path: root/tests
diff options
authorBryan Sullivan <>2018-01-08 21:44:03 -0800
committerBryan Sullivan <>2018-01-08 21:44:03 -0800
commitfedbb0b9b56eaee4d6bd4edfd93eac738de27baf (patch)
tree65429315510b9e147d2679e1a35a592d10d67982 /tests
parent166774fd06fe94c4f6cd6ab123b8cda6ab78c51a (diff)
Update smoke01 test for Euphrates
JIRA: COPPER-16 Change-Id: I71c0ca402f8745cd4a2be1650066a2617e7bf12b Signed-off-by: Bryan Sullivan <>
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
2 files changed, 204 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/tests/adhoc/ b/tests/adhoc/
index be79efc..cfd5861 100644
--- a/tests/adhoc/
+++ b/tests/adhoc/
@@ -25,65 +25,74 @@
# $ source ~/git/copper/tests/adhoc/
-echo "$0: Delete cirros1 instance"
-instance=$(nova list | awk "/ cirros1 / { print \$2 }")
-if [ "$instance" != "" ]; then nova delete $instance; fi
-echo "$0: Delete cirros2 instance"
-instance=$(nova list | awk "/ cirros2 / { print \$2 }")
-if [ "$instance" != "" ]; then nova delete $instance; fi
-echo "$0: Wait for cirros1 and cirros2 to terminate"
-until [[ $COUNTER -eq 0 || $RESULT == "Go!" ]]; do
- cirros1_id=$(openstack server list | awk "/ cirros1 / { print \$4 }")
- cirros2_id=$(openstack server list | awk "/ cirros2 / { print \$4 }")
- if [[ "$cirros1_id" == "" && "$cirros2_id" == "" ]]; then RESULT="Go!"; fi
- let COUNTER-=1
- sleep 5
-echo "$0: Delete 'smoke01' security group"
-sg=$(neutron security-group-list | awk "/ smoke01 / { print \$2 }")
-neutron security-group-delete $sg
-echo "$0: Delete floating ip"
-# FLOATING_IP_ID was saved by
-source /tmp/
-rm /tmp/
-neutron floatingip-delete $FLOATING_IP_ID
-echo "$0: Delete smoke01 key pair"
-nova keypair-delete smoke01
-rm /tmp/smoke01
-echo "$0: Get 'public_router' ID"
-router=$(neutron router-list | awk "/ public_router / { print \$2 }")
-echo "$0: Get internal port ID with subnet on 'public_router'"
-internal_interface=$(neutron router-port-list $router | grep | awk '{print $2}')
-echo "$0: If found, delete the port with subnet on 'public_router'"
-if [ "$internal_interface" != "" ]; then neutron router-interface-delete $router port=$internal_interface; fi
-echo "$0: Clear the router gateway"
-neutron router-gateway-clear public_router
-echo "$0: Delete the router"
-neutron router-delete public_router
-echo "$0: Delete neutron port with fixed_ip"
-port=$(neutron port-list | awk "/ / { print \$2 }")
-if [ "$port" != "" ]; then neutron port-delete $port; fi
-echo "$0: Delete neutron port with fixed_ip"
-port=$(neutron port-list | awk "/ / { print \$2 }")
-if [ "$port" != "" ]; then neutron port-delete $port; fi
-echo "$0: Delete internal subnet"
-neutron subnet-delete internal
-echo "$0: Delete internal network"
-neutron net-delete internal
+function log() {
+ f=$(caller 0 | awk '{print $2}')
+ l=$(caller 0 | awk '{print $1}')
+ echo; echo "$f:$l ($(date)) $1"
+function smoke01_clean() {
+ log "Delete cirros1 instance"
+ instance=$(nova list | awk "/ cirros1 / { print \$2 }")
+ if [ "$instance" != "" ]; then nova delete $instance; fi
+ log "Delete cirros2 instance"
+ instance=$(nova list | awk "/ cirros2 / { print \$2 }")
+ if [ "$instance" != "" ]; then nova delete $instance; fi
+ log "Wait for cirros1 and cirros2 to terminate"
+ RESULT="Wait!"
+ until [[ $COUNTER -eq 0 || $RESULT == "Go!" ]]; do
+ cirros1_id=$(openstack server list | awk "/ cirros1 / { print \$4 }")
+ cirros2_id=$(openstack server list | awk "/ cirros2 / { print \$4 }")
+ if [[ "$cirros1_id" == "" && "$cirros2_id" == "" ]]; then RESULT="Go!"; fi
+ let COUNTER-=1
+ sleep 5
+ done
+ log "Delete 'smoke01' security group"
+ openstack security group delete smoke01
+ log "Delete floating ip"
+ # FLOATING_IP_ID was saved by
+ source /tmp/
+ rm /tmp/
+ openstack floating ip delete $FLOATING_IP_ID
+ log "Delete Nova key pair smoke01"
+ openstack keypair delete smoke01
+ rm /tmp/smoke01
+ log "Delete Nova flavor smoke01.tiny"
+ openstack flavor delete smoke01.tiny
+ log "Get 'public_router' ID"
+ router=$(openstack router list | awk "/ public_router / { print \$2 }")
+ log "Remove public_router_internal_port from public_router"
+ openstack router remove port public_router public_router_internal_port
+ log "Clear the router gateway"
+ openstack router unset --external-gateway public_router
+ log "Delete the router"
+ openstack router delete public_router
+ log "Delete port with fixed_ip"
+ port=$(openstack port list | awk "/''/ { print \$2 }")
+ if [ "$port" != "" ]; then openstack port delete $port; fi
+ log "Delete port with fixed_ip"
+ port=$(openstack port list | awk "/''/ { print \$2 }")
+ if [ "$port" != "" ]; then openstack port delete $port; fi
+ log "Delete internal subnet"
+ openstack subnet delete internal
+ log "Delete internal network"
+ openstack network delete internal
diff --git a/tests/adhoc/ b/tests/adhoc/
index 20185bc..18e617f 100644
--- a/tests/adhoc/
+++ b/tests/adhoc/
@@ -27,8 +27,11 @@
# After test, cleanup with
# $ bash ~/git/copper/tests/adhoc/ <openrc>
+trap 'fail' ERR
pass() {
- echo "$0: Hooray!"
+ log "Hooray!"
set +x #echo off
exit 0
@@ -36,140 +39,148 @@ pass() {
# Use this to trigger fail() at the right places
# if [ "$RESULT" == "Test Failed!" ]; then fail; fi
fail() {
- echo "$0: Test Failed!"
+ log "$1"
set +x
exit 1
+function log() {
+ f=$(caller 0 | awk '{print $2}')
+ l=$(caller 0 | awk '{print $1}')
+ echo; echo "$f:$l ($(date)) $1"
unclean() {
- echo "$0: Unclean environment!"
- fail
+ fail "Unclean environment!"
# Find external network if any, and details
function get_external_net () {
- network_ids=($(neutron net-list|grep -v "+"|grep -v name|awk '{print $2}'))
- for id in ${network_ids[@]}; do
- [[ $(neutron net-show ${id}|grep 'router:external'|grep -i "true") != "" ]] && ext_net_id=${id}
+ networks=($(openstack network list | grep -v "+" | grep -v ID | awk '{print $4}'))
+ for name in ${networks[@]}; do
+ log "Checking network \"$name\""
+ external=$(openstack network show ${name} | grep 'router:external' | grep -c "External")
+ if [[ $external -eq 1 ]]; then
+ log "Found external network \"$name\""
+ EXTERNAL_SUBNET_ID=$(openstack network show $name | awk "/ subnets / { print \$4 }")
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [[ ! $EXTERNAL_NETWORK_NAME ]]; then
+ fail "External network not found"
+ fi
+function wait_active() {
+ log "Wait for $1 to go ACTIVE"
+ status=""
+ until [[ $COUNTER -eq 0 || "$status" == "ACTIVE" ]]; do
+ status=$(openstack server show $1 | awk "/ status / { print \$4 }")
+ sleep 5
- if [[ $ext_net_id ]]; then
- EXTERNAL_NETWORK_NAME=$(openstack network show $ext_net_id | awk "/ name / { print \$4 }")
- EXTERNAL_SUBNET_ID=$(openstack network show $EXTERNAL_NETWORK_NAME | awk "/ subnets / { print \$4 }")
- else
- echo "$0: External network not found"
- echo "$0: Create external network"
- openstack network create --external public
- echo "$0: Create external subnet"
- neutron subnet-create public --name public --enable_dhcp=False --allocation_pool start=,end= --gateway
- EXTERNAL_SUBNET_ID=$(openstack subnet show public | awk "/ id / { print \$4 }")
+ if [[ "$status" != "ACTIVE" ]]; then
+ fail "Timeout on $1 becoming active"
-source $1
-echo "$0: Create cirros-0.3.3-x86_64 image"
-if [[ -z $(openstack image list | awk "/ cirros-0.3.3-x86_64 / { print \$2 }") ]]; then
- glance --os-image-api-version 1 image-create --name cirros-0.3.3-x86_64 --disk-format qcow2 --location --container-format bare
-echo "$0: Create floating IP for external subnet"
-FLOATING_IP_ID=$(neutron floatingip-create $EXTERNAL_NETWORK_NAME | awk "/ id / { print \$4 }")
-FLOATING_IP=$(neutron floatingip-show $FLOATING_IP_ID | awk "/ floating_ip_address / { print \$4 }" | cut -d - -f 1)
-# Save ID to pass to cleanup script
-if [[ -z $(neutron net-list | awk "/ internal / { print \$2 }") ]]; then
- echo "$0: Create internal network"
- neutron net-create internal
- echo "$0: Create internal subnet"
- neutron subnet-create internal --name internal --gateway --enable-dhcp --allocation-pool start=,end= --dns-nameserver
-if [[ -z $(neutron router-list | awk "/ public_router / { print \$2 }") ]]; then
- echo "$0: Create router"
- neutron router-create public_router
- echo "$0: Create router gateway"
- neutron router-gateway-set public_router $EXTERNAL_NETWORK_NAME
- echo "$0: Add router interface for internal network"
- neutron router-interface-add public_router subnet=internal
-echo "$0: Wait up to a minute as 'neutron router-interface-add' blocks the neutron-api for some time..."
-until [[ "$COUNTER" -gt 6 || "$RESULT" == "Success!" ]]; do
- echo "$0: Get the internal network ID: try" $COUNTER
- internal_NET=$(neutron net-list | awk "/ internal / { print \$2 }")
- if [ "$internal_NET" != "" ]; then RESULT="Success!"; fi
- let COUNTER+=1
- sleep 10
-if [ "$RESULT" == "Test Failed!" ]; then fail; fi
-echo "$0: Create smoke01 security group"
-neutron security-group-create smoke01
-echo "$0: Add rule to smoke01 security group"
-neutron security-group-rule-create --direction ingress --protocol=TCP --remote-ip-prefix --port-range-min=22 --port-range-max=22 smoke01
-neutron security-group-rule-create --direction ingress --protocol=ICMP --remote-ip-prefix smoke01
-neutron security-group-rule-create --direction egress --protocol=TCP --remote-ip-prefix --port-range-min=22 --port-range-max=22 smoke01
-neutron security-group-rule-create --direction egress --protocol=ICMP --remote-ip-prefix smoke01
-echo "$0: Create Nova key pair"
-ssh-keygen -f "$HOME/.ssh/known_hosts" -R $FLOATING_IP
-nova keypair-add smoke01 > /tmp/smoke01
-chmod 600 /tmp/smoke01
-echo "$0: Boot cirros1"
-openstack server create --config-drive True --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros-0.3.3-x86_64 --nic net-id=$internal_NET --security-group smoke01 --key-name smoke01 cirros1
-# metadata is accessible by logging into cirros1 after floating IP assignment
-# ssh -i /tmp/smoke01 -x -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no cirros@$FLOATING_IP
-# from the local metadata service, via: curl
-# from the config drive, via
-# sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/
-# find /mnt/openstack/latest -name *.json -exec grep -H { {} + | sed -e 's/[{}]/''/g' | awk -v k="text" '{n=split($0,a,","); for (i=1; i<=n; i++) print a[i]}'
-echo "$0: Get cirros1 instance ID"
-test_cirros1_ID=$(openstack server list | awk "/ cirros1 / { print \$2 }")
-echo "$0: Wait for cirros1 to go ACTIVE"
-RESULT="Test Failed!"
-until [[ $COUNTER -eq 0 || $RESULT == "Test Success!" ]]; do
- status=$(openstack server show $test_cirros1_ID | awk "/ status / { print \$4 }")
- if [[ "$status" == "ACTIVE" ]]; then RESULT="Test Success!"; fi
- let COUNTER-=1
- sleep 5
-if [ "$RESULT" == "Test Failed!" ]; then fail; fi
-echo "$0: Associate floating IP to cirros1"
-nova floating-ip-associate cirros1 $FLOATING_IP
-echo "$0: Boot cirros2"
-nova boot --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros-0.3.3-x86_64 --nic net-id=$internal_NET --security-groups smoke01 cirros2
-until [[ "$COUNTER" -gt 6 || "$RESULT" == "Success!" ]]; do
- echo "$0: Verify internal network connectivity"
- RESULT=$(ssh -i /tmp/smoke01 -x -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no cirros@$FLOATING_IP "ping -c 3; exit" | awk "/ 0% packet loss/ { print \$1 }")
- if [ "$RESULT" == "3" ]; then RESULT="Success!"; fi
- let COUNTER+=1
- sleep 10
-if [ "$RESULT" == "Test Failed!" ]; then fail; fi
-echo "$0: Verify public network connectivity"
-RESULT=$(ssh -i /tmp/smoke01 -x -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no cirros@$FLOATING_IP "ping -c 3; exit" | awk "/ 0% packet loss/ { print \$1 }")
-if [ "$RESULT" != "3" ]; then fail; fi
-set +x #echo off
+function smoke01() {
+ source $1
+ if [[ -z $(openstack image list | awk "/ cirros-0.3.3-x86_64 / { print \$2 }") ]]; then
+ log "Create cirros-0.3.3-x86_64 image"
+ wget \
+ -O ~/cirros-0.3.3-x86_64-disk.img
+ glance image-create --name cirros-0.3.3-x86_64 --disk-format qcow2 \
+ --container-format bare
+ image_id=$(openstack image list | awk "/ cirros-0.3.3-x86_64 / { print \$2 }")
+ glance image-upload --file ~/cirros-0.3.3-x86_64-disk.img $image_id
+ fi
+ log "Find name and subnet of external network"
+ get_external_net
+ log "Create floating IP for external subnet"
+ FLOATING_IP_ID=$(openstack floating ip create $EXTERNAL_NETWORK_NAME | awk "/ id / { print \$4 }")
+ FLOATING_IP=$(openstack floating ip show $FLOATING_IP_ID | awk "/ floating_ip_address / { print \$4 }" | cut -d - -f 1)
+ # Save ID to pass to cleanup script
+ if [[ -z $(openstack network list | awk "/ internal / { print \$2 }") ]]; then
+ log "Create internal network"
+ openstack network create internal
+ log "Create internal subnet"
+ openstack subnet create --network internal --subnet-range \
+ --gateway --dhcp --allocation-pool start=,end= \
+ --dns-nameserver internal
+ fi
+ log "Get ID of internal network"
+ internal_net=$(openstack network show internal | awk '/ id / {print $4}')
+ if [[ -z $(openstack router list | awk "/ public_router / { print \$2 }") ]]; then
+ log "Create router"
+ openstack router create public_router
+ log "Create router gateway"
+ openstack router set --external-gateway $EXTERNAL_NETWORK_NAME public_router
+ log "Add router interface for internal network"
+ openstack port create --network internal \
+ --fixed-ip subnet=internal,ip-address= \
+ public_router_internal_port
+ openstack router add port public_router public_router_internal_port
+ fi
+ log "Create smoke01 security group"
+ openstack security group create smoke01
+ log "Add rule to smoke01 security group"
+ openstack security group rule create --ingress --protocol=TCP \
+ --remote-ip --dst-port 22:22 smoke01
+ openstack security group rule create --ingress --protocol=ICMP \
+ --remote-ip smoke01
+ openstack security group rule create --egress --protocol=TCP \
+ --remote-ip --dst-port 22:22 smoke01
+ openstack security group rule create --egress --protocol=ICMP \
+ --remote-ip smoke01
+ log "Create Nova key pair"
+ if [[ -f /tmp/smoke01 ]]; then rm /tmp/smoke01; fi
+ ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f /tmp/smoke01 -C smokem@ifyagotem
+ chmod 600 /tmp/smoke01
+ openstack keypair create --public-key /tmp/ smoke01
+ log "Create Nova flavor"
+ openstack flavor create --ram 512 --disk 1 --vcpus 1 smoke01.tiny
+ log "Boot cirros1"
+ openstack server create --config-drive True --flavor smoke01.tiny --image cirros-0.3.3-x86_64 --nic net-id=$internal_net --security-group smoke01 --key-name smoke01 cirros1
+ wait_active cirros1
+ # metadata is accessible by logging into cirros1 after floating IP assignment
+ # ssh -i /tmp/smoke01 -x -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no cirros@$FLOATING_IP
+ # from the local metadata service, via: curl
+ # from the config drive, via
+ # sudo mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/
+ # find /mnt/openstack/latest -name *.json -exec grep -H { {} + | sed -e 's/[{}]/''/g' | awk -v k="text" '{n=split($0,a,","); for (i=1; i<=n; i++) print a[i]}'
+ log "Associate floating IP to cirros1"
+ openstack server add floating ip cirros1 $FLOATING_IP
+ log "Boot cirros2"
+ openstack server create --config-drive True --flavor smoke01.tiny --image cirros-0.3.3-x86_64 --nic net-id=$internal_net --security-group smoke01 --key-name smoke01 cirros2
+ wait_active cirros2
+ log "Verify public network connectivity"
+ RESULT=$(ssh -i /tmp/smoke01 -x -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no cirros@$FLOATING_IP "ping -c 3; exit" | awk "/ 0% packet loss/ { print \$1 }")
+ if [[ "$RESULT" != "3" ]]; then
+ fail "Could not verify inter-VM pings"
+ fi
+smoke01 $1