path: root/docs/testing/user/testspecification/vimoperationsimage
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-.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
-.. (c) Ericsson AB, Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd
-VIM image operations test specification
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
-The VIM image test area evaluates the ability of the system under test to support
-VIM image operations. The test cases documented here are the Image API test cases
-in the Openstack Interop guideline 2016.8 as implemented by the Refstack client.
-These test cases will evaluate basic Openstack (as a VIM) image operations including
-image creation, image list, image update and image deletion capabilities using Glance v2 API.
-- OpenStack Interoperability guidelines (version 2016.08)
- -
-- Refstack client
- -
-Definitions and abbreviations
-The following terms and abbreviations are used in conjunction with this test area
-- API - Application Programming Interface
-- CRUD - Create, Read, Update, and Delete
-- NFVi - Network Functions Virtualization infrastructure
-- VIM - Virtual Infrastructure Manager
-System Under Test (SUT)
-The system under test is assumed to be the NFVi and VIM in operation on a
-Pharos compliant infrastructure.
-Test Area Structure
-The test area is structured based on VIM image operations. Each test case is able
-to run independently, i.e. irrelevant of the state created by a previous test.
-For brevity, the test cases in this test area are summarized together based on
-the operations they are testing.
-All these test cases are included in the test case dovetail.osinterop.tc001 of
-OVP test suite.
-Test Descriptions
-API Used and Reference
-- create image
-- delete image
-- show image details
-- show images
-- show image schema
-- show images schema
-- upload binary image data
-- add image tag
-- delete image tag
-Image get tests using the Glance v2 API
-Test case specification
-Test preconditions
-Glance is available.
-Basic test flow execution description and pass/fail criteria
-Test execution
-* Test action 1: Create 6 images and store their ids in a created images list.
-* Test action 2: Use image v2 API to show image schema and check the body of the response.
-* **Test assertion 1:** In the body of the response, the value of the key 'name' is 'image'.
-* Test action 3: Use image v2 API to show images schema and check the body of the response.
-* **Test assertion 2:** In the body of the response, the value of the key 'name' is 'images'.
-* Test action 4: Create an image with name 'test', container_formats 'bare' and
- disk_formats 'raw'. Delete this image with its id and then try to show it with
- its id. Delete this deleted image again with its id and check the API's response code.
-* **Test assertion 3:** The operations of showing and deleting a deleted image with its id
- both get 404 response code.
-* Test action 5: Use a null image id to show a image and check the API's response code.
-* **Test assertion 4:** The API's response code is 404.
-* Test action 6: Generate a random uuid and use it as the image id to show the image.
-* **Test assertion 5:** The API's response code is 404.
-* Test action 7: Delete the 6 images with the stored ids. Show all images and check
- whether the 6 images' ids are not in the show list.
-* **Test assertion 6:** The 6 images' ids are not found in the show list.
-Pass / fail criteria
-The first two test cases evaluate the ability to use Glance v2 API to show image
-and images schema. The latter three test cases evaluate the ability to use Glance
-v2 API to show images with a deleted image id, a null image id and a non-existing
-image id. Specifically it verifies that:
-* Glance image get API can show the image and images schema.
-* Glance image get API can't show an image with a deleted image id.
-* Glance image get API can't show an image with a null image id.
-* Glance image get API can't show an image with a non-existing image id.
-In order to pass this test, all test assertions listed in the test execution above need to pass.
-Post conditions
-CRUD image operations in Images API v2
-Test case specification
-Test preconditions
-Glance is available.
-Basic test flow execution description and pass/fail criteria
-Test execution
-* Test action 1: Create 6 images and store their ids in a created images list.
-* Test action 2: List all images and check whether the ids listed are in the created images list.
-* **Test assertion 1:** The ids get from the list images API are in the created images list.
-Pass / fail criteria
-This test case evaluates the ability to use Glance v2 API to list images.
-Specifically it verifies that:
-* Glance image API can show the images.
-In order to pass this test, all test assertions listed in the test execution above need to pass.
-Post conditions
-Image list tests using the Glance v2 API
-Test case specification
-Test preconditions
-Glance is available.
-Basic test flow execution description and pass/fail criteria
-Test execution
-* Test action 1: Create 6 images with a random size ranging from 1024 to 4096 and
- visibility 'private'; set their (container_format, disk_format) pair to be
- (ami, ami), (ami, ari), (ami, aki), (ami, vhd), (ami, vmdk) and (ami, raw);
- store their ids in a list and upload the binary images data.
-* Test action 2: Use Glance v2 API to list all images whose container_format is 'ami'
- and store the response details in a list.
-* **Test assertion 1:** The list is not empty and all the values of container_format
- in the list are 'ami'.
-* Test action 3: Use Glance v2 API to list all images whose disk_format is 'raw'
- and store the response details in a list.
-* **Test assertion 2:** The list is not empty and all the values of disk_format
- in the list are 'raw'.
-* Test action 4: Use Glance v2 API to list one image by setting limit to be 1 and
- store the response details in a list.
-* **Test assertion 3:** The length of the list is one.
-* Test action 5: Use Glance v2 API to list images by setting size_min and size_max,
- and store the response images' sizes in a list. Choose the first image's size as
- the median, size_min is median-500 and size_max is median+500.
-* **Test assertion 4:** All sizes in the list are no less than size_min and no more
- than size_max.
-* Test action 6: Use Glance v2 API to show the first created image with its id and
- get its size from the response. Use Glance v2 API to list images whose size is equal
- to this size and store the response details in a list.
-* **Test assertion 5:** All sizes of the images in the list are equal to the size
- used to list the images.
-* Test action 7: Use Glance v2 API to list the images whose status is active and
- store the response details in a list.
-* **Test assertion 6:** All status of images in the list are active.
-* Test action 8: Use Glance v2 API to list the images whose visibility is private and
- store the response details in a list.
-* **Test assertion 7:** All images' values of visibility in the list are private.
-* Test action 9: Delete the 6 images with the stored ids. Show images and check whether
- the 6 ids are not in the show list.
-* **Test assertion 8:** The stored 6 ids are not found in the show list.
-Pass / fail criteria
-This test case evaluates the ability to use Glance v2 API to list images with
-different parameters. Specifically it verifies that:
-* Glance image API can show the images with the container_format.
-* Glance image API can show the images with the disk_format.
-* Glance image API can show the images by setting a limit number.
-* Glance image API can show the images with the size_min and size_max.
-* Glance image API can show the images with the size.
-* Glance image API can show the images with the status.
-* Glance image API can show the images with the visibility type.
-In order to pass this test, all test assertions listed in the test execution above need to pass.
-Post conditions
-Image update tests using the Glance v2 API
-Test case specification
-Test preconditions
-Glance is available.
-Basic test flow execution description and pass/fail criteria
-Test execution
-* Test action 1: Create an image with container_formats 'ami', disk_formats 'ami'
- and visibility 'private' and store its id returned in the response. Check whether
- the status of the created image is 'queued'.
-* **Test assertion 1:** The status of the created image is 'queued'.
-* Test action 2: Use the stored image id to upload the binary image data and update
- this image's name. Show this image with the stored id. Check if the stored id and
- name used to update the image are equal to the id and name in the show list.
-* **Test assertion 2:** The id and name returned in the show list are equal to
- the stored id and name used to update the image.
-* Test action 3: Create an image with container_formats 'bare', disk_formats 'raw'
- and visibility 'private' and store its id returned in the response.
-* Test action 4: Use the stored id to add a tag. Show the image with the stored id
- and check if the tag used to add is in the image's tags returned in the show list.
-* **Test assertion 3:** The tag used to add into the image is in the show list.
-* Test action 5: Use the stored id to delete this tag. Show the image with the
- stored id and check if the tag used to delete is not in the show list.
-* **Test assertion 4:** The tag used to delete from the image is not in the show list.
-* Test action 6: Generate a random uuid as the image id. Use the image id to add a tag
- into the image's tags.
-* **Test assertion 5:** The API's response code is 404.
-* Test action 7: Delete the images created in test action 1 and 3. Show the images
- and check whether the ids are not in the show list.
-* **Test assertion 6:** The two ids are not found in the show list.
-Pass / fail criteria
-This test case evaluates the ability to use Glance v2 API to update images with
-different parameters. Specifically it verifies that:
-* Glance image API can update image's name with the existing image id.
-* Glance image API can update image's tags with the existing image id.
-* Glance image API can't update image's tags with a non-existing image id.
-In order to pass this test, all test assertions listed in the test execution above need to pass.
-Post conditions
-Image deletion tests using the Glance v2 API
-Test case specification
-Test preconditions
-Glance is available.
-Basic test flow execution description and pass/fail criteria
-Test execution
-* Test action 1: Create an image with container_formats 'ami', disk_formats 'ami'
- and visibility 'private'. Use the id of the created image to delete the image.
- List all images and check whether this id is in the list.
-* **Test assertion 1:** The id of the created image is not found in the list
- of all images after the deletion operation.
-* Test action 2: Delete images with a null id and check the API's response code.
-* **Test assertion 2:** The API's response code is 404.
-* Test action 3: Generate a random uuid and delete images with this uuid as image id.
- Check the API's response code.
-* **Test assertion 3:** The API's response code is 404.
-* Test action 4: Create an image with container_formats 'bare', disk_formats 'raw'
- and visibility 'private'. Delete this image's tag with the image id and a random tag
- Check the API's response code.
-* **Test assertion 4:** The API's response code is 404.
-* Test action 5: Delete the images created in test action 1 and 4. List all images
- and check whether the ids are in the list.
-* **Test assertion 5:** The two ids are not found in the list.
-Pass / fail criteria
-The first three test cases evaluate the ability to use Glance v2 API to delete images
-with an existing image id, a null image id and a non-existing image id. The last one
-evaluates the ability to use the API to delete a non-existing image tag.
-Specifically it verifies that:
-* Glance image deletion API can delete the image with an existing id.
-* Glance image deletion API can't delete an image with a null image id.
-* Glance image deletion API can't delete an image with a non-existing image id.
-* Glance image deletion API can't delete an image tag with a non-existing image tag.
-In order to pass this test, all test assertions listed in the test execution above need to pass.
-Post conditions