path: root/source
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Diffstat (limited to 'source')
3 files changed, 678 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/api/libvirt_api.py b/source/api/libvirt_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e19736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/api/libvirt_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+#Copyright 2017 Parker Berberian and others #
+# #
+#Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); #
+#you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. #
+#You may obtain a copy of the License at #
+# #
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 #
+# #
+#Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software #
+#distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, #
+#WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #
+#See the License for the specific language governing permissions and #
+#limitations under the License. #
+import libvirt
+import time
+import xml.dom
+import xml.dom.minidom
+from domain import Domain
+from network import Network
+from utilities import Utilities
+class Libvirt:
+ """
+ This class talks to the Libvirt api.
+ Given a config file, this class should create all networks and
+ domains.
+ TODO: convert prints to logging and remove uneeded pass statements
+ """
+ def __init__(self, hostAddr, net_conf=None, dom_conf=None):
+ """
+ init function
+ hostAddr is the ip address of the host
+ net_conf and dom_conf are the paths
+ to the config files
+ """
+ self.host = hostAddr
+ self.URI = "qemu+ssh://root@"+str(hostAddr)+"/system"
+ self.hypervisor = None
+ self.domains = []
+ self.networks = []
+ self.net_conf = net_conf
+ self.dom_conf = dom_conf
+ def setLogger(self, log):
+ """
+ Saves the logger in self.log
+ """
+ self.log = log
+ def bootMaster(self):
+ """
+ starts the previously defined master node
+ """
+ for dom in self.domains:
+ if 'master' in dom.name():
+ try:
+ dom.create()
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ def bootSlaves(self):
+ """
+ boots every defined vm with 'slave' in its name
+ """
+ for dom in self.domains:
+ if 'slave' in dom.name():
+ try:
+ dom.create()
+ self.log.info("Booting %s", dom.name())
+ except Exception:
+ self.log.exception("%s", "failed to boot domain")
+ time.sleep(5)
+ def getMacs(self, domName):
+ """
+ returns a dictionary with a network name
+ mapped to the mac address of the domain on that net
+ """
+ try:
+ dom = self.hypervisor.lookupByName(domName)
+ xmlDesc = dom.XMLDesc(0)
+ parsedXML = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlDesc)
+ interfacesXML = parsedXML.getElementsByTagName('interface')
+ netDict = {}
+ for iface in interfacesXML:
+ src = iface.getElementsByTagName('source')[0]
+ mac = iface.getElementsByTagName('mac')[0]
+ netDict[src] = mac
+ return netDict
+ except Exception:
+ self.log.exception("%s", "Domain not found")
+ def defineVM(self, xmlConfig):
+ """
+ Generic method to define a persistent vm with the
+ given config.
+ Assumes that self.hypervisor is already connected.
+ """
+ if self.checkForVM(xmlConfig):
+ vm = self.hypervisor.defineXML(xmlConfig)
+ if vm is None:
+ name = self.getName(xmlConfig)
+ self.log.error("Failed to define vm %s. exiting", name)
+ exit(1)
+ else:
+ self.log.info("Successfully created vm %s", vm.name())
+ pass
+ self.domains.append(vm)
+ def checkForVM(self, xmlConfig):
+ """
+ Checks if another vm with the same name exists
+ on the remote host already. If it does, it will
+ delete that vm
+ """
+ allGood = False
+ vms = self.hypervisor.listAllDomains(0)
+ names = []
+ for dom in vms:
+ names.append(dom.name())
+ vmName = Utilities.getName(xmlConfig)
+ if vmName in names:
+ self.log.warning("domain %s already exists", vmName)
+ self.log.warning("%s", "Atempting to delete it")
+ self.deleteVM(vmName)
+ allGood = True
+ else:
+ allGood = True
+ return allGood
+ def deleteVM(self, name):
+ """
+ removes the given vm from the remote host
+ """
+ try:
+ vm = self.hypervisor.lookupByName(name)
+ except:
+ return
+ active = vm.isActive()
+ persistent = vm.isPersistent()
+ if active:
+ try:
+ vm.destroy()
+ except:
+ self.log.exception("%s", "Failed to destroy vm")
+ if persistent:
+ try:
+ vm.undefine()
+ except:
+ self.log.exception("%s", "Failed to undefine domain")
+ pass
+ def openConnection(self):
+ """
+ opens a connection to the remote host
+ and stores it in self.hypervisor
+ """
+ self.log.info("Attempting to connect to libvirt at %s", self.host)
+ try:
+ hostHypervisor = libvirt.open(self.URI)
+ except:
+ self.log.warning(
+ "Failed to connect to %s. Trying again", self.host
+ )
+ time.sleep(5)
+ try:
+ hostHypervisor = libvirt.open(self.URI)
+ except:
+ self.log.exception("Cannot connect to %s. Exiting", self.host)
+ exit(1)
+ if hostHypervisor is None:
+ self.log.error("Failed to connect to %s. Exiting", self.host)
+ exit(1)
+ self.hypervisor = hostHypervisor
+ def restartVM(self, vm):
+ """
+ causes the given vm to reboot
+ """
+ dom = self.hypervisor.lookupByName(vm)
+ dom.destroy()
+ time.sleep(15)
+ dom.create()
+ def close(self):
+ """
+ Closes connection to remote hypervisor
+ """
+ self.log.info("Closing connection to the hypervisor %s", self.host)
+ self.hypervisor.close()
+ def defineAllDomains(self, path):
+ """
+ Defines a domain from all the xml files in a directory
+ """
+ files = Utilities.getXMLFiles(path)
+ definitions = []
+ for xml_desc in files:
+ definitions.append(xml_desc.read())
+ for definition in definitions:
+ self.defineVM(definition)
+ def createAllNetworks(self, path):
+ """
+ Creates a network from all xml files in a directory
+ """
+ files = Utilities.getXMLFiles(path)
+ definitions = []
+ for xml_desc in files:
+ definitions.append(Utilities.fileToString(xml_desc))
+ for definition in definitions:
+ self.createNet(definition)
+ def createNet(self, config):
+ """
+ creates the network on the remote host
+ config is the xml in string representation
+ that defines the network
+ """
+ if self.checkNet(config):
+ network = self.hypervisor.networkDefineXML(config)
+ if network is None:
+ name = self.getName(config)
+ self.log.warning("Failed to define network %s", name)
+ network.create()
+ if network.isActive() == 1:
+ net = network.name()
+ self.log.info("Successfully defined network %s", net)
+ self.networks.append(network)
+ def checkNet(self, config):
+ """
+ Checks if another net with the same name exists, and
+ deletes that network if one is found
+ """
+ allGood = False
+ netName = Utilities.getName(config)
+ if netName not in self.hypervisor.listNetworks():
+ return True
+ else: # net name is already used
+ self.log.warning(
+ "Network %s already exists. Trying to delete it", netName
+ )
+ network = self.hypervisor.networkLookupByName(netName)
+ self.deleteNet(network)
+ allGood = True
+ return allGood
+ def deleteNet(self, net):
+ """
+ removes the given network from the host
+ """
+ active = net.isActive()
+ persistent = net.isPersistent()
+ if active:
+ try:
+ net.destroy()
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("%s", "Failed to destroy network")
+ if persistent:
+ try:
+ net.undefine()
+ except:
+ self.log.warning("%s", "Failed to undefine network")
+ def go(self):
+ """
+ This method does all the work of this class,
+ Parsing the net and vm config files and creating
+ all the requested nets/domains
+ returns a list of all networks and a list of all domains
+ as Network and Domain objects
+ """
+ nets = self.makeNetworks(self.net_conf)
+ doms = self.makeDomains(self.dom_conf)
+ return doms, nets
+ def makeNetworks(self, conf):
+ """
+ Given a path to a config file, this method
+ parses the config and creates all requested networks,
+ and returns them in a list of Network objects
+ """
+ networks = []
+ definitions = Network.parseConfigFile(conf)
+ for definition in definitions:
+ network = Network(definition)
+ networks.append(network)
+ self.createNet(network.toXML())
+ return networks
+ def makeDomains(self, conf):
+ """
+ Given a path to a config file, this method
+ parses the config and creates all requested vm's,
+ and returns them in a list of Domain objects
+ """
+ domains = []
+ definitions = Domain.parseConfigFile(conf)
+ for definition in definitions:
+ domain = Domain(definition)
+ domains.append(domain)
+ self.defineVM(domain.toXML())
+ return domains
+ @staticmethod
+ def getName(xmlString):
+ """
+ given xml with a name tag, this returns the value of name
+ eg:
+ <name>Parker</name>
+ returns 'Parker'
+ """
+ xmlDoc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmlString)
+ nameNode = xmlDoc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('name')
+ name = str(nameNode[0].firstChild.nodeValue)
+ return name
diff --git a/source/domain.py b/source/domain.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f00239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/domain.py
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+#Copyright 2017 Parker Berberian and others #
+# #
+#Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); #
+#you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. #
+#You may obtain a copy of the License at #
+# #
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 #
+# #
+#Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software #
+#distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, #
+#WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #
+#See the License for the specific language governing permissions and #
+#limitations under the License. #
+import xml.dom
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import yaml
+class Domain:
+ """
+ This class defines a libvirt vm abstraction that can parse our simple
+ config file and add all necessary boiler plate and info to write a full xml
+ definition of itself for libvirt.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, propertiesDict):
+ """
+ init function.
+ properiesDict should be one of the dictionaries returned by the static
+ method parseConfigFile
+ """
+ self.name = propertiesDict['name']
+ self.memory = propertiesDict['memory']
+ self.vcpus = propertiesDict['vcpus']
+ self.disk = propertiesDict['disk']
+ self.iso = propertiesDict['iso']
+ # the vm will either boot from an iso or pxe
+ self.netBoot = not self.iso['used']
+ self.interfaces = propertiesDict['interfaces']
+ def toXML(self):
+ """
+ combines the given configuration with a lot of
+ boiler plate to create a valid libvirt xml
+ definition of a domain.
+ returns a string
+ """
+ definition = xml.dom.minidom.parseString("<domain>\n</domain>")
+ definition.documentElement.setAttribute('type', 'kvm')
+ nameElem = definition.createElement('name')
+ nameElem.appendChild(definition.createTextNode(self.name))
+ definition.documentElement.appendChild(nameElem)
+ memElem = definition.createElement('memory')
+ memElem.appendChild(definition.createTextNode(str(self.memory)))
+ definition.documentElement.appendChild(memElem)
+ curMemElem = definition.createElement('currentMemory')
+ curMemElem.appendChild(definition.createTextNode(str(self.memory)))
+ definition.documentElement.appendChild(curMemElem)
+ vcpuElem = definition.createElement('vcpu')
+ vcpuElem.appendChild(definition.createTextNode(str(self.vcpus)))
+ definition.documentElement.appendChild(vcpuElem)
+ osElem = definition.createElement('os')
+ typeElem = definition.createElement('type')
+ typeElem.setAttribute('arch', 'x86_64')
+ typeElem.appendChild(definition.createTextNode('hvm'))
+ osElem.appendChild(typeElem)
+ if self.netBoot:
+ bootElem = definition.createElement('boot')
+ bootElem.setAttribute('dev', 'network')
+ osElem.appendChild(bootElem)
+ bootElem = definition.createElement('boot')
+ bootElem.setAttribute('dev', 'hd')
+ osElem.appendChild(bootElem)
+ if self.iso['used']:
+ bootElem = definition.createElement('boot')
+ bootElem.setAttribute('dev', 'cdrom')
+ osElem.appendChild(bootElem)
+ definition.documentElement.appendChild(osElem)
+ featureElem = definition.createElement('feature')
+ featureElem.appendChild(definition.createElement('acpi'))
+ featureElem.appendChild(definition.createElement('apic'))
+ definition.documentElement.appendChild(featureElem)
+ cpuElem = definition.createElement('cpu')
+ cpuElem.setAttribute('mode', 'custom')
+ cpuElem.setAttribute('match', 'exact')
+ modelElem = definition.createElement('model')
+ modelElem.appendChild(definition.createTextNode('Broadwell'))
+ cpuElem.appendChild(modelElem)
+ definition.documentElement.appendChild(cpuElem)
+ clockElem = definition.createElement('clock')
+ clockElem.setAttribute('offset', 'utc')
+ timeElem = definition.createElement('timer')
+ timeElem.setAttribute('name', 'rtc')
+ timeElem.setAttribute('tickpolicy', 'catchup')
+ clockElem.appendChild(timeElem)
+ timeElem = definition.createElement('timer')
+ timeElem.setAttribute('name', 'pit')
+ timeElem.setAttribute('tickpolicy', 'delay')
+ clockElem.appendChild(timeElem)
+ timeElem = definition.createElement('timer')
+ timeElem.setAttribute('name', 'hpet')
+ timeElem.setAttribute('present', 'no')
+ clockElem.appendChild(timeElem)
+ definition.documentElement.appendChild(clockElem)
+ poweroffElem = definition.createElement('on_poweroff')
+ poweroffElem.appendChild(definition.createTextNode('destroy'))
+ definition.documentElement.appendChild(poweroffElem)
+ rebootElem = definition.createElement('on_reboot')
+ rebootElem.appendChild(definition.createTextNode('restart'))
+ definition.documentElement.appendChild(rebootElem)
+ crashElem = definition.createElement('on_reboot')
+ crashElem.appendChild(definition.createTextNode('restart'))
+ definition.documentElement.appendChild(crashElem)
+ pmElem = definition.createElement('pm')
+ memElem = definition.createElement('suspend-to-mem')
+ memElem.setAttribute('enabled', 'no')
+ pmElem.appendChild(memElem)
+ diskElem = definition.createElement('suspend-to-disk')
+ diskElem.setAttribute('enabled', 'no')
+ pmElem.appendChild(diskElem)
+ definition.documentElement.appendChild(pmElem)
+ deviceElem = definition.createElement('devices')
+ emuElem = definition.createElement('emulator')
+ emuElem.appendChild(definition.createTextNode('/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm'))
+ deviceElem.appendChild(emuElem)
+ diskElem = definition.createElement('disk')
+ diskElem.setAttribute('type', 'file')
+ diskElem.setAttribute('device', 'disk')
+ driverElem = definition.createElement('driver')
+ driverElem.setAttribute('name', 'qemu')
+ driverElem.setAttribute('type', 'qcow2')
+ diskElem.appendChild(driverElem)
+ sourceElem = definition.createElement('source')
+ sourceElem.setAttribute('file', self.disk)
+ diskElem.appendChild(sourceElem)
+ targetElem = definition.createElement('target')
+ targetElem.setAttribute('dev', 'hda')
+ targetElem.setAttribute('bus', 'ide')
+ diskElem.appendChild(targetElem)
+ deviceElem.appendChild(diskElem)
+ if self.iso['used']:
+ diskElem = definition.createElement('disk')
+ diskElem.setAttribute('type', 'file')
+ diskElem.setAttribute('device', 'cdrom')
+ driverElem = definition.createElement('driver')
+ driverElem.setAttribute('name', 'qemu')
+ driverElem.setAttribute('type', 'raw')
+ diskElem.appendChild(driverElem)
+ sourceElem = definition.createElement('source')
+ sourceElem.setAttribute('file', self.iso['location'])
+ diskElem.appendChild(sourceElem)
+ targetElem = definition.createElement('target')
+ targetElem.setAttribute('dev', 'hdb')
+ targetElem.setAttribute('bus', 'ide')
+ diskElem.appendChild(targetElem)
+ diskElem.appendChild(definition.createElement('readonly'))
+ deviceElem.appendChild(diskElem)
+ for iface in self.interfaces:
+ ifaceElem = definition.createElement('interface')
+ ifaceElem.setAttribute('type', iface['type'])
+ sourceElem = definition.createElement('source')
+ sourceElem.setAttribute(iface['type'], iface['name'])
+ modelElem = definition.createElement('model')
+ modelElem.setAttribute('type', 'e1000')
+ ifaceElem.appendChild(sourceElem)
+ ifaceElem.appendChild(modelElem)
+ deviceElem.appendChild(ifaceElem)
+ graphicElem = definition.createElement('graphics')
+ graphicElem.setAttribute('type', 'vnc')
+ graphicElem.setAttribute('port', '-1')
+ deviceElem.appendChild(graphicElem)
+ consoleElem = definition.createElement('console')
+ consoleElem.setAttribute('type', 'pty')
+ deviceElem.appendChild(consoleElem)
+ definition.documentElement.appendChild(deviceElem)
+ return definition.toprettyxml()
+ def writeXML(self, filePath):
+ """
+ writes this domain's xml definition to the given file.
+ """
+ f = open(filePath, 'w')
+ f.write(self.toXML())
+ f.close()
+ @staticmethod
+ def parseConfigFile(path):
+ """
+ parses the domains config file
+ """
+ configFile = open(path, 'r')
+ try:
+ config = yaml.safe_load(configFile)
+ except Exception:
+ print "Invalid domain configuration. exiting"
+ return config
diff --git a/source/network.py b/source/network.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..234ba22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/network.py
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#Copyright 2017 Parker Berberian and others #
+# #
+#Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); #
+#you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. #
+#You may obtain a copy of the License at #
+# #
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 #
+# #
+#Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software #
+#distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, #
+#WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #
+#See the License for the specific language governing permissions and #
+#limitations under the License. #
+import sys
+import xml.dom
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import yaml
+class Network:
+ """
+ This class has a similar role as the Domain class.
+ This class will parse a config file and
+ write the xml definitions of those networks for libvirt.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, propertiesDict):
+ """
+ init. propertiesDict should be
+ one of the dictionaries returned by parseConfigFile
+ """
+ self.name = propertiesDict['name']
+ self.brName = propertiesDict['brName']
+ self.brAddr = propertiesDict['brAddr']
+ self.netmask = propertiesDict['netmask']
+ self.forward = propertiesDict['forward']
+ self.dhcp = propertiesDict['dhcp']
+ self.cidr = propertiesDict['cidr']
+ def toXML(self):
+ """
+ Takes the config of this network and writes a valid xml definition
+ for libvirt.
+ returns a string
+ """
+ definition = xml.dom.minidom.parseString("<network>\n</network>")
+ nameElem = definition.createElement('name')
+ nameElem.appendChild(definition.createTextNode(self.name))
+ definition.documentElement.appendChild(nameElem)
+ if self.forward['used']:
+ forwardElem = definition.createElement('forward')
+ forwardElem.setAttribute('mode', self.forward['type'])
+ definition.documentElement.appendChild(forwardElem)
+ bridgeElem = definition.createElement('bridge')
+ bridgeElem.setAttribute('name', self.brName)
+ bridgeElem.setAttribute('stp', 'on')
+ bridgeElem.setAttribute('delay', '5')
+ definition.documentElement.appendChild(bridgeElem)
+ ipElem = definition.createElement('ip')
+ ipElem.setAttribute('address', self.brAddr)
+ ipElem.setAttribute('netmask', self.netmask)
+ if self.dhcp['used']:
+ dhcpElem = definition.createElement('dhcp')
+ rangeElem = definition.createElement('range')
+ rangeElem.setAttribute('start', self.dhcp['rangeStart'])
+ rangeElem.setAttribute('end', self.dhcp['rangeEnd'])
+ dhcpElem.appendChild(rangeElem)
+ ipElem.appendChild(dhcpElem)
+ definition.documentElement.appendChild(ipElem)
+ self.xml = definition.toprettyxml()
+ return self.xml
+ def writeXML(self, filePath):
+ """
+ writes xml definition to given file
+ """
+ f = open(filePath, 'w')
+ f.write(self.toXML())
+ f.close()
+ @staticmethod
+ def parseConfigFile(path):
+ """
+ parses given config file
+ """
+ configFile = open(path, 'r')
+ try:
+ config = yaml.safe_load(configFile)
+ except Exception:
+ print "Bad network configuration file. exiting"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return config