path: root/keystone-moon/keystone/assignment/V8_backends
diff options
authorDUVAL Thomas <thomas.duval@orange.com>2016-06-09 09:11:50 +0200
committerDUVAL Thomas <thomas.duval@orange.com>2016-06-09 09:11:50 +0200
commit2e7b4f2027a1147ca28301e4f88adf8274b39a1f (patch)
tree8b8d94001ebe6cc34106cf813b538911a8d66d9a /keystone-moon/keystone/assignment/V8_backends
parenta33bdcb627102a01244630a54cb4b5066b385a6a (diff)
Update Keystone core to Mitaka.
Change-Id: Ia10d6add16f4a9d25d1f42d420661c46332e69db
Diffstat (limited to 'keystone-moon/keystone/assignment/V8_backends')
2 files changed, 452 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/keystone-moon/keystone/assignment/V8_backends/__init__.py b/keystone-moon/keystone/assignment/V8_backends/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keystone-moon/keystone/assignment/V8_backends/__init__.py
diff --git a/keystone-moon/keystone/assignment/V8_backends/sql.py b/keystone-moon/keystone/assignment/V8_backends/sql.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88c10a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/keystone-moon/keystone/assignment/V8_backends/sql.py
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+# Copyright 2012-13 OpenStack Foundation
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from oslo_config import cfg
+import sqlalchemy
+from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import false
+from keystone import assignment as keystone_assignment
+from keystone.common import sql
+from keystone import exception
+from keystone.i18n import _
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+class AssignmentType(object):
+ USER_PROJECT = 'UserProject'
+ GROUP_PROJECT = 'GroupProject'
+ USER_DOMAIN = 'UserDomain'
+ GROUP_DOMAIN = 'GroupDomain'
+ @classmethod
+ def calculate_type(cls, user_id, group_id, project_id, domain_id):
+ if user_id:
+ if project_id:
+ return cls.USER_PROJECT
+ if domain_id:
+ return cls.USER_DOMAIN
+ if group_id:
+ if project_id:
+ return cls.GROUP_PROJECT
+ if domain_id:
+ return cls.GROUP_DOMAIN
+ # Invalid parameters combination
+ raise exception.AssignmentTypeCalculationError(**locals())
+class Assignment(keystone_assignment.AssignmentDriverV8):
+ def default_role_driver(self):
+ return 'sql'
+ def default_resource_driver(self):
+ return 'sql'
+ def list_user_ids_for_project(self, tenant_id):
+ with sql.session_for_read() as session:
+ query = session.query(RoleAssignment.actor_id)
+ query = query.filter_by(type=AssignmentType.USER_PROJECT)
+ query = query.filter_by(target_id=tenant_id)
+ query = query.distinct('actor_id')
+ assignments = query.all()
+ return [assignment.actor_id for assignment in assignments]
+ def create_grant(self, role_id, user_id=None, group_id=None,
+ domain_id=None, project_id=None,
+ inherited_to_projects=False):
+ assignment_type = AssignmentType.calculate_type(
+ user_id, group_id, project_id, domain_id)
+ try:
+ with sql.session_for_write() as session:
+ session.add(RoleAssignment(
+ type=assignment_type,
+ actor_id=user_id or group_id,
+ target_id=project_id or domain_id,
+ role_id=role_id,
+ inherited=inherited_to_projects))
+ except sql.DBDuplicateEntry: # nosec : The v3 grant APIs are silent if
+ # the assignment already exists
+ pass
+ def list_grant_role_ids(self, user_id=None, group_id=None,
+ domain_id=None, project_id=None,
+ inherited_to_projects=False):
+ with sql.session_for_read() as session:
+ q = session.query(RoleAssignment.role_id)
+ q = q.filter(RoleAssignment.actor_id == (user_id or group_id))
+ q = q.filter(RoleAssignment.target_id == (project_id or domain_id))
+ q = q.filter(RoleAssignment.inherited == inherited_to_projects)
+ return [x.role_id for x in q.all()]
+ def _build_grant_filter(self, session, role_id, user_id, group_id,
+ domain_id, project_id, inherited_to_projects):
+ q = session.query(RoleAssignment)
+ q = q.filter_by(actor_id=user_id or group_id)
+ q = q.filter_by(target_id=project_id or domain_id)
+ q = q.filter_by(role_id=role_id)
+ q = q.filter_by(inherited=inherited_to_projects)
+ return q
+ def check_grant_role_id(self, role_id, user_id=None, group_id=None,
+ domain_id=None, project_id=None,
+ inherited_to_projects=False):
+ with sql.session_for_read() as session:
+ try:
+ q = self._build_grant_filter(
+ session, role_id, user_id, group_id, domain_id, project_id,
+ inherited_to_projects)
+ q.one()
+ except sql.NotFound:
+ actor_id = user_id or group_id
+ target_id = domain_id or project_id
+ raise exception.RoleAssignmentNotFound(role_id=role_id,
+ actor_id=actor_id,
+ target_id=target_id)
+ def delete_grant(self, role_id, user_id=None, group_id=None,
+ domain_id=None, project_id=None,
+ inherited_to_projects=False):
+ with sql.session_for_write() as session:
+ q = self._build_grant_filter(
+ session, role_id, user_id, group_id, domain_id, project_id,
+ inherited_to_projects)
+ if not q.delete(False):
+ actor_id = user_id or group_id
+ target_id = domain_id or project_id
+ raise exception.RoleAssignmentNotFound(role_id=role_id,
+ actor_id=actor_id,
+ target_id=target_id)
+ def _list_project_ids_for_actor(self, actors, hints, inherited,
+ group_only=False):
+ # TODO(henry-nash): Now that we have a single assignment table, we
+ # should be able to honor the hints list that is provided.
+ assignment_type = [AssignmentType.GROUP_PROJECT]
+ if not group_only:
+ assignment_type.append(AssignmentType.USER_PROJECT)
+ sql_constraints = sqlalchemy.and_(
+ RoleAssignment.type.in_(assignment_type),
+ RoleAssignment.inherited == inherited,
+ RoleAssignment.actor_id.in_(actors))
+ with sql.session_for_read() as session:
+ query = session.query(RoleAssignment.target_id).filter(
+ sql_constraints).distinct()
+ return [x.target_id for x in query.all()]
+ def list_project_ids_for_user(self, user_id, group_ids, hints,
+ inherited=False):
+ actor_list = [user_id]
+ if group_ids:
+ actor_list = actor_list + group_ids
+ return self._list_project_ids_for_actor(actor_list, hints, inherited)
+ def list_domain_ids_for_user(self, user_id, group_ids, hints,
+ inherited=False):
+ with sql.session_for_read() as session:
+ query = session.query(RoleAssignment.target_id)
+ filters = []
+ if user_id:
+ sql_constraints = sqlalchemy.and_(
+ RoleAssignment.actor_id == user_id,
+ RoleAssignment.inherited == inherited,
+ RoleAssignment.type == AssignmentType.USER_DOMAIN)
+ filters.append(sql_constraints)
+ if group_ids:
+ sql_constraints = sqlalchemy.and_(
+ RoleAssignment.actor_id.in_(group_ids),
+ RoleAssignment.inherited == inherited,
+ RoleAssignment.type == AssignmentType.GROUP_DOMAIN)
+ filters.append(sql_constraints)
+ if not filters:
+ return []
+ query = query.filter(sqlalchemy.or_(*filters)).distinct()
+ return [assignment.target_id for assignment in query.all()]
+ def list_role_ids_for_groups_on_domain(self, group_ids, domain_id):
+ if not group_ids:
+ # If there's no groups then there will be no domain roles.
+ return []
+ sql_constraints = sqlalchemy.and_(
+ RoleAssignment.type == AssignmentType.GROUP_DOMAIN,
+ RoleAssignment.target_id == domain_id,
+ RoleAssignment.inherited == false(),
+ RoleAssignment.actor_id.in_(group_ids))
+ with sql.session_for_read() as session:
+ query = session.query(RoleAssignment.role_id).filter(
+ sql_constraints).distinct()
+ return [role.role_id for role in query.all()]
+ def list_role_ids_for_groups_on_project(
+ self, group_ids, project_id, project_domain_id, project_parents):
+ if not group_ids:
+ # If there's no groups then there will be no project roles.
+ return []
+ # NOTE(rodrigods): First, we always include projects with
+ # non-inherited assignments
+ sql_constraints = sqlalchemy.and_(
+ RoleAssignment.type == AssignmentType.GROUP_PROJECT,
+ RoleAssignment.inherited == false(),
+ RoleAssignment.target_id == project_id)
+ if CONF.os_inherit.enabled:
+ # Inherited roles from domains
+ sql_constraints = sqlalchemy.or_(
+ sql_constraints,
+ sqlalchemy.and_(
+ RoleAssignment.type == AssignmentType.GROUP_DOMAIN,
+ RoleAssignment.inherited,
+ RoleAssignment.target_id == project_domain_id))
+ # Inherited roles from projects
+ if project_parents:
+ sql_constraints = sqlalchemy.or_(
+ sql_constraints,
+ sqlalchemy.and_(
+ RoleAssignment.type == AssignmentType.GROUP_PROJECT,
+ RoleAssignment.inherited,
+ RoleAssignment.target_id.in_(project_parents)))
+ sql_constraints = sqlalchemy.and_(
+ sql_constraints, RoleAssignment.actor_id.in_(group_ids))
+ with sql.session_for_read() as session:
+ # NOTE(morganfainberg): Only select the columns we actually care
+ # about here, in this case role_id.
+ query = session.query(RoleAssignment.role_id).filter(
+ sql_constraints).distinct()
+ return [result.role_id for result in query.all()]
+ def list_project_ids_for_groups(self, group_ids, hints,
+ inherited=False):
+ return self._list_project_ids_for_actor(
+ group_ids, hints, inherited, group_only=True)
+ def list_domain_ids_for_groups(self, group_ids, inherited=False):
+ if not group_ids:
+ # If there's no groups then there will be no domains.
+ return []
+ group_sql_conditions = sqlalchemy.and_(
+ RoleAssignment.type == AssignmentType.GROUP_DOMAIN,
+ RoleAssignment.inherited == inherited,
+ RoleAssignment.actor_id.in_(group_ids))
+ with sql.session_for_read() as session:
+ query = session.query(RoleAssignment.target_id).filter(
+ group_sql_conditions).distinct()
+ return [x.target_id for x in query.all()]
+ def add_role_to_user_and_project(self, user_id, tenant_id, role_id):
+ try:
+ with sql.session_for_write() as session:
+ session.add(RoleAssignment(
+ type=AssignmentType.USER_PROJECT,
+ actor_id=user_id, target_id=tenant_id,
+ role_id=role_id, inherited=False))
+ except sql.DBDuplicateEntry:
+ msg = ('User %s already has role %s in tenant %s'
+ % (user_id, role_id, tenant_id))
+ raise exception.Conflict(type='role grant', details=msg)
+ def remove_role_from_user_and_project(self, user_id, tenant_id, role_id):
+ with sql.session_for_write() as session:
+ q = session.query(RoleAssignment)
+ q = q.filter_by(actor_id=user_id)
+ q = q.filter_by(target_id=tenant_id)
+ q = q.filter_by(role_id=role_id)
+ if q.delete() == 0:
+ raise exception.RoleNotFound(message=_(
+ 'Cannot remove role that has not been granted, %s') %
+ role_id)
+ def _get_user_assignment_types(self):
+ return [AssignmentType.USER_PROJECT, AssignmentType.USER_DOMAIN]
+ def _get_group_assignment_types(self):
+ return [AssignmentType.GROUP_PROJECT, AssignmentType.GROUP_DOMAIN]
+ def _get_project_assignment_types(self):
+ return [AssignmentType.USER_PROJECT, AssignmentType.GROUP_PROJECT]
+ def _get_domain_assignment_types(self):
+ return [AssignmentType.USER_DOMAIN, AssignmentType.GROUP_DOMAIN]
+ def _get_assignment_types(self, user, group, project, domain):
+ """Returns a list of role assignment types based on provided entities
+ If one of user or group (the "actor") as well as one of project or
+ domain (the "target") are provided, the list will contain the role
+ assignment type for that specific pair of actor and target.
+ If only an actor or target is provided, the list will contain the
+ role assignment types that satisfy the specified entity.
+ For example, if user and project are provided, the return will be:
+ [AssignmentType.USER_PROJECT]
+ However, if only user was provided, the return would be:
+ [AssignmentType.USER_PROJECT, AssignmentType.USER_DOMAIN]
+ It is not expected that user and group (or project and domain) are
+ specified - but if they are, the most fine-grained value will be
+ chosen (i.e. user over group, project over domain).
+ """
+ actor_types = []
+ if user:
+ actor_types = self._get_user_assignment_types()
+ elif group:
+ actor_types = self._get_group_assignment_types()
+ target_types = []
+ if project:
+ target_types = self._get_project_assignment_types()
+ elif domain:
+ target_types = self._get_domain_assignment_types()
+ if actor_types and target_types:
+ return list(set(actor_types).intersection(target_types))
+ return actor_types or target_types
+ def list_role_assignments(self, role_id=None,
+ user_id=None, group_ids=None,
+ domain_id=None, project_ids=None,
+ inherited_to_projects=None):
+ def denormalize_role(ref):
+ assignment = {}
+ if ref.type == AssignmentType.USER_PROJECT:
+ assignment['user_id'] = ref.actor_id
+ assignment['project_id'] = ref.target_id
+ elif ref.type == AssignmentType.USER_DOMAIN:
+ assignment['user_id'] = ref.actor_id
+ assignment['domain_id'] = ref.target_id
+ elif ref.type == AssignmentType.GROUP_PROJECT:
+ assignment['group_id'] = ref.actor_id
+ assignment['project_id'] = ref.target_id
+ elif ref.type == AssignmentType.GROUP_DOMAIN:
+ assignment['group_id'] = ref.actor_id
+ assignment['domain_id'] = ref.target_id
+ else:
+ raise exception.Error(message=_(
+ 'Unexpected assignment type encountered, %s') %
+ ref.type)
+ assignment['role_id'] = ref.role_id
+ if ref.inherited:
+ assignment['inherited_to_projects'] = 'projects'
+ return assignment
+ with sql.session_for_read() as session:
+ assignment_types = self._get_assignment_types(
+ user_id, group_ids, project_ids, domain_id)
+ targets = None
+ if project_ids:
+ targets = project_ids
+ elif domain_id:
+ targets = [domain_id]
+ actors = None
+ if group_ids:
+ actors = group_ids
+ elif user_id:
+ actors = [user_id]
+ query = session.query(RoleAssignment)
+ if role_id:
+ query = query.filter_by(role_id=role_id)
+ if actors:
+ query = query.filter(RoleAssignment.actor_id.in_(actors))
+ if targets:
+ query = query.filter(RoleAssignment.target_id.in_(targets))
+ if assignment_types:
+ query = query.filter(RoleAssignment.type.in_(assignment_types))
+ if inherited_to_projects is not None:
+ query = query.filter_by(inherited=inherited_to_projects)
+ return [denormalize_role(ref) for ref in query.all()]
+ def delete_project_assignments(self, project_id):
+ with sql.session_for_write() as session:
+ q = session.query(RoleAssignment)
+ q = q.filter_by(target_id=project_id)
+ q.delete(False)
+ def delete_role_assignments(self, role_id):
+ with sql.session_for_write() as session:
+ q = session.query(RoleAssignment)
+ q = q.filter_by(role_id=role_id)
+ q.delete(False)
+ def delete_user_assignments(self, user_id):
+ with sql.session_for_write() as session:
+ q = session.query(RoleAssignment)
+ q = q.filter_by(actor_id=user_id)
+ q.delete(False)
+ def delete_group_assignments(self, group_id):
+ with sql.session_for_write() as session:
+ q = session.query(RoleAssignment)
+ q = q.filter_by(actor_id=group_id)
+ q.delete(False)
+class RoleAssignment(sql.ModelBase, sql.DictBase):
+ __tablename__ = 'assignment'
+ attributes = ['type', 'actor_id', 'target_id', 'role_id', 'inherited']
+ # NOTE(henry-nash); Postgres requires a name to be defined for an Enum
+ type = sql.Column(
+ sql.Enum(AssignmentType.USER_PROJECT, AssignmentType.GROUP_PROJECT,
+ AssignmentType.USER_DOMAIN, AssignmentType.GROUP_DOMAIN,
+ name='type'),
+ nullable=False)
+ actor_id = sql.Column(sql.String(64), nullable=False)
+ target_id = sql.Column(sql.String(64), nullable=False)
+ role_id = sql.Column(sql.String(64), nullable=False)
+ inherited = sql.Column(sql.Boolean, default=False, nullable=False)
+ __table_args__ = (
+ sql.PrimaryKeyConstraint('type', 'actor_id', 'target_id', 'role_id',
+ 'inherited'),
+ sql.Index('ix_actor_id', 'actor_id'),
+ )
+ def to_dict(self):
+ """Override parent method with a simpler implementation.
+ RoleAssignment doesn't have non-indexed 'extra' attributes, so the
+ parent implementation is not applicable.
+ """
+ return dict(self.items())