path: root/kernel/Documentation/hwmon/w83l786ng
blob: d8f55d7fff10725bb1a732fff6f0c9e079e5d49b (plain)

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Kernel driver w83l786ng

Supported chips:
  * Winbond W83L786NG/W83L786NR
    Prefix: 'w83l786ng'
    Addresses scanned: I2C 0x2e - 0x2f

Author: Kevin Lo <>

Module Parameters

* reset boolean
  (default 0)
  Use 'reset=1' to reset the chip (via index 0x40, bit 7). The default
  behavior is no chip reset to preserve BIOS settings


This driver implements support for Winbond W83L786NG/W83L786NR chips.

The driver implements two temperature sensors, two fan rotation speed
sensors, and three voltage sensors.

Temperatures are measured in degrees Celsius and measurement resolution is 1
degC for temp1 and temp2.

Fan rotation speeds are reported in RPM (rotations per minute). Fan readings
readings can be divided by a programmable divider (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64
or 128 for fan 1/2) to give the readings more range or accuracy.

Voltage sensors (also known as IN sensors) report their values in millivolts.
An alarm is triggered if the voltage has crossed a programmable minimum
or maximum limit.

/sys files

pwm[1-2] - this file stores PWM duty cycle or DC value (fan speed) in range:
	    0 (stop) to 255 (full)
pwm[1-2]_enable - this file controls mode of fan/temperature control:
            * 0 Manual Mode
            * 1 Thermal Cruise
            * 2 Smart Fan II
            * 4 FAN_SET
pwm[1-2]_mode - Select PWM of DC mode
            * 0 DC
            * 1 PWM
tolerance[1-2] - Value in degrees of Celsius (degC) for +- T