path: root/functest/core/vnf.py
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/functest/core/vnf.py b/functest/core/vnf.py
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index 73aaf446e..000000000
--- a/functest/core/vnf.py
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Orange and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-"""Define the parent class of all VNF TestCases."""
-import logging
-import time
-import functest.core.testcase as base
-from functest.utils.constants import CONST
-from snaps.config.user import UserConfig
-from snaps.config.project import ProjectConfig
-from snaps.openstack.create_user import OpenStackUser
-from snaps.openstack.create_project import OpenStackProject
-from snaps.openstack.tests import openstack_tests
-__author__ = ("Morgan Richomme <morgan.richomme@orange.com>, "
- "Valentin Boucher <valentin.boucher@orange.com>")
-class VnfPreparationException(Exception):
- """Raise when VNF preparation cannot be executed."""
-class OrchestratorDeploymentException(Exception):
- """Raise when orchestrator cannot be deployed."""
-class VnfDeploymentException(Exception):
- """Raise when VNF cannot be deployed."""
-class VnfTestException(Exception):
- """Raise when VNF cannot be tested."""
-class VnfOnBoarding(base.TestCase):
- """Base model for VNF test cases."""
- __logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- super(VnfOnBoarding, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- self.tenant_name = CONST.__getattribute__(
- 'vnf_{}_tenant_name'.format(self.case_name))
- self.snaps_creds = {}
- self.created_object = []
- self.os_project = None
- def run(self, **kwargs):
- """
- Run of the VNF test case:
- * Deploy an orchestrator if needed (e.g. heat, cloudify, ONAP,...),
- * Deploy the VNF,
- * Perform tests on the VNF
- A VNF test case is successfull when the 3 steps are PASS
- If one of the step is FAIL, the test case is FAIL
- Returns:
- TestCase.EX_OK if result is 'PASS'.
- TestCase.EX_TESTCASE_FAILED otherwise.
- """
- self.start_time = time.time()
- try:
- self.prepare()
- if (self.deploy_orchestrator() and
- self.deploy_vnf() and
- self.test_vnf()):
- self.stop_time = time.time()
- # Calculation with different weight depending on the steps TODO
- self.result = 100
- return base.TestCase.EX_OK
- else:
- self.result = 0
- self.stop_time = time.time()
- return base.TestCase.EX_TESTCASE_FAILED
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- self.stop_time = time.time()
- self.__logger.exception("Exception on VNF testing")
- return base.TestCase.EX_TESTCASE_FAILED
- def prepare(self):
- """
- Prepare the environment for VNF testing:
- * Creation of a user,
- * Creation of a tenant,
- * Allocation admin role to the user on this tenant
- Returns base.TestCase.EX_OK if preparation is successfull
- Raise VnfPreparationException in case of problem
- """
- try:
- tenant_description = CONST.__getattribute__(
- 'vnf_{}_tenant_description'.format(self.case_name))
- self.__logger.info("Prepare VNF: %s, description: %s",
- self.tenant_name, tenant_description)
- snaps_creds = openstack_tests.get_credentials(
- os_env_file=CONST.__getattribute__('openstack_creds'))
- project_creator = OpenStackProject(
- snaps_creds,
- ProjectConfig(
- name=self.tenant_name,
- description=tenant_description
- ))
- project_creator.create()
- self.created_object.append(project_creator)
- self.os_project = project_creator
- user_creator = OpenStackUser(
- snaps_creds,
- UserConfig(
- name=self.tenant_name,
- password=self.tenant_name,
- roles={'admin': self.tenant_name}))
- user_creator.create()
- self.created_object.append(user_creator)
- self.snaps_creds = user_creator.get_os_creds(self.tenant_name)
- return base.TestCase.EX_OK
- except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- self.__logger.exception("Exception raised during VNF preparation")
- raise VnfPreparationException
- def deploy_orchestrator(self):
- """
- Deploy an orchestrator (optional).
- If this method is overriden then raise orchestratorDeploymentException
- if error during orchestrator deployment
- """
- self.__logger.info("Deploy orchestrator (if necessary)")
- return True
- def deploy_vnf(self):
- """
- Deploy the VNF
- This function MUST be implemented by vnf test cases.
- The details section MAY be updated in the vnf test cases.
- The deployment can be executed via a specific orchestrator
- or using build-in orchestrators such as heat, OpenBaton, cloudify,
- juju, onap, ...
- Returns:
- True if the VNF is properly deployed
- False if the VNF is not deployed
- Raise VnfDeploymentException if error during VNF deployment
- """
- self.__logger.error("VNF must be deployed")
- raise VnfDeploymentException
- def test_vnf(self):
- """
- Test the VNF
- This function MUST be implemented by vnf test cases.
- The details section MAY be updated in the vnf test cases.
- Once a VNF is deployed, it is assumed that specific test suite can be
- run to validate the VNF.
- Please note that the same test suite can be used on several test case
- (e.g. clearwater test suite can be used whatever the orchestrator used
- for the deployment)
- Returns:
- True if VNF tests are PASS
- False if test suite is FAIL
- Raise VnfTestException if error during VNF test
- """
- self.__logger.error("VNF must be tested")
- raise VnfTestException
- def clean(self):
- """
- Clean VNF test case.
- It is up to the test providers to delete resources used for the tests.
- By default we clean:
- * the user,
- * the tenant
- """
- self.__logger.info("test cleaning")
- self.__logger.info('Remove the cloudify manager OS object ..')
- for creator in reversed(self.created_object):
- try:
- creator.clean()
- except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except
- self.__logger.error('Unexpected error cleaning - %s', exc)