path: root/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 551 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
deleted file mode 100755
index b5c56872..00000000
--- a/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,551 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/bash -e
-# Copyright (c) 2016 NEC Corporation and others.
-# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-# are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-# Configuration
-[[ "${CI_DEBUG:-true}" == [Tt]rue ]] && set -x
-#if an existing image name is provided in the enviroment, use that one
-#if VM_COUNT set, use that instead
-TOP_DIR=$(cd $(dirname "$0") && pwd)
-as_doctor_user="--os-username $DOCTOR_USER --os-password $DOCTOR_PW
- --os-project-name $DOCTOR_PROJECT --os-tenant-name $DOCTOR_PROJECT"
-# NOTE: ceilometer command still requires '--os-tenant-name'.
-#ceilometer="ceilometer ${as_doctor_user/--os-project-name/--os-tenant-name}"
-ceilometer="ceilometer $as_doctor_user"
-as_admin_user="--os-username admin --os-project-name $DOCTOR_PROJECT
- --os-tenant-name $DOCTOR_PROJECT"
-pip_install="pip install -c${upper_constraints}"
-# Functions
-get_compute_host_info() {
- # get computer host info which first VM boot in as admin user
- COMPUTE_HOST=$(openstack $as_admin_user server show ${VM_BASENAME}1 |
- grep "OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host " | awk '{ print $4 }')
- compute_host_in_undercloud=${COMPUTE_HOST%%.*}
- die_if_not_set $LINENO COMPUTE_HOST "Failed to get compute hostname"
- get_compute_ip_from_hostname $COMPUTE_HOST
- # verify connectivity to target compute host
- ping -c 1 "$COMPUTE_IP"
- if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
- die $LINENO "Can not ping to computer host"
- fi
- # verify ssh to target compute host
- ssh $ssh_opts_cpu "$COMPUTE_USER@$COMPUTE_IP" 'exit'
- if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
- die $LINENO "Can not ssh to computer host"
- fi
-# TODO(r-mibu): update this function to support consumer instance
-# and migrate this function into installer lib
-get_consumer_ip___to_be_removed() {
- local get_consumer_command="ip route get $COMPUTE_IP | awk '/ src /{print \$NF}'"
- if is_installer apex; then
- CONSUMER_IP=$(sudo ssh $ssh_opts root@$INSTALLER_IP \
- "$get_consumer_command")
- elif is_installer fuel; then
- CONSUMER_IP=$(sudo sshpass -p r00tme ssh $ssh_opts root@${INSTALLER_IP} \
- "$get_consumer_command")
- elif is_installer local; then
- CONSUMER_IP=`$get_consumer_command`
- fi
- die_if_not_set $LINENO CONSUMER_IP "Could not get CONSUMER_IP."
-download_image() {
- #if a different name was provided for the image in the enviroment there's no need to download the image
- use_existing_image=false
- openstack image list | grep -q " $IMAGE_NAME " && use_existing_image=true
- if [[ "$use_existing_image" == false ]] ; then
- [ -e "$IMAGE_FILE" ] && return 0
- wget "$IMAGE_URL" -o "$IMAGE_FILE"
- fi
-register_image() {
- openstack image list | grep -q " $IMAGE_NAME " && return 0
- openstack image create "$IMAGE_NAME" \
- --public \
- --disk-format "$IMAGE_FORMAT" \
- --container-format bare \
- --file "$IMAGE_FILE"
-create_test_user() {
- openstack project list | grep -q " $DOCTOR_PROJECT " || {
- openstack project create --description "Doctor Project" \
- }
- openstack user list | grep -q " $DOCTOR_USER " || {
- openstack user create "$DOCTOR_USER" --password "$DOCTOR_PW" \
- --project "$DOCTOR_PROJECT"
- }
- openstack role show "$DOCTOR_ROLE" | grep -q " $DOCTOR_ROLE " || {
- openstack role create "$DOCTOR_ROLE"
- }
- openstack role assignment list --user "$DOCTOR_USER" \
- --project "$DOCTOR_PROJECT" --names | grep -q " $DOCTOR_ROLE " || {
- openstack role add "$DOCTOR_ROLE" --user "$DOCTOR_USER" \
- --project "$DOCTOR_PROJECT"
- }
- openstack role assignment list --user admin --project "$DOCTOR_PROJECT" \
- --names | grep -q " admin " || {
- openstack role add admin --user admin --project "$DOCTOR_PROJECT"
- }
- # tojuvone: openstack quota show is broken and have to use nova
- #
- # Note! while it is encouraged to use openstack client it has proven
- # quite buggy.
- # QUOTA=$(openstack quota show $DOCTOR_PROJECT)
- DOCTOR_QUOTA=$(nova quota-show --tenant $DOCTOR_PROJECT)
- # We make sure that quota allows number of instances and cores
- OLD_INSTANCE_QUOTA=$(echo "${DOCTOR_QUOTA}" | grep " instances " | \
- awk '{print $4}')
- if [ $OLD_INSTANCE_QUOTA -lt $VM_COUNT ]; then
- openstack quota set --instances $VM_COUNT \
- fi
- OLD_CORES_QUOTA=$(echo "${DOCTOR_QUOTA}" | grep " cores " | \
- awk '{print $4}')
- if [ $OLD_CORES_QUOTA -lt $VM_COUNT ]; then
- openstack quota set --cores $VM_COUNT \
- fi
-remove_test_user() {
- openstack project list | grep -q " $DOCTOR_PROJECT " && {
- openstack role assignment list --user admin \
- --project "$DOCTOR_PROJECT" --names | grep -q " admin " && {
- openstack role remove admin --user admin --project "$DOCTOR_PROJECT"
- }
- openstack user list | grep -q " $DOCTOR_USER " && {
- openstack role assignment list --user "$DOCTOR_USER" \
- --project "$DOCTOR_PROJECT" --names | grep -q " $DOCTOR_ROLE " && {
- openstack role remove "$DOCTOR_ROLE" --user "$DOCTOR_USER" \
- --project "$DOCTOR_PROJECT"
- }
- openstack user delete "$DOCTOR_USER"
- }
- openstack project delete "$DOCTOR_PROJECT"
- }
-boot_vm() {
- # test VM done with test user, so can test non-admin
- if ! openstack $as_doctor_user network show $NET_NAME; then
- openstack $as_doctor_user network create $NET_NAME
- fi
- if ! openstack $as_doctor_user subnet show $NET_NAME; then
- openstack $as_doctor_user subnet create $NET_NAME \
- --network $NET_NAME --subnet-range $NET_CIDR --no-dhcp
- fi
- net_id=$(openstack $as_doctor_user network show $NET_NAME -f value -c id)
- servers=$(openstack $as_doctor_user server list)
- for i in `seq $VM_COUNT`; do
- echo "${servers}" | grep -q " $VM_BASENAME$i " && continue
- openstack $as_doctor_user server create --flavor "$VM_FLAVOR" \
- --image "$IMAGE_NAME" --nic net-id=$net_id "$VM_BASENAME$i"
- done
- sleep 1
-create_alarm() {
- # get vm_id as test user
- alarm_list=$($ceilometer alarm-list)
- vms=$(openstack $as_doctor_user server list)
- for i in `seq $VM_COUNT`; do
- echo "${alarm_list}" | grep -q " $ALARM_BASENAME$i " || {
- vm_id=$(echo "${vms}" | grep " $VM_BASENAME$i " | awk '{print $2}')
- # TODO(r-mibu): change notification endpoint from localhost to the
- # consumer. IP address (functest container).
- $ceilometer alarm-event-create \
- --name "$ALARM_BASENAME$i" \
- --alarm-action "http://localhost:$CONSUMER_PORT/failure" \
- --description "VM failure" \
- --enabled True \
- --repeat-actions False \
- --severity "moderate" \
- --event-type compute.instance.update \
- -q "traits.state=string::error; \
- traits.instance_id=string::$vm_id"
- }
- done
-start_consumer() {
- pgrep -f "python" && return 0
- python "$CONSUMER_PORT" > consumer.log 2>&1 &
- # NOTE(r-mibu): create tunnel to the controller nodes, so that we can
- # avoid some network problems dpends on infra and installers.
- # This tunnel will be terminated by stop_consumer() or after 10 mins passed.
- if ! is_installer local; then
- for ip in $CONTROLLER_IPS
- do
- forward_rule="-R $CONSUMER_PORT:localhost:$CONSUMER_PORT"
- tunnel_command="sudo ssh $ssh_opts_cpu $COMPUTE_USER@$ip $forward_rule sleep 600"
- $tunnel_command > "ssh_tunnel.${ip}.log" 2>&1 < /dev/null &
- done
- fi
-stop_consumer() {
- pgrep -f "python" || return 0
- kill $(pgrep -f "python")
- # NOTE(r-mibu): terminate tunnels to the controller nodes
- if ! is_installer local; then
- for ip in $CONTROLLER_IPS
- do
- forward_rule="-R $CONSUMER_PORT:localhost:$CONSUMER_PORT"
- tunnel_command="sudo ssh $ssh_opts_cpu $COMPUTE_USER@$ip $forward_rule sleep 600"
- kill $(pgrep -f "$tunnel_command")
- done
- fi
-wait_for_vm_launch() {
- echo "waiting for vm launch..."
- count=0
- while [[ ${count} -lt 60 ]]
- do
- active_count=0
- vms=$(openstack $as_doctor_user server list)
- for i in `seq $VM_COUNT`; do
- state=$(echo "${vms}" | grep " $VM_BASENAME$i " | awk '{print $6}')
- if [[ "$state" == "ACTIVE" ]]; then
- active_count=$(($active_count+1))
- elif [[ "$state" == "ERROR" ]]; then
- die $LINENO "vm state $VM_BASENAME$i is ERROR"
- else
- #This VM not yet active
- count=$(($count+1))
- sleep 5
- continue
- fi
- done
- [[ $active_count -eq $VM_COUNT ]] && {
- echo "get computer host info..."
- get_compute_host_info
- VMS_ON_FAILED_HOST=$(openstack $as_doctor_user server list --host \
- $COMPUTE_HOST | grep " ${VM_BASENAME}" | wc -l)
- return 0
- }
- #Not all VMs active
- count=$(($count+1))
- sleep 5
- done
- die $LINENO "Time out while waiting for VM launch"
-inject_failure() {
- echo "disabling network of compute host [$COMPUTE_HOST] for 3 mins..."
- cat > << 'END_TXT'
-#!/bin/bash -x
-sleep 1
-if [ -n "@INTERFACE_NAME@" ]; then
- dev=$(sudo ip a | awk '/ @COMPUTE_IP@\//{print $NF}')
-sudo ip link set $dev down
-echo "doctor set link down at" $(date "+%s.%N")
-sleep 180
-sudo ip link set $dev up
-sleep 1
- sed -i -e "s/@COMPUTE_IP@/$COMPUTE_IP/"
- chmod +x
- scp $ssh_opts_cpu "$COMPUTE_USER@$COMPUTE_IP:"
- ssh $ssh_opts_cpu "$COMPUTE_USER@$COMPUTE_IP" 'nohup ./ > disable_network.log 2>&1 &'
- # use host time to get rid of potential time sync deviation between nodes
- triggered=$(date "+%s.%N")
-wait_consumer() {
- local interval=1
- local rounds=$(($1 / $interval))
- for i in `seq $rounds`; do
- notified_count=$(grep "doctor consumer notified at" consumer.log | wc -l)
- if [[ $notified_count -eq $VMS_ON_FAILED_HOST ]]; then
- return 0
- fi
- sleep $interval
- done
- die $LINENO "Consumer hasn't received fault notification."
-calculate_notification_time() {
- wait_consumer 60
- #keep 'at' as the last keyword just before the value, and
- #use regex to get value instead of the fixed column
- if [ ! -f monitor.log ]; then
- scp $ssh_opts_cpu "$COMPUTE_USER@$COMPUTE_IP:monitor.log" .
- fi
- detected=$(grep "doctor monitor detected at" monitor.log |\
- sed -e "s/^.* at //" | tail -1)
- notified=$(grep "doctor consumer notified at" consumer.log |\
- sed -e "s/^.* at //" | tail -1)
- echo "$notified $detected" | \
- awk '{
- d = $1 - $2;
- if (d < 1 && d > 0) { print d " OK"; exit 0 }
- else { print d " NG"; exit 1 }
- }'
-check_host_status() {
- # Check host related to first Doctor VM is in wanted state
- # $1 Expected state
- # $2 Seconds to wait to have wanted state
- expected_state=$1
- local interval=5
- local rounds=$(($2 / $interval))
- for i in `seq $rounds`; do
- host_status_line=$(openstack $as_doctor_user --os-compute-api-version \
- 2.16 server show ${VM_BASENAME}1 | grep "host_status")
- host_status=$(echo $host_status_line | awk '{print $4}')
- die_if_not_set $LINENO host_status "host_status not reported by: nova show ${VM_BASENAME}1"
- if [[ "$expected_state" =~ "$host_status" ]] ; then
- echo "${VM_BASENAME}1 showing host_status: $host_status"
- return 0
- else
- sleep $interval
- fi
- done
- if [[ "$expected_state" =~ "$host_status" ]] ; then
- echo "${VM_BASENAME}1 showing host_status: $host_status"
- else
- die $LINENO "host_status:$host_status not equal to expected_state: $expected_state"
- fi
-unset_forced_down_hosts() {
- # for debug
- openstack compute service list --service nova-compute
- downed_computes=$(openstack compute service list --service nova-compute \
- -f value -c Host -c State | grep ' down$' \
- | sed -e 's/ *down$//')
- echo "downed_computes: $downed_computes"
- for host in $downed_computes
- do
- # TODO(r-mibu): use openstack client
- #openstack compute service set --up $host nova-compute
- nova service-force-down --unset $host nova-compute
- done
- echo "waiting disabled compute host back to be enabled..."
- wait_until 'openstack compute service list --service nova-compute
- -f value -c State | grep -q down' 240 5
- for host in $downed_computes
- do
- # TODO(r-mibu): improve 'get_compute_ip_from_hostname'
- get_compute_ip_from_hostname $host
- wait_until "! ping -c 1 $COMPUTE_IP" 120 5
- done
-collect_logs() {
- if [[ -n "$COMPUTE_IP" ]];then
- scp $ssh_opts_cpu "$COMPUTE_USER@$COMPUTE_IP:disable_network.log" .
- fi
- # TODO(yujunz) collect other logs, e.g. nova, aodh
-run_profiler() {
- if [[ "$PROFILER_TYPE" == "poc" ]]; then
- linkdown=$(grep "doctor set link down at " disable_network.log |\
- sed -e "s/^.* at //")
- vmdown=$(grep "doctor mark vm.* error at" inspector.log |tail -n 1 |\
- sed -e "s/^.* at //")
- hostdown=$(grep "doctor mark host.* down at" inspector.log |\
- sed -e "s/^.* at //")
- # TODO(yujunz) check the actual delay to verify time sync status
- # expected ~1s delay from $trigger to $linkdown
- relative_start=${linkdown}
- export DOCTOR_PROFILER_T00=$(python -c \
- "print(int(($linkdown-$relative_start)*1000))")
- export DOCTOR_PROFILER_T01=$(python -c \
- "print(int(($detected-$relative_start)*1000))")
- export DOCTOR_PROFILER_T03=$(python -c \
- "print(int(($vmdown-$relative_start)*1000))")
- export DOCTOR_PROFILER_T04=$(python -c \
- "print(int(($hostdown-$relative_start)*1000))")
- export DOCTOR_PROFILER_T09=$(python -c \
- "print(int(($notified-$relative_start)*1000))")
- python > doctor_profiler.log 2>&1
- fi
-cleanup() {
- set +e
- echo "cleanup..."
- stop_inspector
- stop_consumer
- unset_forced_down_hosts
- stop_monitor
- collect_logs
- vms=$(openstack $as_doctor_user server list)
- vmstodel=""
- for i in `seq $VM_COUNT`; do
- $(echo "${vms}" | grep -q " $VM_BASENAME$i ") &&
- vmstodel+=" $VM_BASENAME$i"
- done
- [[ $vmstodel ]] && openstack $as_doctor_user server delete $vmstodel
- alarm_list=$($ceilometer alarm-list)
- for i in `seq $VM_COUNT`; do
- alarm_id=$(echo "${alarm_list}" | grep " $ALARM_BASENAME$i " |
- awk '{print $2}')
- [ -n "$alarm_id" ] && $ceilometer alarm-delete "$alarm_id"
- done
- openstack $as_doctor_user subnet delete $NET_NAME
- sleep 1
- openstack $as_doctor_user network delete $NET_NAME
- sleep 1
- image_id=$(openstack image list | grep " $IMAGE_NAME " | awk '{print $2}')
- sleep 1
- #if an existing image was used, there's no need to remove it here
- if [[ "$use_existing_image" == false ]] ; then
- [ -n "$image_id" ] && openstack image delete "$image_id"
- fi
- remove_test_user
- cleanup_installer
- cleanup_inspector
- cleanup_monitor
- # NOTE: Temporal log printer.
- for f in $(find . -name '*.log')
- do
- echo
- echo "[$f]"
- sed -e 's/^/ | /' $f
- echo
- done
-setup_python_packages() {
- pip freeze |grep -i flask\= > /dev/null || sudo ${pip_install} flask
- command -v openstack || sudo ${pip_install} python-openstackclient
- command -v ceilometer || sudo ${pip_install} python-ceilometerclient
- command -v congress || sudo ${pip_install} python-congressclient
-# Main process
-if [[ $PYTHON_ENABLE == [Tt]rue ]]; then
- which tox || sudo ${pip_install} tox
- if [ -f /usr/bin/apt-get ]; then
- sudo apt-get install -y python3-dev
- elif [ -f /usr/bin/yum ] ; then
- sudo yum install -y python3-devel
- fi
- cd $TOP_DIR
- echo "executing tox..."
- tox
- exit $?
-echo "Note: doctor/tests/ has been executed."
-git log --oneline -1 || true # ignore even you don't have git installed
-trap cleanup EXIT
-source $TOP_DIR/functions-common
-source $TOP_DIR/lib/installer
-source $TOP_DIR/lib/inspector
-source $TOP_DIR/lib/monitor
-rm -f *.log
-echo "preparing VM image..."
-echo "creating test user..."
-echo "creating VM..."
-echo "creating alarm..."
-#TODO: change back to use, network problems depends on infra and installers
-echo "starting doctor sample components..."
-sleep 60
-echo "injecting host failure..."
-check_host_status "(DOWN|UNKNOWN)" 60
-echo "done"