path: root/foreman
diff options
authorTim Rozet <>2015-05-12 10:44:48 -0400
committerTim Rozet <>2015-05-12 10:44:48 -0400
commit90f347a8d25416e6e6213816995a3b7e8766ee40 (patch)
treea715ff3861ab5f5bf5bac4835529e80cc55e6143 /foreman
parentb9bbe514232c99f203df46873b2d290cbd4196c6 (diff)
Adds node virtualization support
This patch adds the argument "-virtual" which allows one to deploy to Vagrant VMs rather than baremetal. The requirements for the Jumphost become slightly different with VM nodes. The required RAM increases to 24GB when using virtual. Usage: "./ -virtual". JIRA: BGS-31 Change-Id: I2e5e60cc7913f4d3efaa405950e1fcbbefd2771b Signed-off-by: Tim Rozet <>
Diffstat (limited to 'foreman')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/foreman/ci/ b/foreman/ci/
index ae585b0..3e20fe4 100755
--- a/foreman/ci/
+++ b/foreman/ci/
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ display_usage() {
echo -e "\nUsage:\n$0 [arguments] \n"
echo -e "\n -no_parse : No variable parsing into config. Flag. \n"
echo -e "\n -base_config : Full path of settings file to parse. Optional. Will provide a new base settings file rather than the default. Example: -base_config /opt/myinventory.yml \n"
+ echo -e "\n -virtual : Node virtualization instead of baremetal. Flag. \n"
##find ip of interface
@@ -120,6 +121,25 @@ function increment_ip {
echo $baseaddr.$lsv
+##translates yaml into variables
+##params: filename, prefix (ex. "config_")
+##usage: parse_yaml opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml "config_"
+parse_yaml() {
+ local prefix=$2
+ local s='[[:space:]]*' w='[a-zA-Z0-9_]*' fs=$(echo @|tr @ '\034')
+ sed -ne "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s\"\(.*\)\"$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" \
+ -e "s|^\($s\)\($w\)$s:$s\(.*\)$s\$|\1$fs\2$fs\3|p" $1 |
+ awk -F$fs '{
+ indent = length($1)/2;
+ vname[indent] = $2;
+ for (i in vname) {if (i > indent) {delete vname[i]}}
+ if (length($3) > 0) {
+ vn=""; for (i=0; i<indent; i++) {vn=(vn)(vname[i])("_")}
+ printf("%s%s%s=\"%s\"\n", "'$prefix'",vn, $2, $3);
+ }
+ }'
if [[ ( $1 == "--help") || $1 == "-h" ]]; then
@@ -143,6 +163,10 @@ do
shift 1
+ -virtual)
+ virtual="TRUE"
+ shift 1
+ ;;
exit 1
@@ -150,8 +174,6 @@ do
##disable selinux
/sbin/setenforce 0
@@ -470,12 +492,163 @@ echo "${blue}Parameters Complete. Settings have been set for Foreman. ${reset}"
+if [ $virtual ]; then
+ echo "${blue} Virtual flag detected, setting Khaleesi playbook to be opnfv-vm.yml ${reset}"
+ sed -i 's/opnfv.yml/opnfv-vm.yml/'
echo "${blue}Starting Vagrant! ${reset}"
##stand up vagrant
if ! vagrant up; then
printf '%s\n' ' Unable to start vagrant' >&2
exit 1
+ echo "${blue}Foreman VM is up! ${reset}"
+if [ $virtual ]; then
+##Bring up VM nodes
+echo "${blue}Setting VMs up... ${reset}"
+nodes=`sed -nr '/nodes:/{:start /workaround/!{N;b start};//p}' opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml | sed -n '/^ [A-Za-z0-9]\+:$/p' | sed 's/\s*//g' | sed 's/://g'`
+##due to ODL Helium bug of OVS connecting to ODL too early, we need controllers to install first
+##this is fix kind of assumes more than I would like to, but for now it should be OK as we always have
+##3 static controllers
+compute_nodes=`echo $nodes | tr " " "\n" | grep -v controller | tr "\n" " "`
+controller_nodes=`echo $nodes | tr " " "\n" | grep controller | tr "\n" " "`
+for node in ${nodes}; do
+ cd /tmp
+ ##remove VM nodes incase it wasn't cleaned up
+ rm -rf /tmp/$node
+ ##clone bgs vagrant
+ ##will change this to be opnfv repo when commit is done
+ if ! git clone $node; then
+ printf '%s\n' ' Unable to clone vagrant repo' >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ cd $node
+ if [ $base_config ]; then
+ if ! cp -f $base_config opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml; then
+ echo "{red}ERROR: Unable to copy $base_config to opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ ##parse yaml into variables
+ eval $(parse_yaml opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml "config_")
+ ##find node type
+ node_type=config_nodes_${node}_type
+ node_type=$(eval echo \$$node_type)
+ ##find number of interfaces with ip and substitute in VagrantFile
+ output=`ifconfig | grep -E "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+:"| grep -Ev "lo|tun|virbr|vboxnet" | awk '{print $1}' | sed 's/://'`
+ if [ ! "$output" ]; then
+ printf '%s\n' ' Unable to detect interfaces to bridge to' >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if_counter=0
+ for interface in ${output}; do
+ if [ "$if_counter" -ge 4 ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ interface_ip=$(find_ip $interface)
+ if [ ! "$interface_ip" ]; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ case "${if_counter}" in
+ 0)
+ mac_string=config_nodes_${node}_mac_address
+ mac_addr=$(eval echo \$$mac_string)
+ mac_addr=$(echo $mac_addr | sed 's/:\|-//g')
+ if [ $mac_addr == "" ]; then
+ echo "${red} Unable to find mac_address for $node! ${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ if [ "$node_type" == "controller" ]; then
+ mac_string=config_nodes_${node}_private_mac
+ mac_addr=$(eval echo \$$mac_string)
+ if [ $mac_addr == "" ]; then
+ echo "${red} Unable to find private_mac for $node! ${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ else
+ ##generate random mac
+ mac_addr=$(echo -n 00-60-2F; dd bs=1 count=3 if=/dev/random 2>/dev/null |hexdump -v -e '/1 "-%02X"')
+ fi
+ mac_addr=$(echo $mac_addr | sed 's/:\|-//g')
+ ;;
+ *)
+ mac_addr=$(echo -n 00-60-2F; dd bs=1 count=3 if=/dev/random 2>/dev/null |hexdump -v -e '/1 "-%02X"')
+ mac_addr=$(echo $mac_addr | sed 's/:\|-//g')
+ ;;
+ esac
+ sed -i 's/^.*eth_replace'"$if_counter"'.*$/ "public_network", bridge: '\'"$interface"\'', :mac => '\""$mac_addr"\"'/' Vagrantfile
+ ((if_counter++))
+ done
+ ##now remove interface config in Vagrantfile for 1 node
+ ##if 1, 3, or 4 interfaces set deployment type
+ ##if 2 interfaces remove 2nd interface and set deployment type
+ if [ "$if_counter" == 1 ]; then
+ deployment_type="single_network"
+ remove_vagrant_network eth_replace1
+ remove_vagrant_network eth_replace2
+ remove_vagrant_network eth_replace3
+ elif [ "$if_counter" == 2 ]; then
+ deployment_type="single_network"
+ second_interface=`echo $output | awk '{print $2}'`
+ remove_vagrant_network $second_interface
+ remove_vagrant_network eth_replace2
+ elif [ "$if_counter" == 3 ]; then
+ deployment_type="three_network"
+ remove_vagrant_network eth_replace3
+ else
+ deployment_type="multi_network"
+ fi
+ ##modify provisioning to do puppet install, config, and foreman check-in
+ ##substitute host_name and dns_server in the provisioning script
+ host_string=config_nodes_${node}_hostname
+ host_name=$(eval echo \$$host_string)
+ sed -i 's/^host_name=REPLACE/host_name='$host_name'/'
+ ##dns server should be the foreman server
+ sed -i 's/^dns_server=REPLACE/dns_server='${interface_ip_arr[0]}'/'
+ ## remove bootstrap and NAT provisioning
+ sed -i '/' Vagrantfile
+ sed -i 's/' Vagrantfile
+ ## modify default_gw to be node_default_gw
+ sed -i 's/^.*default_gw =.*$/ default_gw = '\""$node_default_gw"\"'/' Vagrantfile
+ ## modify VM memory to be 4gig
+ sed -i 's/^.*vb.memory =.*$/ vb.memory = 4096/' Vagrantfile
+ echo "${blue}Starting Vagrant Node $node! ${reset}"
+ ##stand up vagrant
+ if ! vagrant up; then
+ echo "${red} Unable to start $node ${reset}"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ echo "${blue} $node VM is up! ${reset}"
+ fi
+ echo "${blue} All VMs are UP! ${reset}"