path: root/src/booking/quick_deployer.py
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authorGergely Csatari <gergely.csatari@nokia.com>2023-10-26 10:33:28 +0300
committerGergely Csatari <gergely.csatari@nokia.com>2023-10-26 10:34:28 +0300
commit2ec0d7b9f5c1354977b821c6b06c24a3ffa13142 (patch)
tree6e449d92ddfc880ed007e9d8a8f25bda8fc7cb0f /src/booking/quick_deployer.py
parent0d3dd290aa6e7f39e7b0b3cbe448b6622f924240 (diff)
Removing project content and adding a noteHEADmaster
that the development continues in GitHub Change-Id: I25c58a679dbf92b2367d826429b7cda936bf9f0e Signed-off-by: Gergely Csatari <gergely.csatari@nokia.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'src/booking/quick_deployer.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 343 deletions
diff --git a/src/booking/quick_deployer.py b/src/booking/quick_deployer.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b85d76..0000000
--- a/src/booking/quick_deployer.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,343 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2018 Parker Berberian, Sawyer Bergeron, and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-import json
-import yaml
-from django.db.models import Q
-from django.db import transaction
-from datetime import timedelta
-from django.utils import timezone
-from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
-from account.models import Lab, UserProfile
-from resource_inventory.models import (
- ResourceTemplate,
- Image,
- OPNFVRole,
- OPNFVConfig,
- ResourceOPNFVConfig,
- ResourceConfiguration,
- NetworkConnection,
- InterfaceConfiguration,
- Network,
- CloudInitFile,
-from resource_inventory.resource_manager import ResourceManager
-from resource_inventory.pdf_templater import PDFTemplater
-from notifier.manager import NotificationHandler
-from booking.models import Booking
-from dashboard.exceptions import BookingLengthException
-from api.models import JobFactory
-def parse_resource_field(resource_json):
- """
- Parse the json from the frontend.
- returns a reference to the selected Lab and ResourceTemplate objects
- """
- lab, template = (None, None)
- lab_dict = resource_json['lab']
- for lab_info in lab_dict.values():
- if lab_info['selected']:
- lab = Lab.objects.get(lab_user__id=lab_info['id'])
- resource_dict = resource_json['resource']
- for resource_info in resource_dict.values():
- if resource_info['selected']:
- template = ResourceTemplate.objects.get(pk=resource_info['id'])
- if lab is None:
- raise ValidationError("No lab was selected")
- if template is None:
- raise ValidationError("No Host was selected")
- return lab, template
-def update_template(old_template, image, hostname, user, global_cloud_config=None):
- """
- Duplicate a template to the users account and update configured fields.
- The dashboard presents users with preconfigured resource templates,
- but the user might want to make small modifications, e.g hostname and
- linux distro. So we copy the public template and create a private version
- to the user's profile, and mark it temporary. When the booking ends the
- new template is deleted
- """
- name = user.username + "'s Copy of '" + old_template.name + "'"
- num_copies = ResourceTemplate.objects.filter(name__startswith=name).count()
- template = ResourceTemplate.objects.create(
- name=name if num_copies == 0 else name + " (" + str(num_copies) + ")",
- xml=old_template.xml,
- owner=user,
- lab=old_template.lab,
- description=old_template.description,
- public=False,
- temporary=True,
- private_vlan_pool=old_template.private_vlan_pool,
- public_vlan_pool=old_template.public_vlan_pool,
- copy_of=old_template
- )
- for old_network in old_template.networks.all():
- Network.objects.create(
- name=old_network.name,
- bundle=template,
- is_public=old_network.is_public
- )
- # We are assuming there is only one opnfv config per public resource template
- old_opnfv = template.opnfv_config.first()
- if old_opnfv:
- opnfv_config = OPNFVConfig.objects.create(
- installer=old_opnfv.installer,
- scenario=old_opnfv.installer,
- template=template,
- name=old_opnfv.installer,
- )
- # I am explicitly leaving opnfv_config.networks empty to avoid
- # problems with duplicated / shared networks. In the quick deploy,
- # there is never multiple networks anyway. This may have to change in the future
- for old_config in old_template.getConfigs():
- image_to_set = image
- if not image:
- image_to_set = old_config.image
- config = ResourceConfiguration.objects.create(
- profile=old_config.profile,
- image=image_to_set,
- template=template,
- is_head_node=old_config.is_head_node,
- name=hostname if len(old_template.getConfigs()) == 1 else old_config.name,
- # cloud_init_files=old_config.cloud_init_files.set()
- )
- for file in old_config.cloud_init_files.all():
- config.cloud_init_files.add(file)
- if global_cloud_config:
- config.cloud_init_files.add(global_cloud_config)
- config.save()
- for old_iface_config in old_config.interface_configs.all():
- iface_config = InterfaceConfiguration.objects.create(
- profile=old_iface_config.profile,
- resource_config=config
- )
- for old_connection in old_iface_config.connections.all():
- iface_config.connections.add(NetworkConnection.objects.create(
- network=template.networks.get(name=old_connection.network.name),
- vlan_is_tagged=old_connection.vlan_is_tagged
- ))
- for old_res_opnfv in old_config.resource_opnfv_config.all():
- if old_opnfv:
- ResourceOPNFVConfig.objects.create(
- role=old_opnfv.role,
- resource_config=config,
- opnfv_config=opnfv_config
- )
- return template
-def generate_opnfvconfig(scenario, installer, template):
- return OPNFVConfig.objects.create(
- scenario=scenario,
- installer=installer,
- template=template
- )
-def generate_hostopnfv(hostconfig, opnfvconfig):
- role = None
- try:
- role = OPNFVRole.objects.get(name="Jumphost")
- except Exception:
- role = OPNFVRole.objects.create(
- name="Jumphost",
- description="Single server jumphost role"
- )
- return ResourceOPNFVConfig.objects.create(
- role=role,
- host_config=hostconfig,
- opnfv_config=opnfvconfig
- )
-def generate_resource_bundle(template):
- resource_manager = ResourceManager.getInstance()
- resource_bundle = resource_manager.instantiateTemplate(template)
- return resource_bundle
-def check_invariants(**kwargs):
- # TODO: This should really happen in the BookingForm validation methods
- image = kwargs['image']
- lab = kwargs['lab']
- length = kwargs['length']
- # check that image os is compatible with installer
- if image:
- if image.from_lab != lab:
- raise ValidationError("The chosen image is not available at the chosen hosting lab")
- # TODO
- # if image.host_type != host_profile:
- # raise ValidationError("The chosen image is not available for the chosen host type")
- if not image.public and image.owner != kwargs['owner']:
- raise ValidationError("You are not the owner of the chosen private image")
- if length < 1 or length > 21:
- raise BookingLengthException("Booking must be between 1 and 21 days long")
-def create_from_form(form, request):
- """
- Parse data from QuickBookingForm to create booking
- """
- resource_field = form.cleaned_data['filter_field']
- # users_field = form.cleaned_data['users']
- hostname = 'opnfv_host' if not form.cleaned_data['hostname'] else form.cleaned_data['hostname']
- global_cloud_config = None if not form.cleaned_data['global_cloud_config'] else form.cleaned_data['global_cloud_config']
- if global_cloud_config:
- form.cleaned_data['global_cloud_config'] = create_ci_file(global_cloud_config)
- # image = form.cleaned_data['image']
- # scenario = form.cleaned_data['scenario']
- # installer = form.cleaned_data['installer']
- lab, resource_template = parse_resource_field(resource_field)
- data = form.cleaned_data
- data['hostname'] = hostname
- data['lab'] = lab
- data['resource_template'] = resource_template
- data['owner'] = request.user
- return _create_booking(data)
-def create_from_API(body, user):
- """
- Parse data from Automation API to create booking
- """
- booking_info = json.loads(body.decode('utf-8'))
- data = {}
- data['purpose'] = booking_info['purpose']
- data['project'] = booking_info['project']
- data['users'] = [UserProfile.objects.get(user__username=username)
- for username in booking_info['collaborators']]
- data['hostname'] = booking_info['hostname']
- data['length'] = booking_info['length']
- data['installer'] = None
- data['scenario'] = None
- data['image'] = Image.objects.get(pk=booking_info['imageLabID'])
- data['resource_template'] = ResourceTemplate.objects.get(pk=booking_info['templateID'])
- data['lab'] = data['resource_template'].lab
- data['owner'] = user
- if 'global_cloud_config' in data.keys():
- data['global_cloud_config'] = CloudInitFile.objects.get(id=data['global_cloud_config'])
- return _create_booking(data)
-def create_ci_file(data: str) -> CloudInitFile:
- try:
- d = yaml.load(data)
- if not (type(d) is dict):
- raise Exception("CI file was valid yaml but was not a dict")
- except Exception:
- raise ValidationError("The provided Cloud Config is not valid yaml, please refer to the Cloud Init documentation for expected structure")
- print("about to create global cloud config")
- config = CloudInitFile.create(text=data, priority=CloudInitFile.objects.count())
- print("made global cloud config")
- return config
-def _create_booking(data):
- check_invariants(**data)
- # check booking privileges
- # TODO: use the canonical booking_allowed method because now template might have multiple
- # machines
- if Booking.objects.filter(owner=data['owner'], end__gt=timezone.now()).count() >= 3 and not data['owner'].userprofile.booking_privledge:
- raise PermissionError("You do not have permission to have more than 3 bookings at a time.")
- ResourceManager.getInstance().templateIsReservable(data['resource_template'])
- resource_template = update_template(data['resource_template'], data['image'], data['hostname'], data['owner'], global_cloud_config=data['global_cloud_config'])
- # generate resource bundle
- resource_bundle = generate_resource_bundle(resource_template)
- # generate booking
- booking = Booking.objects.create(
- purpose=data['purpose'],
- project=data['project'],
- lab=data['lab'],
- owner=data['owner'],
- start=timezone.now(),
- end=timezone.now() + timedelta(days=int(data['length'])),
- resource=resource_bundle,
- opnfv_config=None
- )
- booking.pdf = PDFTemplater.makePDF(booking)
- for collaborator in data['users']: # list of Users (not UserProfile)
- booking.collaborators.add(collaborator.user)
- booking.save()
- # generate job
- JobFactory.makeCompleteJob(booking)
- NotificationHandler.notify_new_booking(booking)
- return booking
-def drop_filter(user):
- """
- Return a dictionary that contains filters.
- Only certain installlers are supported on certain images, etc
- so the image filter indexed at [imageid][installerid] is truthy if
- that installer is supported on that image
- """
- installer_filter = {}
- scenario_filter = {}
- images = Image.objects.filter(Q(public=True) | Q(owner=user))
- image_filter = {}
- for image in images:
- image_filter[image.id] = {
- 'lab': 'lab_' + str(image.from_lab.lab_user.id),
- 'architecture': str(image.architecture),
- 'name': image.name
- }
- resource_filter = {}
- templates = ResourceTemplate.objects.filter(Q(public=True) | Q(owner=user))
- for rt in templates:
- profiles = [conf.profile for conf in rt.getConfigs()]
- resource_filter["resource_" + str(rt.id)] = [str(p.architecture) for p in profiles]
- return {
- 'installer_filter': json.dumps(installer_filter),
- 'scenario_filter': json.dumps(scenario_filter),
- 'image_filter': json.dumps(image_filter),
- 'resource_profile_map': json.dumps(resource_filter),
- }