path: root/xtesting/core/mts.py
diff options
authorVincent Mahe <v.mahe@orange.com>2020-05-25 18:32:58 +0200
committerCédric Ollivier <cedric.ollivier@orange.com>2021-02-09 14:25:48 +0100
commitdd65cb02f0a0773a4b56781c66ddcccfc658568f (patch)
treea5dfdfad913a9f7c525cf2119c16357f41465e09 /xtesting/core/mts.py
parent0636bc2c0941d44025d663f8bca425966093013b (diff)
Add MTS driver
It creates a new container xtesting-mts to avoid increase core container size. Signed-off-by: Vincent Mahe <v.mahe@orange.com> Change-Id: I59544023e1235747e140a442815778a133bf6acf (cherry picked from commit 32eb7687bf7b8440aa87805480789ef61ae65ec9)
Diffstat (limited to 'xtesting/core/mts.py')
1 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xtesting/core/mts.py b/xtesting/core/mts.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a5cc6a1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xtesting/core/mts.py
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2020 Orange and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
+"""Define the parent classes of all Xtesting Features.
+Feature is considered as TestCase offered by Third-party. It offers
+helpers to run any python method or any bash command.
+import csv
+import logging
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+from lxml import etree
+import prettytable
+from xtesting.core import testcase
+__author__ = ("Vincent Mahe <v.mahe@orange.com>, "
+ "Cedric Ollivier <cedric.ollivier@orange.com>")
+class MTSLauncher(testcase.TestCase):
+ """Class designed to run MTS tests."""
+ __logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ mts_install_dir = "/opt/mts"
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ super(MTSLauncher, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ self.result_file = "{}/{}.log".format(self.res_dir, self.case_name)
+ # Location of the HTML report generated by MTS
+ self.mts_stats_dir = os.path.join(self.res_dir, 'mts_stats_report')
+ # Location of the log files generated by MTS for each test.
+ # Need to end path with a separator because of a bug in MTS.
+ self.mts_logs_dir = os.path.join(self.res_dir,
+ 'mts_logs' + os.path.sep)
+ # The location of file named testPlan.csv
+ # that it always in $MTS_HOME/logs
+ self.mts_result_csv_file = self.mts_install_dir + os.path.sep
+ self.mts_result_csv_file += ("logs" + os.path.sep + "testPlan.csv")
+ self.total_tests = 0
+ self.pass_tests = 0
+ self.fail_tests = 0
+ self.skip_tests = 0
+ self.response = None
+ self.testcases = []
+ def parse_results(self):
+ """Parse testPlan.csv containing the status of each testcase of the test file.
+ See sample file in `xtesting/samples/mts/output/testPlan.csv`
+ """
+ with open(self.mts_result_csv_file) as stream_:
+ self.__logger.info("Parsing file : %s", self.mts_result_csv_file)
+ reader = csv.reader(stream_, delimiter=';')
+ rownum = 0
+ _tests_data = []
+ msg = prettytable.PrettyTable(
+ header_style='upper', padding_width=5,
+ field_names=['MTS test', 'MTS test case',
+ 'status'])
+ for row in reader:
+ _test_dict = {}
+ nb_values = len(row)
+ if rownum > 0:
+ # If there's only one delimiter,
+ # it is the name of the <test> elt
+ if nb_values == 2:
+ test_name = row[0]
+ _test_dict['parent'] = test_name
+ elif nb_values == 3:
+ testcase_name = row[0].lstrip()
+ testcase_status = row[2]
+ self.total_tests += 1
+ if testcase_status == 'OK':
+ self.pass_tests += 1
+ elif testcase_status == 'Failed':
+ self.fail_tests += 1
+ elif testcase_status == '?':
+ self.skip_tests += 1
+ _test_dict['status'] = testcase_status
+ _test_dict['name'] = testcase_name
+ msg.add_row(
+ [test_name,
+ _test_dict['name'],
+ _test_dict['status']])
+ rownum += 1
+ _tests_data.append(_test_dict)
+ try:
+ self.result = 100 * (
+ self.pass_tests / self.total_tests)
+ except ZeroDivisionError:
+ self.__logger.error("No test has been run")
+ self.__logger.info("MTS Test result:\n\n%s\n", msg.get_string())
+ self.details = {}
+ self.details['description'] = "Execution of some MTS tests"
+ self.details['total_tests'] = self.total_tests
+ self.details['pass_tests'] = self.pass_tests
+ self.details['fail_tests'] = self.fail_tests
+ self.details['skip_tests'] = self.skip_tests
+ self.details['tests'] = _tests_data
+ def parse_xml_test_file(self, xml_test_file):
+ """Parse the XML file containing the test definition for MTS.
+ See sample file in `xtesting/samples/mts/test.xml`
+ """
+ nb_testcases = -1
+ self.__logger.info(
+ "Parsing XML test file %s containing the MTS tests definitions.",
+ xml_test_file)
+ try:
+ parser = etree.XMLParser(load_dtd=True, resolve_entities=True)
+ self.__logger.info("XML test file %s successfully parsed.",
+ xml_test_file)
+ root = etree.parse(xml_test_file, parser=parser)
+ # Need to look at all child nodes because there may be
+ # some <for> elt between <test> and <testcase> elt
+ self.testcases = root.xpath('//test//testcase/@name')
+ nb_testcases = len(self.testcases)
+ if nb_testcases == 0:
+ self.__logger.warning("Found no MTS testcase !")
+ elif nb_testcases == 1:
+ self.__logger.info("Found only one MTS testcase: %s",
+ self.testcases[0])
+ else:
+ self.__logger.info("Found %d MTS testcases :", nb_testcases)
+ for mts_testcase in self.testcases:
+ self.__logger.info(" - %s", mts_testcase)
+ except etree.XMLSyntaxError as xml_err:
+ self.__logger.error("Error while parsing XML test file: %s",
+ str(xml_err))
+ return nb_testcases
+ def check_enabled_mts_test_cases(self, enabled_testcases):
+ """Make sure that all required MTS test cases exist
+ in the XML test file.
+ """
+ if len(enabled_testcases) > 0:
+ # Verify if the MTS test case exists in the whole list of test
+ # cases declared in the test XML file
+ for enabled_testcase in enabled_testcases:
+ if enabled_testcase not in self.testcases:
+ self.__logger.error(
+ "The required MTS testcase named `%s` does not exist"
+ " !", enabled_testcase)
+ return False
+ return True
+ def execute(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
+ """Execute the cmd passed as arg
+ Args:
+ kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments.
+ Returns:
+ 0 if cmd returns 0,
+ -1 otherwise.
+ """
+ try:
+ console = kwargs["console"] if "console" in kwargs else False
+ # Read specific parameters for MTS
+ test_file = kwargs["test_file"]
+ log_level = kwargs[
+ "log_level"] if "log_level" in kwargs else "INFO"
+ # For some MTS tests, we need to force stop after N sec
+ max_duration = kwargs[
+ "max_duration"] if "max_duration" in kwargs else None
+ store_method = kwargs[
+ "store_method"] if "store_method" in kwargs else "FILE"
+ # Must use the $HOME_MTS/bin as current working dir
+ cwd = self.mts_install_dir + os.path.sep + "bin"
+ # Get the list of enabled MTS testcases, if any
+ enabled_testcases = kwargs[
+ "testcases"] if "testcases" in kwargs else []
+ enabled_testcases_str = ''
+ if len(enabled_testcases) > 0:
+ enabled_testcases_str = ' '.join(enabled_testcases)
+ check_ok = self.check_enabled_mts_test_cases(enabled_testcases)
+ if not check_ok:
+ return -2
+ # Build command line to launch for MTS
+ cmd = ("cd {} && ./startCmd.sh {} {} -sequential -levelLog:{}"
+ " -storageLog:{}"
+ " -config:stats.REPORT_DIRECTORY+{}"
+ " -config:logs.STORAGE_DIRECTORY+{}"
+ " -genReport:true"
+ " -showRep:false").format(cwd,
+ test_file,
+ enabled_testcases_str,
+ log_level,
+ store_method,
+ self.mts_stats_dir,
+ self.mts_logs_dir)
+ # Make sure to create the necessary output sub-folders for MTS
+ if not os.path.isdir(self.mts_stats_dir):
+ os.makedirs(self.mts_stats_dir)
+ if not os.path.isdir(self.mts_logs_dir):
+ os.makedirs(self.mts_logs_dir)
+ self.__logger.info(
+ "MTS statistics output dir: %s ", self.mts_stats_dir)
+ self.__logger.info("MTS logs output dir: %s ", self.mts_logs_dir)
+ # Launch MTS as a sub-process
+ # and save its standard output to a file
+ with open(self.result_file, 'w') as f_stdout:
+ self.__logger.info("Calling %s", cmd)
+ process = subprocess.Popen(
+ cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, b''):
+ if console:
+ sys.stdout.write(line.decode("utf-8"))
+ f_stdout.write(line.decode("utf-8"))
+ try:
+ process.wait(timeout=max_duration)
+ except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
+ process.kill()
+ self.__logger.info(
+ "Killing MTS process after %d second(s).",
+ max_duration)
+ return 3
+ with open(self.result_file, 'r') as f_stdin:
+ self.__logger.debug("$ %s\n%s", cmd, f_stdin.read().rstrip())
+ return process.returncode
+ except KeyError:
+ self.__logger.error("Missing mandatory arg for MTS. kwargs: %s",
+ kwargs)
+ return -1
+ def run(self, **kwargs):
+ """Run the feature.
+ It allows executing any Python method by calling execute().
+ It sets the following attributes required to push the results
+ to DB:
+ * result,
+ * start_time,
+ * stop_time.
+ It doesn't fulfill details when pushing the results to the DB.
+ Args:
+ kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments.
+ Returns:
+ TestCase.EX_OK if execute() returns 0,
+ TestCase.EX_RUN_ERROR otherwise.
+ """
+ self.start_time = time.time()
+ exit_code = testcase.TestCase.EX_RUN_ERROR
+ self.result = 0
+ try:
+ nb_testcases = self.parse_xml_test_file(kwargs["test_file"])
+ # Do something only if there are some MTS test cases in the test
+ # file
+ if nb_testcases > 0:
+ if self.execute(**kwargs) == 0:
+ exit_code = testcase.TestCase.EX_OK
+ try:
+ self.parse_results()
+ except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
+ self.__logger.exception(
+ "Cannot parse result file "
+ "$MTS_HOME/logs/testPlan.csv")
+ exit_code = testcase.TestCase.EX_RUN_ERROR
+ except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
+ self.__logger.exception("%s FAILED", self.project_name)
+ self.stop_time = time.time()
+ return exit_code