path: root/mcp/reclass/classes/cluster/all-mcp-arch-common/infra
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mcp/reclass/classes/cluster/all-mcp-arch-common/infra')
3 files changed, 268 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/mcp/reclass/classes/cluster/all-mcp-arch-common/infra/config_dpdk_pdf.yml.j2 b/mcp/reclass/classes/cluster/all-mcp-arch-common/infra/config_dpdk_pdf.yml.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 703d5350e..000000000
--- a/mcp/reclass/classes/cluster/all-mcp-arch-common/infra/config_dpdk_pdf.yml.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2018 Mirantis Inc., Enea AB and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-{%- import 'net_map.j2' as nm with context %}
- reclass:
- storage:
- node:
- # NOTE: Until SDF is in place, assume all computes are identical
- openstack_compute_node01: &openstack_compute_node01
- params:
-{#- No partial defaults, all or nothing. Defaults tuned for lf-pod2. #}
-{%- if conf.idf.fuel.reclass is defined %}
-{%- if conf.idf.fuel.reclass.node[nm.cmp001.idx].compute_params.dpdk is defined %}
-{#- Can't dump json here due to dpdk0_* below, explicitly create yaml #}
-{%- set _dpdk = conf.idf.fuel.reclass.node[nm.cmp001.idx].compute_params.dpdk %}
-{%- for _i in _dpdk %}
- {{ _i }}: '"{{ _dpdk[_i] }}"'
-{%- endfor %}
-{%- endif %}
-{%- else %}
- compute_hugepages_size: 2M
- compute_hugepages_count: 8192
- compute_hugepages_mount: /mnt/hugepages_2M
- compute_kernel_isolcpu: 2,3,10,11
- compute_dpdk_driver: uio
- compute_ovs_pmd_cpu_mask: '"0xc04"'
- compute_ovs_dpdk_socket_mem: '"2048,2048"'
- compute_ovs_dpdk_lcore_mask: '"0x8"'
- compute_ovs_memory_channels: '"2"'
- dpdk0_driver: igb_uio
- dpdk0_n_rxq: 2
-{%- endif %}
- dpdk0_name: {{ nm.cmp001.nic_private }}
- dpdk0_pci: '"{{ nm.cmp001.bus_private }}"'
- openstack_compute_node02:
- <<: *openstack_compute_node01
diff --git a/mcp/reclass/classes/cluster/all-mcp-arch-common/infra/config_pdf.yml.j2 b/mcp/reclass/classes/cluster/all-mcp-arch-common/infra/config_pdf.yml.j2
index fb25cc617..1178843d9 100644
--- a/mcp/reclass/classes/cluster/all-mcp-arch-common/infra/config_pdf.yml.j2
+++ b/mcp/reclass/classes/cluster/all-mcp-arch-common/infra/config_pdf.yml.j2
@@ -6,28 +6,111 @@
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
{%- import 'net_map.j2' as nm with context %}
+{%- import 'net_macros.j2' as ma with context %}
+ - system.reclass.storage.salt
+{%- if nm.cluster.has_baremetal_nodes %}
+ - system.reclass.storage.system.infra_maas_single
+{%- endif %}
+ - system.salt.master.api
+ - system.salt.master.single
+ - system.salt.minion.ca.salt_master
+ _param:
+ salt_master_environment_repository: "https://github.com/tcpcloud"
+ salt_master_environment_revision: master
+ reclass_data_repository: local
+ salt_master_base_environment: prd
+ # yamllint disable-line rule:line-length
+ salt_api_password_hash: "$6$sGnRlxGf$al5jMCetLP.vfI/fTl3Z0N7Za1aeiexL487jAtyRABVfT3NlwZxQGVhO7S1N8OwS/34VHYwZQA8lkXwKMN/GS1"
+ infra_maas_system_codename: bionic
+ linux:
+ system:
+ user:
+ salt:
+ home: /home/salt
+ salt:
+ master:
+ accept_policy: open_mode
+ file_recv: true
+ minion:
+ mine:
+ module:
+ x509.get_pem_entries: ['/etc/pki/all_cas/*']
+ data_source:
+ engine: local
+{%- if nm.cmp_nodes > 0 %}
- # NOTE: Until SDF is in place, assume all computes are identical
- openstack_compute_node01: &openstack_compute_node01
+ # We support per-node (not only per-role) compute configuration via IDF
+{%- for cmp in range(1, nm.cmp_nodes + 1) %}
+ {%- set n = '%02d' | format(cmp) %}
+ {%- set i = nm.cmp001.idx + cmp - 1 %}
+ {%- set admin = nm.net_admin_hosts | length + nm.start_ip[nm.net_admin] + loop.index %}
+ {%- set mgmt = nm.net_mgmt_hosts | length + nm.start_ip[nm.net_mgmt] + loop.index %}
+ {%- set pub = nm.net_public_hosts | length + nm.start_ip[nm.net_public] + loop.index %}
+ {%- set pri = nm.net_private_hosts | length + nm.start_ip[nm.net_private] + loop.index %}
+ openstack_compute_node{{ n }}:
+ name: cmp{{ '%03d' | format(cmp) }}
+ domain: ${_param:cluster_domain}
+ classes:
+ - cluster.${_param:cluster_name}.openstack.compute
-{#- No partial defaults, all or nothing. Defaults tuned for lf-pod2. #}
-{%- if conf.idf.fuel.reclass is defined %}
-{%- if conf.idf.fuel.reclass.node[nm.cmp001.idx].compute_params.common is defined %}
-{%- set _common = conf.idf.fuel.reclass.node[nm.cmp001.idx].compute_params.common %}
-{%- for _i in _common %}
+ pxe_admin_address: {{ nm.net_admin | ipnet_hostaddr(admin) }}
+ pxe_admin_interface: {{ conf.idf.fuel.network.node[i].interfaces[nm.idx_admin] }}
+ single_address: {{ nm.net_mgmt | ipnet_hostaddr(mgmt) }}
+ tenant_address: {{ nm.net_private | ipnet_hostaddr(pri) }}
+ external_address: {{ nm.net_public | ipnet_hostaddr(pub) }}
+ salt_master_host: ${_param:reclass_config_master}
+ linux_system_codename: bionic
+ {#- No partial defaults, all or nothing. Defaults tuned for lf-pod2. #}
+ {%- if '-ovs-' in conf.MCP_DEPLOY_SCENARIO or '-fdio-' in conf.MCP_DEPLOY_SCENARIO %}
+ {%- set private_speed = conf.nodes[i].interfaces[nm.idx_private].speed %}
+ {%- set private_pci = conf.idf.fuel.network.node[i].busaddr[nm.idx_private] %}
+ {%- if conf.idf.fuel.reclass is defined %}
+ {%- if conf.idf.fuel.reclass.node[i].compute_params.dpdk is defined %}
+ {#- Can't dump json here due to dpdk0_* below, explicitly create yaml #}
+ {%- set _dpdk = conf.idf.fuel.reclass.node[i].compute_params.dpdk %}
+ {%- set private_drv = _dpdk.dpdk0_driver %}
+ {%- for _i in _dpdk %}
+ {{ _i }}: '"{{ _dpdk[_i] }}"'
+ {%- endfor %}
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- else %}
+ compute_hugepages_size: 2M
+ compute_hugepages_count: 13312
+ compute_hugepages_mount: /mnt/hugepages_2M
+ compute_kernel_isolcpu: 3,8,9,10,11
+ compute_dpdk_driver: uio
+ compute_ovs_pmd_cpu_mask: '"0x708"'
+ compute_ovs_dpdk_socket_mem: '"4096,4096"'
+ compute_ovs_dpdk_lcore_mask: '"0x800"'
+ compute_ovs_memory_channels: '"2"'
+ dpdk0_driver: igb_uio
+ dpdk0_n_rxq: 2
+ {%- endif %}
+ dpdk0_name: {{ conf.idf.fuel.network.node[i].interfaces[nm.idx_private] }}
+ dpdk0_pci: '"{{ private_pci }}"'
+ dpdk0_vpp: {{ ma.vpp_interface_str(private_speed, private_pci, private_drv or '') }}
+ {%- else %}
+ {%- if conf.idf.fuel.reclass is defined %}
+ {%- if conf.idf.fuel.reclass.node[i].compute_params.common is defined %}
+ {%- set _common = conf.idf.fuel.reclass.node[i].compute_params.common %}
+ {%- for _i in _common %}
{{ _i }}: '"{{ _common[_i] }}"'
-{%- endfor %}
-{%- else %}
+ {%- endfor %}
+ {%- else %}
dummy_value: ~
-{%- endif %}
-{%- else %}
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- else %}
compute_hugepages_size: 1G
compute_hugepages_count: 16
compute_hugepages_mount: /mnt/hugepages_1G
+ {%- endif %}
+ {%- endif %}
+{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
- openstack_compute_node02:
- <<: *openstack_compute_node01
diff --git a/mcp/reclass/classes/cluster/all-mcp-arch-common/infra/maas.yml.j2 b/mcp/reclass/classes/cluster/all-mcp-arch-common/infra/maas.yml.j2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..092febabb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mcp/reclass/classes/cluster/all-mcp-arch-common/infra/maas.yml.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2018 Mirantis Inc., Enea AB and others.
+# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+{%- import 'net_map.j2' as nm with context %}
+# NOTE: pod_config is generated and transferred into its final location on
+# cfg01 only during deployment to prevent leaking sensitive data
+ - system.maas.region.single
+ - service.maas.cluster.single
+ - cluster.all-mcp-arch-common.opnfv.lab_proxy_pdf
+ - cluster.all-mcp-arch-common.opnfv.pod_config
+ _param:
+ linux_system_codename: bionic
+ maas_admin_username: opnfv
+ dns_server01: '{{ nm.dns_public[0] }}'
+ single_address: ${_param:infra_maas_node01_deploy_address}
+ hwe_kernel: 'ga-18.04'
+ opnfv_maas_timeout_comissioning: {{ nm.maas_timeout_comissioning }}
+ opnfv_maas_timeout_deploying: {{ nm.maas_timeout_deploying }}
+ maas:
+ region:
+ services:
+ - maas-regiond
+ - bind9
+{%- if '-ovs-' in conf.MCP_DEPLOY_SCENARIO or '-fdio-' in conf.MCP_DEPLOY_SCENARIO %}
+ tags:
+ aarch64_hugepages_1g:
+ comment: 'Enable 1G pagesizes on aarch64'
+ definition: '//capability[@id="asimd"]|//capability[@id="cp15_barrier"]'
+ kernel_opts: 'default_hugepagesz=1G hugepagesz=1G kpti=off'
+{%- endif %}
+ enable_iframe: False
+ timeout:
+ # Set maas.wait_for_<state> timeouts to ~2.5x of MaaS <state> timeout
+ ready: {{ nm.maas_timeout_comissioning * 150 }}
+ deployed: {{ nm.maas_timeout_deploying * 150 }}
+ attempts: 3
+ boot_sources_delete_all_others: true
+ boot_sources:
+ resources_mirror:
+ url: http://images.maas.io/ephemeral-v3/daily
+ keyring_file: /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-cloudimage-keyring.gpg
+ boot_sources_selections:
+ bionic:
+ url: "http://images.maas.io/ephemeral-v3/daily"
+ os: "ubuntu"
+ release: "${_param:linux_system_codename}"
+ arches:
+{%- for arch in nm.cluster.arch %}
+ - "{{ arch | dpkg_arch }}"
+{%- endfor %}
+ subarches:
+ - "generic"
+ - "ga-18.04"
+ labels: '"*"'
+ fabrics:
+ pxe_admin:
+ name: 'pxe_admin'
+ description: Fabric for PXE/admin
+ vlans:
+ 0:
+ name: 'vlan 0'
+ description: PXE/admin VLAN
+ dhcp: true
+ primary_rack: "${linux:network:hostname}"
+ subnets:
+ {{ nm.net_admin }}:
+ name: {{ nm.net_admin }}
+ cidr: {{ nm.net_admin }}
+ gateway_ip: ${_param:single_address}
+ fabric: ${maas:region:fabrics:pxe_admin:name}
+ vlan: 0
+ ipranges:
+ 1:
+ start: {{ nm.net_admin_pool_start }}
+ end: {{ nm.net_admin_pool_end }}
+ type: dynamic
+ sshprefs:
+ - '{{ conf.MAAS_SSH_KEY }}'
+{%- if 'aarch64' in nm.cluster.arch %}
+ package_repositories:
+ armband:
+ name: armband
+ enabled: '1'
+ url: 'http://linux.enea.com/mcp-repos/${_param:armband_repo_version}/xenial'
+ distributions: '${_param:armband_repo_version}-armband'
+ components: 'main'
+ arches: 'arm64'
+ key: ${_param:armband_key}
+{%- endif %}
+ salt_master_ip: ${_param:reclass_config_master}
+ domain: ${_param:cluster_domain}
+ ~maas_config:
+ maas_name: mas01
+ active_discovery_interval: 600
+ ntp_external_only: true
+ upstream_dns: ${_param:dns_server01}
+ commissioning_distro_series: 'bionic'
+ default_distro_series: 'bionic'
+ default_osystem: 'ubuntu'
+ default_storage_layout: 'lvm'
+ enable_http_proxy: true
+ disk_erase_with_secure_erase: false
+ dnssec_validation: 'no'
+ enable_third_party_drivers: true
+ network_discovery: 'enabled'
+ default_min_hwe_kernel: ${_param:hwe_kernel}
+ kernel_opts: 'spectre_v2=off nopti kpti=off nospec_store_bypass_disable noibrs noibpb'
+ cluster:
+ saltstack_repo_bionic: "deb [arch=amd64] http://archive.repo.saltstack.com/apt/ubuntu/18.04/amd64/2017.7/ bionic main"
+ region:
+ host: ${_param:single_address}
+ port: 5240
+{%- if '-iec-' not in conf.MCP_DEPLOY_SCENARIO and conf.MCP_KERNEL_VER %}
+ curtin_vars:
+ amd64:
+ bionic: &curtin_vars_bionic
+ kernel_package:
+ enabled: True
+ value: 'linux-image-{{ conf.MCP_KERNEL_VER }}-generic'
+ extra_pkgs:
+ enabled: True
+ pkgs:
+ - linux-image-{{ conf.MCP_KERNEL_VER }}-generic
+ - linux-headers-{{ conf.MCP_KERNEL_VER }}-generic
+ - linux-modules-extra-{{ conf.MCP_KERNEL_VER }}-generic
+ arm64:
+ bionic:
+ <<: *curtin_vars_bionic
+{%- endif %}
+ linux:
+ system:
+ repo:
+ armband_3:
+ enabled: false
+ ~locale: ''
+ ~kernel:
+ sysctl:
+ net.ipv4.ip_forward: 1
+ iptables:
+ schema:
+ epoch: 1
+ service:
+ v4:
+ enabled: true
+ persistent_config: /etc/iptables/rules.v4
+ v6:
+ enabled: false
+ tables:
+ v4:
+ filter:
+ chains:
+ ruleset:
+ 10:
+ rule: -s ${_param:single_address}/${_param:opnfv_net_admin_mask}
+ 11:
+ rule: -d ${_param:single_address}/${_param:opnfv_net_admin_mask}
+ nat:
+ chains:
+ policy: ACCEPT
+ ruleset:
+ 10:
+ rule: -s ${_param:single_address}/${_param:opnfv_net_admin_mask}
+ action: MASQUERADE