path: root/keystone-moon/keystone/common/cache/backends
diff options
authorDUVAL Thomas <thomas.duval@orange.com>2016-06-09 09:11:50 +0200
committerDUVAL Thomas <thomas.duval@orange.com>2016-06-09 09:11:50 +0200
commit2e7b4f2027a1147ca28301e4f88adf8274b39a1f (patch)
tree8b8d94001ebe6cc34106cf813b538911a8d66d9a /keystone-moon/keystone/common/cache/backends
parenta33bdcb627102a01244630a54cb4b5066b385a6a (diff)
Update Keystone core to Mitaka.
Change-Id: Ia10d6add16f4a9d25d1f42d420661c46332e69db
Diffstat (limited to 'keystone-moon/keystone/common/cache/backends')
3 files changed, 26 insertions, 588 deletions
diff --git a/keystone-moon/keystone/common/cache/backends/memcache_pool.py b/keystone-moon/keystone/common/cache/backends/memcache_pool.py
index f3990b12..bbe4785a 100644
--- a/keystone-moon/keystone/common/cache/backends/memcache_pool.py
+++ b/keystone-moon/keystone/common/cache/backends/memcache_pool.py
@@ -13,49 +13,16 @@
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
-"""dogpile.cache backend that uses Memcached connection pool"""
+"""This module is deprecated."""
-import functools
-import logging
+from oslo_cache.backends import memcache_pool
+from oslo_log import versionutils
-from dogpile.cache.backends import memcached as memcached_backend
-from keystone.common.cache import _memcache_pool
-LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# Helper to ease backend refactoring
-class ClientProxy(object):
- def __init__(self, client_pool):
- self.client_pool = client_pool
- def _run_method(self, __name, *args, **kwargs):
- with self.client_pool.acquire() as client:
- return getattr(client, __name)(*args, **kwargs)
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- return functools.partial(self._run_method, name)
-class PooledMemcachedBackend(memcached_backend.MemcachedBackend):
- # Composed from GenericMemcachedBackend's and MemcacheArgs's __init__
- def __init__(self, arguments):
- super(PooledMemcachedBackend, self).__init__(arguments)
- self.client_pool = _memcache_pool.MemcacheClientPool(
- self.url,
- arguments={
- 'dead_retry': arguments.get('dead_retry', 5 * 60),
- 'socket_timeout': arguments.get('socket_timeout', 3),
- },
- maxsize=arguments.get('pool_maxsize', 10),
- unused_timeout=arguments.get('pool_unused_timeout', 60),
- conn_get_timeout=arguments.get('pool_connection_get_timeout', 10),
- )
- # Since all methods in backend just call one of methods of client, this
- # lets us avoid need to hack it too much
- @property
- def client(self):
- return ClientProxy(self.client_pool)
+ versionutils.deprecated.MITAKA,
+ what='keystone.cache.memcache_pool backend',
+ in_favor_of='oslo_cache.memcache_pool backend',
+ remove_in=+1)
+class PooledMemcachedBackend(memcache_pool.PooledMemcachedBackend):
+ pass
diff --git a/keystone-moon/keystone/common/cache/backends/mongo.py b/keystone-moon/keystone/common/cache/backends/mongo.py
index cb5ad833..861aefed 100644
--- a/keystone-moon/keystone/common/cache/backends/mongo.py
+++ b/keystone-moon/keystone/common/cache/backends/mongo.py
@@ -12,550 +12,14 @@
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
-import abc
-import datetime
+from oslo_cache.backends import mongo
+from oslo_log import versionutils
-from dogpile.cache import api
-from dogpile.cache import util as dp_util
-from oslo_log import log
-from oslo_utils import importutils
-from oslo_utils import timeutils
-import six
-from keystone import exception
-from keystone.i18n import _, _LW
-LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
-class MongoCacheBackend(api.CacheBackend):
- """A MongoDB based caching backend implementing dogpile backend APIs.
- Arguments accepted in the arguments dictionary:
- :param db_hosts: string (required), hostname or IP address of the
- MongoDB server instance. This can be a single MongoDB connection URI,
- or a list of MongoDB connection URIs.
- :param db_name: string (required), the name of the database to be used.
- :param cache_collection: string (required), the name of collection to store
- cached data.
- *Note:* Different collection name can be provided if there is need to
- create separate container (i.e. collection) for cache data. So region
- configuration is done per collection.
- Following are optional parameters for MongoDB backend configuration,
- :param username: string, the name of the user to authenticate.
- :param password: string, the password of the user to authenticate.
- :param max_pool_size: integer, the maximum number of connections that the
- pool will open simultaneously. By default the pool size is 10.
- :param w: integer, write acknowledgement for MongoDB client
- If not provided, then no default is set on MongoDB and then write
- acknowledgement behavior occurs as per MongoDB default. This parameter
- name is same as what is used in MongoDB docs. This value is specified
- at collection level so its applicable to `cache_collection` db write
- operations.
- If this is a replica set, write operations will block until they have
- been replicated to the specified number or tagged set of servers.
- Setting w=0 disables write acknowledgement and all other write concern
- options.
- :param read_preference: string, the read preference mode for MongoDB client
- Expected value is ``primary``, ``primaryPreferred``, ``secondary``,
- ``secondaryPreferred``, or ``nearest``. This read_preference is
- specified at collection level so its applicable to `cache_collection`
- db read operations.
- :param use_replica: boolean, flag to indicate if replica client to be
- used. Default is `False`. `replicaset_name` value is required if
- `True`.
- :param replicaset_name: string, name of replica set.
- Becomes required if `use_replica` is `True`
- :param son_manipulator: string, name of class with module name which
- implements MongoDB SONManipulator.
- Default manipulator used is :class:`.BaseTransform`.
- This manipulator is added per database. In multiple cache
- configurations, the manipulator name should be same if same
- database name ``db_name`` is used in those configurations.
- SONManipulator is used to manipulate custom data types as they are
- saved or retrieved from MongoDB. Custom impl is only needed if cached
- data is custom class and needs transformations when saving or reading
- from db. If dogpile cached value contains built-in data types, then
- BaseTransform class is sufficient as it already handles dogpile
- CachedValue class transformation.
- :param mongo_ttl_seconds: integer, interval in seconds to indicate maximum
- time-to-live value.
- If value is greater than 0, then its assumed that cache_collection
- needs to be TTL type (has index at 'doc_date' field).
- By default, the value is -1 and its disabled.
- Reference: <http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/expire-data/>
- .. NOTE::
- This parameter is different from Dogpile own
- expiration_time, which is the number of seconds after which Dogpile
- will consider the value to be expired. When Dogpile considers a
- value to be expired, it continues to use the value until generation
- of a new value is complete, when using CacheRegion.get_or_create().
- Therefore, if you are setting `mongo_ttl_seconds`, you will want to
- make sure it is greater than expiration_time by at least enough
- seconds for new values to be generated, else the value would not
- be available during a regeneration, forcing all threads to wait for
- a regeneration each time a value expires.
- :param ssl: boolean, If True, create the connection to the server
- using SSL. Default is `False`. Client SSL connection parameters depends
- on server side SSL setup. For further reference on SSL configuration:
- <http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/configure-ssl/>
- :param ssl_keyfile: string, the private keyfile used to identify the
- local connection against mongod. If included with the certfile then
- only the `ssl_certfile` is needed. Used only when `ssl` is `True`.
- :param ssl_certfile: string, the certificate file used to identify the
- local connection against mongod. Used only when `ssl` is `True`.
- :param ssl_ca_certs: string, the ca_certs file contains a set of
- concatenated 'certification authority' certificates, which are used to
- validate certificates passed from the other end of the connection.
- Used only when `ssl` is `True`.
- :param ssl_cert_reqs: string, the parameter cert_reqs specifies whether
- a certificate is required from the other side of the connection, and
- whether it will be validated if provided. It must be one of the three
- values ``ssl.CERT_NONE`` (certificates ignored), ``ssl.CERT_OPTIONAL``
- (not required, but validated if provided), or
- ``ssl.CERT_REQUIRED`` (required and validated). If the value of this
- parameter is not ``ssl.CERT_NONE``, then the ssl_ca_certs parameter
- must point to a file of CA certificates. Used only when `ssl`
- is `True`.
- Rest of arguments are passed to mongo calls for read, write and remove.
- So related options can be specified to pass to these operations.
- Further details of various supported arguments can be referred from
- <http://api.mongodb.org/python/current/api/pymongo/>
- """
- def __init__(self, arguments):
- self.api = MongoApi(arguments)
- @dp_util.memoized_property
- def client(self):
- """Initializes MongoDB connection and collection defaults.
- This initialization is done only once and performed as part of lazy
- inclusion of MongoDB dependency i.e. add imports only if related
- backend is used.
- :return: :class:`.MongoApi` instance
- """
- self.api.get_cache_collection()
- return self.api
- def get(self, key):
- value = self.client.get(key)
- if value is None:
- return NO_VALUE
- else:
- return value
- def get_multi(self, keys):
- values = self.client.get_multi(keys)
- return [
- NO_VALUE if key not in values
- else values[key] for key in keys
- ]
- def set(self, key, value):
- self.client.set(key, value)
- def set_multi(self, mapping):
- self.client.set_multi(mapping)
- def delete(self, key):
- self.client.delete(key)
- def delete_multi(self, keys):
- self.client.delete_multi(keys)
-class MongoApi(object):
- """Class handling MongoDB specific functionality.
- This class uses PyMongo APIs internally to create database connection
- with configured pool size, ensures unique index on key, does database
- authentication and ensure TTL collection index if configured so.
- This class also serves as handle to cache collection for dogpile cache
- APIs.
- In a single deployment, multiple cache configuration can be defined. In
- that case of multiple cache collections usage, db client connection pool
- is shared when cache collections are within same database.
- """
- # class level attributes for re-use of db client connection and collection
- _DB = {} # dict of db_name: db connection reference
- _MONGO_COLLS = {} # dict of cache_collection : db collection reference
- def __init__(self, arguments):
- self._init_args(arguments)
- self._data_manipulator = None
- def _init_args(self, arguments):
- """Helper logic for collecting and parsing MongoDB specific arguments.
- The arguments passed in are separated out in connection specific
- setting and rest of arguments are passed to create/update/delete
- db operations.
- """
- self.conn_kwargs = {} # connection specific arguments
- self.hosts = arguments.pop('db_hosts', None)
- if self.hosts is None:
- msg = _('db_hosts value is required')
- raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)
- self.db_name = arguments.pop('db_name', None)
- if self.db_name is None:
- msg = _('database db_name is required')
- raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)
- self.cache_collection = arguments.pop('cache_collection', None)
- if self.cache_collection is None:
- msg = _('cache_collection name is required')
- raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)
- self.username = arguments.pop('username', None)
- self.password = arguments.pop('password', None)
- self.max_pool_size = arguments.pop('max_pool_size', 10)
- self.w = arguments.pop('w', -1)
- try:
- self.w = int(self.w)
- except ValueError:
- msg = _('integer value expected for w (write concern attribute)')
- raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)
- self.read_preference = arguments.pop('read_preference', None)
- self.use_replica = arguments.pop('use_replica', False)
- if self.use_replica:
- if arguments.get('replicaset_name') is None:
- msg = _('replicaset_name required when use_replica is True')
- raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)
- self.replicaset_name = arguments.get('replicaset_name')
- self.son_manipulator = arguments.pop('son_manipulator', None)
- # set if mongo collection needs to be TTL type.
- # This needs to be max ttl for any cache entry.
- # By default, -1 means don't use TTL collection.
- # With ttl set, it creates related index and have doc_date field with
- # needed expiration interval
- self.ttl_seconds = arguments.pop('mongo_ttl_seconds', -1)
- try:
- self.ttl_seconds = int(self.ttl_seconds)
- except ValueError:
- msg = _('integer value expected for mongo_ttl_seconds')
- raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)
- self.conn_kwargs['ssl'] = arguments.pop('ssl', False)
- if self.conn_kwargs['ssl']:
- ssl_keyfile = arguments.pop('ssl_keyfile', None)
- ssl_certfile = arguments.pop('ssl_certfile', None)
- ssl_ca_certs = arguments.pop('ssl_ca_certs', None)
- ssl_cert_reqs = arguments.pop('ssl_cert_reqs', None)
- if ssl_keyfile:
- self.conn_kwargs['ssl_keyfile'] = ssl_keyfile
- if ssl_certfile:
- self.conn_kwargs['ssl_certfile'] = ssl_certfile
- if ssl_ca_certs:
- self.conn_kwargs['ssl_ca_certs'] = ssl_ca_certs
- if ssl_cert_reqs:
- self.conn_kwargs['ssl_cert_reqs'] = (
- self._ssl_cert_req_type(ssl_cert_reqs))
- # rest of arguments are passed to mongo crud calls
- self.meth_kwargs = arguments
- def _ssl_cert_req_type(self, req_type):
- try:
- import ssl
- except ImportError:
- raise exception.ValidationError(_('no ssl support available'))
- req_type = req_type.upper()
- try:
- return {
- 'NONE': ssl.CERT_NONE,
- }[req_type]
- except KeyError:
- msg = _('Invalid ssl_cert_reqs value of %s, must be one of '
- '"NONE", "OPTIONAL", "REQUIRED"') % (req_type)
- raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)
- def _get_db(self):
- # defer imports until backend is used
- global pymongo
- import pymongo
- if self.use_replica:
- connection = pymongo.MongoReplicaSetClient(
- host=self.hosts, replicaSet=self.replicaset_name,
- max_pool_size=self.max_pool_size, **self.conn_kwargs)
- else: # used for standalone node or mongos in sharded setup
- connection = pymongo.MongoClient(
- host=self.hosts, max_pool_size=self.max_pool_size,
- **self.conn_kwargs)
- database = getattr(connection, self.db_name)
- self._assign_data_mainpulator()
- database.add_son_manipulator(self._data_manipulator)
- if self.username and self.password:
- database.authenticate(self.username, self.password)
- return database
- def _assign_data_mainpulator(self):
- if self._data_manipulator is None:
- if self.son_manipulator:
- self._data_manipulator = importutils.import_object(
- self.son_manipulator)
- else:
- self._data_manipulator = BaseTransform()
- def _get_doc_date(self):
- if self.ttl_seconds > 0:
- expire_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.ttl_seconds)
- doc_date = timeutils.utcnow() + expire_delta
- else:
- doc_date = timeutils.utcnow()
- return doc_date
- def get_cache_collection(self):
- if self.cache_collection not in self._MONGO_COLLS:
- global pymongo
- import pymongo
- # re-use db client connection if already defined as part of
- # earlier dogpile cache configuration
- if self.db_name not in self._DB:
- self._DB[self.db_name] = self._get_db()
- coll = getattr(self._DB[self.db_name], self.cache_collection)
- self._assign_data_mainpulator()
- if self.read_preference:
- # pymongo 3.0 renamed mongos_enum to read_pref_mode_from_name
- f = getattr(pymongo.read_preferences,
- 'read_pref_mode_from_name', None)
- if not f:
- f = pymongo.read_preferences.mongos_enum
- self.read_preference = f(self.read_preference)
- coll.read_preference = self.read_preference
- if self.w > -1:
- coll.write_concern['w'] = self.w
- if self.ttl_seconds > 0:
- kwargs = {'expireAfterSeconds': self.ttl_seconds}
- coll.ensure_index('doc_date', cache_for=5, **kwargs)
- else:
- self._validate_ttl_index(coll, self.cache_collection,
- self.ttl_seconds)
- self._MONGO_COLLS[self.cache_collection] = coll
- return self._MONGO_COLLS[self.cache_collection]
- def _get_cache_entry(self, key, value, meta, doc_date):
- """MongoDB cache data representation.
- Storing cache key as ``_id`` field as MongoDB by default creates
- unique index on this field. So no need to create separate field and
- index for storing cache key. Cache data has additional ``doc_date``
- field for MongoDB TTL collection support.
- """
- return dict(_id=key, value=value, meta=meta, doc_date=doc_date)
- def _validate_ttl_index(self, collection, coll_name, ttl_seconds):
- """Checks if existing TTL index is removed on a collection.
- This logs warning when existing collection has TTL index defined and
- new cache configuration tries to disable index with
- ``mongo_ttl_seconds < 0``. In that case, existing index needs
- to be addressed first to make new configuration effective.
- Refer to MongoDB documentation around TTL index for further details.
- """
- indexes = collection.index_information()
- for indx_name, index_data in indexes.items():
- if all(k in index_data for k in ('key', 'expireAfterSeconds')):
- existing_value = index_data['expireAfterSeconds']
- fld_present = 'doc_date' in index_data['key'][0]
- if fld_present and existing_value > -1 and ttl_seconds < 1:
- msg = _LW('TTL index already exists on db collection '
- '<%(c_name)s>, remove index <%(indx_name)s> '
- 'first to make updated mongo_ttl_seconds value '
- 'to be effective')
- LOG.warn(msg, {'c_name': coll_name,
- 'indx_name': indx_name})
- def get(self, key):
- critieria = {'_id': key}
- result = self.get_cache_collection().find_one(spec_or_id=critieria,
- **self.meth_kwargs)
- if result:
- return result['value']
- else:
- return None
- def get_multi(self, keys):
- db_results = self._get_results_as_dict(keys)
- return {doc['_id']: doc['value'] for doc in six.itervalues(db_results)}
- def _get_results_as_dict(self, keys):
- critieria = {'_id': {'$in': keys}}
- db_results = self.get_cache_collection().find(spec=critieria,
- **self.meth_kwargs)
- return {doc['_id']: doc for doc in db_results}
- def set(self, key, value):
- doc_date = self._get_doc_date()
- ref = self._get_cache_entry(key, value.payload, value.metadata,
- doc_date)
- spec = {'_id': key}
- # find and modify does not have manipulator support
- # so need to do conversion as part of input document
- ref = self._data_manipulator.transform_incoming(ref, self)
- self.get_cache_collection().find_and_modify(spec, ref, upsert=True,
- **self.meth_kwargs)
- def set_multi(self, mapping):
- """Insert multiple documents specified as key, value pairs.
- In this case, multiple documents can be added via insert provided they
- do not exist.
- Update of multiple existing documents is done one by one
- """
- doc_date = self._get_doc_date()
- insert_refs = []
- update_refs = []
- existing_docs = self._get_results_as_dict(list(mapping.keys()))
- for key, value in mapping.items():
- ref = self._get_cache_entry(key, value.payload, value.metadata,
- doc_date)
- if key in existing_docs:
- ref['_id'] = existing_docs[key]['_id']
- update_refs.append(ref)
- else:
- insert_refs.append(ref)
- if insert_refs:
- self.get_cache_collection().insert(insert_refs, manipulate=True,
- **self.meth_kwargs)
- for upd_doc in update_refs:
- self.get_cache_collection().save(upd_doc, manipulate=True,
- **self.meth_kwargs)
- def delete(self, key):
- critieria = {'_id': key}
- self.get_cache_collection().remove(spec_or_id=critieria,
- **self.meth_kwargs)
- def delete_multi(self, keys):
- critieria = {'_id': {'$in': keys}}
- self.get_cache_collection().remove(spec_or_id=critieria,
- **self.meth_kwargs)
-class AbstractManipulator(object):
- """Abstract class with methods which need to be implemented for custom
- manipulation.
- Adding this as a base class for :class:`.BaseTransform` instead of adding
- import dependency of pymongo specific class i.e.
- `pymongo.son_manipulator.SONManipulator` and using that as base class.
- This is done to avoid pymongo dependency if MongoDB backend is not used.
- """
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def transform_incoming(self, son, collection):
- """Used while saving data to MongoDB.
- :param son: the SON object to be inserted into the database
- :param collection: the collection the object is being inserted into
- :returns: transformed SON object
- """
- raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def transform_outgoing(self, son, collection):
- """Used while reading data from MongoDB.
- :param son: the SON object being retrieved from the database
- :param collection: the collection this object was stored in
- :returns: transformed SON object
- """
- raise exception.NotImplemented() # pragma: no cover
- def will_copy(self):
- """Will this SON manipulator make a copy of the incoming document?
- Derived classes that do need to make a copy should override this
- method, returning `True` instead of `False`.
- :returns: boolean
- """
- return False
-class BaseTransform(AbstractManipulator):
- """Base transformation class to store and read dogpile cached data
- from MongoDB.
- This is needed as dogpile internally stores data as a custom class
- i.e. dogpile.cache.api.CachedValue
- Note: Custom manipulator needs to always override ``transform_incoming``
- and ``transform_outgoing`` methods. MongoDB manipulator logic specifically
- checks that overridden method in instance and its super are different.
- """
- def transform_incoming(self, son, collection):
- """Used while saving data to MongoDB."""
- for (key, value) in list(son.items()):
- if isinstance(value, api.CachedValue):
- son[key] = value.payload # key is 'value' field here
- son['meta'] = value.metadata
- elif isinstance(value, dict): # Make sure we recurse into sub-docs
- son[key] = self.transform_incoming(value, collection)
- return son
- def transform_outgoing(self, son, collection):
- """Used while reading data from MongoDB."""
- metadata = None
- # make sure its top level dictionary with all expected fields names
- # present
- if isinstance(son, dict) and all(k in son for k in
- ('_id', 'value', 'meta', 'doc_date')):
- payload = son.pop('value', None)
- metadata = son.pop('meta', None)
- for (key, value) in list(son.items()):
- if isinstance(value, dict):
- son[key] = self.transform_outgoing(value, collection)
- if metadata is not None:
- son['value'] = api.CachedValue(payload, metadata)
- return son
+ versionutils.deprecated.MITAKA,
+ what='keystone.cache.mongo backend',
+ in_favor_of='oslo_cache.mongo backend',
+ remove_in=+1)
+class MongoCacheBackend(mongo.MongoCacheBackend):
+ pass
diff --git a/keystone-moon/keystone/common/cache/backends/noop.py b/keystone-moon/keystone/common/cache/backends/noop.py
index 38329c94..eda06ec8 100644
--- a/keystone-moon/keystone/common/cache/backends/noop.py
+++ b/keystone-moon/keystone/common/cache/backends/noop.py
@@ -13,11 +13,17 @@
# under the License.
from dogpile.cache import api
+from oslo_log import versionutils
+ versionutils.deprecated.MITAKA,
+ what='keystone.common.cache.noop backend',
+ in_favor_of="dogpile.cache's Null backend",
+ remove_in=+1)
class NoopCacheBackend(api.CacheBackend):
"""A no op backend as a default caching backend.
@@ -27,6 +33,7 @@ class NoopCacheBackend(api.CacheBackend):
mechanism to cleanup it's internal dict and therefore could cause run-away
memory utilization.
def __init__(self, *args):