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authorRHE <rebirthmonkey@gmail.com>2017-09-27 15:31:49 +0200
committerRHE <rebirthmonkey@gmail.com>2017-09-27 15:31:49 +0200
commitb6bdaab8fe5cd06252331a0c59fb4f3d90aaac99 (patch)
tree6df0dcbd3c58c89887446a06383c066b662520bb /docs
parent4a6b8fe04942606d75d85dd01957d63cc12c816e (diff)
Moon Euphrase documentation
Change-Id: Ic92d95b10e14299813b1b1b963c3562f37eacc8b Signed-off-by: RHE <rebirthmonkey@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
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9 files changed, 363 insertions, 1291 deletions
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-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
-.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
-.. (c) ruan.he@orange.com & thomas.duval@orange.com
-The Moon platform is composed of 3 components :
-* keystone-moon
-* keystonemiddleware-moon
-* python-moonclient
-This component replaces the Keystone component of the OpenStack platform.
-All basic functions of the original component were maintained but we add some new functions (specially authorization functions)
-This component replaces the KeystoneMiddleware component of the OpenStack platform.
-The main function added was to intercept all actions from Nova and Swift in order to retrieve an authorization token
-from the Keystone-moon component.
-The MoonClient is an interactive script to drive the Keystone-Moon component through the network.
-Packages creation
-Packages can be found on https://github.com/dthom/moon-bin
-keystone-moon package
-The Keystone-Moon can be package into 2 forms.
-The first form is in traditional Python package :
-.. code-block:: bash
- cd moon_repo/keystone-moon
- python setup.py sdist
- ls dist
-We develop a script to build a Debian package, this script is located in `moon_repo/debian/keystone-moon`
-.. code-block:: bash
- cd moon_repo/debian/keystone-moon
- python create_deb.py
-keystonemiddleware-moon package
-The KeystoneMiddleware-Moon can be package into 2 forms.
-The first form is in traditional Python package :
-.. code-block:: bash
- cd moon_repo/keystonemiddleware-moon
- python setup.py sdist
- ls dist
-We develop a script to build a Debian package, this script is located in `moon_repo/debian/keystonemiddleware-moon`
-.. code-block:: bash
- cd moon_repo/debian/keystonemiddleware-moon
- python create_deb.py
-python-moonclient package
-There is only one type of package for the Moon client:
-.. code-block:: bash
- cd moon_repo/moonclient
- python setup.py sdist
- ls dist
-This installation procedure only describe the installation of a standalone Moon platform.
-To install the Moon platform, you will need a working Linux server box.
-The platform is tested on an up-to-date Ubuntu 16.04 box.
-You can build your own packages or you can download stable ones on https://github.com/dthom/moon-bin
-First of all, you must install dependencies for the Keystone-moon package, then you can download pre-built packages or
-create them by yourself. Endly, you can install Keystone-Moon and MoonClient packages:
-.. code-block:: bash
- cd /tmp
- wget https://github.com/dthom/moon-bin/archive/master.zip
- unzip master.zip
- PKGS = $(python3 /tmp/moon-bin-master/tools/get_deb_depends.py /tmp/moon-bin-master/*.deb)
- sudo apt-get install $PKGS
- sudo dpkg -i /tmp/moon-bin-master/keystone_latest-moon_all.deb
- sudo pip install --upgrade /tmp/moon-bin-master/python-moonclient-latest.tar.gz
-At this point, the Nova and Swift components must be installed on the same box or on an other box.
-See http://docs.openstack.org/ for more explanation.
-Nova and Swift components automatically installed the python-keystonemiddleware package.
-We have to replace it with the dedicated Moon one:
-.. code-block:: bash
- cd /tmp
- sudo dpkg -i /tmp/moon-bin-master/python3-keystonemiddleware_latest-moon_all.deb
- sudo dpkg -i /tmp/moon-bin-master/python-keystonemiddleware_latest-moon_all.deb
-Note: if you installed Nova and Swift in 2 different nodes, you must install python-keystonemiddleware
-in those 2 nodes.
-For Keystone, the following files must be configured, some modifications may be needed, specially passwords:
-.. code-block:: bash
- sudo cp /etc/keystone/keystone-paste.ini /etc/keystone/keystone-paste.ini.bak
- sudo sed "3i[pipeline:moon_pipeline]\npipeline = sizelimit url_normalize request_id build_auth_context token_auth admin_token_auth json_body ec2_extension_v3 s3_extension moon_service\n\n[app:moon_service]\nuse = egg:keystone#moon_service\n" /etc/keystone/keystone-paste.ini > /tmp/keystone-paste.ini
- sudo cp /tmp/keystone-paste.ini /etc/keystone/keystone-paste.ini
- sudo sed "s/use = egg:Paste#urlmap/use = egg:Paste#urlmap\n\/moon = moon_pipeline/" /etc/keystone/keystone-paste.ini > /tmp/keystone-paste.ini
- sudo cp /tmp/keystone-paste.ini /etc/keystone/keystone-paste.ini
-.. code-block:: bash
- cat << EOF | sudo tee -a /etc/keystone/keystone.conf
- [moon]
- # Configuration backend driver
- configuration_driver = keystone.contrib.moon.backends.memory.ConfigurationConnector
- # Tenant backend driver
- tenant_driver = keystone.contrib.moon.backends.sql.TenantConnector
- # Authorisation backend driver
- authz_driver = keystone.contrib.moon.backends.flat.SuperExtensionConnector
- # IntraExtension backend driver
- intraextension_driver = keystone.contrib.moon.backends.sql.IntraExtensionConnector
- # InterExtension backend driver
- interextension_driver = keystone.contrib.moon.backends.sql.InterExtensionConnector
- # Logs backend driver
- log_driver = keystone.contrib.moon.backends.flat.LogConnector
- # Local directory where all policies are stored
- policy_directory = /etc/keystone/policies
- # Local directory where Root IntraExtension configuration is stored
- root_policy_directory = policy_root
- # URL of the Moon master
- master = 'http://localhost:35357/'
- # Login of the Moon master
- master_login = 'admin'
- # Password of the Moon master
- master_password = 'nomoresecrete'
-The logging system must be configured :
-.. code-block:: bash
- sudo mkdir /var/log/moon/
- sudo chown keystone /var/log/moon/
- sudo addgroup moonlog
- sudo chgrp moonlog /var/log/moon/
- sudo touch /var/log/moon/keystonemiddleware.log
- sudo touch /var/log/moon/system.log
- sudo chgrp moonlog /var/log/moon/keystonemiddleware.log
- sudo chgrp moonlog /var/log/moon/system.log
- sudo chmod g+rw /var/log/moon
- sudo chmod g+rw /var/log/moon/keystonemiddleware.log
- sudo chmod g+rw /var/log/moon/system.log
- sudo adduser keystone moonlog
- sudo adduser swift moonlog
- sudo adduser nova moonlog
-The Keystone database must be updated:
-.. code-block:: bash
- sudo /usr/bin/keystone-manage db_sync
- sudo /usr/bin/keystone-manage db_sync --extension moon
-And, Apache must be restarted:
-.. code-block:: bash
- sudo systemctl restart apache.service
-In order to Nova to be able to communicate with Keystone-Moon, you must update the Nova KeystoneMiddleware configuration file.
-To achieve this, a new filter must be added in `/etc/nova/api-paste.ini` and this filter must be added to the composite data.
-The filter is:
-.. code-block:: bash
- [filter:moon]
- paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.moon_agent:filter_factory
- authz_login=admin
- authz_password=password
- logfile=/var/log/moon/keystonemiddleware.log
-Here is some bash lines to insert this into the Nova configuration file:
-.. code-block:: bash
- sudo cp /etc/nova/api-paste.ini /etc/nova/api-paste.ini.bak2
- sudo sed "/^keystone = / s/keystonecontext/keystonecontext moon/" /etc/nova/api-paste.ini > /tmp/api-paste.ini
- sudo cp /tmp/api-paste.ini /etc/nova/api-paste.ini
- echo -e "\n[filter:moon]\npaste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.moon_agent:filter_factory\nauthz_login=admin\nauthz_password=password\nlogfile=/var/log/moon/keystonemiddleware.log\n" | sudo tee -a /etc/nova/api-paste.ini
-Nova can then be restarted:
-.. code-block:: bash
- for service in nova-compute nova-api nova-cert nova-conductor nova-consoleauth nova-scheduler ; do
- sudo service ${service} restart
- done
-In order to Swift to be able to communicate with Keystone-Moon, you must update the Swift KeystoneMiddleware configuration file.
-To achieve this, a new filter must be added in `/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf` and this filter must be added to the composite data.
-The filter is (exactly the same as Nova):
-.. code-block:: bash
- [filter:moon]
- paste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.moon_agent:filter_factory
- authz_login=admin
- authz_password=password
- logfile=/var/log/moon/keystonemiddleware.log
-Here is some bash lines to insert this into the Nova configuration file:
-.. code-block:: bash
- sudo cp /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf.bak2
- sudo sed "/^pipeline = / s/proxy-server/moon proxy-server/" /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf > /tmp/proxy-server.conf
- sudo cp /tmp/proxy-server.conf /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf
- echo -e "\n[filter:moon]\npaste.filter_factory = keystonemiddleware.moon_agent:filter_factory\nauthz_login=admin\nauthz_password=password\nlogfile=/var/log/moon/keystonemiddleware.log\n" | sudo tee -a /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf
-Swift can then be restarted:
-.. code-block:: bash
- for service in swift-account swift-account-replicator \
- swift-container-replicator swift-object swift-object-updater \
- swift-account-auditor swift-container swift-container-sync \
- swift-object-auditor swift-proxy swift-account-reaper swift-container-auditor \
- swift-container-updater swift-object-replicator ; do
- sudo service ${service} status
- done
-Running tests
-After a successful installation of the Moon platform, you can execute some tests to see if the platform is
-up and running. Be patient, the latest test takes time (5 to 20 minutes).
-.. code-block:: bash
- export OS_USERNAME=admin
- export OS_PASSWORD=password
- export OS_REGION_NAME=What_ever_you_want
- export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
- export OS_AUTH_URL=http://localhost:5000/v2.0
- # See if Nova is up and running:
- nova list
- # See if Swift is up and running:
- swift stat
- # See if Keystone-Moon is up and running
- moon intraextension list
- # you must see one extension (named root)
- moon test --self
-Revision: _sha1_
-Build date: |today|
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+# Build Python Packages and Docker Images
+## Python Package
+### pre-requist
+Get the code
+git clone https://git.opnfv.org/moon
+cd moon/moonv4
+export MOON_HOME=$(pwd)
+sudo ln -s $(pwd)/conf /etc/moon
+Install python wheel
+sudo apt install python3-wheel
+Install pip twine
+sudo pip install twine
+Package code, wheel is a new format instead of `tar.gz`
+python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
+Upload to PyPi
+twine upload dist/moon_xxx-y.y.y.whl
+twine upload dist/moon_xxx-y.y.y.tar.gz
+Install a package from PyPi
+sudo pypi install moon_xxx --upgrade
+### moon_db
+- change version in `moon_db/__init__.py`
+- add `Changelog`
+### moon_utilities
+- change version in `moon_utilities/__init__.py`
+- add `Changelog`
+### moon_orchestrator
+- change version in `moon_orchestrator/__init__.py`
+- add `Changelog`
+### Build All Pip
+sudo pip3 install pip --upgrade
+cd ${MOON_HOME}/bin
+source build_all_pip.sh
+## Container
+## keystone_mitaka
+see `templates/docker/keystone/README.md` to build the `keystone_mitaka` container
+### moon_router
+### moon_interface
+### moon_manager
+### moon_authz
+### moon_gui
+## How to hack the Moon platform
+### Force the build of components
+If you want to rebuild one or more component, you have to modify the configuration file `moon.conf`.
+For example, if you want to rebuild the moon_interface, got to the `[interface]` section and delete the
+value of the container key like this:
+# Name of the container to download (if empty build from scratch)
+# example: container=moon/moon_interface:latest
+You can configure the interface, the router and both the security_function and security_policy.
+You can also force the version of the component like this: `container=moon/moon_interface:4.0.0`
+### Update the moon_interface
+Go to the directory `${MOON_HOME}/moon_interface` and update the code accordingly to your needs,
+then update the python package.
+cd ${MOON_HOME}/moon_interface
+python setup.py sdist
+cp dist/moon_interface_* ../moon_orchestrator/dist
+# kill moon_orchestrator if needed and restart it
+### Update the moon_secrouter
+Go to the directory `${MOON_HOME}/moon_secrouter` and update the code accordingly to your needs,
+then update the python package.
+cd ${MOON_HOME}/moon_secrouter
+python setup.py sdist
+cp dist/moon_secrouter* ../moon_orchestrator/dist
+# kill moon_orchestrator if needed and restart it
+## Problems that may arise
+If the moon_orchestrator doesn't want to start
+(with, for example, the following error: `docker.errors.APIError: 409 Client Error: Conflict`),
+check if the router and interface containers still exist and kill and delete them:
+docker kill moon_interface
+docker kill moon_router
+docker rm moon_interface
+docker rm moon_router
+If the moon_orchestrator complains that it cannot request the RabbitMQ server,
+check if the messenger server is up and running:
+docker ps
+# you must see the messenger running here
+# if not, restart it
+docker run -dti --net=moon --hostname messenger --name messenger --link messenger:messenger -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=moon -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=password -e RABBITMQ_NODENAME=rabbit@messenger -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_VHOST=moon -p 5671:5671 -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:3-management
+## Configure DB
+### Relaunch Keystone docker
+If error of `get_keystone_projects()`, then relaunch the Keystone docker, and wait 40 seconds!!!
+docker rm -f keystone
+docker run -dti --net moon --name keystone --hostname=keystone -e DB_HOST=db -e DB_PASSWORD_ROOT=p4sswOrd1 -p 35357:35357 -p 5000:5000 keystone:mitaka
+### Add default data in DB
+Pre-fill the DB with a RBAC policy
+cd ${MOON_HOME}/moon_interface/tests/apitests
+python3 populate_default_values.py scenario/ rbac.py
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
+.. (c) Ruan HE (Orange) and Thomas Duval (Orange)
+Release Note for the Euphrates release of OPNFV when using Moon as a security management tool.
+This document provides the release notes for Euphrates release of Moon project.
+Moon is an OPNFV security management project which provides automated security management
+toolset for OpenStack and other SDN controllers like OpenDaylight.
+Please carefully follow the Installation Instructions to install and configure Moon.
+Release Data
+| **Project** | Moon |
+| | |
+| **Repo/tag** | Moon/Euphrates.1.0 |
+| | |
+| **Release designation** | Euphrates.1.0 |
+| | |
+| **Release date** | September 2017 |
+| | |
+| **Purpose of the delivery** | OPNFV Euphrates release |
+| | |
+Software deliverables
+Moon provides a security management framework for the OPNFV infrastructure.
+It includes a set of software modules.
+The internal software modules are:
+ - keystone-moon: https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/moon/tree/moonv4
+ - moonclient: https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/moon/tree/moonclient
+ - tests: https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/moon/tree/tests
+The OPNFV projects installs Moon is:
+ * Compass4NFV
+The OPNFV projects tests Moon are:
+ * Functest
+Documentation deliverables
+ - OPNFV(Euphrates) Moon installation instructions: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/moon/euphrates/docs/installationprocedure/index.html
+ - OPNFV(Euphrates) Moon configuration guide: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/moon/euphrates/docs/configurationguide/index.html
+ - OPNFV(Euphrates) Moon user guide: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/moon/euphrates/docs/userguide/index.html
+Version change
+.. This section describes the changes made since the last version of this document.
+Feature evolution
+This is the second tracked release of Moon
+For more information on the Moon Colorado release, please see:
+https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/moon/ \ No newline at end of file
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+# Moon Version 4
+This directory contains all the modules for MoonV4
+## Installation
+### Prerequisite
+sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip
+sudo pip3 install pip --upgrade
+sudo apt -y install docker-engine # ([Get Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/))
+echo messenger db keystone interface manager | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
+### Docker Engine Configuration
+cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json
+ "hosts": ["fd://", "tcp://"]
+sudo mv /lib/systemd/system/docker.service /lib/systemd/system/docker.service.bak
+sudo sed 's/ExecStart=\/usr\/bin\/dockerd -H fd:\/\//ExecStart=\/usr\/bin\/dockerd/' /lib/systemd/system/docker.service.bak | sudo tee /lib/systemd/system/docker.service
+sudo service docker restart
+# if you have a firewall:
+sudo ufw allow in from
+## Before running containers
+### Cleanup
+Remove already running containers
+docker container rm -f $(docker ps -a | grep moon | cut -d " " -f 1) 2>/dev/null
+docker container rm -f messenger db keystone consul 2>/dev/null
+### Internal Network Creation
+Create an internal Docker network called `moon`
+docker network create -d bridge --subnet= --gateway= moon
+### Install Moon_DB
+Install the moon_db library
+sudo pip3 install moon_db
+## Starting containers manually
+### MySql
+Run the standard `MySql` container in the `moon` network and configure it
+docker container run -dti --net=moon --hostname db --name db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=p4sswOrd1 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=moon -e MYSQL_USER=moon -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=p4sswOrd1 -p 3306:3306 mysql:latest
+moon_db_manager upgrade
+### moon_keystone
+Run the `keystone` container (created by the `Moon` project) in the `moon` network
+docker container run -dti --net moon --hostname keystone --name keystone -e DB_HOST=db -e DB_PASSWORD_ROOT=p4sswOrd1 -p 35357:35357 -p 5000:5000 wukongsun/moon_keystone:ocata
+### Consul
+Run the standard `Consul` container in the `moon` network
+docker run -d --net=moon --name=consul --hostname=consul -p 8500:8500 consul
+### Moon platform
+docker container run -dti --net moon --hostname manager --name manager wukongsun/moon_manager:v4.1
+docker container run -dti --net moon --hostname interface --name interface wukongsun/moon_interface:v4.1
+## Starting containers automatically
+To start the `Moon` framework, you only have to run the `bootstrap` script
+python3 bin/bootstrap.py
+The script will ask you to start one or more Moon containers
+### Tests
+sudo pip3 install pytest
+cd tests
+### Run scenario
+sudo pip3 install requests
+cd tests
+python3 populate_default_values.py -v scenario/rbac.py
+python3 send_authz.py -v scenario/rbac.py
+## Log
+### Get some logs
+docker container ps
+docker logs db
+docker logs messenger
+docker logs keystone
+docker logs router
+docker logs manager
+docker logs interface
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-OPNFV Colorado release note for Moon Docs
-(c) by Ruan He (Orange)
-OPNFV Colorado release note for Moon Docs
-are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
-You should have received a copy of the license along with this.
-If not, see <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/>.
-OPNFV Colorado1.0 release note for Moon
-This document provides the release notes for Colorado release of Moon project.
-Version history
-| **Date** | **Ver.** | **Author** | **Comment** |
-| | | | |
-|2016-09-20 | 0.1.0 | | Colorado release |
-| | | | |
-OPNFV Colorado Release
-Moon provides a security management framework for the OPNFV infrastructure.
-It includes a set of software modules.
-The internal software modules are:
- * keystone-moon
- * keystonemiddleware-moon
- * moonclient
- * odl-aaa-moon
- * tests
-The OPNFV projects installs Moon is:
- * Compass4NFV
-The OPNFV projects tests Moon are:
- * Functest
- * Yardstick
-Release Data
-| **Project** | functest |
-| | |
-| **Repo/tag** | colorado.1.0 |
-| | |
-| **Release designation** | Colorado base release |
-| | |
-| **Release date** | September 22 2016 |
-| | |
-| **Purpose of the delivery** | Colorado base release |
-| | |
-Version change
-Feature evolution
-This is the first tracked release of Moon
-Document evolution
-This is the initial version of the Moon project in OPNFV.
- - keystone-moon: https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/moon/tree/keystone-moon
- - keystonemiddleware-moon: https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/moon/tree/keystonemiddleware-moon
- - moonclient: https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/moon/tree/moonclient
- - odl-aaa-moon: https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/moon/tree/upstream/odl-aaa-moon
- - tests: https://git.opnfv.org/cgit/moon/tree/tests
- - Install Procedure: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/moon/colorado/docs/installationprocedure/index.html
- - Configuration Guide: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/moon/colorado/docs/configurationguide/index.html
- - User Guide: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/moon/colorado/docs/userguide/index.html
- - Scenarios Notes: http://artifacts.opnfv.org/moon/colorado/docs/colorado_scenarios_os-odl_l2-moon-ha/index.html
-For more information on the Moon Colorado release, please see:
-https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/moon/ \ No newline at end of file
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-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
-.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
-.. (c) ruan.he@orange.com & thomas.duval@orange.com
-This guide presents the use of the MoonClient script.
-The MoonClient script allows the administrator/user to drive the Moon platform and some parts of the Keystone server itself.
-Before using the MoonClient script, you must export some variables in your shell.
-Those variables are the same as the variables used to execute the OpenStack client or the Nova/Swift/Neutron/... clients.
-You can export directly in the shell like this:
-.. code-block:: bash
- export OS_USERNAME=admin
- export OS_PASSWORD=password
- export OS_REGION_NAME=What_ever_you_want
- export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
- export OS_AUTH_URL=http://localhost:5000/v2.0
-Or you can source a shell script:
-.. code-block:: bash
- cat << EOF | tee ~/set_openstack_auth.sh
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- export OS_USERNAME=admin
- export OS_PASSWORD=password
- export OS_REGION_NAME=What_ever_you_want
- export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
- export OS_AUTH_URL=http://localhost:5000/v2.0
- source ~/set_openstack_auth.sh
-It is important to notice that those variables are **exactly** the same you use for the OpenStack clients.
-The main usage of the MoonClient is:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon --help
- usage: moon [--version] [-v | -q] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [-h] [--debug]
- [--username <username-str>] [--tenant <tenantname-str>]
- [--password <password-str>] [--authurl <authurl-str>]
- command
- ...
-MoonClient ca be used interactively:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon
-or by using a specific command, like:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon tenant list
-Output formats
-The default output is a tabular:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon tenant list
- +----------------------------------+-------+---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
- | id | name | description | intra_authz_extension_id | intra_admin_extension_id |
- +----------------------------------+-------+---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
- | 9fb190ddb19a4a138837e2740daec3ae | admin | Admin Project | | None |
- +----------------------------------+-------+---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
-But you can have other output format, use the `-f bad_value` to see them all:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon tenant list -f bad_value
- usage: moon tenant list [-h] [-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}] [-c COLUMN]
- [--max-width <integer>] [--noindent]
- [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
- moon tenant list: error: argument -f/--format: invalid choice: 'bad_value' (choose from 'csv', 'json', 'table', 'value', 'yaml')
-For example, the same command with a JSON output format:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon tenant list -f json
- [
- {
- "intra_authz_extension_id": "",
- "description": "Admin Project",
- "intra_admin_extension_id": null,
- "id": "9fb190ddb19a4a138837e2740daec3ae",
- "name": "admin"
- }
- ]
-You can also select one or more columns with the `-c` attribute:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon tenant list -f value -c id -c name
- 9fb190ddb19a4a138837e2740daec3ae admin
-All commands can be categorized like this:
-* `tenant` command to get, put or delete tenants (projects in OpenStack)
-* `intraextension` command to get, put or delete intra_extensions in Moon
-* `subject` `object` and `action` commands to configure subject, object or action in intra_extensions in Moon
-* `rule` command to set rules in an intra_extension
-* some configuration commands (`template`, `submetarule`, `aggregation`) to configure Moon and the relation in and between intra_extensions
-* `log` command to show events in the Moon logging system
-* `test` command to run tests against the Moon platform
-All commands can be prefixed with the command `help` to have information about usage of that command.
-Basic example:
-Here is a basic example of how you can use MoonClient:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon tenant list
- $ openstack project list
- +----------------------------------+-----------------+
- | ID | Name |
- +----------------------------------+-----------------+
- | 06f2f729f5b041f290295d2d966aff00 | alt_demo |
- | 7d5fb06879ae4a0c82948d4ed7b87b7c | demo |
- | 833a954bfd314de09b09aac00f1aa647 | service |
- | 9fb190ddb19a4a138837e2740daec3ae | admin |
- | ca680df7ee10480d89414c74d46e2c65 | sdn |
- | d30cffc153b743e88a8d78052737b556 | test_moonclient |
- +----------------------------------+-----------------+
- $ moon tenant add admin
- $ moon tenant list
- +----------------------------------+-------+---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
- | id | name | description | intra_authz_extension_id | intra_admin_extension_id |
- +----------------------------------+-------+---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
- | 9fb190ddb19a4a138837e2740daec3ae | admin | Admin Project | None | None |
- +----------------------------------+-------+---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
- $ moon intraextension list
- +----------------------------------+------------------+--------------------+
- | id | name | model |
- +----------------------------------+------------------+--------------------+
- | d508874d08424ee8a78ded9d5e008685 | policy_root | policy_root |
- +----------------------------------+------------------+--------------------+
- $ moon template list
- +--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+
- | id | name | description |
- +--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+
- | policy_rbac_admin | RBAC Admin Policy | |
- | policy_root | Root Policy | root extension |
- | policy_authz | Multiple_Policy | Multiple Security Policies |
- | policy_empty_admin | Empty_Policy | Empty Policy |
- | policy_empty_authz | MLS_Policy | Multi Level Security Policy |
- | policy_mls_authz | MLS_Policy | Multi Level Security Policy |
- +--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+
- $ moon intraextension add --policy_model policy_authz test
- IntraExtension created: e75dad8f2f7d40de9921b0d444198973
- $ moon intraextension list
- +----------------------------------+------------------+--------------------+
- | id | name | model |
- +----------------------------------+------------------+--------------------+
- | e75dad8f2f7d40de9921b0d444198973 | test | policy_authz |
- | d508874d08424ee8a78ded9d5e008685 | policy_root | policy_root |
- +----------------------------------+------------------+--------------------+
- $ moon intraextension select e75dad8f2f7d40de9921b0d444198973
- Select e75dad8f2f7d40de9921b0d444198973 IntraExtension.
- $ moon intraextension show selected
- +-------------+----------------------------------+
- | Field | Value |
- +-------------+----------------------------------+
- | id | e75dad8f2f7d40de9921b0d444198973 |
- | name | test |
- | description | |
- | model | policy_authz |
- | genre | authz |
- +-------------+----------------------------------+
- $ moon subject list
- +----------------------------------+-------+----------------------------------+
- | id | name | Keystone ID |
- +----------------------------------+-------+----------------------------------+
- | 04ed28e87f004ed29ddb721c43fdafb0 | demo | 16254c7516734bca99311979f0a486bf |
- | 8101e73fb82e433fbc576587e6201bfe | admin | 6b135900bf874d63abe59be074584eb9 |
- +----------------------------------+-------+----------------------------------+
- $ moon object list
- +----------------------------------+---------+-------------+
- | id | name | description |
- +----------------------------------+---------+-------------+
- | 0fb3e294f0714a30a3b0af4c889354aa | servers | servers |
- +----------------------------------+---------+-------------+
- $ openstack user list
- +----------------------------------+----------+
- | ID | Name |
- +----------------------------------+----------+
- | 088758e049aa4c51bdb386fd7e954c73 | glance |
- | 16254c7516734bca99311979f0a486bf | demo |
- | 263b87f84f274260a9dbef34e7c55602 | neutron |
- | 40f2cbbe71e845b49e828b9208ba7dfc | alt_demo |
- | 505a9758bd3e493f9baf44ed880aae92 | swift |
- | 62c91c632e76435a907a510ae99df378 | keystone |
- | 6b135900bf874d63abe59be074584eb9 | admin |
- | b58c153e4d0647e7b61bd76d5a77916c | nova |
- | c90c58fb2aaf4fd3880a39a8d1c34263 | cinder |
- +----------------------------------+----------+
- $ moon subject add test_user
- Password for user test_user:
- $ openstack user list
- +----------------------------------+-----------+
- | ID | Name |
- +----------------------------------+-----------+
- | 088758e049aa4c51bdb386fd7e954c73 | glance |
- | 16254c7516734bca99311979f0a486bf | demo |
- | 1d2fcb31ba9b44a4bd21ae6e390ae906 | test_user |
- | 263b87f84f274260a9dbef34e7c55602 | neutron |
- | 40f2cbbe71e845b49e828b9208ba7dfc | alt_demo |
- | 505a9758bd3e493f9baf44ed880aae92 | swift |
- | 62c91c632e76435a907a510ae99df378 | keystone |
- | 6b135900bf874d63abe59be074584eb9 | admin |
- | b58c153e4d0647e7b61bd76d5a77916c | nova |
- | c90c58fb2aaf4fd3880a39a8d1c34263 | cinder |
- +----------------------------------+-----------+
-An intra_extension is a module connected to a tenant/project.
-This connection allows to configure the authorization configuration for that tenant.
-The `intraextension`commands has the following sub-commands:
-* `add` sub-command add a new intraextension
-** this sub-command needs the name of the policy template to use
-** the list of all policy template can be retrieve with `moon template list`
-* `delete` sub-command delete an intra_extension (the deletion is definitive)
-* `init` sub-command must be **only** used if the root intra_extension was deleted
-** the sub-command has no effect otherwise
-* `list` sub-command list all intra_extensions
-* `select` sub-commands select a specific tenant so the `--intraextension` attribute is not mandatory in other commands
-* `show` sub-commands print a description of the tenant given in argument
-** `selected` is a special argument of the `show` sub-commands which prints the current selected tenant
-There are 3 types of intra_extension:
-* authz intra_extensions which are used to configure rules for standard actions (for example Nova or Swift actions)
-* admin intra_extensions which are used to configure rules for authz and admin intra_extensions
-* root intra_extensions which are used to configure rules for admin intra_extensions
-When you start using Moon, we recommend that you only configure authz intra_extensions.
-Admin and root intra_extensions are already configured for your needs.
-Here is an example of how to use intra_extension:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon template list
- +--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+
- | id | name | description |
- +--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+
- | policy_rbac_admin | RBAC Admin Policy | |
- | policy_root | Root Policy | root extension |
- | policy_authz | Multiple_Policy | Multiple Security Policies |
- | policy_empty_admin | Empty_Policy | Empty Policy |
- | policy_empty_authz | MLS_Policy | Multi Level Security Policy |
- | policy_mls_authz | MLS_Policy | Multi Level Security Policy |
- +--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+
- $ moon intraextension add --policy_model policy_authz test
- IntraExtension created: e75dad8f2f7d40de9921b0d444198973
- $ moon intraextension list
- +----------------------------------+------------------+--------------------+
- | id | name | model |
- +----------------------------------+------------------+--------------------+
- | e75dad8f2f7d40de9921b0d444198973 | test | policy_authz |
- | d508874d08424ee8a78ded9d5e008685 | policy_root | policy_root |
- +----------------------------------+------------------+--------------------+
- $ moon intraextension select e75dad8f2f7d40de9921b0d444198973
- Select e75dad8f2f7d40de9921b0d444198973 IntraExtension.
- $ moon intraextension show selected
- +-------------+----------------------------------+
- | Field | Value |
- +-------------+----------------------------------+
- | id | e75dad8f2f7d40de9921b0d444198973 |
- | name | test |
- | description | |
- | model | policy_authz |
- | genre | authz |
- +-------------+----------------------------------+
-The `tenant` command allows to get information and modify projects in Keystone.
-The tenant command has several sub-commands:
-* `add` sub-commands add new tenant/project in Moon
-** if the project doesn't exist in Keystone, it is automatically created (see example below)
-* `delete` sub-commands delete a tenant in Moon
-** warning: it only deletes in Moon, not in Keystone
-* `list` sub-commands show all tenants configured in Moon
-** warning it doesn't list all projects in Keystone
-* `set` sub-commands update a tenant in Moon
-** this sub-commands is especially use to connect a tenant with an intra_extension
-Here is an example of use:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ openstack project list
- +----------------------------------+-----------------+
- | ID | Name |
- +----------------------------------+-----------------+
- | 06f2f729f5b041f290295d2d966aff00 | alt_demo |
- | 7d5fb06879ae4a0c82948d4ed7b87b7c | demo |
- | 833a954bfd314de09b09aac00f1aa647 | service |
- | 9fb190ddb19a4a138837e2740daec3ae | admin |
- | ca680df7ee10480d89414c74d46e2c65 | sdn |
- | d30cffc153b743e88a8d78052737b556 | test_moonclient |
- +----------------------------------+-----------------+
- $ moon tenant list
- +----------------------------------+-------+---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
- | id | name | description | intra_authz_extension_id | intra_admin_extension_id |
- +----------------------------------+-------+---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
- | 9fb190ddb19a4a138837e2740daec3ae | admin | Admin Project | None | None |
- +----------------------------------+-------+---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
- $ moon tenant add test_tenant
- $ moon tenant list
- +----------------------------------+-------------+---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
- | id | name | description | intra_authz_extension_id | intra_admin_extension_id |
- +----------------------------------+-------------+---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
- | 9fb190ddb19a4a138837e2740daec3ae | admin | Admin Project | None | None |
- | 4694c91a0afb4b7d904a3bf5e886913c | test_tenant | test_tenant | None | None |
- +----------------------------------+-------------+---------------+--------------------------+--------------------------+
- $ openstack project list
- +----------------------------------+-----------------+
- | ID | Name |
- +----------------------------------+-----------------+
- | 06f2f729f5b041f290295d2d966aff00 | alt_demo |
- | 4694c91a0afb4b7d904a3bf5e886913c | test_tenant |
- | 7d5fb06879ae4a0c82948d4ed7b87b7c | demo |
- | 833a954bfd314de09b09aac00f1aa647 | service |
- | 9fb190ddb19a4a138837e2740daec3ae | admin |
- | ca680df7ee10480d89414c74d46e2c65 | sdn |
- | d30cffc153b743e88a8d78052737b556 | test_moonclient |
- +----------------------------------+-----------------+
-To connect a tenant with an intra_extension, use:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon tenant set --authz e75dad8f2f7d40de9921b0d444198973 4694c91a0afb4b7d904a3bf5e886913c
- $ moon tenant list -c id -c name -c intra_authz_extension_id
- +----------------------------------+-------------+----------------------------------+
- | id | name | intra_authz_extension_id |
- +----------------------------------+-------------+----------------------------------+
- | 9fb190ddb19a4a138837e2740daec3ae | admin | None |
- | 4694c91a0afb4b7d904a3bf5e886913c | test_tenant | e75dad8f2f7d40de9921b0d444198973 |
- +----------------------------------+-------------+----------------------------------+
-When a tenant **is not connected to** an intra_extension, this tenant acts as a standard Keystone project.
-Authorization rules are evaluated by each component independently. For example, when a user ask to stop a Virtual Machine (VM),
-* retrieve the Keystone token and
-* check its policy.json file to see if that user can stop this VM.
-When a tenant **is connected to** an intra_extension, the authorisation process is driven by Moon.
-Authorization rules are evaluated by the Moon platform. For example, when a user ask to stop a Virtual Machine (VM),
-* retrieve the Keystone token
-* check its policy.json file to see if that user can stop this VM and
-* ask Moon if the user is authorized to do such action.
-When a tenant is connected to an intra_extension, the authorisation process is driven by the following configuration.
-The configuration of an intra_extension is mainly divided into 3 elements.
-The subjects represent the users (in the future, they can also represent other elements like VM or networks).
-Subjects are the source of an action on an object.
-The objects represent the elements which is actioned by a subject (like VM, network, Swift file or directory).
-The actions represent what can a subject do on an object (like start a VM, create a file in Swift, ...).
-Here is an example of what you can found in a standard Moon platform:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon subject list
- +----------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------+
- | id | name | Keystone ID |
- +----------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------+
- | 04ed28e87f004ed29ddb721c43fdafb0 | demo | 16254c7516734bca99311979f0a486bf |
- | 517e648cc5d64984ab18e8c76422258a | test_user | 1d2fcb31ba9b44a4bd21ae6e390ae906 |
- | 8101e73fb82e433fbc576587e6201bfe | admin | 6b135900bf874d63abe59be074584eb9 |
- +----------------------------------+-----------+----------------------------------+
- $ moon object list
- +----------------------------------+---------+-------------+
- | id | name | description |
- +----------------------------------+---------+-------------+
- | 0fb3e294f0714a30a3b0af4c889354aa | servers | servers |
- +----------------------------------+---------+-------------+
- $ moon action list
- +----------------------------------+--------------+--------------+
- | id | name | description |
- +----------------------------------+--------------+--------------+
- | e349bdad65ac43aeb1058623f9738b2b | unpause | unpause |
- | 41b8ce4256a84f19b4322acef05f3367 | post | post |
- | 7eea8c5b19c04d4e9cfc5a14cdd8ce84 | create | create |
- | 78a20944dbd04b2ea33007d46bfd5ddd | download | download |
- | a1da1466938842c2b2aace1868153192 | upload | upload |
- | ab9f285b9670473fbe2f1501b62a2779 | list | list |
- | b47452174c0c40a58d7cb2ba949acfe9 | storage_list | storage_list |
- | 9c448d73e344472bbe189546c2c35c5d | stop | stop |
- | b957463ac8cf4a02ad2e64c0ae38e425 | pause | pause |
- | 3b018cd88b964e5ca69c4ef9e8045a3d | start | start |
- +----------------------------------+--------------+--------------+
-Note: the *servers* object is a special hardcoded object which represents all servers of Nova.
-This object is used when we need to list Nova VM.
-Each of these elements can belonged to one or more categories, here is an example of categories:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon subject category list
- +----------------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+
- | id | name | description |
- +----------------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+
- | 3d97b1e12f6949cfa71e6ecd6f15a361 | domain | domain |
- | 366c308036b74c9da9121759a42c2f19 | role | role |
- | f6f7e1fd031144b2a8c4d7866424b8c6 | subject_security_level | subject_security_level |
- +----------------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+
- $ moon object category list
- +----------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
- | id | name | description |
- +----------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
- | 3a4c9f8e5b404d1db7aa641714c8b1c7 | object_id | object_id |
- | 292d8f613dea49ec9118f76691e580d1 | object_security_level | object_security_level |
- | 57f18e690cb948d88c26d210289fb379 | type | type |
- +----------------------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+
- $ moon action category list
- +----------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------+
- | id | name | description |
- +----------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------+
- | cdfbf00d0c1f4d61bf4b6de669721f10 | access | access |
- | b01d380dda324e39a6a6b0d09065a93d | resource_action | resource_action |
- +----------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------+
-For example, a subject can have a domain and/or have a specific role and/or have a specific security level (subject_security_level).
-To know the scope of a category, you can use the `moon scope list <category_id>` command:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon subject scope list 366c308036b74c9da9121759a42c2f19
- +----------------------------------+-------+-------------+
- | id | name | description |
- +----------------------------------+-------+-------------+
- | 98e0357500274d30bb5ba2f896fbedf9 | dev | dev |
- | 6e4570266b1f42bab47498714716dca6 | admin | admin |
- +----------------------------------+-------+-------------+
-In this example, for the category *role*, we have 2 possible values: *dev* and *admin*.
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon object scope list 292d8f613dea49ec9118f76691e580d1
- +----------------------------------+--------+-------------+
- | id | name | description |
- +----------------------------------+--------+-------------+
- | e90edf39b4cc496cb28094a056089d65 | low | low |
- | 73feffe318de4390bc8b4fce5f7d4b88 | high | high |
- | 41a80336362248e39298b6f52c4ae14d | medium | medium |
- +----------------------------------+--------+-------------+
-In this example, for the category *object_security_level*, we have 3 possible values: *low*, *medium* and *high*.
-_Note:_ if you try to list a scope with the wrong category ID, MoonClient will raise an error:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon subject scope list 292d8f613dea49ec9118f76691e580d1
- Getting an error while requiring /moon/intra_extensions/e75dad8f2f7d40de9921b0d444198973/subject_scopes/292d8f613dea49ec9118f76691e580d1 (400: Subject Category Unknown, The given subject category is unknown.)
-Each of these elements (subject, object, action and their respective categories and scopes) can be modified with the
-sub-commands `add` and `delete`.
-To link all of these elements, you can use assignment.
-In the following example, the subject *admin* is linked to the category *role* with the scope *admin*:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon subject assignment list 8101e73fb82e433fbc576587e6201bfe 366c308036b74c9da9121759a42c2f19
- +----------------------------------+-------+
- | id | name |
- +----------------------------------+-------+
- | 6e4570266b1f42bab47498714716dca6 | admin |
- +----------------------------------+-------+
-This means that the user *admin* has the role *admin*.
-In the following example, the subject *admin* is also linked to the category *subject_security_level* with the scope *high*:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon subject assignment list 8101e73fb82e433fbc576587e6201bfe f6f7e1fd031144b2a8c4d7866424b8c6
- +----------------------------------+------+
- | id | name |
- +----------------------------------+------+
- | 45d6852c4a08498298331bcd72c2e988 | high |
- +----------------------------------+------+
-As before, if you put a wrong subject ID or a wrong subject category ID, MoonClient will raise an error:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon subject assignment list 8101e73fb82e433fbc576587e6201bfe f6f7e1fd031144b2a8c4d7866424b8c3
- Getting an error while requiring /moon/intra_extensions/e75dad8f2f7d40de9921b0d444198973/subject_assignments/8101e73fb82e433fbc576587e6201bfe/f6f7e1fd031144b2a8c4d7866424b8c3 (400: Subject Category Unknown, The given subject category is unknown.)
- $ moon subject assignment list 8101e73fb82e433fbc576587e6201bfr f6f7e1fd031144b2a8c4d7866424b8c6
- Getting an error while requiring /moon/intra_extensions/e75dad8f2f7d40de9921b0d444198973/subject_assignments/8101e73fb82e433fbc576587e6201bfr/f6f7e1fd031144b2a8c4d7866424b8c6 (400: Subject Unknown, The given subject is unknown.)
-Before dealing with rules, we must configure our intra_extension.
-This configuration can be done with `template`, `submetarule`, `aggregation` commands.
-We have already see what the `template` command does:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon template list
- +--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+
- | id | name | description |
- +--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+
- | policy_rbac_admin | RBAC Admin Policy | |
- | policy_root | Root Policy | root extension |
- | policy_authz | Multiple_Policy | Multiple Security Policies |
- | policy_empty_admin | Empty_Policy | Empty Policy |
- | policy_empty_authz | MLS_Policy | Multi Level Security Policy |
- | policy_mls_authz | MLS_Policy | Multi Level Security Policy |
- +--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------------+
-This command only list available policy template. Those templates are hardcoded into Moon, you cannot modify them though
-the MoonClient. If you need to update them (which is not recommended), you must go in the directory `/etc/keystone/policies`
-and update the json file inside.
-Those template describe the behaviour of an intra_extension.
-When you start using Moon, we recommend that you use the *Multiple_Policy* (with ID *policy_authz*) template which is the simplest template.
-It has default values easy to configure.
-This policy template is configured with 3 sub-meta-rules shown below:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon submetarule show
- +----------------------------------+-----------+-----------+------------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+
- | id | name | algorithm | subject categories | object categories | action categories |
- +----------------------------------+-----------+-----------+------------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+
- | a0c30ab9f4104098a9636b0aab294deb | rbac_rule | inclusion | role, domain | object_id | access |
- | 6e4abecb486448309ad5ace17ab134dc | dte_rule | inclusion | domain | type | access |
- | ba9eac79b38a46cc9ab65feb32696803 | mls_rule | inclusion | subject_security_level | object_security_level | resource_action |
- +----------------------------------+-----------+-----------+------------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+
-Each sub-meta-rules indicates how rules will be built.
-In this example, the first sub-meta-rules (*rbac_rule*) indicates that a single rule will be the concatenation of the following categories:
-* role,
-* domain
-* object_id
-* access
-**The order between categories is important!**
-This sub-meta-rules matches a enhanced Role-Base-Access-Control policy. A standard RBAC policy would be:
-* role,
-* object_id
-* access
-And we would have in Moon:
-.. code-block:: bash
- +----------------------------------+-----------+-----------+------------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+
- | id | name | algorithm | subject categories | object categories | action categories |
- +----------------------------------+-----------+-----------+------------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+
- ...
- | a0c30ab9f4104098a9636b0aab294deb | rbac_rule | inclusion | role | object_id | access |
- ...
- +----------------------------------+-----------+-----------+------------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+
-If you want to modify that point, use the following commands:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon subject category list
- +----------------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+
- | id | name | description |
- +----------------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+
- | 3d97b1e12f6949cfa71e6ecd6f15a361 | domain | domain |
- | 366c308036b74c9da9121759a42c2f19 | role | role |
- | f6f7e1fd031144b2a8c4d7866424b8c6 | subject_security_level | subject_security_level |
- +----------------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+
- $ moon submetarule set --subject_category_id 366c308036b74c9da9121759a42c2f19 a0c30ab9f4104098a9636b0aab294deb
- $ moon submetarule show
- +----------------------------------+-----------+-----------+------------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+
- | id | name | algorithm | subject categories | object categories | action categories |
- +----------------------------------+-----------+-----------+------------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+
- | a0c30ab9f4104098a9636b0aab294deb | rbac_rule | inclusion | role | object_id | access |
- | 6e4abecb486448309ad5ace17ab134dc | dte_rule | inclusion | domain | type | access |
- | ba9eac79b38a46cc9ab65feb32696803 | mls_rule | inclusion | subject_security_level | object_security_level | resource_action |
- +----------------------------------+-----------+-----------+------------------------+-----------------------+-------------------+
-**Warning:** After modifying the sub-meta-rule, you **must** delete all rules corresponding to that sub-meta-rule and add new rules (see below).
-As you can see, the third column is titled *algorithm*. This algorithm indicates how the match between scopes and rules is done.
-There are 2 hardcoded algorithms: *inclusion* and *comparison*.
-At this time the *comparison* algorithm is a future work, don't use it. Use exclusively the *inclusion* algorithm.
-Rules are analysed by our engine to authorize (or not) an action from Nova or Swift.
-Here is an example of what a list of rules looks like for the our *rbac_rule* sub-meta-rule:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon rule list a0c30ab9f4104098a9636b0aab294deb
- +---+----------------------------------+--------+----------+----------+-------------+---------+
- | | id | s:role | s:domain | a:access | o:object_id | enabled |
- +---+----------------------------------+--------+----------+----------+-------------+---------+
- | 0 | b8579d7e2eba4c44a9524843d1b4b2e6 | admin | xx | read | servers | True |
- | 1 | 11fa000905654737b2476d06fc9e2be0 | admin | ft | read | servers | True |
- | 2 | 2acca0c356c946d1adec541ad56839ab | dev | xx | read | servers | True |
- +---+----------------------------------+--------+----------+----------+-------------+---------+
-In the sub-meta-rule *rbac_rule*, we have 4 categories (role, domain, object_id, access). So we have 4 columns for each rules:
-* s:role
-* s:domain
-* a:access
-* o:object_id
-The prefix indicates if the category is a subject, action or object category. Here, we have two subject categories,
-one action category and one object category. Again, the order is very important.
-To add a new rule, the help command can be usefull:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon help rule add
- usage: moon rule add [-h] [--intraextension <intraextension-uuid>]
- <submetarule-uuid> <argument-list>
- Add a new rule.
- positional arguments:
- <submetarule-uuid> Sub Meta Rule UUID
- <argument-list> Rule list (example: admin,start,servers) with that
- ordering: subject, action, object
- optional arguments:
- -h, --help show this help message and exit
- --intraextension <intraextension-uuid>
- IntraExtension UUID
-We can see that we need the submetarule-uuid and an argument list.
-To be more user-friendly, this list uses name of scope and not their ID.
-You must respect the order : subject scopes, action scopes and object scopes.
-And if you have more than one scope (in subject for example), you must follow the order of the configuration in the
-sub-meta-rule. In our example, the order is role then domain.
-A new rule will be added like this:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon rule add a0c30ab9f4104098a9636b0aab294deb dev,ft,read,servers
- $ moon rule list a0c30ab9f4104098a9636b0aab294deb
- +---+----------------------------------+--------+----------+----------+-------------+---------+
- | | id | s:role | s:domain | a:access | o:object_id | enabled |
- +---+----------------------------------+--------+----------+----------+-------------+---------+
- | 0 | b8579d7e2eba4c44a9524843d1b4b2e6 | admin | xx | read | servers | True |
- | 1 | 24ef8de4526f4268a7de530443edd9fa | dev | ft | read | servers | True |
- | 2 | 11fa000905654737b2476d06fc9e2be0 | admin | ft | read | servers | True |
- | 3 | 2acca0c356c946d1adec541ad56839ab | dev | xx | read | servers | True |
- +---+----------------------------------+--------+----------+----------+-------------+---------+
-The latest column allows to enabled or disabled a specific rule.
-Log system
-Logs can be obtain with the `log` command:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon log --number 10
- +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Time | Message |
- +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | 2016-08-11-12:28:58 | No Intra_Admin_Extension found, authorization granted by default. |
- | | |
- | 2016-08-12-03:30:05 | /MoonError/AdminException/AdminMetaData/SubjectCategoryUnknown (The given subject category is unknown.) |
- | | |
- | 2016-08-12-03:38:11 | /MoonError/AdminException/AdminPerimeter/SubjectUnknown (The |
- | | given subject is unknown.) |
- | | |
- | 2016-08-12-03:48:05 | /MoonError/AdminException/AdminMetaData/SubjectCategoryUnknown (The given subject category is unknown.) |
- | | |
- | 2016-08-12-03:48:22 | /MoonError/AdminException/AdminPerimeter/SubjectUnknown (The |
- | | given subject is unknown.) |
- | | |
- | 2016-08-12-03:50:59 | No Intra_Admin_Extension found, authorization granted by default. |
- | | |
- | 2016-08-12-03:51:38 | No Intra_Admin_Extension found, authorization granted by default. |
- | | |
- | 2016-08-12-03:52:01 | No Intra_Admin_Extension found, authorization granted by default. |
- | | |
- | 2016-08-12-03:52:08 | No Intra_Admin_Extension found, authorization granted by default. |
- | | |
- | 2016-08-12-03:54:52 | No Intra_Admin_Extension found, authorization granted by default. |
- | | |
- +---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
-In this example, we limit the number of events to 10.
-You can filter with a particular string or search by date. See the `help` command for more information:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon help log
- usage: moon log [-h] [-f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}] [-c COLUMN]
- [--max-width <integer>] [--noindent]
- [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
- [--filter <filter-str>] [--fromdate <from-date-str>]
- [--todate <to-date-str>] [--number <number-int>]
- List all logs.
- optional arguments:
- -h, --help show this help message and exit
- --filter <filter-str>
- Filter strings (example: "OK" or "authz")
- --fromdate <from-date-str>
- Filter logs by date (example: "2015-04-15-13:45:20")
- --todate <to-date-str>
- Filter logs by date (example: "2015-04-15-13:45:20")
- --number <number-int>
- Show only <number-int> logs
- output formatters:
- output formatter options
- -f {csv,json,table,value,yaml}, --format {csv,json,table,value,yaml}
- the output format, defaults to table
- -c COLUMN, --column COLUMN
- specify the column(s) to include, can be repeated
- table formatter:
- --max-width <integer>
- Maximum display width, <1 to disable. You can also use
- the CLIFF_MAX_TERM_WIDTH environment variable, but the
- parameter takes precedence.
- json formatter:
- --noindent whether to disable indenting the JSON
- CSV Formatter:
- --quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}
- when to include quotes, defaults to nonnumeric
-Moonclient can execute some tests written in a custom format (JSON format).
-After installing MoonClient, it is advised to execute all tests to see if the Moon platform is up and running:
-.. code-block:: bash
- $ moon test --self
- Write tests output to /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-090856.log
- Executing /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_empty_policy_new_user.json (1/22)
- ...
- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------------+
- | filename | results | log file |
- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------------+
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_actions.json | True | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-092537.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_configuration.json | True | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-092434.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_empty_policy_nova.json | False | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-092051.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_action_categories.json | True | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-091823.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_action_scopes.json | True | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-092037.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_object_assignments.json | True | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-092520.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_subject_scopes.json | True | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-092448.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_objects.json | True | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-091836.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_subjects.json | True | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-092351.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_object_categories.json | True | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-092421.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_root_intraextensions.json | True | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-091850.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_subject_assignments.json | True | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-092502.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_subject_categories.json | True | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-092338.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_admin_intraextensions.json | True | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-092237.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_submetarules.json | True | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-092405.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_object_scopes.json | True | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-092322.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_action_assignments.json | True | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-092213.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_rules.json | True | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-091857.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_empty_policy_swift.json | False | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-091922.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_external_commands.json | False | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-092246.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_tenants.json | True | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-092228.log |
- | /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/moonclient/tests/tests_empty_policy_new_user.json | False | /tmp/moonclient_test_20160812-090856.log |
- +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------+------------------------------------------+
-Executing all tests may take time, so be patient.
-Each test can be executed separately and you have acces to a file log in the `/tmp` directory for each test.
-Revision: _sha1_
-Build date: |today|