path: root/build/tacker
diff options
authorBryan Sullivan <>2018-01-09 09:29:04 -0800
committerBryan Sullivan <>2018-01-09 09:29:04 -0800
commit3928c2d76f89e56b636386816efadec93e304fe2 (patch)
tree2b0e14f486968f86fcf071fc2b99de23cb48cce4 /build/tacker
parent0e94f7b06acec7535db88f2f5c9a5290c3cba88a (diff)
Update for Euphrates; build/use Tacker container
JIRA: MODELS-2 Change-Id: I71db2f530a055e17d8012ba37487a9ae76be0fd1 Signed-off-by: Bryan Sullivan <>
Diffstat (limited to 'build/tacker')
3 files changed, 608 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/tacker/Dockerfile b/build/tacker/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7c7af6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/tacker/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property, Inc
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# What this is: A Dockerfile for building an OpenStack Tacker container image.
+# Status: this is a work in progress, under test.
+FROM ubuntu:xenial
+MAINTAINER Bryan Sullivan
+# Per
+RUN apt-get update --fix-missing
+RUN apt-get install -y apt-utils
+RUN apt-get upgrade -y
+RUN apt-get install -y python
+RUN apt-get install -y python-dev
+RUN apt-get install -y python-pip
+RUN apt-get install -y wget
+RUN apt-get install -y openssh-server
+RUN apt-get install -y git
+RUN apt-get install -y apg
+RUN apt-get install -y libffi-dev
+RUN apt-get install -y libssl-dev
+# newton: tacker uses ping for monitoring VIM (not in default docker containers)
+RUN apt-get install -y inetutils-ping
+# apt-utils is not installed in xenial container image
+RUN apt-get install -y apt-utils
+# Upgrage pip again - needs to be the latest version due to errors found in testing
+RUN pip install --upgrade pip
+# Install OpenStack clients
+RUN git clone; \
+cd python-openstackclient; \
+if [[ "<branch>" != "" ]]; then git checkout <branch>; fi; \
+pip install -r requirements.txt; \
+pip install .
+RUN git clone; \
+cd python-neutronclient; \
+if [[ "<branch>" != "" ]]; then git checkout <branch>; fi; \
+pip install -r requirements.txt; \
+pip install .
+RUN git clone; \
+cd python-novaclient; \
+if [[ "<branch>" != "" ]]; then git checkout <branch>; fi; \
+pip install -r requirements.txt; \
+pip install .
+RUN git clone; \
+cd python-tackerclient; \
+if [[ "<branch>" != "" ]]; then git checkout <branch>; fi; \
+python install
+# Setup Tacker
+RUN git clone; \
+if [[ "<branch>" != "" ]]; then cd tacker; git checkout <branch>; fi; \
+cd tacker; \
+pip install -r requirements.txt; \
+pip install tosca-parser; \
+python install; \
+mkdir /var/log/tacker; \
+mkdir /var/lib/tacker
+COPY tacker.conf /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", ""]
diff --git a/build/tacker/ b/build/tacker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b824589
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/tacker/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# Copyright 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property, Inc
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# What this is: Startup script for OpenStack Tacker running under docker.
+function log() {
+ f=$(caller 0 | awk '{print $2}')
+ l=$(caller 0 | awk '{print $1}')
+ echo; echo "$f:$l ($(date)) $1"
+export MYSQL_PASSWORD=$(/usr/bin/apg -n 1 -m 16 -c cl_seed)
+echo $MYSQL_PASSWORD >~/mysql
+debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server mysql-server/root_password password '$MYSQL_PASSWORD
+debconf-set-selections <<< 'mysql-server mysql-server/root_password_again password '$MYSQL_PASSWORD
+apt-get -q -y install mysql-server python-mysqldb
+service mysql restart
+log "create Tacker database"
+mysql --user=root --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD -e "CREATE DATABASE tacker; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tacker.* TO 'root@localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '"$MYSQL_PASSWORD"'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tacker.* TO 'tacker'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '"$MYSQL_PASSWORD"';"
+log "Setup OpenStack CLI environment"
+source /opt/tacker/
+uid=$(openstack user list | awk "/ tacker / { print \$2 }")
+if [[ $uid ]]; then
+ log "Remove prior Tacker user etc"
+ openstack user delete tacker
+ openstack service delete tacker
+ # Note: deleting the service deletes the endpoint
+log "Setup Tacker user in OpenStack"
+service_project=$(openstack project list | awk "/service/ { print \$4 }")
+openstack user create --project $service_project --password tacker tacker
+openstack role add --project $service_project --user tacker admin
+log "Create Tacker service in OpenStack"
+sid=$(openstack service list | awk "/ tacker / { print \$2 }")
+openstack service create --name tacker --description "Tacker Project" nfv-orchestration
+sid=$(openstack service list | awk "/ tacker / { print \$2 }")
+log "Create Tacker service endpoint in OpenStack"
+ip=$(ip route get | awk '{print $NF; exit}')
+region=$(openstack endpoint list | awk "/ nova / { print \$4 }" | head -1)
+openstack endpoint create --region $region \
+ --publicurl "http://$ip:9890/" \
+ --adminurl "http://$ip:9890/" \
+ --internalurl "http://$ip:9890/" nfv-orchestration
+# TODO: find a generic way to set extension_drivers = port_security in ml2_conf.ini
+ # On the neutron service host, update ml2_conf.ini and and restart neutron service
+ # sed -i -- 's~#extension_drivers =~extension_drivers = port_security~' /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
+ # For devstack, set in local.conf per
+ # Q_ML2_PLUGIN_EXT_DRIVERS=port_security
+log "Update tacker.conf values"
+# [DEFAULT] section (update)
+sed -i -- 's/#auth_strategy = keystone/auth_strategy = keystone/' /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+# [DEFAULT] section (add to)
+sed -i -- "/\[DEFAULT\]/adebug = True" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+sed -i -- "/\[DEFAULT\]/ause_syslog = False" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+sed -i -- "/\[DEFAULT\]/alogging_context_format_string = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)s %(name)s [%(request_id)s %(user_name)s %(project_name)s] %(instance)s%(message)s" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+sed -i -- 's~#policy_file = policy.json~policy_file = /usr/local/etc/tacker/policy.json~' /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+sed -i -- 's~#state_path = /var/lib/tacker~state_path = /var/lib/tacker~' /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+# Not sure what the effect of the next line is, given that we are running as root in the container
+#sed -i -- "s~# root_helper = sudo~root_helper = sudo /usr/local/bin/tacker-rootwrap /usr/local/etc/tacker/rootwrap.conf~" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+sed -i -- "s~#api_paste_config = api-paste.ini~api_paste_config = /usr/local/etc/tacker/api-paste.ini~" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+sed -i -- "s/#bind_host = = $ip/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+sed -i -- "s/#bind_port = 8888/bind_port = 9890/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+# Newton changes, based upon sample newton gate test conf file provided by sridhar_ram on #tacker
+sed -i -- "s/#nova_region_name = <None>/#nova_region_name = $region/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+sed -i -- "s/#nova_api_insecure = false/nova_api_insecure = False/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+sed -i -- "s/#nova_ca_certificates_file = <None>/nova_ca_certificates_file =/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+keystone_adminurl=$(openstack endpoint show keystone | awk "/ adminurl / { print \$4 }")
+sed -i -- "s~#nova_admin_auth_url = http://localhost:5000/v2.0~nova_admin_auth_url = $keystone_adminurl~" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+# TODO: don't hard-code service tenant ID
+sed -i -- "s/#nova_admin_tenant_id = <None>/nova_admin_tenant_id = service/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+sed -i -- "s/#nova_admin_password = <None>/nova_admin_password = $OS_PASSWORD/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+# this diff seems superfluous < nova_admin_user_name = nova
+ # only one ref in tacker (setting the default value)
+ # devstack/lib/tacker: iniset $TACKER_CONF DEFAULT nova_admin_user_name nova
+# set nova_url to "/v2" (normal value is "/v2.1") due to tacker API version compatibility (?)
+nova_ipport=$(openstack endpoint show nova | awk "/ adminurl / { print \$4 }" | awk -F'[/]' '{print $3}')
+sed -i -- "s~#nova_url = = http://$nova_ipport/v2~" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+sed -i -- "s~#state_path = /var/lib/tacker~state_path = /var/lib/tacker~" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+# [alarm_auth] section - optional (?)
+# < url =
+# < project_name = service
+# < password = secretservice
+# < uername = tacker
+# [nfvo_vim] section
+sed -i -- "s/#default_vim = <None>/default_vim = VIM0/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+# [openstack_vim] section - only change this if you want to override values in models/tests/utils/tacker/tacker.conf.sample
+#sed -i -- "s/#stack_retries = 60/stack_retries = 10/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+#sed -i -- "s/#stack_retry_wait = 5/stack_retry_wait = 60/" /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+# newton: add [keystone_authtoken] missing in generated tacker.conf.sample, excluding the following
+# (not referenced) memcached_servers =
+# (not referenced) signing_dir = /var/cache/tacker
+# (not referenced) cafile = /opt/stack/data/ca-bundle.pem
+# (not referenced) auth_uri =
+# auth_uri is required for keystonemiddleware.auth_token use of public identity endpoint
+# removed due to issues with "ERROR oslo_middleware.catch_errors DiscoveryFailure: Cannot use v2 authentication with domain scope"
+ # project_domain_name = Default
+ # user_domain_name = Default
+cat >>/usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf <<EOF
+auth_uri = $(openstack endpoint show keystone | awk "/ publicurl / { print \$4 }")
+auth_url = $(openstack endpoint show keystone | awk "/ internalurl / { print \$4 }")
+project_name = $service_project
+password = tacker
+username = tacker
+auth_type = password
+# these diffs seem superfluous - not referenced at all:
+ # < transport_url = rabbit://stackrabbit:secretrabbit@
+ # < heat_uri =
+# newton: add [tacker_heat] missing in generated tacker.conf.sample
+heat_ipport=$(openstack endpoint show heat | awk "/ internalurl / { print \$4 }" | awk -F'[/]' '{print $3}')
+cat >>/usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf <<EOF
+stack_retry_wait = 10
+stack_retries = 60
+heat_uri = http://$heat_ipport/v1
+# newton: add [database] missing in generated tacker.conf.sample
+cat >>/usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf <<EOF
+connection = mysql://tacker:$MYSQL_PASSWORD@localhost:3306/tacker?charset=utf8
+# newton: add [tacker_nova] missing in generated tacker.conf.sample, excluding the following
+ # these diffs seem superfluous - the only ref'd field is region_name:
+ # project_domain_id = default
+ # project_name = service
+ # user_domain_id = default
+ # password = secretservice
+ # username = nova
+ # auth_url =
+ # auth_plugin = password
+cat >>/usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf <<EOF
+region_name = $region
+log "/usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf"
+cat /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf
+log "Populate Tacker database"
+/usr/local/bin/tacker-db-manage --config-file /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf upgrade head
+# deferred until its determined how to get this to Horizon
+## Install Tacker Horizon plugin"
+#cd /opt/tacker
+#git clone
+#cd tacker-horizon
+#python install
+# The next two commands must affect the Horizon server
+#cp openstack_dashboard_extensions/* /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/enabled/
+#service apache2 restart
+log "Start the Tacker Server"
+nohup python /usr/local/bin/tacker-server \
+ --config-file /usr/local/etc/tacker/tacker.conf \
+ --log-file /var/log/tacker/tacker.log &
+# Wait 30 seconds for Tacker server to come online"
+sleep 30
+log "Register default VIM"
+cd /opt/tacker
+# TODO: bug in
+# expects that there will be a port specified in the auth_url
+# TODO: bug: user_domain_name: Default is required even for identity v2
+# removed due to issues with "DiscoveryFailure" as above
+ # project_domain_name: Default
+ # user_domain_name: Default
+cat <<EOF >vim-config.yaml
+auth_url: $OS_AUTH_URL
+username: $OS_USERNAME
+password: $OS_PASSWORD
+project_id: $(openstack project show admin | awk '/ id / {print $4}')
+project_name: admin
+user_id: $(openstack user list | awk "/ admin / { print \$2 }")
+# newton: NAME (was "--name") is now a positional parameter
+tacker vim-register --is-default --config-file vim-config.yaml --description OpenStack VIM0
+tail -f /var/log/tacker/tacker.log
diff --git a/build/tacker/tacker.conf b/build/tacker/tacker.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7dff09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/tacker/tacker.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+# From tacker.common.config
+# The host IP to bind to (string value)
+#bind_host =
+# The port to bind to (integer value)
+#bind_port = 9890
+# The API paste config file to use (string value)
+#api_paste_config = api-paste.ini
+# The path for API extensions (string value)
+#api_extensions_path =
+# The service plugins Tacker will use (list value)
+#service_plugins = nfvo,vnfm
+# The policy file to use (string value)
+#policy_file = policy.json
+# The type of authentication to use (string value)
+#auth_strategy = keystone
+# Allow the usage of the bulk API (boolean value)
+#allow_bulk = true
+# Allow the usage of the pagination (boolean value)
+#allow_pagination = false
+# Allow the usage of the sorting (boolean value)
+#allow_sorting = false
+# The maximum number of items returned in a single response, value was
+# 'infinite' or negative integer means no limit (string value)
+#pagination_max_limit = -1
+# The hostname Tacker is running on (string value)
+#host = fa719b05f53c
+# URL for connection to nova (string value)
+#nova_url =
+# Username for connecting to nova in admin context (string value)
+#nova_admin_username = <None>
+# Password for connection to nova in admin context (string value)
+#nova_admin_password = <None>
+# The uuid of the admin nova tenant (string value)
+#nova_admin_tenant_id = <None>
+# Authorization URL for connecting to nova in admin context (string value)
+#nova_admin_auth_url = http://localhost:5000/v2.0
+# CA file for novaclient to verify server certificates (string value)
+#nova_ca_certificates_file = <None>
+# If True, ignore any SSL validation issues (boolean value)
+#nova_api_insecure = false
+# Name of nova region to use. Useful if keystone manages more than one region.
+# (string value)
+#nova_region_name = <None>
+# Where to store Tacker state files. This directory must be writable by the
+# agent. (string value)
+#state_path = /var/lib/tacker
+# From tacker.service
+# Seconds between running periodic tasks (integer value)
+#periodic_interval = 40
+# Number of separate worker processes for service (integer value)
+#api_workers = 0
+# Range of seconds to randomly delay when starting the periodic task scheduler
+# to reduce stampeding. (Disable by setting to 0) (integer value)
+#periodic_fuzzy_delay = 5
+# From tacker.wsgi
+# Number of backlog requests to configure the socket with (integer value)
+#backlog = 4096
+# Sets the value of TCP_KEEPIDLE in seconds for each server socket. Not
+# supported on OS X. (integer value)
+#tcp_keepidle = 600
+# Number of seconds to keep retrying to listen (integer value)
+#retry_until_window = 30
+# Max header line to accommodate large tokens (integer value)
+#max_header_line = 16384
+# Enable SSL on the API server (boolean value)
+#use_ssl = false
+# CA certificate file to use to verify connecting clients (string value)
+#ssl_ca_file = <None>
+# Certificate file to use when starting the server securely (string value)
+#ssl_cert_file = <None>
+# Private key file to use when starting the server securely (string value)
+#ssl_key_file = <None>
+# From tacker.alarm_receiver
+# User name for alarm monitoring (string value)
+#username = tacker
+# password for alarm monitoring (string value)
+#password = nomoresecret
+# project name for alarm monitoring (string value)
+#project_name = service
+# url for alarm monitoring (string value)
+#url = http://localhost:35357/v3
+# From tacker.vnfm.monitor_drivers.ceilometer.ceilometer
+# Address which drivers use to trigger (string value)
+#host = fa719b05f53c
+# port number which drivers use to trigger (port value)
+# Minimum value: 0
+# Maximum value: 65535
+#port = 9890
+# From tacker.vnfm.monitor
+# check interval for monitor (integer value)
+#check_intvl = 10
+# From tacker.vnfm.monitor_drivers.http_ping.http_ping
+# number of times to retry (integer value)
+#retry = 5
+# number of seconds to wait for a response (integer value)
+#timeout = 1
+# HTTP port number to send request (integer value)
+#port = 80
+# From
+# number of ICMP packets to send (string value)
+#count = 1
+# number of seconds to wait for a response (string value)
+#timeout = 1
+# number of seconds to wait between packets (string value)
+#interval = 1
+# From tacker.nfvo.nfvo_plugin
+# VIM driver for launching VNFs (list value)
+#vim_drivers = openstack
+# Interval to check for VIM health (integer value)
+#monitor_interval = 30
+# From tacker.vnfm.vim_client
+# DEPRECATED: Default VIM for launching VNFs. This option is deprecated and
+# will be removed in Ocata release. (string value)
+# This option is deprecated for removal.
+# Its value may be silently ignored in the future.
+#default_vim = <None>
+# From tacker.vnfm.infra_drivers.openstack.openstack
+# Number of attempts to retry for stack creation/deletion (integer value)
+stack_retries = 60
+# Wait time (in seconds) between consecutive stack create/delete retries
+# (integer value)
+stack_retry_wait = 10
+# Flavor Extra Specs (dict value)
+#flavor_extra_specs =
+# From tacker.vnfm.mgmt_drivers.openwrt.openwrt
+# user name to login openwrt (string value)
+#user = root
+# password to login openwrt (string value)
+#password =
+# From tacker.vnfm.monitor
+# Monitor driver to communicate with Hosting VNF/logical service instance
+# tacker plugin will use (list value)
+#monitor_driver = ping,http_ping
+# Alarm monitoring driver to communicate with Hosting VNF/logical service
+# instance tacker plugin will use (list value)
+#alarm_monitor_driver = ceilometer
+# From tacker.vnfm.plugin
+# MGMT driver to communicate with Hosting VNF/logical service instance tacker
+# plugin will use (list value)
+#mgmt_driver = noop,openwrt
+# Time interval to wait for VM to boot (integer value)
+#boot_wait = 30
+# Hosting vnf drivers tacker plugin will use (list value)
+#infra_driver = nova,heat,noop,openstack
+# From tacker.vnfm.infra_drivers.heat.heat
+# Number of attempts to retry for stack creation/deletion (integer value)
+#stack_retries = 60
+# Wait time (in seconds) between consecutive stack create/delete retries
+# (integer value)
+#stack_retry_wait = 5
+# Flavor Extra Specs (dict value)
+#flavor_extra_specs =
+# From tacker.nfvo.drivers.vim.openstack_driver
+# Dir.path to store fernet keys. (string value)
+#openstack = /etc/tacker/vim/fernet_keys
+# From tacker.nfvo.drivers.vim.openstack_driver
+# number of ICMP packets to send (string value)
+#count = 1
+# number of seconds to wait for a response (string value)
+#timeout = 1
+# number of seconds to wait between packets (string value)
+#interval = 1