path: root/fuel/build
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fuel/build')
19 files changed, 1341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fuel/build/Makefile b/fuel/build/Makefile
index 5f63120..6c98ed9 100644
--- a/fuel/build/Makefile
+++ b/fuel/build/Makefile
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ SUBDIRS += f_l23network
SUBDIRS += f_resolvconf
SUBDIRS += f_ntp
SUBDIRS += f_odl_docker
+SUBDIRS += f_lith_odl_docker
#SUBDIRS += f_odl
# f_example is only an example of how to generate a .deb package and
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ all:
@echo "" $(shell md5sum $(BUILD_BASE)/ | cut -f1 -d " ") >> $(VERSION_FILE)
@echo "" $(shell md5sum $(BUILD_BASE)/ | cut -f1 -d " ") >> $(VERSION_FILE)
$(MAKE) -C f_odl_docker -f Makefile all
+ $(MAKE) -C f_lith_odl_docker -f Makefile all
@make -C docker
@docker/runcontext $(DOCKERIMG) $(MAKE) $(MAKEFLAGS) iso
diff --git a/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/Makefile b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/Makefile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e89da94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+TOP := $(shell pwd)
+BUILDTAG := robust_stefan
+RELEASE := Lithium_rc0
+# Edit this to match the GENESIS / OPNFV in your environment
+export OPNFV_PUPPET := $(BUILD_BASE)/../../common/puppet-opnfv
+include ../
+.PHONY: all
+ @mkdir -p puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/${RELEASE}
+ @rm -rf tmp
+ @mkdir -p tmp
+ @cp -Rvp ${OPNFV_PUPPET}/manifests/templates/${RELEASE}/dockerfile tmp/.
+ @docker build -t ${BUILDTAG} tmp/dockerfile/.
+ @docker save ${BUILDTAG} > puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/${RELEASE}/odl_docker_image.tar
+ @wget ${DOCKER_REPO}/${DOCKER_TAG} -O puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/${RELEASE}/docker-latest
+ @cp -Rvp ${OPNFV_PUPPET}/manifests/templates/${RELEASE}/dockerfile/container_scripts puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/${RELEASE}/.
+.PHONY: clean
+ @rm -rf tmp
+ @rm -rf release
+.PHONY: build-clean
+ @rm -rf tmp
+ @rm -rf release
+ @rm -rf puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/${RELEASE}/odl_docker_image.tar
+ @rm -rf puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/${RELEASE}/docker-latest
+.PHONY: validate-cache
+ @echo "No cache validation schema available for $(shell pwd)"
+ @echo "Continuing ..."
+.PHONY: release
+ # Fetch PP from OPNFV Common
+ @cp -Rvp ${OPNFV_PUPPET}/manifests/odl_docker.pp ${PUPPET_DEST}
+ @cp -Rvp puppet/modules/* $(PUPPET_DEST)
diff --git a/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/dockerfile/Dockerfile b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/dockerfile/Dockerfile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e3c7ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/dockerfile/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# Dockerfile to build a ODL (Karaf) Docker Container
+# Copyright
+# License: Apache GPL
+#Set the base image - note: the current release of Karaf is using Jdk7 and alot of 12.04, so we will use it rather than 14.04 and backport a ton of stuff
+FROM ubuntu:12.04
+# Maintainer Info
+MAINTAINER Daniel Smith
+#Run apt-get update one start just to check for updates when building
+RUN echo "Updating APT"
+RUN apt-get update
+RUN echo "Adding wget"
+RUN apt-get install -y wget
+RUN apt-get install -y net-tools
+RUN apt-get install -y openjdk-7-jre
+RUN apt-get install -y openjdk-7-jdk
+RUN apt-get install -y openssh-server
+RUN apt-get install -y vim
+RUN apt-get install -y expect
+RUN apt-get install -y daemontools
+RUN mkdir -p /opt/odl_source
+RUN bash -c 'echo "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64" >> ~/.bashrc'
+#Now lets got and fetch the ODL distribution
+RUN echo "Fetching ODL"
+RUN wget -O /opt/odl_source/distribution-karaf-0.2.3-Helium-SR3.tar.gz
+RUN echo "Untarring ODL inplace"
+RUN mkdir -p /opt/odl
+RUN tar zxvf /opt/odl_source/distribution-karaf-0.2.3-Helium-SR3.tar.gz -C /opt/odl
+RUN echo "Installing DLUX and other features into ODL"
+COPY tmp/dockerfile/container_scripts/ /etc/init.d/
+COPY tmp/dockerfile/container_scripts/ /etc/init.d/
+RUN chmod 777 /etc/init.d/
+RUN chmod 777 /etc/init.d/
+# Expose the ports
+EXPOSE 8101
+EXPOSE 6633
+EXPOSE 1099
+EXPOSE 43506
+EXPOSE 8181
+EXPOSE 8185
+EXPOSE 9000
+EXPOSE 39378
+EXPOSE 33714
+EXPOSE 44444
+EXPOSE 6653
+EXPOSE 12001
+EXPOSE 6640
+EXPOSE 8080
+EXPOSE 7800
+EXPOSE 55130
+EXPOSE 52150
+EXPOSE 36826
+# set the ENTRYPOINT - An entry point allows us to run this container as an exectuable
+CMD ["/etc/init.d/"]
diff --git a/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/dockerfile/container_scripts/ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/dockerfile/container_scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3e5d0b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/dockerfile/container_scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+spawn /opt/odl/distribution-karaf-0.2.3-Helium-SR3/bin/client
+expect "root>"
+send "feature:list | grep -i odl-restconf\r"
+send "\r\r\r"
+expect "root>"
+send "logout\r"
diff --git a/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/dockerfile/container_scripts/ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/dockerfile/container_scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3ba07a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/dockerfile/container_scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Ericsson Research Canada
+# Author: Daniel Smith <>
+# Simple expect script to start up ODL client and load feature set for DLUX and OVSDB
+spawn /opt/odl/distribution-karaf-0.2.3-Helium-SR3/bin/client
+expect "root>"
+send "feature:install odl-base-all odl-aaa-authn odl-restconf odl-nsf-all odl-adsal-northbound odl-mdsal-apidocs odl-ovsdb-openstack odl-ovsdb-northbound odl-dlux-core"
+send "\r\r\r"
+expect "root>"
+send "logout\r"
diff --git a/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/dockerfile/container_scripts/ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/dockerfile/container_scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1c72dda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/dockerfile/container_scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Ericsson Research Canada
+# Author: Daniel Smith <>
+# Start up script for calling karaf / ODL inside a docker container.
+# This script will also call a couple expect scripts to load the feature set that we want
+export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64
+echo "Starting up the da Sheilds..."
+/opt/odl/distribution-karaf-0.2.3-Helium-SR3/bin/karaf server &
+echo "Sleeping 5 bad hack"
+sleep 10
+echo "should see stuff listening now"
+netstat -na
+echo " should see proess running for karaf"
+ps -efa
+echo " Starting the packages we want"
+echo "Printout the status - if its right, you should see 8181 appear now"
+netstat -na
+ps -efa
+## This is a loop that keeps our container going currently, prinout the "status of karaf" to the docker logs every minute
+## Cheap - but effective
+while true;
+ echo "Checking status of ODL:"
+ /opt/odl/distribution-karaf-0.2.3-Helium-SR3/bin/status
+ sleep 60
diff --git a/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/manifests/odl_lith_docker.pp b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/manifests/odl_lith_docker.pp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd243ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/manifests/odl_lith_docker.pp
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+class opnfv::odl_lith_docker
+ case $::fuel_settings['role'] {
+ /controller/: {
+ file { '/opt':
+ ensure => 'directory',
+ }
+ file { '/opt/opnfv':
+ ensure => 'directory',
+ owner => 'root',
+ group => 'root',
+ mode => 777,
+ }
+ file { '/opt/opnfv/odl':
+ ensure => 'directory',
+ }
+ file { '/opt/opnfv/odl/lithium':
+ ensure => 'directory',
+ }
+ file { '/opt/opnfv/odl/lithium/odl_docker_image.tar':
+ ensure => present,
+ source => '/etc/puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/Lithium_rc0/odl_docker_image.tar',
+ mode => 750,
+ }
+ file { '/opt/opnfv/odl/lithium/docker-latest':
+ ensure => present,
+ source => '/etc/puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/Lithium_rc0/docker-latest',
+ mode => 750,
+ }
+ file { '/opt/opnfv/odl/':
+ ensure => present,
+ source => '/etc/puppet/modules/opnfv/scripts/',
+ mode => 750,
+ }
+ file { '/opt/opnfv/odl/':
+ ensure => present,
+ source => '/etc/puppet/modules/opnfv/scripts/',
+ mode => 750,
+ }
+ file { '/opt/opnfv/odl/':
+ ensure => present,
+ source => '/etc/puppet/modules/opnfv/scripts/',
+ mode => 750,
+ }
+ file { '/opt/opnfv/odl/':
+ ensure => present,
+ source => '/etc/puppet/modules/opnfv/scripts/',
+ mode => 750,
+ }
+ # fix failed to find the cgroup root issue
+ #
+ case $::operatingsystem {
+ 'ubuntu': {
+ package {'cgroup-lite':
+ ensure => present,
+ }
+ service {'cgroup-lite':
+ ensure => running,
+ enable => true,
+ require => Package['cgroup-lite'],
+ }
+ }
+ 'centos': {
+ package {'docker-io':
+ ensure => latest,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/Lithium_rc0/container_scripts/ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/Lithium_rc0/container_scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04d7b53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/Lithium_rc0/container_scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+spawn /opt/odl/distribution-karaf-0.3.0-Lithium-RC0/bin/client
+expect "root>"
+send "feature:list | grep -i odl-restconf\r"
+send "\r\r\r"
+expect "root>"
+send "logout\r"
diff --git a/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/Lithium_rc0/container_scripts/ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/Lithium_rc0/container_scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7d0e6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/Lithium_rc0/container_scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# Simple expect script to start up ODL client and load feature set for DLUX and OVSDB
+spawn /opt/odl/distribution-karaf-0.3.0-Lithium-RC0/bin/client
+expect "root>"
+send "feature:install odl-base-all odl-aaa-authn odl-restconf odl-nsf-all odl-adsal-northbound odl-mdsal-apidocs odl-ovsdb-openstack odl-ovsdb-northbound odl-dlux-core"
+send "\r\r\r"
+expect "root>"
+send "logout\r"
diff --git a/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/Lithium_rc0/container_scripts/ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/Lithium_rc0/container_scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96a40ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/odl_docker/Lithium_rc0/container_scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015 Ericsson AB and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# Simple expect script to start up ODL client and load feature set for DLUX and OVSDB
+# Start up script for calling karaf / ODL inside a docker container.
+# This script will also call a couple expect scripts to load the feature set that we want
+export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64
+echo "Starting up the da Sheilds..."
+/opt/odl/distribution-karaf-0.3.0-Lithium-RC0/bin/karaf server &
+echo "Sleeping 5 bad hack"
+sleep 10
+echo "should see stuff listening now"
+netstat -na
+echo " should see proess running for karaf"
+ps -efa
+echo " Starting the packages we want"
+echo "Printout the status - if its right, you should see 8181 appear now"
+netstat -na
+ps -efa
+## This is a loop that keeps our container going currently, prinout the "status of karaf" to the docker logs every minute
+## Cheap - but effective
+while true;
+ echo "Checking status of ODL:"
+ /opt/odl/distribution-karaf-0.3.0-Lithium-RC0/bin/status
+ sleep 60
diff --git a/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/scripts/ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7f3d6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+# script to remove bridges and reset networking for ODL
+source ~/openrc
+# GET IPS for that node
+function get_ips {
+ BR_MGMT=`grep address /etc/network/ifcfg_backup/ifcfg-br-mgmt | awk -F" " '{print $2}'`
+ BR_STORAGE=`grep address /etc/network/ifcfg_backup/ifcfg-br-storage | awk -F" " '{print $2}'`
+ BR_FW_ADMIN=`grep address /etc/network/ifcfg_backup/ifcfg-br-fw-admin | awk -F" " '{print $2}'`
+ BR_EX=`grep address /etc/network/ifcfg_backup/ifcfg-br-ex | awk -F" " '{print $2}'`
+function backup_ifcfg {
+ echo " backing up "
+ mkdir -p /etc/network/ifcfg_backup
+ mv /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-br-ex /etc/network/ifcfg_backup/.
+ mv /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-br-fw-admin /etc/network/ifcfg_backup/.
+ mv /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-br-mgmt /etc/network/ifcfg_backup/.
+ mv /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-br-storage /etc/network/ifcfg_backup/.
+ mv /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-br-prv /etc/network/ifcfg_backup/.
+ mv /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth0 /etc/network/ifcfg_backup/.
+ mv /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth1 /etc/network/ifcfg_backup/.
+ rm -rf /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth1.300
+ rm -rf /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth1.301
+ rm -rf /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth1
+ rm -rf /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth0
+function create_ifcfg_br_mgmt {
+ echo "migrating br_mgmt"
+ echo "auto eth1.300" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth1.300
+ echo "iface eth1.300 inet static" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth1.300
+ echo " address $BR_MGMT" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth1.300
+ echo " netmask $DEF_NETMASK" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth1.300
+function create_ifcfg_br_storage {
+ echo "migration br_storage"
+ echo "auto eth1.301" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth1.301
+ echo "iface eth1.301 inet static" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth1.301
+ echo " address $BR_STORAGE" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth1.301
+ echo " netmask $DEF_NETMASK" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth1.301
+function create_ifcfg_br_fw_admin {
+ echo " migratinng br_fw_admin"
+ echo "auto eth1" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth1
+ echo "iface eth1 inet static" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth1
+ echo " address $BR_FW_ADMIN" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth1
+ echo " netmask $DEF_NETMASK" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth1
+function create_ifcfg_eth0 {
+ echo "migratinng br-ex to eth0 - temporarily"
+ echo "auto eth0" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth0
+ echo "iface eth0 inet static" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth0
+ echo " address $BR_EX" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth0
+ echo " netmask $DEF_NETMASK" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth0
+ echo " gateway $DEF_GW" >> /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-eth0
+function set_mode {
+ if [ -d "/var/lib/glance/images" ]
+ then
+ echo " controller "
+ MODE=0
+ else
+ echo " compute "
+ MODE=1
+ fi
+function stop_ovs {
+ echo "Stopping OpenVSwitch"
+ service openvswitch-switch stop
+function start_ovs {
+ echo "Starting OVS"
+ service openvswitch-switch start
+ ovs-vsctl show
+function clean_ovs {
+ echo "cleaning OVS DB"
+ stop_ovs
+ rm -rf /var/log/openvswitch/*
+ mkdir -p /opt/opnfv/odl/ovs_back
+ cp -pr /etc/openvswitch/* /opt/opnfv/odl/ovs_back/.
+ rm -rf /etc/openvswitch/conf.db
+ echo "restarting OVS - you should see Nothing there"
+ start_ovs
+function reboot_me {
+ reboot
+function allow_challenge {
+ sed -i -e 's/ChallengeResponseAuthentication no/ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
+ service ssh restart
+function clean_neutron {
+ subnets=( `neutron subnet-list | awk -F" " '{print $2}' | grep -v id | sed '/^$/d'` )
+ networks=( `neutron net-list | awk -F" " '{print $2}' | grep -v id | sed '/^$/d'` )
+ ports=( `neutron port-list | awk -F" " '{print $2}' | grep -v id | sed '/^$/d'` )
+ routers=( `neutron router-list | awk -F" " '{print $2}' | grep -v id | sed '/^$/d'` )
+ #display all elements
+ echo "SUBNETS: ${subnets[@]} "
+ echo "NETWORKS: ${networks[@]} "
+ echo "PORTS: ${ports[@]} "
+ echo "ROUTERS: ${routers[@]} "
+ # get port and subnet for each router
+ for i in "${routers[@]}"
+ do
+ routerport=( `neutron router-port-list $i | awk -F" " '{print $2}' | grep -v id | sed '/^$/d' `)
+ routersnet=( `neutron router-port-list $i | awk -F" " '{print $8}' | grep -v fixed | sed '/^$/d' | sed 's/,$//' | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' `)
+ done
+ echo "ROUTER PORTS: ${routerport[@]} "
+ echo "ROUTER SUBNET: ${routersnet[@]} "
+ #remove router subnets
+ echo "router-interface-delete"
+ for i in "${routersnet[@]}"
+ do
+ neutron router-interface-delete ${routers[0]} $i
+ done
+ #remove subnets
+ echo "subnet-delete"
+ for i in "${subnets[@]}"
+ do
+ neutron subnet-delete $i
+ done
+ #remove nets
+ echo "net-delete"
+ for i in "${networks[@]}"
+ do
+ neutron net-delete $i
+ done
+ #remove routers
+ echo "router-delete"
+ for i in "${routers[@]}"
+ do
+ neutron router-delete $i
+ done
+ #remove ports
+ echo "port-delete"
+ for i in "${ports[@]}"
+ do
+ neutron port-delete $i
+ done
+ #remove subnets
+ echo "subnet-delete second pass"
+ for i in "${subnets[@]}"
+ do
+ neutron subnet-delete $i
+ done
+function set_dns {
+ sed -i -e 's/nameserver $DNS/g' /etc/resolv.conf
+function check {
+ echo $BR_MGMT
+ echo $BR_STORAGE
+ echo $BR_FW_ADMIN
+ echo $BR_EX
+### MAIN
+if [ $MODE == "0" ]
+ create_ifcfg_eth0
diff --git a/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/scripts/ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..145da80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+# Author: Daniel Smith (Ericsson)
+# Script to update neutron configuration for OVSDB/ODL integratino
+# Usage - Set / pass CONTROL_HOST to your needs
+# ENV
+source ~/openrc
+# Update ml2_conf.ini
+function update_ml2conf {
+ echo "Backing up and modifying ml2_conf.ini"
+ cp $ML2_CONF $ML2_CONF.bak
+ sed -i -e 's/mechanism_drivers =openvswitch/mechanism_drivers = opendaylight/g' $ML2_CONF
+ sed -i -e 's/tenant_network_types = flat,vlan,gre,vxlan/tenant_network_types = vxlan/g' $ML2_CONF
+ sed -i -e 's/bridge_mappings=physnet2:br-prv/bridge_mappings=physnet1:br-ex/g' $ML2_CONF
+ echo "[ml2_odl]" >> $ML2_CONF
+ echo "password = admin" >> $ML2_CONF
+ echo "username = admin" >> $ML2_CONF
+ echo "url = http://${CONTROL_HOST}:8080/controller/nb/v2/neutron" >> $ML2_CONF
+function reset_neutrondb {
+ echo "Reseting DB"
+ mysql -e "drop database if exists neutron_ml2;"
+ mysql -e "create database neutron_ml2 character set utf8;"
+ mysql -e "grant all on neutron_ml2.* to 'neutron'@'%';"
+ neutron-db-manage --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/plugin.ini upgrade head
+function restart_neutron {
+ echo "Restarting Neutron Server"
+ service neutron-server restart
+ echo "Should see Neutron runing now"
+ service neutron-server status
+ echo "Shouldnt be any nets, but should work (return empty)"
+ neutron net-list
+function stop_neutron {
+ echo "Stopping Neutron / OVS components"
+ service neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent stop
+ if [ $MODE == "0" ]
+ then
+ service neutron-server stop
+ fi
+function disable_agent {
+ echo "Disabling Neutron Plugin Agents from running"
+ service neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent stop
+ echo 'manual' > /etc/init/neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent.override
+function verify_ML2_working {
+ echo "checking that we can talk via ML2 properly"
+ curl -u admin:admin http://${CONTROL_HOST}:8080/controller/nb/v2/neutron/networks > /tmp/check_ml2
+ if grep "network" /tmp/check_ml2
+ then
+ echo "Success - ML2 to ODL is working"
+ else
+ echo "im sorry Jim, but its dead"
+ fi
+function set_mode {
+ if [ -d "/var/lib/glance/images" ]
+ then
+ echo "Controller Mode"
+ MODE=0
+ else
+ echo "Compute Mode"
+ MODE=1
+ fi
+function stop_ovs {
+ echo "Stopping OpenVSwitch"
+ service openvswitch-switch stop
+function start_ovs {
+ echo "Starting OVS"
+ service openvswitch-vswitch start
+ ovs-vsctl show
+function control_setup {
+ echo "Modifying Controller"
+ stop_neutron
+ stop_ovs
+ disable_agent
+ rm -rf /var/log/openvswitch/*
+ mkdir -p /opt/opnfv/odl/ovs_back
+ mv /etc/openvswitch/conf.db /opt/opnfv/odl/ovs_back/.
+ mv /etc/openvswitch/.conf*lock* /opt/opnfv/odl/ovs_back/.
+ rm -rf /etc/openvswitch/conf.db
+ rm -rf /etc/openvswitch/.conf*
+ service openvswitch-switch start
+ ovs-vsctl add-br br-ex
+ ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex eth0
+ ovs-vsctl set interface br-ex type=external
+ ifconfig br-ex up
+ service neutron-server restart
+ echo "setting up networks"
+ ip link add link eth1 name br-mgmt type vlan id 300
+ ifconfig br-mgmt `grep address /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-br-mgmt | awk -F" " '{print $2}'`/24 up arp
+ ip link add link eth1 name br-storage type vlan id 301
+ ip link add link eth1 name br-prv type vlan id 1000
+ ifconfig br-storage `grep address /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-br-storage | awk -F" " '{print $2}'`/24 up arp
+ ifconfig eth1 `grep address /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-br-fw-admin | awk -F" " '{print $2}'`/24 up arp
+ echo "Setting ODL Manager IP"
+ ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:
+ echo "Verifying ODL ML2 plugin is working"
+ verify_ML2_working
+ # BAD HACK - Should be parameterized - this is to catch up
+ route add default gw
+function clean_ovs {
+ echo "cleaning OVS DB"
+ stop_ovs
+ rm -rf /var/log/openvswitch/*
+ mkdir -p /opt/opnfv/odl/ovs_back
+ cp -pr /etc/openvswitch/* /opt/opnfv/odl/ovs_back/.
+ rm -rf /etc/openvswitch/conf.db
+ echo "restarting OVS - you should see Nothing there"
+ start_ovs
+function compute_setup {
+ echo "Modifying Compute"
+ echo "Disabling neutron openvswitch plugin"
+ stop_neutron
+ disable_agent
+ ip link add link eth1 name br-mgmt type vlan id 300
+ ifconfig br-mgmt `grep address /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-br-mgmt | awk -F" " '{print $2}'`/24 up arp
+ ip link add link eth1 name br-storage type vlan id 301
+ ip link add link eth1 name br-prv type vlan id 1000
+ ifconfig br-storage `grep address /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-br-storage | awk -F" " '{print $2}'`/24 up arp
+ ifconfig eth1 `grep address /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-br-fw-admin | awk -F" " '{print $2}'`/24 up arp
+ echo "set manager, and route for ODL controller"
+ ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:
+ route add gw
+ verify_ML2_working
+echo "Starting to make call"
+echo "Check Mode"
+if [ $MODE == "0" ];
+ echo "Calling control setup"
+ control_setup
+elif [ $MODE == "1" ];
+ echo "Calling compute setup"
+ compute_setup
+ echo "Something is bad - call for help"
+ exit
diff --git a/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/scripts/ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fa14b47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Author: Daniel Smith (Ericsson)
+# Stages ODL Controlleer
+# Inputs: odl_docker_image.tar
+# Usage: ./
+source ~/.bashrc
+source ~/openrc
+HOST_IP=`ifconfig br-ex | grep -i "inet addr" | awk -F":" '{print $2}' | awk -F" " '{print $1}'`
+echo $DNS
+echo $HOST_IP
+# Set DNS to someting external and default GW - ODL requires a connection to the internet
+sed -i -e 's/nameserver' /etc/resolv.conf
+route delete default gw
+route add default gw
+# Start Docker daemon and in background
+echo "Starting Docker"
+#courtesy sleep for virtual env
+sleep 2
+# Import the ODL Container
+echo "Importing ODL Container"
+# Start ODL, load DLUX and OVSDB modules
+echo "Removing any old install found - file not found is ok here"
+$LOCALPATH/$DOCKERBIN rm odl_docker
+echo "Starting up ODL controller in Daemon mode - no shell possible"
+$LOCALPATH/$DOCKERBIN run --name odl_docker -p 8181:8181 -p 8185:8185 -p 9000:9000 -p 1099:1099 -p 8101:8101 -p 6633:6633 -p 43506:43506 -p 44444:44444 -p 6653:6653 -p 12001:12001 -p 6400:6400 -p 6640:6640 -p 8080:8080 -p 7800:7800 -p 55130:55130 -p 52150:52150 -p 36826:26826 -i -d -t loving_daniel
+# Following, you should see the docker ps listed and a port opened
+echo " you should reach ODL controller at http://HOST_IP:8181/dlux/index.html"
+netstat -lnt
diff --git a/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/scripts/ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..347ac74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/puppet/modules/opnfv/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# Ericsson Canada Inc.
+# Authoer: Daniel Smith
+# A helper script to install and setup the ODL docker conatiner on the controller
+# Inputs: odl_docker_image.tar
+# Usage: ./
+echo "DEPRECATED - USE instead - this will be removed shortly once automated deployment is working - SR1"
+source ~/.bashrc
+source ~/openrc
+# Switch for Dev mode - uses apt-get on control to cheat and get docker installed locally rather than from puppet source
+# Switch for 1:1 port mapping of EXPOSED ports in Docker to the host, if set to 0, then random ports will be used - NOTE: this doesnt work for all web services X port on Host --> Y port in Container,
+# especially for SSL/HTTPS cases. Be aware.
+HOST_IP=`ifconfig br-fw-admin | grep -i "inet addr" | awk -F":" '{print $2}' | awk -F" " '{print $1}'`
+# Set this to "1" if you want to have your docker container startup into a shell
+echo " Fetching Docker "
+if [ "$DEV" -eq "1" ];
+# If testing Locally (on a control node) you can set DEV=1 to enable apt-get based install on the control node (not desired target, but good for testing).
+ echo "Dev Mode - Fetching from Internet";
+ echo " this wont work in production builds";
+ apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 36A1D7869245C8950F966E92D8576A8BA88D21E9
+ mkdir -p $LOCALPATH
+ wget
+ echo "done ";
+ echo "Using Binaries delivered from Puppet"
+ echo "Starting Docker in Daemon mode"
+ # wait until docker will be fully initialized
+ # before any further action against just started docker
+ sleep 5
+# We need to perform some cleanup of the Openstack Environment
+echo "TODO -- This should be automated in the Fuel deployment at some point"
+echo "However, the timing should come after basic tests are running, since this "
+echo " part will remove the subnet router association that is deployed automativally"
+echo " via fuel. Refer to the ODL + Openstack Integration Page "
+# Import the ODL container into docker
+echo "Importing ODL container into docker"
+echo " starting up ODL - DLUX and Mapping Ports"
+if [ "$MATCH_PORT" -eq "1" ]
+ echo "Starting up Docker..."
+if [ "$ENABLE_SHELL" -eq "1" ];
+ echo "Starting Container in Interactive Mode (/bin/bash will be provided, you will need to run ./ inside the container yourself)"
+ $LOCALPATH/$DOCKERBINNAME run --name odl_docker -p 8181:8181 -p 8185:8185 -p 9000:9000 -p 1099:1099 -p 8101:8101 -p 6633:6633 -p 43506:43506 -p 44444:44444 -p 6653:6653 -p 12001:12001 -p 6400:6400 -p 6640:6640 -p 8080:8080 -p 7800:7800 -p 55130:55130 -p 52150:52150 -p 36826:26826 -i -t loving_daniel /bin/bash
+ echo "Starting Conatiner in Daemon mode - no shell will be provided and docker attach will not provide shell)"
+ $LOCALPATH/$DOCKERBINNAME run --name odl_docker -p 8181:8181 -p 8185:8185 -p 9000:9000 -p 1099:1099 -p 8101:8101 -p 6633:6633 -p 43506:43506 -p 44444:44444 -p 6653:6653 -p 12001:12001 -p 6400:6400 -p 6640:6640 -p 8080:8080 -p 7800:7800 -p 55130:55130 -p 52150:52150 -p 36826:26826 -i -d -t loving_daniel
+ echo "should see the process listed here in docker ps -a"
+ echo "Match Port enabled, you can reach the DLUX login at: "
+ echo "http://$HOST_IP:8181/dlux.index.html"
diff --git a/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/scripts/ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d292acd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# Author: Daniel Smith (Ericsson)
+# Script to update neutron configuration for OVSDB/ODL integratino
+# Usage - Set / pass CONTROL_HOST to your needs
+# ENV
+source ~/openrc
+# Update ml2_conf.ini
+function update_ml2conf {
+ echo "Backing up and modifying ml2_conf.ini"
+ cp $ML2_CONF $ML2_CONF.bak
+ sed -i -e 's/mechanism_drivers =openvswitch/mechanism_drivers = opendaylight/g' $ML2_CONF
+ sed -i -e 's/tenant_network_types = flat,vlan,gre,vxlan/tenant_network_types = vxlan/g' $ML2_CONF
+ cat "[ml2_odl]" >> $ML2_CONF
+ cat "password = admin" >> $ML2_CONF
+ cat "username = admin" >> $ML2_CONF
+ cat "url = http://${CONTROL_HOST}:8080/controller/nb/v2/neutron" >> $ML2_CONF
+function reset_neutrondb {
+ echo "Reseting DB"
+ mysql -e "drop database if exists neutron_ml2;"
+ mysql -e "create database neutron_ml2 character set utf8;"
+ mysql -e "grant all on neutron_ml2.* to 'neutron'@'%';"
+ neutron-db-manage --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/plugin.ini upgrade head
+function restart_neutron {
+ echo "Restarting Neutron Server"
+ service neutron-server restart
+ echo "Should see Neutron runing now"
+ service neutron-server status
+ echo "Shouldnt be any nets, but should work (return empty)"
+ neutron net-list
+function stop_neutron {
+ echo "Stopping Neutron / OVS components"
+ service neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent stop
+ if [ $MODE == "0" ]
+ then
+ service neutron-server stop
+ fi
+function verify_ML2_working {
+ echo "checking that we can talk via ML2 properly"
+ curl -u admin:admin http://${CONTROL_HOST}:8080/controller/nb/v2/neutron/networks > /tmp/check_ml2
+ if grep "network" /tmp/check_ml2
+ then
+ echo "Success - ML2 to ODL is working"
+ else
+ echo "im sorry Jim, but its dead"
+ fi
+function set_mode {
+ if ls -l /var/lib/glance/images
+ then
+ echo "Controller Mode"
+ MODE=0
+ else
+ echo "Compute Mode"
+ MODE=1
+ fi
+function stop_ovs {
+ echo "Stopping OpenVSwitch"
+ service openvswitch-switch stop
+function control_setup {
+ echo "Modifying Controller"
+ stop_neutron
+ stop_ovs
+ rm -rf /var/log/openvswitch/*
+ mkdir -p /opt/opnfv/odl/ovs_back
+ mv /etc/openvswitch/conf.db /opt/opnfv/odl/ovs_back/.
+ mv /etc/openvswitch/.conf*lock* /opt/opnfv/odl/ovs_back/.
+ service openvswitch-switch start
+ ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:
+ ovs-vsctl add-br br-eth0
+ ovs-vsctl add-br br-ex
+ ovs-vsctl add-port br-eth0 eth0
+ ovs-vsctl add-port br-eth0 br-eth0--br-ex
+ ovs-vsctl add-port br-ex br-ex--br-eth0
+ ovs-vsctl set interface br-ex--br-eth0 type=patch
+ ovs-vsctl set interface br-eth0--br-ex type=patch
+ ovs-vsctl set interface br-ex--br-eth0 options:peer=br-eth0--br-ex
+ ovs-vsctl set interface br-eth0--br-ex options:peer=br-ex--br-eth0
+ ifconfig br-ex up
+ service neutron-server restart
+ echo "setting up networks"
+ ip link add link eth1 name br-mgmt type vlan id 300
+ ip link add link eth1 name br-storage type vlan id 301
+ /etc/init.d/networking restart
+ echo "Reset Neutron DB"
+ #reset_neutrondb
+ echo "Restarting Neutron Components"
+ #restart_neutron
+ echo "Verifying ODL ML2 plugin is working"
+ verify_ML2_working
+function compute_setup {
+ echo "do compute stuff here"
+ echo "stopping neutron openvswitch plugin"
+ stop_neutron
+ ip link add link eth1 name br-mgmt type vlan id 300
+ ifconfig br-mgmt `grep address /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-br-mgmt | awk -F" " '{print $2}'`/24
+ ip link add link eth1 name br-storage type vlan id 301
+ ifconfig br-storage `grep address /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-br-storage | awk -F" " '{print $2}'`/24
+ ifconfig eth1 `grep address /etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-br-fw-mgmt | awk -F" " '{print $2}'`/24
+ echo "set manager, and route for ODL controller"
+ ovs-vsctl set-manager tcp:
+ route add gw
+ verify_ML2_working
+echo "Starting to make call"
+echo "Check Mode"
+if [ $MODE == "0" ];
+ echo "Calling control setup"
+ control_setup
+elif [ $MODE == "1" ];
+ echo "Calling compute setup"
+ compute_setup
+ echo "Something is bad - call for help"
+ exit
diff --git a/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/scripts/ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b688ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# ENV
+source ~/openrc
+# Update ml2_conf.ini
+function update_ml2conf {
+ echo "Backing up and modifying ml2_conf.ini"
+ cp $ML2_CONF $ML2_CONF.bak
+ sed -i -e 's/mechanism_drivers =openvswitch/mechanism_drivers = opendaylight/g' $ML2_CONF
+# ENV
+source ~/openrc
+# Update ml2_conf.ini
+function update_ml2conf {
+ echo "Backing up and modifying ml2_conf.ini"
+ cp $ML2_CONF $ML2_CONF.bak
+ sed -i -e 's/mechanism_drivers =openvswitch/mechanism_drivers = opendaylight/g' $ML2_CONF
+ sed -i -e 's/tenant_network_types = flat,vlan,gre,vxlan/tenant_network_types = vxlan/g' $ML2_CONF
+ cat "[ml2_odl]" >> $ML2_CONF
+ cat "password = admin" >> $ML2_CONF
+ cat "username = admin" >> $ML2_CONF
+ cat "url = http://${CONTROL_HOST}:8080/controller/nb/v2/neutron" >> $ML2_CONF
+function reset_neutrondb {
+ echo "Reseting DB"
+ mysql -e "drop database if exists neutron_ml2;"
+ mysql -e "create database neutron_ml2 character set utf8;"
+ mysql -e "grant all on neutron_ml2.* to 'neutron'@'%';"
+ neutron-db-manage --config-file /etc/neutron/neutron.conf --config-file /etc/neutron/plugin.ini upgrade head
+function restart_neutron {
+ echo "Restarting Neutron Server"
+ service neutron-server restart
+ echo "Should see Neutron runing now"
+ service neutron-server status
+ echo "Shouldnt be any nets, but should work (return empty)"
+ neutron net-list
+function stop_neutron {
+ echo "Stopping Neutron / OVS components"
+ service neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent stop
+ if [ $MODE == "0" ]
+ then
+ service neutron-server stop
+ fi
+function verify_ML2_working {
+ echo "checking that we can talk via ML2 properly"
+ curl -u admin:admin http://${CONTROL_HOST}:8080/controller/nb/v2/neutron/networks > /tmp/check_ml2
+ if grep "network" /tmp/check_ml2
+ then
+ echo "Success - ML2 to ODL is working"
+ else
+ echo "im sorry Jim, but its dead"
+ fi
+function set_mode {
+ if df -k | grep glance
+ then
+ echo "Controller Mode"
+ MODE=0
+ else
+ echo "Compute Mode"
+ MODE=1
+ fi
+function stop_ovs {
+ echo "Stopping OpenVSwitch"
+ service openvswitch-switch stop
+function control_setup {
+ echo "do control stuff here"
+ echo "Reset Neutron DB"
+ #reset_neutrondb
+ echo "Restarting Neutron Components"
+ #restart_neutron
+ echo "Verifying ODL ML2 plugin is working"
+ verify_ML2_working
+function compute_setup {
+ echo "do compute stuff here"
+ stop_neutron
+ verify_ML2_working
+echo "Starting to make call"
+echo "Check Mode"
+if [ $MODE == "0" ];
+ echo "Calling control setup"
+ control_setup
+elif [ $MODE == "1" ];
+ echo "Calling compute setup"
+ compute_setup
+ echo "Something is bad - call for help"
+ exit
diff --git a/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/scripts/ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dd4fc9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# a "cheat" way to install docker on the controller
+# can only be used if you have a connecting out to the internet
+# Usage: ./ <ip of default route to remove> <ip of default gw to add>
+# a "cheat" way to install docker on the controller
+# can only be used if you have a connecting out to the internet
+# Usage: ./ <ip of default route to remove> <ip of default gw to add>
+if [ "$#" -ne 2]; then
+ echo "Two args not provided, will not touch networking"
+ # Fix routes
+ echo "Fixing routes"
+ netstat -rn
+ echo "delete old def route"
+ route delete default gw $1
+ echo "adding new def route"
+ route add default gw $2
+ echo " you should see a good nslookup now"
+ nslookup
+# a "cheat" way to install docker on the controller
+# can only be used if you have a connecting out to the internet
+# Usage: ./ <ip of default route to remove> <ip of default gw to add>
+if [ "$#" -ne 2]; then
+ echo "Two args not provided, will not touch networking"
+ # Fix routes
+ echo "Fixing routes"
+ netstat -rn
+ echo "delete old def route"
+ route delete default gw $1
+ echo "adding new def route"
+ route add default gw $2
+ echo " you should see a good nslookup now"
+ nslookup
+if egrep "mirrors.txt" $SOURCES
+ echo "Sources was already updated, not touching"
+ echo "adding the closests mirrors and docker mirror to the mix"
+ echo "deb mirror:// precise main restricted universe multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
+ echo "deb mirror:// precise-updates main restricted universe multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
+ echo "deb mirror:// precise-backports main restricted universe multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
+ echo "deb mirror:// precise-security main restricted universe multiverse" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
+ apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 36A1D7869245C8950F966E92D8576A8BA88D21E9
+ echo "deb docker main " > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list
+echo "Updating"
+apt-get update
+echo "Installing Docker"
+apt-get install -y lxc-docker
+echo "Loading ODL Docker Image"
+docker load -i $IMAGEPATH/$IMAGENAME
diff --git a/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/scripts/ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42c9451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuel/build/f_lith_odl_docker/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ok .. so they created br-int
+so lets add a physical nic to it
+# First - Removal all the bridges you find
+for i in $(ovs-vsctl list-br)
+ if [ "$i" == "br-int" ];
+ then
+ echo "skipped br-int"
+ elif [ "$i" == "br-prv"];
+ then
+ echo "skipped br-pr"
+ else
+ ovs-vsctl del-br $i
+ fi
diff --git a/fuel/build/f_opnfv_puppet/puppet/modules/opnfv/manifests/init.pp b/fuel/build/f_opnfv_puppet/puppet/modules/opnfv/manifests/init.pp
index 54f1c86..436f496 100644
--- a/fuel/build/f_opnfv_puppet/puppet/modules/opnfv/manifests/init.pp
+++ b/fuel/build/f_opnfv_puppet/puppet/modules/opnfv/manifests/init.pp
@@ -25,4 +25,6 @@ class opnfv {
include opnfv::add_packages
# Setup OpenDaylight
include opnfv::odl_docker
+ # Setup OpenDaylight
+ include opnfv::odl_lith_docker