path: root/mcp/scripts/xdf_data.sh.j2
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mcp/scripts/xdf_data.sh.j2')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/mcp/scripts/xdf_data.sh.j2 b/mcp/scripts/xdf_data.sh.j2
index 8c9d5d969..6aca36f32 100644
--- a/mcp/scripts/xdf_data.sh.j2
+++ b/mcp/scripts/xdf_data.sh.j2
@@ -11,7 +11,14 @@
# Data derived from XDF (PDF/IDF/SDF/etc), used as input in deploy.sh
+{%- import 'net_map.j2' as nm with context -%}
+{%- set cluster_states = conf.cluster.states if conf.MCP_NO_DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT < 2 else [] -%}
{%- set arch = conf[conf.MCP_JUMP_ARCH] -%}
+{%- set V = conf.virtual -%}
+{%- set section_map = {
+ 'control': nm.ctl01.idx,
+ 'compute': nm.cmp001.idx
+} -%}
{%- macro bash_arr(_l) -%}
({%- for n in _l -%}'{{ n }}' {% endfor -%})
@@ -24,25 +31,60 @@
{#- Pack all vnode data as string -#}
{%- macro serialize_vnodes() -%}
- {%- set V = conf.virtual -%}
{%- set arr = [] -%}
- {%- for n in V.nodes -%}
- {%- if n not in V -%}{%- do V.update({n: {}}) -%}{%- endif -%}
- {%- do arr.append(pack([n, V[n].ram or arch.default.ram,
- V[n].vcpus or arch.default.vcpus])) -%}
+ {%- for section in section_map -%}
+ {%- for n in V.nodes[section] or [] -%}
+ {%- if ( section_map[section] < conf.nodes | length and
+ conf.nodes[section_map[section] + loop.index0].node.type == 'virtual' ) -%}
+ {%- if n not in V -%}{%- do V.update({n: {}}) -%}{%- endif -%}
+ {%- set cpu_topo = 'cpu_topology' in V[n] and not conf.MCP_CMP_SS -%}
+ {%- if 'numa' in V[n] and cpu_topo -%}
+ {%- for k, v in V[n].numa.items() -%}
+ {%- set c = pack([k, v.memory, v.cpus]) -%}
+ {%- do V[n].update({'s_numa': c if 's_numa' not in V[n] else pack([c, V[n].s_numa])}) -%}
+ {%- endfor -%}
+ {%- endif -%}
+ {%- do arr.append(pack([n, V[n].disks or arch.default.disks,
+ V[n].ram or arch.default.ram,
+ V[n].vcpus or arch.default.vcpus,
+ '' if not cpu_topo else pack([
+ V[n].cpu_topology.sockets,
+ V[n].cpu_topology.cores,
+ V[n].cpu_topology.threads,
+ '' if 's_numa' not in V[n] else V[n].s_numa])])) -%}
+ {%- endif -%}
+ {%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}
'{{ pack(arr, '|') }}'
{%- endmacro -%}
-{#- Pack apt_pkg data as string -#}
-{%- macro serialize_apt_pkg() -%}
+{#- Return a bash array of node names or a Salt query, optionally filtered by type #}
+{%- macro filter_nodes(type, output_as_query = False, sections = section_map) -%}
{%- set arr = [] -%}
- {%- set sections = [arch.common] -%}
- {%- if conf.MCP_VCP -%}
- {%- do sections.append(arch.control) -%}
+ {%- for section in sections -%}
+ {%- for n in V.nodes[section] or [] -%}
+ {%- if ( section_map[section] < conf.nodes | length and
+ conf.nodes[section_map[section] + loop.index0].node.type in type ) -%}
+ {%- do arr.append(n) -%}
+ {%- endif -%}
+ {%- endfor -%}
+ {%- endfor -%}
+ {%- if output_as_query -%}
+ '{{ arr | join('* or ') }}*'
+ {%- else -%}
+ {{ bash_arr(arr) }}
+ {%- endif -%}
+{%- endmacro -%}
+{#- Pack repo_pkg data as string -#}
+{%- macro serialize_repo_pkg() -%}
+ {%- set arr = [] -%}
+ {%- set sections = [arch[conf.MCP_OS].common] -%}
+ {%- if conf.MCP_VCP or '-vcp-' in conf.MCP_DEPLOY_SCENARIO -%}
+ {%- do sections.append(arch[conf.MCP_OS].control) -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- for c in sections -%}
- {%- do arr.append(pack([pack(c.apt['keys']), pack(c.apt.repos),
+ {%- do arr.append(pack([pack(c.repo['keys']), pack(c.repo.repos),
pack(c.pkg.install), pack(c.pkg.remove)], '^')) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
'{{ pack(arr, '^') }}'
@@ -58,14 +100,18 @@ OPNFV_BRIDGES=(
export CLUSTER_DOMAIN={{ conf.cluster.domain }}
-cluster_states={{ bash_arr(conf.cluster.states) }}
-virtual_nodes={{ bash_arr(conf.virtual.nodes) }}
-base_image={{ arch.base_image }}
+dns_public={{ nm.dns_public[0] }}
+cluster_states={{ bash_arr(arch.default.cluster.states + cluster_states) }}
+virtual_nodes={{ filter_nodes('virtual') }}
+control_nodes_query={{ filter_nodes(['baremetal', 'virtual'], True, ['control']) }}
+base_image={{ arch[conf.MCP_OS].base_image }}
-# Serialize vnode data as '<name0>,<ram0>,<vcpu0>|<name1>,<ram1>,<vcpu1>[...]'
+# Serialize vnode data as:
+# <name0>,<ram0>,<vcpu0>[,<sockets0>,<cores0>,<threads0>[,<cell0name0>,<cell0memory0>,
+# <cell0cpus0>,<cell1name0>,<cell1memory0>,<cell1cpus0>]]|<name1>,...'
virtual_nodes_data={{ serialize_vnodes() }}
# Serialize repos, packages to (pre-)install/remove for:
# - foundation node VM base image (virtual: all VMs, baremetal: cfg01|mas01)
# - virtualized control plane VM base image (only when VCP is used)
-virtual_repos_pkgs={{ serialize_apt_pkg() }}
+virtual_repos_pkgs={{ serialize_repo_pkg() }}