdir=None,
+ tls_req_cert='demand', chase_referrals=None, debug_level=None,
+ use_pool=None, pool_size=None,
+ pool_retry_max=None, pool_retry_delay=None,
+ pool_conn_timeout=None, pool_conn_lifetime=None):
+ self.page_size = page_size
+ return self.conn.connect(url, page_size, alias_dereferencing,
+ use_tls, tls_cacertfile, tls_cacertdir,
+ tls_req_cert, chase_referrals,
+ debug_level=debug_level,
+ use_pool=use_pool,
+ pool_size=pool_size,
+ pool_retry_max=pool_retry_max,
+ pool_retry_delay=pool_retry_delay,
+ pool_conn_timeout=pool_conn_timeout,
+ pool_conn_lifetime=pool_conn_lifetime)
+ def set_option(self, option, invalue):
+ return self.conn.set_option(option, invalue)
+ def get_option(self, option):
+ return self.conn.get_option(option)
+ def simple_bind_s(self, who='', cred='',
+ serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None):
+ LOG.debug("LDAP bind: who=%s", who)
+ who_utf8 = utf8_encode(who)
+ cred_utf8 = utf8_encode(cred)
+ return self.conn.simple_bind_s(who_utf8, cred_utf8,
+ serverctrls=serverctrls,
+ clientctrls=clientctrls)
+ def unbind_s(self):
+ LOG.debug("LDAP unbind")
+ return self.conn.unbind_s()
+ def add_s(self, dn, modlist):
+ ldap_attrs = [(kind, [py2ldap(x) for x in safe_iter(values)])
+ for kind, values in modlist]
+ logging_attrs = [(kind, values
+ if kind != 'userPassword'
+ else ['****'])
+ for kind, values in ldap_attrs]
+ LOG.debug('LDAP add: dn=%s attrs=%s',
+ dn, logging_attrs)
+ dn_utf8 = utf8_encode(dn)
+ ldap_attrs_utf8 = [(kind, [utf8_encode(x) for x in safe_iter(values)])
+ for kind, values in ldap_attrs]
+ return self.conn.add_s(dn_utf8, ldap_attrs_utf8)
+ def search_s(self, base, scope,
+ filterstr='(objectClass=*)', attrlist=None, attrsonly=0):
+ # NOTE(morganfainberg): Remove "None" singletons from this list, which
+ # allows us to set mapped attributes to "None" as defaults in config.
+ # Without this filtering, the ldap query would raise a TypeError since
+ # attrlist is expected to be an iterable of strings.
+ if attrlist is not None:
+ attrlist = [attr for attr in attrlist if attr is not None]
+ LOG.debug('LDAP search: base=%s scope=%s filterstr=%s '
+ 'attrs=%s attrsonly=%s',
+ base, scope, filterstr, attrlist, attrsonly)
+ if self.page_size:
+ ldap_result = self._paged_search_s(base, scope,
+ filterstr, attrlist)
+ else:
+ base_utf8 = utf8_encode(base)
+ filterstr_utf8 = utf8_encode(filterstr)
+ if attrlist is None:
+ attrlist_utf8 = None
+ else:
+ attrlist_utf8 = map(utf8_encode, attrlist)
+ ldap_result = self.conn.search_s(base_utf8, scope,
+ filterstr_utf8,
+ attrlist_utf8, attrsonly)
+ py_result = convert_ldap_result(ldap_result)
+ return py_result
+ def search_ext(self, base, scope,
+ filterstr='(objectClass=*)', attrlist=None, attrsonly=0,
+ serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None,
+ timeout=-1, sizelimit=0):
+ if attrlist is not None:
+ attrlist = [attr for attr in attrlist if attr is not None]
+ LOG.debug('LDAP search_ext: base=%s scope=%s filterstr=%s '
+ 'attrs=%s attrsonly=%s'
+ 'serverctrls=%s clientctrls=%s timeout=%s sizelimit=%s',
+ base, scope, filterstr, attrlist, attrsonly,
+ serverctrls, clientctrls, timeout, sizelimit)
+ return self.conn.search_ext(base, scope,
+ filterstr, attrlist, attrsonly,
+ serverctrls, clientctrls,
+ timeout, sizelimit)
+ def _paged_search_s(self, base, scope, filterstr, attrlist=None):
+ res = []
+ use_old_paging_api = False
+ # The API for the simple paged results control changed between
+ # python-ldap 2.3 and 2.4. We need to detect the capabilities
+ # of the python-ldap version we are using.
+ if hasattr(ldap, 'LDAP_CONTROL_PAGE_OID'):
+ use_old_paging_api = True
+ lc = ldap.controls.SimplePagedResultsControl(
+ controlType=ldap.LDAP_CONTROL_PAGE_OID,
+ criticality=True,
+ controlValue=(self.page_size, ''))
+ page_ctrl_oid = ldap.LDAP_CONTROL_PAGE_OID
+ else:
+ lc = ldap.controls.libldap.SimplePagedResultsControl(
+ criticality=True,
+ size=self.page_size,
+ cookie='')
+ page_ctrl_oid = ldap.controls.SimplePagedResultsControl.controlType
+ base_utf8 = utf8_encode(base)
+ filterstr_utf8 = utf8_encode(filterstr)
+ if attrlist is None:
+ attrlist_utf8 = None
+ else:
+ attrlist = [attr for attr in attrlist if attr is not None]
+ attrlist_utf8 = map(utf8_encode, attrlist)
+ msgid = self.conn.search_ext(base_utf8,
+ scope,
+ filterstr_utf8,
+ attrlist_utf8,
+ serverctrls=[lc])
+ # Endless loop request pages on ldap server until it has no data
+ while True:
+ # Request to the ldap server a page with 'page_size' entries
+ rtype, rdata, rmsgid, serverctrls = self.conn.result3(msgid)
+ # Receive the data
+ res.extend(rdata)
+ pctrls = [c for c in serverctrls
+ if c.controlType == page_ctrl_oid]
+ if pctrls:
+ # LDAP server supports pagination
+ if use_old_paging_api:
+ est, cookie = pctrls[0].controlValue
+ lc.controlValue = (self.page_size, cookie)
+ else:
+ cookie = lc.cookie = pctrls[0].cookie
+ if cookie:
+ # There is more data still on the server
+ # so we request another page
+ msgid = self.conn.search_ext(base_utf8,
+ scope,
+ filterstr_utf8,
+ attrlist_utf8,
+ serverctrls=[lc])
+ else:
+ # Exit condition no more data on server
+ break
+ else:
+ LOG.warning(_LW('LDAP Server does not support paging. '
+ 'Disable paging in keystone.conf to '
+ 'avoid this message.'))
+ self._disable_paging()
+ break
+ return res
+ def result3(self, msgid=ldap.RES_ANY, all=1, timeout=None,
+ resp_ctrl_classes=None):
+ ldap_result = self.conn.result3(msgid, all, timeout, resp_ctrl_classes)
+ LOG.debug('LDAP result3: msgid=%s all=%s timeout=%s '
+ 'resp_ctrl_classes=%s ldap_result=%s',
+ msgid, all, timeout, resp_ctrl_classes, ldap_result)
+ py_result = convert_ldap_result(ldap_result)
+ return py_result
+ def modify_s(self, dn, modlist):
+ ldap_modlist = [
+ (op, kind, (None if values is None
+ else [py2ldap(x) for x in safe_iter(values)]))
+ for op, kind, values in modlist]
+ logging_modlist = [(op, kind, (values if kind != 'userPassword'
+ else ['****']))
+ for op, kind, values in ldap_modlist]
+ LOG.debug('LDAP modify: dn=%s modlist=%s',
+ dn, logging_modlist)
+ dn_utf8 = utf8_encode(dn)
+ ldap_modlist_utf8 = [
+ (op, kind, (None if values is None
+ else [utf8_encode(x) for x in safe_iter(values)]))
+ for op, kind, values in ldap_modlist]
+ return self.conn.modify_s(dn_utf8, ldap_modlist_utf8)
+ def delete_s(self, dn):
+ LOG.debug("LDAP delete: dn=%s", dn)
+ dn_utf8 = utf8_encode(dn)
+ return self.conn.delete_s(dn_utf8)
+ def delete_ext_s(self, dn, serverctrls=None, clientctrls=None):
+ LOG.debug('LDAP delete_ext: dn=%s serverctrls=%s clientctrls=%s',
+ dn, serverctrls, clientctrls)
+ dn_utf8 = utf8_encode(dn)
+ return self.conn.delete_ext_s(dn_utf8, serverctrls, clientctrls)
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+ self.unbind_s()
+def register_handler(prefix, handler):
+ _HANDLERS[prefix] = handler
+def _get_connection(conn_url, use_pool=False, use_auth_pool=False):
+ for prefix, handler in six.iteritems(_HANDLERS):
+ if conn_url.startswith(prefix):
+ return handler()
+ if use_pool:
+ return PooledLDAPHandler(use_auth_pool=use_auth_pool)
+ else:
+ return PythonLDAPHandler()
+def filter_entity(entity_ref):
+ """Filter out private items in an entity dict.
+ :param entity_ref: the entity dictionary. The 'dn' field will be removed.
+ 'dn' is used in LDAP, but should not be returned to the user. This
+ value may be modified.
+ :returns: entity_ref
+ """
+ if entity_ref:
+ entity_ref.pop('dn', None)
+ return entity_ref
+class BaseLdap(object):
+ DEFAULT_SUFFIX = "dc=example,dc=com"
+ DUMB_MEMBER_DN = 'cn=dumb,dc=nonexistent'
+ NotFound = None
+ notfound_arg = None
+ options_name = None
+ model = None
+ attribute_options_names = {}
+ immutable_attrs = []
+ attribute_ignore = []
+ tree_dn = None
+ def __init__(self, conf):
+ self.LDAP_URL = conf.ldap.url
+ self.LDAP_USER = conf.ldap.user
+ self.LDAP_PASSWORD = conf.ldap.password
+ self.LDAP_SCOPE = ldap_scope(conf.ldap.query_scope)
+ self.alias_dereferencing = parse_deref(conf.ldap.alias_dereferencing)
+ self.page_size = conf.ldap.page_size
+ self.use_tls = conf.ldap.use_tls
+ self.tls_cacertfile = conf.ldap.tls_cacertfile
+ self.tls_cacertdir = conf.ldap.tls_cacertdir
+ self.tls_req_cert = parse_tls_cert(conf.ldap.tls_req_cert)
+ self.attribute_mapping = {}
+ self.chase_referrals = conf.ldap.chase_referrals
+ self.debug_level = conf.ldap.debug_level
+ # LDAP Pool specific attribute
+ self.use_pool = conf.ldap.use_pool
+ self.pool_size = conf.ldap.pool_size
+ self.pool_retry_max = conf.ldap.pool_retry_max
+ self.pool_retry_delay = conf.ldap.pool_retry_delay
+ self.pool_conn_timeout = conf.ldap.pool_connection_timeout
+ self.pool_conn_lifetime = conf.ldap.pool_connection_lifetime
+ # End user authentication pool specific config attributes
+ self.use_auth_pool = self.use_pool and conf.ldap.use_auth_pool
+ self.auth_pool_size = conf.ldap.auth_pool_size
+ self.auth_pool_conn_lifetime = conf.ldap.auth_pool_connection_lifetime
+ if self.options_name is not None:
+ self.suffix = conf.ldap.suffix
+ if self.suffix is None:
+ self.suffix = self.DEFAULT_SUFFIX
+ dn = '%s_tree_dn' % self.options_name
+ self.tree_dn = (getattr(conf.ldap, dn)
+ or '%s,%s' % (self.DEFAULT_OU, self.suffix))
+ idatt = '%s_id_attribute' % self.options_name
+ self.id_attr = getattr(conf.ldap, idatt) or self.DEFAULT_ID_ATTR
+ objclass = '%s_objectclass' % self.options_name
+ self.object_class = (getattr(conf.ldap, objclass)
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(self.attribute_options_names):
+ v = '%s_%s_attribute' % (self.options_name, v)
+ self.attribute_mapping[k] = getattr(conf.ldap, v)
+ attr_mapping_opt = ('%s_additional_attribute_mapping' %
+ self.options_name)
+ attr_mapping = (getattr(conf.ldap, attr_mapping_opt)
+ self.extra_attr_mapping = self._parse_extra_attrs(attr_mapping)
+ ldap_filter = '%s_filter' % self.options_name
+ self.ldap_filter = getattr(conf.ldap,
+ ldap_filter) or self.DEFAULT_FILTER
+ allow_create = '%s_allow_create' % self.options_name
+ self.allow_create = getattr(conf.ldap, allow_create)
+ allow_update = '%s_allow_update' % self.options_name
+ self.allow_update = getattr(conf.ldap, allow_update)
+ allow_delete = '%s_allow_delete' % self.options_name
+ self.allow_delete = getattr(conf.ldap, allow_delete)
+ member_attribute = '%s_member_attribute' % self.options_name
+ self.member_attribute = getattr(conf.ldap, member_attribute, None)
+ self.structural_classes = self.DEFAULT_STRUCTURAL_CLASSES
+ if self.notfound_arg is None:
+ self.notfound_arg = self.options_name + '_id'
+ attribute_ignore = '%s_attribute_ignore' % self.options_name
+ self.attribute_ignore = getattr(conf.ldap, attribute_ignore)
+ self.use_dumb_member = conf.ldap.use_dumb_member
+ self.dumb_member = (conf.ldap.dumb_member or
+ self.subtree_delete_enabled = conf.ldap.allow_subtree_delete
+ def _not_found(self, object_id):
+ if self.NotFound is None:
+ return exception.NotFound(target=object_id)
+ else:
+ return self.NotFound(**{self.notfound_arg: object_id})
+ def _parse_extra_attrs(self, option_list):
+ mapping = {}
+ for item in option_list:
+ try:
+ ldap_attr, attr_map = item.split(':')
+ except Exception:
+ LOG.warn(_LW(
+ 'Invalid additional attribute mapping: "%s". '
+ 'Format must be <ldap_attribute>:<keystone_attribute>'),
+ item)
+ continue
+ mapping[ldap_attr] = attr_map
+ return mapping
+ def _is_dumb_member(self, member_dn):
+ """Checks that member is a dumb member.
+ :param member_dn: DN of member to be checked.
+ """
+ return (self.use_dumb_member
+ and is_dn_equal(member_dn, self.dumb_member))
+ def get_connection(self, user=None, password=None, end_user_auth=False):
+ use_pool = self.use_pool
+ pool_size = self.pool_size
+ pool_conn_lifetime = self.pool_conn_lifetime
+ if end_user_auth:
+ if not self.use_auth_pool:
+ use_pool = False
+ else:
+ pool_size = self.auth_pool_size
+ pool_conn_lifetime = self.auth_pool_conn_lifetime
+ conn = _get_connection(self.LDAP_URL, use_pool,
+ use_auth_pool=end_user_auth)
+ conn = KeystoneLDAPHandler(conn=conn)
+ conn.connect(self.LDAP_URL,
+ page_size=self.page_size,
+ alias_dereferencing=self.alias_dereferencing,
+ use_tls=self.use_tls,
+ tls_cacertfile=self.tls_cacertfile,
+ tls_cacertdir=self.tls_cacertdir,
+ tls_req_cert=self.tls_req_cert,
+ chase_referrals=self.chase_referrals,
+ debug_level=self.debug_level,
+ use_pool=use_pool,
+ pool_size=pool_size,
+ pool_retry_max=self.pool_retry_max,
+ pool_retry_delay=self.pool_retry_delay,
+ pool_conn_timeout=self.pool_conn_timeout,
+ pool_conn_lifetime=pool_conn_lifetime
+ )
+ if user is None:
+ user = self.LDAP_USER
+ if password is None:
+ password = self.LDAP_PASSWORD
+ # not all LDAP servers require authentication, so we don't bind
+ # if we don't have any user/pass
+ if user and password:
+ conn.simple_bind_s(user, password)
+ return conn
+ def _id_to_dn_string(self, object_id):
+ return u'%s=%s,%s' % (self.id_attr,
+ ldap.dn.escape_dn_chars(
+ six.text_type(object_id)),
+ self.tree_dn)
+ def _id_to_dn(self, object_id):
+ if self.LDAP_SCOPE == ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL:
+ return self._id_to_dn_string(object_id)
+ with self.get_connection() as conn:
+ search_result = conn.search_s(
+ self.tree_dn, self.LDAP_SCOPE,
+ u'(&(%(id_attr)s=%(id)s)(objectclass=%(objclass)s))' %
+ {'id_attr': self.id_attr,
+ 'id': ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(
+ six.text_type(object_id)),
+ 'objclass': self.object_class},
+ attrlist=DN_ONLY)
+ if search_result:
+ dn, attrs = search_result[0]
+ return dn
+ else:
+ return self._id_to_dn_string(object_id)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _dn_to_id(dn):
+ return utf8_decode(ldap.dn.str2dn(utf8_encode(dn))[0][0][1])
+ def _ldap_res_to_model(self, res):
+ # LDAP attribute names may be returned in a different case than
+ # they are defined in the mapping, so we need to check for keys
+ # in a case-insensitive way. We use the case specified in the
+ # mapping for the model to ensure we have a predictable way of
+ # retrieving values later.
+ lower_res = {k.lower(): v for k, v in six.iteritems(res[1])}
+ id_attrs = lower_res.get(self.id_attr.lower())
+ if not id_attrs:
+ message = _('ID attribute %(id_attr)s not found in LDAP '
+ 'object %(dn)s') % ({'id_attr': self.id_attr,
+ 'dn': res[0]})
+ raise exception.NotFound(message=message)
+ if len(id_attrs) > 1:
+ # FIXME(gyee): if this is a multi-value attribute and it has
+ # multiple values, we can't use it as ID. Retain the dn_to_id
+ # logic here so it does not potentially break existing
+ # deployments. We need to fix our read-write LDAP logic so
+ # it does not get the ID from DN.
+ message = _LW('ID attribute %(id_attr)s for LDAP object %(dn)s '
+ 'has multiple values and therefore cannot be used '
+ 'as an ID. Will get the ID from DN instead') % (
+ {'id_attr': self.id_attr,
+ 'dn': res[0]})
+ LOG.warn(message)
+ id_val = self._dn_to_id(res[0])
+ else:
+ id_val = id_attrs[0]
+ obj = self.model(id=id_val)
+ for k in obj.known_keys:
+ if k in self.attribute_ignore:
+ continue
+ try:
+ map_attr = self.attribute_mapping.get(k, k)
+ if map_attr is None:
+ # Ignore attributes that are mapped to None.
+ continue
+ v = lower_res[map_attr.lower()]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ try:
+ obj[k] = v[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ obj[k] = None
+ return obj
+ def check_allow_create(self):
+ if not self.allow_create:
+ action = _('LDAP %s create') % self.options_name
+ raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action)
+ def check_allow_update(self):
+ if not self.allow_update:
+ action = _('LDAP %s update') % self.options_name
+ raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action)
+ def check_allow_delete(self):
+ if not self.allow_delete:
+ action = _('LDAP %s delete') % self.options_name
+ raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action)
+ def affirm_unique(self, values):
+ if values.get('name') is not None:
+ try:
+ self.get_by_name(values['name'])
+ except exception.NotFound:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise exception.Conflict(type=self.options_name,
+ details=_('Duplicate name, %s.') %
+ values['name'])
+ if values.get('id') is not None:
+ try:
+ self.get(values['id'])
+ except exception.NotFound:
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise exception.Conflict(type=self.options_name,
+ details=_('Duplicate ID, %s.') %
+ values['id'])
+ def create(self, values):
+ self.affirm_unique(values)
+ object_classes = self.structural_classes + [self.object_class]
+ attrs = [('objectClass', object_classes)]
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(values):
+ if k in self.attribute_ignore:
+ continue
+ if k == 'id':
+ # no need to check if v is None as 'id' will always have
+ # a value
+ attrs.append((self.id_attr, [v]))
+ elif v is not None:
+ attr_type = self.attribute_mapping.get(k, k)
+ if attr_type is not None:
+ attrs.append((attr_type, [v]))
+ extra_attrs = [attr for attr, name
+ in six.iteritems(self.extra_attr_mapping)
+ if name == k]
+ for attr in extra_attrs:
+ attrs.append((attr, [v]))
+ if 'groupOfNames' in object_classes and self.use_dumb_member:
+ attrs.append(('member', [self.dumb_member]))
+ with self.get_connection() as conn:
+ conn.add_s(self._id_to_dn(values['id']), attrs)
+ return values
+ def _ldap_get(self, object_id, ldap_filter=None):
+ query = (u'(&(%(id_attr)s=%(id)s)'
+ u'%(filter)s'
+ u'(objectClass=%(object_class)s))'
+ % {'id_attr': self.id_attr,
+ 'id': ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(
+ six.text_type(object_id)),
+ 'filter': (ldap_filter or self.ldap_filter or ''),
+ 'object_class': self.object_class})
+ with self.get_connection() as conn:
+ try:
+ attrs = list(set(([self.id_attr] +
+ self.attribute_mapping.values() +
+ self.extra_attr_mapping.keys())))
+ res = conn.search_s(self.tree_dn,
+ self.LDAP_SCOPE,
+ query,
+ attrs)
+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
+ return None
+ try:
+ return res[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ return None
+ def _ldap_get_all(self, ldap_filter=None):
+ query = u'(&%s(objectClass=%s))' % (ldap_filter or
+ self.ldap_filter or
+ '', self.object_class)
+ with self.get_connection() as conn:
+ try:
+ attrs = list(set(([self.id_attr] +
+ self.attribute_mapping.values() +
+ self.extra_attr_mapping.keys())))
+ return conn.search_s(self.tree_dn,
+ self.LDAP_SCOPE,
+ query,
+ attrs)
+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
+ return []
+ def _ldap_get_list(self, search_base, scope, query_params=None,
+ attrlist=None):
+ query = u'(objectClass=%s)' % self.object_class
+ if query_params:
+ def calc_filter(attrname, value):
+ val_esc = ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(value)
+ return '(%s=%s)' % (attrname, val_esc)
+ query = (u'(&%s%s)' %
+ (query, ''.join([calc_filter(k, v) for k, v in
+ six.iteritems(query_params)])))
+ with self.get_connection() as conn:
+ return conn.search_s(search_base, scope, query, attrlist)
+ def get(self, object_id, ldap_filter=None):
+ res = self._ldap_get(object_id, ldap_filter)
+ if res is None:
+ raise self._not_found(object_id)
+ else:
+ return self._ldap_res_to_model(res)
+ def get_by_name(self, name, ldap_filter=None):
+ query = (u'(%s=%s)' % (self.attribute_mapping['name'],
+ ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(
+ six.text_type(name))))
+ res = self.get_all(query)
+ try:
+ return res[0]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise self._not_found(name)
+ def get_all(self, ldap_filter=None):
+ return [self._ldap_res_to_model(x)
+ for x in self._ldap_get_all(ldap_filter)]
+ def update(self, object_id, values, old_obj=None):
+ if old_obj is None:
+ old_obj = self.get(object_id)
+ modlist = []
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(values):
+ if k == 'id':
+ # id can't be modified.
+ continue
+ if k in self.attribute_ignore:
+ # Handle 'enabled' specially since can't disable if ignored.
+ if k == 'enabled' and (not v):
+ action = _("Disabling an entity where the 'enable' "
+ "attribute is ignored by configuration.")
+ raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action)
+ continue
+ # attribute value has not changed
+ if k in old_obj and old_obj[k] == v:
+ continue
+ if k in self.immutable_attrs:
+ msg = (_("Cannot change %(option_name)s %(attr)s") %
+ {'option_name': self.options_name, 'attr': k})
+ raise exception.ValidationError(msg)
+ if v is None:
+ if old_obj.get(k) is not None:
+ modlist.append((ldap.MOD_DELETE,
+ self.attribute_mapping.get(k, k),
+ None))
+ continue
+ current_value = old_obj.get(k)
+ if current_value is None:
+ op = ldap.MOD_ADD
+ modlist.append((op, self.attribute_mapping.get(k, k), [v]))
+ elif current_value != v:
+ op = ldap.MOD_REPLACE
+ modlist.append((op, self.attribute_mapping.get(k, k), [v]))
+ if modlist:
+ with self.get_connection() as conn:
+ try:
+ conn.modify_s(self._id_to_dn(object_id), modlist)
+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
+ raise self._not_found(object_id)
+ return self.get(object_id)
+ def delete(self, object_id):
+ with self.get_connection() as conn:
+ try:
+ conn.delete_s(self._id_to_dn(object_id))
+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
+ raise self._not_found(object_id)
+ def deleteTree(self, object_id):
+ tree_delete_control = ldap.controls.LDAPControl(CONTROL_TREEDELETE,
+ 0,
+ None)
+ with self.get_connection() as conn:
+ try:
+ conn.delete_ext_s(self._id_to_dn(object_id),
+ serverctrls=[tree_delete_control])
+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
+ raise self._not_found(object_id)
+ # Most LDAP servers do not support the tree_delete_control.
+ # In these servers, the usual idiom is to first perform a
+ # search to get the entries to delete, then delete them in
+ # in order of child to parent, since LDAP forbids the
+ # deletion of a parent entry before deleting the children
+ # of that parent. The simplest way to do that is to delete
+ # the entries in order of the length of the DN, from longest
+ # to shortest DN.
+ dn = self._id_to_dn(object_id)
+ scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
+ # With some directory servers, an entry with objectclass
+ # ldapsubentry will not be returned unless it is explicitly
+ # requested, by specifying the objectclass in the search
+ # filter. We must specify this, with objectclass=*, in an
+ # LDAP filter OR clause, in order to return all entries
+ filt = '(|(objectclass=*)(objectclass=ldapsubentry))'
+ # We only need the DNs of the entries. Since no attributes
+ # will be returned, we do not have to specify attrsonly=1.
+ entries = conn.search_s(dn, scope, filt, attrlist=DN_ONLY)
+ if entries:
+ for dn in sorted((e[0] for e in entries),
+ key=len, reverse=True):
+ conn.delete_s(dn)
+ else:
+ LOG.debug('No entries in LDAP subtree %s', dn)
+ def add_member(self, member_dn, member_list_dn):
+ """Add member to the member list.
+ :param member_dn: DN of member to be added.
+ :param member_list_dn: DN of group to which the
+ member will be added.
+ :raises: exception.Conflict: If the user was already a member.
+ self.NotFound: If the group entry didn't exist.
+ """
+ with self.get_connection() as conn:
+ try:
+ mod = (ldap.MOD_ADD, self.member_attribute, member_dn)
+ conn.modify_s(member_list_dn, [mod])
+ except ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS:
+ raise exception.Conflict(_('Member %(member)s '
+ 'is already a member'
+ ' of group %(group)s') % {
+ 'member': member_dn,
+ 'group': member_list_dn})
+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
+ raise self._not_found(member_list_dn)
+ def remove_member(self, member_dn, member_list_dn):
+ """Remove member from the member list.
+ :param member_dn: DN of member to be removed.
+ :param member_list_dn: DN of group from which the
+ member will be removed.
+ :raises: self.NotFound: If the group entry didn't exist.
+ ldap.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE: If the user wasn't a member.
+ """
+ with self.get_connection() as conn:
+ try:
+ mod = (ldap.MOD_DELETE, self.member_attribute, member_dn)
+ conn.modify_s(member_list_dn, [mod])
+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
+ raise self._not_found(member_list_dn)
+ def _delete_tree_nodes(self, search_base, scope, query_params=None):
+ query = u'(objectClass=%s)' % self.object_class
+ if query_params:
+ query = (u'(&%s%s)' %
+ (query, ''.join(['(%s=%s)'
+ % (k, ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(v))
+ for k, v in
+ six.iteritems(query_params)])))
+ not_deleted_nodes = []
+ with self.get_connection() as conn:
+ try:
+ nodes = conn.search_s(search_base, scope, query,
+ attrlist=DN_ONLY)
+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
+ LOG.debug('Could not find entry with dn=%s', search_base)
+ raise self._not_found(self._dn_to_id(search_base))
+ else:
+ for node_dn, _t in nodes:
+ try:
+ conn.delete_s(node_dn)
+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
+ not_deleted_nodes.append(node_dn)
+ if not_deleted_nodes:
+ LOG.warn(_LW("When deleting entries for %(search_base)s, could not"
+ " delete nonexistent entries %(entries)s%(dots)s"),
+ {'search_base': search_base,
+ 'entries': not_deleted_nodes[:3],
+ 'dots': '...' if len(not_deleted_nodes) > 3 else ''})
+ def filter_query(self, hints, query=None):
+ """Applies filtering to a query.
+ :param hints: contains the list of filters, which may be None,
+ indicating that there are no filters to be applied.
+ If it's not None, then any filters satisfied here will be
+ removed so that the caller will know if any filters
+ remain to be applied.
+ :param query: LDAP query into which to include filters
+ :returns query: LDAP query, updated with any filters satisfied
+ """
+ def build_filter(filter_, hints):
+ """Build a filter for the query.
+ :param filter_: the dict that describes this filter
+ :param hints: contains the list of filters yet to be satisfied.
+ :returns query: LDAP query term to be added
+ """
+ ldap_attr = self.attribute_mapping[filter_['name']]
+ val_esc = ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(filter_['value'])
+ if filter_['case_sensitive']:
+ # NOTE(henry-nash): Although dependent on the schema being
+ # used, most LDAP attributes are configured with case
+ # insensitive matching rules, so we'll leave this to the
+ # controller to filter.
+ return
+ if filter_['name'] == 'enabled':
+ # NOTE(henry-nash): Due to the different options for storing
+ # the enabled attribute (e,g, emulated or not), for now we
+ # don't try and filter this at the driver level - we simply
+ # leave the filter to be handled by the controller. It seems
+ # unlikley that this will cause a signifcant performance
+ # issue.
+ return
+ # TODO(henry-nash): Currently there are no booleans (other than
+ # 'enabled' that is handled above) on which you can filter. If
+ # there were, we would need to add special handling here to
+ # convert the booleans values to 'TRUE' and 'FALSE'. To do that
+ # we would also need to know which filter keys were actually
+ # booleans (this is related to bug #1411478).
+ if filter_['comparator'] == 'equals':
+ query_term = (u'(%(attr)s=%(val)s)'
+ % {'attr': ldap_attr, 'val': val_esc})
+ elif filter_['comparator'] == 'contains':
+ query_term = (u'(%(attr)s=*%(val)s*)'
+ % {'attr': ldap_attr, 'val': val_esc})
+ elif filter_['comparator'] == 'startswith':
+ query_term = (u'(%(attr)s=%(val)s*)'
+ % {'attr': ldap_attr, 'val': val_esc})
+ elif filter_['comparator'] == 'endswith':
+ query_term = (u'(%(attr)s=*%(val)s)'
+ % {'attr': ldap_attr, 'val': val_esc})
+ else:
+ # It's a filter we don't understand, so let the caller
+ # work out if they need to do something with it.
+ return
+ return query_term
+ if hints is None:
+ return query
+ filter_list = []
+ satisfied_filters = []
+ for filter_ in hints.filters:
+ if filter_['name'] not in self.attribute_mapping:
+ continue
+ new_filter = build_filter(filter_, hints)
+ if new_filter is not None:
+ filter_list.append(new_filter)
+ satisfied_filters.append(filter_)
+ if filter_list:
+ query = u'(&%s%s)' % (query, ''.join(filter_list))
+ # Remove satisfied filters, then the caller will know remaining filters
+ for filter_ in satisfied_filters:
+ hints.filters.remove(filter_)
+ return query
+class EnabledEmuMixIn(BaseLdap):
+ """Emulates boolean 'enabled' attribute if turned on.
+ Creates groupOfNames holding all enabled objects of this class, all missing
+ objects are considered disabled.
+ Options:
+ * $name_enabled_emulation - boolean, on/off
+ * $name_enabled_emulation_dn - DN of that groupOfNames, default is
+ cn=enabled_${name}s,${tree_dn}
+ Where ${name}s is the plural of self.options_name ('users' or 'tenants'),
+ ${tree_dn} is self.tree_dn.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, conf):
+ super(EnabledEmuMixIn, self).__init__(conf)
+ enabled_emulation = '%s_enabled_emulation' % self.options_name
+ self.enabled_emulation = getattr(conf.ldap, enabled_emulation)
+ enabled_emulation_dn = '%s_enabled_emulation_dn' % self.options_name
+ self.enabled_emulation_dn = getattr(conf.ldap, enabled_emulation_dn)
+ if not self.enabled_emulation_dn:
+ naming_attr_name = 'cn'
+ naming_attr_value = 'enabled_%ss' % self.options_name
+ sub_vals = (naming_attr_name, naming_attr_value, self.tree_dn)
+ self.enabled_emulation_dn = '%s=%s,%s' % sub_vals
+ naming_attr = (naming_attr_name, [naming_attr_value])
+ else:
+ # Extract the attribute name and value from the configured DN.
+ naming_dn = ldap.dn.str2dn(utf8_encode(self.enabled_emulation_dn))
+ naming_rdn = naming_dn[0][0]
+ naming_attr = (utf8_decode(naming_rdn[0]),
+ utf8_decode(naming_rdn[1]))
+ self.enabled_emulation_naming_attr = naming_attr
+ def _get_enabled(self, object_id):
+ dn = self._id_to_dn(object_id)
+ query = '(member=%s)' % dn
+ with self.get_connection() as conn:
+ try:
+ enabled_value = conn.search_s(self.enabled_emulation_dn,
+ ldap.SCOPE_BASE,
+ query, ['cn'])
+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return bool(enabled_value)
+ def _add_enabled(self, object_id):
+ if not self._get_enabled(object_id):
+ modlist = [(ldap.MOD_ADD,
+ 'member',
+ [self._id_to_dn(object_id)])]
+ with self.get_connection() as conn:
+ try:
+ conn.modify_s(self.enabled_emulation_dn, modlist)
+ except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
+ attr_list = [('objectClass', ['groupOfNames']),
+ ('member', [self._id_to_dn(object_id)]),
+ self.enabled_emulation_naming_attr]
+ if self.use_dumb_member:
+ attr_list[1][1].append(self.dumb_member)
+ conn.add_s(self.enabled_emulation_dn, attr_list)
+ def _remove_enabled(self, object_id):
+ modlist = [(ldap.MOD_DELETE,
+ 'member',
+ [self._id_to_dn(object_id)])]
+ with self.get_connection() as conn:
+ try:
+ conn.modify_s(self.enabled_emulation_dn, modlist)
+ except (ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT, ldap.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE):
+ pass
+ def create(self, values):
+ if self.enabled_emulation:
+ enabled_value = values.pop('enabled', True)
+ ref = super(EnabledEmuMixIn, self).create(values)
+ if 'enabled' not in self.attribute_ignore:
+ if enabled_value:
+ self._add_enabled(ref['id'])
+ ref['enabled'] = enabled_value
+ return ref
+ else:
+ return super(EnabledEmuMixIn, self).create(values)
+ def get(self, object_id, ldap_filter=None):
+ ref = super(EnabledEmuMixIn, self).get(object_id, ldap_filter)
+ if 'enabled' not in self.attribute_ignore and self.enabled_emulation:
+ ref['enabled'] = self._get_enabled(object_id)
+ return ref
+ def get_all(self, ldap_filter=None):
+ if 'enabled' not in self.attribute_ignore and self.enabled_emulation:
+ # had to copy BaseLdap.get_all here to ldap_filter by DN
+ tenant_list = [self._ldap_res_to_model(x)
+ for x in self._ldap_get_all(ldap_filter)
+ if x[0] != self.enabled_emulation_dn]
+ for tenant_ref in tenant_list:
+ tenant_ref['enabled'] = self._get_enabled(tenant_ref['id'])
+ return tenant_list
+ else:
+ return super(EnabledEmuMixIn, self).get_all(ldap_filter)
+ def update(self, object_id, values, old_obj=None):
+ if 'enabled' not in self.attribute_ignore and self.enabled_emulation:
+ data = values.copy()
+ enabled_value = data.pop('enabled', None)
+ ref = super(EnabledEmuMixIn, self).update(object_id, data, old_obj)
+ if enabled_value is not None:
+ if enabled_value:
+ self._add_enabled(object_id)
+ else:
+ self._remove_enabled(object_id)
+ ref['enabled'] = enabled_value
+ return ref
+ else:
+ return super(EnabledEmuMixIn, self).update(
+ object_id, values, old_obj)
+ def delete(self, object_id):
+ if self.enabled_emulation:
+ self._remove_enabled(object_id)
+ super(EnabledEmuMixIn, self).delete(object_id)
+class ProjectLdapStructureMixin(object):
+ """Project LDAP Structure shared between LDAP backends.
+ This is shared between the resource and assignment LDAP backends.
+ """
+ DEFAULT_OU = 'ou=Groups'
+ NotFound = exception.ProjectNotFound
+ notfound_arg = 'project_id' # NOTE(yorik-sar): while options_name = tenant
+ options_name = 'project'
+ attribute_options_names = {'name': 'name',
+ 'description': 'desc',
+ 'enabled': 'enabled',
+ 'domain_id': 'domain_id'}
+ immutable_attrs = ['name']