path: root/kernel/drivers/gpio/gpio-intel-mid.c
blob: c50e930d97d3fc48f1f3e5c771d4bfd744f5a512 (plain)

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# For a description of the syntax of this configuration file,
# see Documentation/kbuild/kconfig-language.txt.
mainmenu "Linux/$ARCH $KERNELVERSION Kernel Configuration"

config SRCARCH
	option env="SRCARCH"

source "arch/$SRCARCH/Kconfig"
f='#n329'>329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434
 * Intel MID GPIO driver
 * Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Intel Corporation.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.

/* Supports:
 * Moorestown platform Langwell chip.
 * Medfield platform Penwell chip.
 * Clovertrail platform Cloverview chip.

#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/pci.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/stddef.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/io.h>
#include <linux/gpio/driver.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/pm_runtime.h>

#define INTEL_MID_IRQ_TYPE_EDGE		(1 << 0)
#define INTEL_MID_IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL	(1 << 1)

 * Langwell chip has 64 pins and thus there are 2 32bit registers to control
 * each feature, while Penwell chip has 96 pins for each block, and need 3 32bit
 * registers to control them, so we only define the order here instead of a
 * structure, to get a bit offset for a pin (use GPDR as an example):
 * nreg = ngpio / 32;
 * reg = offset / 32;
 * bit = offset % 32;
 * reg_addr = reg_base + GPDR * nreg * 4 + reg * 4;
 * so the bit of reg_addr is to control pin offset's GPDR feature

enum GPIO_REG {
	GPLR = 0,	/* pin level read-only */
	GPDR,		/* pin direction */
	GPSR,		/* pin set */
	GPCR,		/* pin clear */
	GRER,		/* rising edge detect */
	GFER,		/* falling edge detect */
	GEDR,		/* edge detect result */
	GAFR,		/* alt function */

/* intel_mid gpio driver data */
struct intel_mid_gpio_ddata {
	u16 ngpio;		/* number of gpio pins */
	u32 chip_irq_type;	/* chip interrupt type */

struct intel_mid_gpio {
	struct gpio_chip		chip;
	void __iomem			*reg_base;
	spinlock_t			lock;
	struct pci_dev			*pdev;

static inline struct intel_mid_gpio *to_intel_gpio_priv(struct gpio_chip *gc)
	return container_of(gc, struct intel_mid_gpio, chip);

static void __iomem *gpio_reg(struct gpio_chip *chip, unsigned offset,
			      enum GPIO_REG reg_type)
	struct intel_mid_gpio *priv = to_intel_gpio_priv(chip);
	unsigned nreg = chip->ngpio / 32;
	u8 reg = offset / 32;

	return priv->reg_base + reg_type * nreg * 4 + reg * 4;

static void __iomem *gpio_reg_2bit(struct gpio_chip *chip, unsigned offset,
				   enum GPIO_REG reg_type)
	struct intel_mid_gpio *priv = to_intel_gpio_priv(chip);
	unsigned nreg = chip->ngpio / 32;
	u8 reg = offset / 16;

	return priv->reg_base + reg_type * nreg * 4 + reg * 4;

static int intel_gpio_request(struct gpio_chip *chip, unsigned offset)
	void __iomem *gafr = gpio_reg_2bit(chip, offset, GAFR);
	u32 value = readl(gafr);
	int shift = (offset % 16) << 1, af = (value >> shift) & 3;

	if (af) {
		value &= ~(3 << shift);
		writel(value, gafr);
	return 0;

static int intel_gpio_get(struct gpio_chip *chip, unsigned offset)
	void __iomem *gplr = gpio_reg(chip, offset, GPLR);

	return readl(gplr) & BIT(offset % 32);

static void intel_gpio_set(struct gpio_chip *chip, unsigned offset, int value)
	void __iomem *gpsr, *gpcr;

	if (value) {
		gpsr = gpio_reg(chip, offset, GPSR);
		writel(BIT(offset % 32), gpsr);
	} else {
		gpcr = gpio_reg(chip, offset, GPCR);
		writel(BIT(offset % 32), gpcr);

static int intel_gpio_direction_input(struct gpio_chip *chip, unsigned offset)
	struct intel_mid_gpio *priv = to_intel_gpio_priv(chip);
	void __iomem *gpdr = gpio_reg(chip, offset, GPDR);
	u32 value;
	unsigned long flags;

	if (priv->pdev)

	spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);
	value = readl(gpdr);
	value &= ~BIT(offset % 32);
	writel(value, gpdr);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);

	if (priv->pdev)

	return 0;

static int intel_gpio_direction_output(struct gpio_chip *chip,
			unsigned offset, int value)
	struct intel_mid_gpio *priv = to_intel_gpio_priv(chip);
	void __iomem *gpdr = gpio_reg(chip, offset, GPDR);
	unsigned long flags;

	intel_gpio_set(chip, offset, value);

	if (priv->pdev)

	spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);
	value = readl(gpdr);
	value |= BIT(offset % 32);
	writel(value, gpdr);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);

	if (priv->pdev)

	return 0;

static int intel_mid_irq_type(struct irq_data *d, unsigned type)
	struct gpio_chip *gc = irq_data_get_irq_chip_data(d);
	struct intel_mid_gpio *priv = to_intel_gpio_priv(gc);
	u32 gpio = irqd_to_hwirq(d);
	unsigned long flags;
	u32 value;
	void __iomem *grer = gpio_reg(&priv->chip, gpio, GRER);
	void __iomem *gfer = gpio_reg(&priv->chip, gpio, GFER);

	if (gpio >= priv->chip.ngpio)
		return -EINVAL;

	if (priv->pdev)

	spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);
		value = readl(grer) | BIT(gpio % 32);
		value = readl(grer) & (~BIT(gpio % 32));
	writel(value, grer);

		value = readl(gfer) | BIT(gpio % 32);
		value = readl(gfer) & (~BIT(gpio % 32));
	writel(value, gfer);
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);

	if (priv->pdev)

	return 0;

static void intel_mid_irq_unmask(struct irq_data *d)

static void intel_mid_irq_mask(struct irq_data *d)

static struct irq_chip intel_mid_irqchip = {
	.name		= "INTEL_MID-GPIO",
	.irq_mask	= intel_mid_irq_mask,
	.irq_unmask	= intel_mid_irq_unmask,
	.irq_set_type	= intel_mid_irq_type,

static const struct intel_mid_gpio_ddata gpio_lincroft = {
	.ngpio = 64,

static const struct intel_mid_gpio_ddata gpio_penwell_aon = {
	.ngpio = 96,
	.chip_irq_type = INTEL_MID_IRQ_TYPE_EDGE,

static const struct intel_mid_gpio_ddata gpio_penwell_core = {
	.ngpio = 96,
	.chip_irq_type = INTEL_MID_IRQ_TYPE_EDGE,

static const struct intel_mid_gpio_ddata gpio_cloverview_aon = {
	.ngpio = 96,

static const struct intel_mid_gpio_ddata gpio_cloverview_core = {
	.ngpio = 96,
	.chip_irq_type = INTEL_MID_IRQ_TYPE_EDGE,

static const struct pci_device_id intel_gpio_ids[] = {
		/* Lincroft */
		.driver_data = (kernel_ulong_t)&gpio_lincroft,
		/* Penwell AON */
		.driver_data = (kernel_ulong_t)&gpio_penwell_aon,
		/* Penwell Core */
		.driver_data = (kernel_ulong_t)&gpio_penwell_core,
		/* Cloverview Aon */
		.driver_data = (kernel_ulong_t)&gpio_cloverview_aon,
		/* Cloverview Core */
		.driver_data = (kernel_ulong_t)&gpio_cloverview_core,
	{ 0 }
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, intel_gpio_ids);

static void intel_mid_irq_handler(struct irq_desc *desc)
	struct gpio_chip *gc = irq_desc_get_handler_data(desc);
	struct intel_mid_gpio *priv = to_intel_gpio_priv(gc);
	struct irq_data *data = irq_desc_get_irq_data(desc);
	struct irq_chip *chip = irq_data_get_irq_chip(data);
	u32 base, gpio, mask;
	unsigned long pending;
	void __iomem *gedr;

	/* check GPIO controller to check which pin triggered the interrupt */
	for (base = 0; base < priv->chip.ngpio; base += 32) {
		gedr = gpio_reg(&priv->chip, base, GEDR);
		while ((pending = readl(gedr))) {
			gpio = __ffs(pending);
			mask = BIT(gpio);
			/* Clear before handling so we can't lose an edge */
			writel(mask, gedr);
							    base + gpio));


static void intel_mid_irq_init_hw(struct intel_mid_gpio *priv)
	void __iomem *reg;
	unsigned base;

	for (base = 0; base < priv->chip.ngpio; base += 32) {
		/* Clear the rising-edge detect register */
		reg = gpio_reg(&priv->chip, base, GRER);
		writel(0, reg);
		/* Clear the falling-edge detect register */
		reg = gpio_reg(&priv->chip, base, GFER);
		writel(0, reg);
		/* Clear the edge detect status register */
		reg = gpio_reg(&priv->chip, base, GEDR);
		writel(~0, reg);

static int intel_gpio_runtime_idle(struct device *dev)
	int err = pm_schedule_suspend(dev, 500);
	return err ?: -EBUSY;

static const struct dev_pm_ops intel_gpio_pm_ops = {
	SET_RUNTIME_PM_OPS(NULL, NULL, intel_gpio_runtime_idle)

static int intel_gpio_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev,
			  const struct pci_device_id *id)
	void __iomem *base;
	struct intel_mid_gpio *priv;
	u32 gpio_base;
	u32 irq_base;
	int retval;
	struct intel_mid_gpio_ddata *ddata =
				(struct intel_mid_gpio_ddata *)id->driver_data;

	retval = pcim_enable_device(pdev);
	if (retval)
		return retval;

	retval = pcim_iomap_regions(pdev, 1 << 0 | 1 << 1, pci_name(pdev));
	if (retval) {
		dev_err(&pdev->dev, "I/O memory mapping error\n");
		return retval;

	base = pcim_iomap_table(pdev)[1];

	irq_base = readl(base);
	gpio_base = readl(sizeof(u32) + base);

	/* release the IO mapping, since we already get the info from bar1 */
	pcim_iounmap_regions(pdev, 1 << 1);

	priv = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*priv), GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!priv) {
		dev_err(&pdev->dev, "can't allocate chip data\n");
		return -ENOMEM;

	priv->reg_base = pcim_iomap_table(pdev)[0];
	priv->chip.label = dev_name(&pdev->dev);
	priv-> = &pdev->dev;
	priv->chip.request = intel_gpio_request;
	priv->chip.direction_input = intel_gpio_direction_input;
	priv->chip.direction_output = intel_gpio_direction_output;
	priv->chip.get = intel_gpio_get;
	priv->chip.set = intel_gpio_set;
	priv->chip.base = gpio_base;
	priv->chip.ngpio = ddata->ngpio;
	priv->chip.can_sleep = false;
	priv->pdev = pdev;


	pci_set_drvdata(pdev, priv);
	retval = gpiochip_add(&priv->chip);
	if (retval) {
		dev_err(&pdev->dev, "gpiochip_add error %d\n", retval);
		return retval;

	retval = gpiochip_irqchip_add(&priv->chip,
	if (retval) {
			"could not connect irqchip to gpiochip\n");
		return retval;




	return 0;

static struct pci_driver intel_gpio_driver = {
	.name		= "intel_mid_gpio",
	.id_table	= intel_gpio_ids,
	.probe		= intel_gpio_probe,
	.driver		= {
		.pm	= &intel_gpio_pm_ops,

static int __init intel_gpio_init(void)
	return pci_register_driver(&intel_gpio_driver);
