path: root/compass/deploy/ansible/openstack_juno/roles/neutron-network/tasks/main.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compass/deploy/ansible/openstack_juno/roles/neutron-network/tasks/main.yml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/compass/deploy/ansible/openstack_juno/roles/neutron-network/tasks/main.yml b/compass/deploy/ansible/openstack_juno/roles/neutron-network/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d4b591..0000000
--- a/compass/deploy/ansible/openstack_juno/roles/neutron-network/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-- name: activate ipv4 forwarding
- sysctl: name=net.ipv4.ip_forward value=1
- state=present reload=yes
-- name: deactivate ipv4 rp filter
- sysctl: name=net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter value=0
- state=present reload=yes
-- name: deactivate ipv4 default rp filter
- sysctl: name=net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter
- value=0 state=present reload=yes
-- name: install neutron network related packages
- apt: name={{ item }} state=present force=yes
- with_items:
- - neutron-plugin-ml2
- - openvswitch-datapath-dkms
- - openvswitch-switch
- - neutron-l3-agent
- - neutron-dhcp-agent
-- name: generate neutron service list
- shell: echo {{ item }} >> /opt/service
- with_items:
- - openvswitch-switch
- - neutron-l3-agent
- - neutron-dhcp-agent
- - neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent
- - neutron-metadata-agent
- - xorp
-- name: install neutron openvswitch agent
- apt: name=neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent
- state=present force=yes
- when: "'openvswitch' in {{ NEUTRON_MECHANISM_DRIVERS }}"
-- name: config neutron
- template: src=neutron-network.conf
- dest=/etc/neutron/neutron.conf backup=yes
- notify:
- - restart neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent
- - restart neutron-l3-agent
- - kill dnsmasq
- - restart neutron-dhcp-agent
- - restart neutron-metadata-agent
-- name: config l3 agent
- template: src=l3_agent.ini dest=/etc/neutron/l3_agent.ini
- backup=yes
- notify:
- - restart neutron-l3-agent
-- name: config dhcp agent
- template: src=dhcp_agent.ini dest=/etc/neutron/dhcp_agent.ini
- backup=yes
- notify:
- - kill dnsmasq
- - restart neutron-dhcp-agent
-- name: update dnsmasq-neutron.conf
- template: src=dnsmasq-neutron.conf
- dest=/etc/neutron/dnsmasq-neutron.conf
- notify:
- - kill dnsmasq
- - restart neutron-dhcp-agent
-- name: config metadata agent
- template: src=metadata_agent.ini
- dest=/etc/neutron/metadata_agent.ini backup=yes
- notify:
- - restart neutron-metadata-agent
-- name: config ml2 plugin
- template: src=ml2_conf.ini
- dest=/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini
- backup=yes
- notify:
- - restart neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent
-- meta: flush_handlers
-- name: add br-int
- openvswitch_bridge: bridge=br-int state=present
-- name: add br-ex
- openvswitch_bridge: bridge=br-ex state=present
- when: "'openvswitch' in {{ NEUTRON_MECHANISM_DRIVERS }}"
-- name: assign a port to br-ex for physical ext interface
- openvswitch_port: bridge=br-ex port={{ INTERFACE_NAME }}
- state=present
- when: "'openvswitch' in {{ NEUTRON_MECHANISM_DRIVERS }}"
-- include: igmp-router.yml
- when: "'vxlan' in {{ NEUTRON_TUNNEL_TYPES }}"
-- name: assert kernel support for vxlan
- command: modinfo -F version vxlan
- when: "'vxlan' in {{ NEUTRON_TUNNEL_TYPES }}"
-- name: assert iproute2 suppport for vxlan
- command: ip link add type vxlan help
- register: iproute_out
- failed_when: iproute_out.rc == 255
- when: "'vxlan' in {{ NEUTRON_TUNNEL_TYPES }}"
-- include: odl.yml
- when: "'opendaylight' in {{ NEUTRON_MECHANISM_DRIVERS }}"
-- name: restart ovs service
- service: name=openvswitch-switch state=restarted enabled=yes
-- meta: flush_handlers