path: root/docs/testing/user/userguide/testing_guide.rst
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. (c) OPNFV, Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others.
+Conducting CVP Testing with Dovetail
+The Dovetail testing framework for CVP consists of two major parts: the testing client that
+executes all test cases in a lab (vendor self-testing or a third party lab),
+and the server system that is hosted by the CVP administrator to store and
+view test results based on a web API. The following diagram illustrates
+this overall framework.
+.. image:: ../../../images/dovetail_online_mode.png
+ :align: center
+ :scale: 50%
+Within the tester's lab, the Test Host is the machine where Dovetail executes all
+automated test cases. As it hosts the test harness, the Test Host must not be part of
+the System Under Test (SUT) itself.
+The above diagram assumes that the tester's Test Host is situated in a DMZ which
+has internal network access to the SUT and external access to the OPNFV server
+via the public Internet.
+This arrangement may not be supported in some labs.
+Dovetail also supports an offline mode of testing that is
+illustrated in the next diagram.
+.. image:: ../../../images/dovetail_offline_mode.png
+ :align: center
+ :scale: 50%
+In the offline mode, the Test Host only needs to have access to the SUT
+via the internal network, but does not need to connect to the public Internet. This
+user guide will highlight differences between the online and offline modes of
+the Test Host. While it is possible to run the Test Host as a virtual machine,
+this user guide assumes it is a physical machine for simplicity.
+The rest of this guide will describe how to install the Dovetail tool as a
+Docker container image, go over the steps of running the CVP test suite, and
+then discuss how to view test results and make sense of them.
+Readers interested
+in using Dovetail for its functionalities beyond CVP testing, e.g. for in-house
+or extended testing, should consult the Dovetail developer's guide for additional
+Installing Dovetail
+In this section, we describe the procedure to install Dovetail client tool on the Test Host.
+The Test Host must have network access to the management network with access rights to
+the Virtual Infrastructure Manager's API.
+Checking the Test Host Readiness
+The Test Host must have network access to the Virtual Infrastructure Manager's API
+hosted in the SUT so that the Dovetail tool can exercise the API from the Test Host.
+It must also have ``ssh`` access to the Linux operating system
+of the compute nodes in the SUT. The ``ssh`` mechanism is used by some test cases
+to generate test events in the compute nodes. You can find out which test cases
+use this mechanism in the test specification document.
+We have tested the Dovetail tool on the following host operating systems. Other versions
+or distribution of Linux may also work, but community support may be more available on
+these versions.
+- Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (Xenial) or 14.04 LTS (Trusty)
+- CentOS-7-1611
+- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3
+- Fedora 24 or 25 Server
+Non-Linux operating systems, such as Windows, Mac OS, have not been tested
+and are not supported.
+If online mode is used, the tester should also validate that the Test Host can reach
+the public Internet. For example,
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ ping
+ PING ( 56 data bytes
+ 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=48 time=52.952 ms
+ 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=48 time=53.805 ms
+ 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=48 time=53.349 ms
+ ...
+Or, if the lab environment does not allow ping, try validating it using HTTPS instead.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ curl
+ <!doctype html>
+ <html lang="en-US" class="no-js">
+ <head>
+ ...
+Configuring the Test Host Environment
+The Test Host needs a few environment variables set correctly in order to access the
+Openstack API required to drive the Dovetail tests. For convenience and as a convention,
+we will also create a home directory for storing all Dovetail related config files and
+results files:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ mkdir -p /home/dovetail
+ $ export DOVETAIL_HOME=/home/dovetail
+Here we set dovetail home directory to be ``/home/dovetail`` for an example.
+Then create a directory named ``pre_config`` in this directory to store all
+Dovetail related config files:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ mkdir -p ${DOVETAIL_HOME}/pre_config
+At this point, you will need to consult your SUT (Openstack) administrator to correctly set
+the configurations in a file named ````.
+The Openstack settings need to be configured such that the Dovetail client has all the necessary
+credentials and privileges to execute all test operations. If the SUT uses terms
+somewhat differently from the standard Openstack naming, you will need to adjust
+this file accordingly.
+In our example, we will use the file '${DOVETAIL_HOME}/pre_config/'. Create and edit
+the file so that all parameters are set correctly to match your SUT. Here is an example of what
+this file should contain.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cat ${DOVETAIL_HOME}/pre_config/
+ # Project-level authentication scope (name or ID), recommend admin project.
+ export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin
+ # For identity v2, it uses OS_TENANT_NAME rather than OS_PROJECT_NAME.
+ export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
+ # Authentication username, belongs to the project above, recommend admin user.
+ export OS_USERNAME=admin
+ # Authentication password. Use your own password
+ export OS_PASSWORD=xxxxxxxx
+ # Authentication URL, one of the endpoints of keystone service. If this is v3 version,
+ # there need some extra variables as follows.
+ export OS_AUTH_URL=''
+ # Default is 2.0. If use keystone v3 API, this should be set as 3.
+ # Domain name or ID containing the user above.
+ # Command to check the domain: openstack user show <OS_USERNAME>
+ export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=default
+ # Domain name or ID containing the project above.
+ # Command to check the domain: openstack project show <OS_PROJECT_NAME>
+ export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME=default
+ # Home directory for dovetail that you have created before.
+ export DOVETAIL_HOME=/home/dovetail
+Export all these variables into environment by,
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ source ${DOVETAIL_HOME}/pre_config/
+If OpenStack client is installed, you can validate that the OpenStack environmental
+settings are correct by,
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ openstack service list
+Installing Prerequisite on the Test Host
+The main prerequisite software for Dovetail are Python and Docker.
+In the CVP test suite for the Danube release, Dovetail requires Python 2.7. Python 3.x
+is not supported at this time.
+Use the following steps to check if the right version of python is already installed,
+and if not, install it.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ python --version
+ Python 2.7.6
+If your Test Host does not have Python installed, or the version is not 2.7, you
+should consult Python installation guides corresponding to the operating system
+in your Test Host on how to install Python 2.7.
+Dovetail does not work with Docker versions prior to 1.12.3. We have validated
+Dovetail with Docker 17.03 CE. Other versions of Docker later than 1.12.3 may
+also work, but community support may be more available on Docker 17.03 CE.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ sudo docker version
+ Client:
+ Version: 17.03.1-ce
+ API version: 1.27
+ Go version: go1.7.5
+ Git commit: c6d412e
+ Built: Mon Mar 27 17:10:36 2017
+ OS/Arch: linux/amd64
+ Server:
+ Version: 17.03.1-ce
+ API version: 1.27 (minimum version 1.12)
+ Go version: go1.7.5
+ Git commit: c6d412e
+ Built: Mon Mar 27 17:10:36 2017
+ OS/Arch: linux/amd64
+ Experimental: false
+If your Test Host does not have Docker installed, or Docker is older than 1.12.3,
+or you have Docker version other than 17.03 CE and wish to change,
+you will need to install, upgrade, or re-install in order to run Dovetail.
+The Docker installation process
+can be more complex, you should refer to the official
+Docker installation guide that is relevant to your Test Host's operating system.
+The above installation steps assume that the Test Host is in the online mode. For offline
+testing, use the following offline installation steps instead.
+In order to install or upgrade Python offline, you may download packaged Python 2.7
+for your Test Host's operating system on a connected host, copy the packge to
+the Test Host, then install from that local copy.
+In order to install Docker offline, download Docker static binaries and copy the
+tar file to the Test Host, such as for Ubuntu14.04, you may follow the following link
+to install,
+.. code-block:: bash
+Installing Dovetail on the Test Host
+The Dovetail project maintains a Docker image that has Dovetail test tools preinstalled.
+This Docker image is tagged with versions. Before pulling the Dovetail image, check the
+OPNFV's CVP web page first to determine the right tag for CVP testing.
+If the Test Host is online, you can directly pull.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ sudo docker pull opnfv/dovetail:cvp.0.5.0
+ cvp.0.5.0: Pulling from opnfv/dovetail
+ 30d541b48fc0: Pull complete
+ 8ecd7f80d390: Pull complete
+ 46ec9927bb81: Pull complete
+ 2e67a4d67b44: Pull complete
+ 7d9dd9155488: Pull complete
+ cc79be29f08e: Pull complete
+ e102eed9bf6a: Pull complete
+ 952b8a9d2150: Pull complete
+ bfbb639d1f38: Pull complete
+ bf7c644692de: Pull complete
+ cdc345e3f363: Pull complete
+ Digest: sha256:d571b1073b2fdada79562e8cc67f63018e8d89268ff7faabee3380202c05edee
+ Status: Downloaded newer image for opnfv/dovetail:cvp.0.5.0
+An example of the <tag> is *cvp.0.5.0*.
+If the Test Host is offline, you will need to first pull the Dovetail Docker image, and all the
+dependent images that Dovetail uses, to a host that is online. The reason that you need
+to pull all dependent images is because Dovetail normally does dependency checking at run-time
+and automatically pull images as needed, if the Test Host is online. If the Test Host is
+offline, then all these dependencies will also need to be manually copied.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ sudo docker pull opnfv/dovetail:cvp.0.5.0
+ $ sudo docker pull opnfv/functest:cvp.0.5.0
+ $ sudo docker pull opnfv/yardstick:danube.3.2
+ $ sudo docker pull opnfv/bottlenecks:cvp.0.4.0
+ $ sudo wget -nc -P {ANY_DIR}
+Once all these images are pulled, save the images, copy to the Test Host, and then load
+the Dovetail and all dependent images at the Test Host.
+At the online host, save images.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ sudo docker save -o dovetail.tar opnfv/dovetail:cvp.0.5.0 opnfv/functest:cvp.0.5.0 \
+ opnfv/yardstick:danube.3.2 opnfv/bottlenecks:cvp.0.4.0
+Copy dovetail.tar file to the Test Host, and then load the images on the Test Host.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ sudo docker load --input dovetail.tar
+Copy sdnvpn test area image ubuntu-16.04-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img to ${DOVETAIL_HOME}/pre_config/.
+Now check to see that the Dovetail image has been pulled or loaded properly.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ sudo docker images
+ opnfv/functest cvp.0.5.0 9eaeaea5f203 8 days ago 1.53GB
+ opnfv/dovetail cvp.0.5.0 5d25b289451c 8 days ago 516MB
+ opnfv/yardstick danube.3.2 574596b6ea12 8 days ago 1.2GB
+ opnfv/bottlenecks cvp.0.4.0 00450688bcae 3 hours ago 622 MB
+Regardless of whether you pulled down the Dovetail image directly online, or loaded from
+a static image tar file, you are ready to run Dovetail.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ sudo docker run --privileged=true -it \
+ -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
+ opnfv/dovetail:<tag> /bin/bash
+The ``-e`` options set the env variables in the container and the ``-v`` options map files
+in the host to files in the container.
+Running the CVP Test Suite
+Now you should be in the Dovetail container's prompt and ready to execute
+test suites.
+The Dovetail client CLI allows the tester to specify which test suite to run.
+By default the results are stored in a local file
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ dovetail run --testsuite <test-suite-name>
+Multiple test suites may be available. For the purpose of running
+CVP test suite, the test suite name follows the following format,
+For example, CVP_1_0_0.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ dovetail run --testsuite CVP_1_0_0
+If you are not running the entire test suite, you can choose to run an
+individual test area instead.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ dovetail run --testsuite CVP_1_0_0 --testarea ipv6
+Until the official test suite is approved and released, you can use
+the *proposed_tests* for your trial runs, like this.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ dovetail run --testsuite proposed_tests --testarea ipv6
+ 2017-05-23 05:01:49,488 - run - INFO - ================================================
+ 2017-05-23 05:01:49,488 - run - INFO - Dovetail compliance: proposed_tests!
+ 2017-05-23 05:01:49,488 - run - INFO - ================================================
+ 2017-05-23 05:01:49,488 - run - INFO - Build tag: daily-master-4bdde6b8-afa6-40bb-8fc9-5d568d74c8d7
+ 2017-05-23 05:01:49,536 - run - INFO -
+ 2017-05-23 05:01:49,710 - run - INFO - >>[testcase]: dovetail.ipv6.tc001
+ 2017-05-23 05:08:22,532 - run - INFO - Results have been stored with file /home/dovetail/results/functest_results.txt.
+ 2017-05-23 05:08:22,538 - run - INFO - >>[testcase]: dovetail.ipv6.tc002
+ ...
+Special Configuration for Running HA Test Cases
+HA test cases need to know the info of a controller node of the OpenStack.
+It should include the node's name, role, ip, as well as the user and key_filename
+or password to login the node. Users should create file ${DOVETAIL_HOME}/pre_config/pod.yaml
+to store the info.
+There is a sample file for users.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ nodes:
+ -
+ # This can not be changed and must be node1.
+ name: node1
+ # This must be controller.
+ role: Controller
+ # This is the install IP of a controller node.
+ ip: xx.xx.xx.xx
+ # User name of this node. This user must have sudo privileges.
+ user: root
+ # Password of the user.
+ password: root
+Besides the 'password', user could also provide 'key_filename' to login the node.
+Users need to create file $DOVETAIL_HOME/pre_config/id_rsa to store the private key.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ name: node1
+ role: Controller
+ ip:
+ user: root
+ # Private key of this node. It must be /root/.ssh/id_rsa
+ # Dovetail will move the key file from $DOVETAIL_HOME/pre_config/id_rsa
+ # to /root/.ssh/id_rsa of Yardstick container
+ key_filename: /root/.ssh/id_rsa
+Making Sense of CVP Test Results
+When a tester is performing trial runs, Dovetail stores results in a local file by default.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd $DOVETAIL_HOME/results
+#. Local file
+ * Log file: dovetail.log
+ * Review the dovetail.log to see if all important information has been captured
+ - in default mode without DEBUG.
+ * The end of the log file has a summary of all test case test results.
+ * Additional log files may be of interests: refstack.log, dovetail_ha_tcXXX.out ...
+ * Example: Openstack refstack test case example
+ * Can see the log details in refstack.log, which has the passed/skipped/failed
+ test cases result, the failed test cases have rich debug information for the
+ users to see why this test case fails.
+ * Example: OPNFV Functest test case example
+ * For Functest tool, its log is stored in functest.log
+ * For each test case result in Functest, the logs are stored in functest_results.txt.
+ * Example: OPNFV Yardstick test case example
+ * For Yardstick tool, its log is stored in yardstick.log
+ * For each test case result in Yardstick, the logs are stored in dovetail_ha_tcXXX.out, respectively.
+#. OPNFV web interface
+ CVP will host a web site to collect test results. Users can upload their results to this web site,
+ so they can review these results in the future.
+ * web site url
+ * Wait for the complement of LF, test community, etc.
+ * Sign in / Sign up
+ * You need to sign in you account, then you can upload results, and check your private results.
+ CVP is now using openstack id as account provider, but will soon support Linux Foundation ID
+ as well.
+ * If you already have a openstack id, you can sign in directly with your id.
+ * If you do not have a openstack id, you can sign up a new one on the sign up page.
+ * If you do not sign in, you can only check the community results.
+ * My results
+ * This page lists all results uploaded by you after you signed in,
+ * You can also upload your results on this page.
+ * There is a *choose file* button, once you click it, you can choose your reuslt file in your harddisk
+ then click the *upload* button, and you will see a results id once your uploading succeed.
+ * Check the *review* box to submit your result to the OPNFV. Uncheck the box to withdraw your result.
+ * profile
+ * This page shows your account info after you signed in.
+Updating Dovetail or a Test Suite
+Follow the instructions in section `Installing Dovetail on the Test Host`_ and
+`Running the CVP Test Suite`_ by replacing the docker images with new_tags,
+.. code-block:: bash
+ sudo docker pull opnfv/dovetail:<dovetail_new_tag>
+ sudo docker pull opnfv/functest:<functest_new_tag>
+ sudo docker pull opnfv/yardstick:<yardstick_new_tag>
+This step is necessary if dovetail software or the CVP test suite have updates.