path: root/docs/com/pres/gambia/index.html
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authorCédric Ollivier <cedric.ollivier@orange.com>2019-01-06 11:28:52 +0100
committerCédric Ollivier <cedric.ollivier@orange.com>2019-01-06 11:44:37 +0100
commit2e8bdb4d54742a848f9e929cc5fa35ce956a6750 (patch)
treeaa201f36e322e8dc5c4a44893d2ad8158c3fda00 /docs/com/pres/gambia/index.html
parent06093268002ab59cf54ed91d95deba4f6715ac94 (diff)
Publish "Functest on steroids" (Plugfest-Gambia)
It will be completed by demos: - deploy your own Functest CI/CD toolchains (Functest bot) - deploy your own CI/CD toolchains for your test case - run Functest on Raspberry PI The presentation is avalaible in [1] [1] http://testresults.opnfv.org/functest/gambia/ Change-Id: If69f11a3f7dde070e3af0f8a5b082b5ec1443bbb Signed-off-by: Cédric Ollivier <cedric.ollivier@orange.com> (cherry picked from commit 6a31d033b8aef014e62cf6f94f2f98358ed99b90)
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/com/pres/gambia/index.html')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/com/pres/gambia/index.html b/docs/com/pres/gambia/index.html
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index 000000000..db3a6aaa2
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+++ b/docs/com/pres/gambia/index.html
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