path: root/compass-deck/api/
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authorHarry Huang <>2017-11-01 11:56:50 +0800
committerHarry Huang <>2017-11-03 11:48:46 +0800
commit905b0231e93ce2409a45dd6c4f5f983689fdb790 (patch)
tree8b3c8c78773194e048072368fe793135a05e44f1 /compass-deck/api/
parent3656ab7b5e3f2f26f7c98f9dcc97b3c461fa2a76 (diff)
Add compass-deck
RESTful API and DB Handlers for Compass Change-Id: I1ce411f279943764c286ea48dca9185d453cf254 Signed-off-by: Harry Huang <>
Diffstat (limited to 'compass-deck/api/')
1 files changed, 3391 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compass-deck/api/ b/compass-deck/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1cdd39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compass-deck/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,3391 @@
+# Copyright 2014 Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Define all the RestfulAPI entry points."""
+import datetime
+import functools
+import logging
+import netaddr
+import requests
+import simplejson as json
+from flask.ext.login import current_user
+from flask.ext.login import login_required
+from flask.ext.login import login_user
+from flask.ext.login import logout_user
+from flask import request
+from compass.api import app
+from compass.api import auth_handler
+from compass.api import exception_handler
+from compass.api import utils
+from compass.db.api import adapter_holder as adapter_api
+from compass.db.api import cluster as cluster_api
+from compass.db.api import database
+from compass.db.api import health_check_report as health_report_api
+from compass.db.api import host as host_api
+from compass.db.api import machine as machine_api
+from compass.db.api import metadata_holder as metadata_api
+from compass.db.api import network as network_api
+from compass.db.api import permission as permission_api
+from compass.db.api import switch as switch_api
+from compass.db.api import user as user_api
+from compass.db.api import user_log as user_log_api
+from compass.utils import flags
+from compass.utils import logsetting
+from compass.utils import setting_wrapper as setting
+from compass.utils import util
+def log_user_action(func):
+ """decorator used to log api request url."""
+ @functools.wraps(func)
+ def decorated_api(*args, **kwargs):
+ # TODO(xicheng): save request args for GET
+ # and request data for POST/PUT.
+ user_log_api.log_user_action(, request.path)
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ return decorated_api
+def update_user_token(func):
+ """decorator used to update user token expire time after api request."""
+ @functools.wraps(func)
+ def decorated_api(*args, **kwargs):
+ response = func(*args, **kwargs)
+ expire_timestamp = (
+ )
+ user_api.record_user_token(
+ current_user.token, expire_timestamp, user=current_user
+ )
+ return response
+ return decorated_api
+def _clean_data(data, keys):
+ """remove keys from dict."""
+ for key in keys:
+ if key in data:
+ del data[key]
+def _replace_data(data, key_mapping):
+ """replace key names in dict."""
+ for key, replaced_key in key_mapping.items():
+ if key in data:
+ data[replaced_key] = data[key]
+ del data[key]
+def _get_data(data, key):
+ """get key's value from request arg dict.
+ When the value is list, return the element in the list
+ if the list size is one. If the list size is greater than one,
+ raise exception_handler.BadRequest.
+ Example: data = {'a': ['b'], 'b': 5, 'c': ['d', 'e'], 'd': []}
+ _get_data(data, 'a') == 'b'
+ _get_data(data, 'b') == 5
+ _get_data(data, 'c') raises exception_handler.BadRequest
+ _get_data(data, 'd') == None
+ _get_data(data, 'e') == None
+ Usage: Used to parse the key-value pair in request.args to expected types.
+ Depends on the different flask plugins and what kind of parameters
+ passed in, the request.args format may be as below:
+ {'a': 'b'} or {'a': ['b']}. _get_data forces translate the
+ request.args to the format {'a': 'b'}. It raises exception when some
+ parameter declares multiple times.
+ """
+ if key in data:
+ if isinstance(data[key], list):
+ if data[key]:
+ if len(data[key]) == 1:
+ return data[key][0]
+ else:
+ raise exception_handler.BadRequest(
+ '%s declared multi times %s in request' % (
+ key, data[key]
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return data[key]
+ else:
+ return None
+def _get_data_list(data, key):
+ """get key's value as list from request arg dict.
+ If the value type is list, return it, otherwise return the list
+ whos only element is the value got from the dict.
+ Example: data = {'a': ['b'], 'b': 5, 'c': ['d', 'e'], 'd': []}
+ _get_data_list(data, 'a') == ['b']
+ _get_data_list(data, 'b') == [5]
+ _get_data_list(data, 'd') == []
+ _get_data_list(data, 'e') == []
+ Usage: Used to parse the key-value pair in request.args to expected types.
+ Depends on the different flask plugins and what kind of parameters
+ passed in, the request.args format may be as below:
+ {'a': 'b'} or {'a': ['b']}. _get_data_list forces translate the
+ request.args to the format {'a': ['b']}. It accepts the case that
+ some parameter declares multiple times.
+ """
+ if key in data:
+ if isinstance(data[key], list):
+ return data[key]
+ else:
+ return [data[key]]
+ else:
+ return []
+def _get_request_data():
+ """Convert reqeust data from string to python dict.
+ If the request data is not json formatted, raises
+ exception_handler.BadRequest.
+ If the request data is not json formatted dict, raises
+ exception_handler.BadRequest
+ If the request data is empty, return default as empty dict.
+ Usage: It is used to add or update a single resource.
+ """
+ if
+ try:
+ data = json.loads(
+ except Exception:
+ raise exception_handler.BadRequest(
+ 'request data is not json formatted: %s' %
+ )
+ if not isinstance(data, dict):
+ raise exception_handler.BadRequest(
+ 'request data is not json formatted dict: %s' %
+ )
+ return data
+ else:
+ return {}
+def _get_request_data_as_list():
+ """Convert reqeust data from string to python list.
+ If the request data is not json formatted, raises
+ exception_handler.BadRequest.
+ If the request data is not json formatted list, raises
+ exception_handler.BadRequest.
+ If the request data is empty, return default as empty list.
+ Usage: It is used to batch add or update a list of resources.
+ """
+ if
+ try:
+ data = json.loads(
+ except Exception:
+ raise exception_handler.BadRequest(
+ 'request data is not json formatted: %s' %
+ )
+ if not isinstance(data, list):
+ raise exception_handler.BadRequest(
+ 'request data is not json formatted list: %s' %
+ )
+ return data
+ else:
+ return []
+def _bool_converter(value):
+ """Convert string value to bool.
+ This function is used to convert value in requeset args to expected type.
+ If the key exists in request args but the value is not set, it means the
+ value should be true.
+ Examples:
+ /<request_path>?is_admin parsed to {'is_admin', None} and it should
+ be converted to {'is_admin': True}.
+ /<request_path>?is_admin=0 parsed and converted to {'is_admin': False}.
+ /<request_path>?is_admin=1 parsed and converted to {'is_admin': True}.
+ """
+ if not value:
+ return True
+ if value in ['False', 'false', '0']:
+ return False
+ if value in ['True', 'true', '1']:
+ return True
+ raise exception_handler.BadRequest(
+ '%r type is not bool' % value
+ )
+def _int_converter(value):
+ """Convert string value to int.
+ We do not use the int converter default exception since we want to make
+ sure the exact http response code.
+ Raises: exception_handler.BadRequest if value can not be parsed to int.
+ Examples:
+ /<request_path>?count=10 parsed to {'count': '10'} and it should be
+ converted to {'count': 10}.
+ """
+ try:
+ return int(value)
+ except Exception:
+ raise exception_handler.BadRequest(
+ '%r type is not int' % value
+ )
+def _get_request_args(**kwargs):
+ """Get request args as dict.
+ The value in the dict is converted to expected type.
+ Args:
+ kwargs: for each key, the value is the type converter.
+ """
+ args = dict(request.args)
+ logging.log(
+ logsetting.getLevelByName('fine'),
+ 'origin request args: %s', args
+ )
+ for key, value in args.items():
+ if key in kwargs:
+ converter = kwargs[key]
+ if isinstance(value, list):
+ args[key] = [converter(item) for item in value]
+ else:
+ args[key] = converter(value)
+ logging.log(
+ logsetting.getLevelByName('fine'),
+ 'request args: %s', args
+ )
+ return args
+def _group_data_action(data, **data_callbacks):
+ """Group api actions and pass data to grouped action callback.
+ Example:
+ data = {
+ 'add_hosts': [{'name': 'a'}, {'name': 'b'}],
+ 'update_hosts': {'c': {'mac': '123'}},
+ 'remove_hosts': ['d', 'e']
+ }
+ data_callbacks = {
+ 'add_hosts': update_cluster_action,
+ 'update_hosts': update_cluster_action,
+ 'remove_hosts': update_cluster_action
+ }
+ it converts to update_cluster_action(
+ add_hosts=[{'name': 'a'}, {'name': 'b'}],
+ update_hosts={'c': {'mac': '123'}},
+ remove_hosts=['d', 'e']
+ )
+ Raises:
+ exception_handler.BadRequest if data is empty.
+ exception_handler.BadMethod if there are some keys in data but
+ not in data_callbacks.
+ exception_handler.BadRequest if it groups to multiple
+ callbacks.
+ """
+ if not data:
+ raise exception_handler.BadRequest(
+ 'no action to take'
+ )
+ unsupported_keys = list(set(data) - set(data_callbacks))
+ if unsupported_keys:
+ raise exception_handler.BadMethod(
+ 'unsupported actions: %s' % unsupported_keys
+ )
+ callback_datas = {}
+ for data_key, data_value in data.items():
+ callback = data_callbacks[data_key]
+ callback_datas.setdefault(id(callback), {})[data_key] = data_value
+ if len(callback_datas) > 1:
+ raise exception_handler.BadRequest(
+ 'multi actions are not supported'
+ )
+ callback_ids = {}
+ for data_key, data_callback in data_callbacks.items():
+ callback_ids[id(data_callback)] = data_callback
+ for callback_id, callback_data in callback_datas.items():
+ return callback_ids[callback_id](**callback_data)
+def _wrap_response(func, response_code):
+ """wrap function response to json formatted http response."""
+ def wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs):
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ response_code,
+ func(*args, **kwargs)
+ )
+ return wrapped_func
+def _reformat_host_networks(networks):
+ """Reformat networks from list to dict.
+ The key in the dict is the value of the key 'interface'
+ in each network.
+ Example: networks = [{'interface': 'eth0', 'ip': ''}]
+ is reformatted to {
+ 'eth0': {'interface': 'eth0', 'ip': ''}
+ }
+ Usage: The networks got from db api is a list of network,
+ For better parsing in json frontend, we converted the
+ format into dict to easy reference.
+ """
+ network_mapping = {}
+ for network in networks:
+ if 'interface' in network:
+ network_mapping[network['interface']] = network
+ return network_mapping
+def _reformat_host(host):
+ """Reformat host's networks."""
+ if isinstance(host, list):
+ return [_reformat_host(item) for item in host]
+ if 'networks' in host:
+ host['networks'] = _reformat_host_networks(host['networks'])
+ return host
+def _login(use_cookie):
+ """User login helper function.
+ The request data should contain at least 'email' and 'password'.
+ The cookie expiration duration is defined in flask app config.
+ If user is not authenticated, it raises Unauthorized exception.
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ if 'email' not in data or 'password' not in data:
+ raise exception_handler.BadRequest(
+ 'missing email or password in data'
+ )
+ expire_timestamp = (
+ )
+ data['expire_timestamp'] = expire_timestamp
+ user = auth_handler.authenticate_user(**data)
+ if not
+ raise exception_handler.UserDisabled(
+ '%s is not activated' %
+ )
+ if not login_user(user, remember=data.get('remember', False)):
+ raise exception_handler.UserDisabled('failed to login: %s' % user)
+ user_log_api.log_user_action(, request.path)
+ response_data = user_api.record_user_token(
+ user.token, user.expire_timestamp, user=user
+ )
+ return utils.make_json_response(200, response_data)
+@app.route('/users/token', methods=['POST'])
+def get_token():
+ """user login and return token."""
+ return _login(False)
+@app.route("/users/login", methods=['POST'])
+def login():
+ """User login."""
+ return _login(True)
+@app.route("/users/register", methods=['POST'])
+def register():
+ """register new user."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ data['is_admin'] = False
+ data['active'] = False
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200, user_api.add_user(**data)
+ )
+@app.route('/users/logout', methods=['POST'])
+def logout():
+ """User logout."""
+ user_log_api.log_user_action(, request.path)
+ response_data = user_api.clean_user_token(
+ current_user.token, user=current_user
+ )
+ logout_user()
+ return utils.make_json_response(200, response_data)
+@app.route("/users", methods=['GET'])
+def list_users():
+ """list users.
+ Supported paramters: ['email', 'is_admin', 'active']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_args(
+ is_admin=_bool_converter,
+ active=_bool_converter
+ )
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200, user_api.list_users(user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/users", methods=['POST'])
+def add_user():
+ """add user.
+ Must parameters: ['email', 'password'],
+ Optional paramters: ['is_admin', 'active']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ user_dict = user_api.add_user(user=current_user, **data)
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200, user_dict
+ )
+@app.route("/users/<int:user_id>", methods=['GET'])
+def show_user(user_id):
+ """Get user by id."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200, user_api.get_user(user_id, user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/current-user", methods=['GET'])
+def show_current_user():
+ """Get current user."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200, user_api.get_current_user(user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/users/<int:user_id>", methods=['PUT'])
+def update_user(user_id):
+ """Update user.
+ Supported parameters by self: [
+ 'email', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'password'
+ ]
+ Supported parameters by admin ['is_admin', 'active']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ user_api.update_user(
+ user_id,
+ user=current_user,
+ **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/users/<int:user_id>", methods=['DELETE'])
+def delete_user(user_id):
+ """Delete user.
+ Delete is only permitted by admin user.
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ user_api.del_user(
+ user_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/users/<int:user_id>/permissions", methods=['GET'])
+def list_user_permissions(user_id):
+ """Get user permissions."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200, user_api.get_permissions(user_id, user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/users/<int:user_id>/action", methods=['POST'])
+def take_user_action(user_id):
+ """Take user action.
+ Support actions: [
+ 'add_permissions', 'remove_permissions',
+ 'set_permissions', 'enable_user',
+ 'disable_user'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ update_permissions_func = _wrap_response(
+ functools.partial(
+ user_api.update_permissions, user_id, user=current_user,
+ ),
+ 200
+ )
+ def disable_user(disable_user=None):
+ return user_api.update_user(
+ user_id, user=current_user, active=False
+ )
+ disable_user_func = _wrap_response(
+ disable_user,
+ 200
+ )
+ def enable_user(enable_user=None):
+ return user_api.update_user(
+ user_id, user=current_user, active=True
+ )
+ enable_user_func = _wrap_response(
+ enable_user,
+ 200
+ )
+ return _group_data_action(
+ data,
+ add_permissions=update_permissions_func,
+ remove_permissions=update_permissions_func,
+ set_permissions=update_permissions_func,
+ enable_user=enable_user_func,
+ disable_user=disable_user_func
+ )
+ '/users/<int:user_id>/permissions/<int:permission_id>',
+ methods=['GET']
+def show_user_permission(user_id, permission_id):
+ """Get a specific user permission."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ user_api.get_permission(
+ user_id, permission_id, user=current_user,
+ **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/users/<int:user_id>/permissions", methods=['POST'])
+def add_user_permission(user_id):
+ """Add permission to a specific user.
+ add_user_permission is only permitted by admin user.
+ Must parameters: ['permission_id']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ user_api.add_permission(
+ user_id, user=current_user,
+ **data
+ )
+ )
+ '/users/<int:user_id>/permissions/<permission_id>',
+ methods=['DELETE']
+def delete_user_permission(user_id, permission_id):
+ """Delete a specific user permission."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ user_api.del_permission(
+ user_id, permission_id, user=current_user,
+ **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/permissions", methods=['GET'])
+def list_permissions():
+ """List permissions.
+ Supported filters: ['id', 'name', 'alias', 'description']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ permission_api.list_permissions(user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/permissions/<int:permission_id>", methods=['GET'])
+def show_permission(permission_id):
+ """Get permission."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ permission_api.get_permission(permission_id, user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+def _filter_timestamp(data):
+ """parse timestamp related params to db api understandable params.
+ Example:
+ {'timestamp_start': '2005-12-23 12:00:00'} to
+ {'timestamp': {'ge': timestamp('2005-12-23 12:00:00')}},
+ {'timestamp_end': '2005-12-23 12:00:00'} to
+ {'timestamp': {'le': timestamp('2005-12-23 12:00:00')}},
+ {'timestamp_range': '2005-12-23 12:00:00,2005-12-24 12:00:00'} to
+ {'timestamp': {'between': [
+ timestamp('2005-12-23 12:00:00'),
+ timestamp('2005-12-24 12:00:00')
+ ]
+ }}
+ The timestamp related params can be declared multi times.
+ """
+ timestamp_filter = {}
+ start = _get_data(data, 'timestamp_start')
+ if start is not None:
+ timestamp_filter['ge'] = util.parse_datetime(
+ start, exception_handler.BadRequest
+ )
+ end = _get_data(data, 'timestamp_end')
+ if end is not None:
+ timestamp_filter['le'] = util.parse_datetime(
+ end, exception_handler.BadRequest)
+ range = _get_data_list(data, 'timestamp_range')
+ if range:
+ timestamp_filter['between'] = []
+ for value in range:
+ timestamp_filter['between'].append(
+ util.parse_datetime_range(
+ value, exception_handler.BadRequest
+ )
+ )
+ data['timestamp'] = timestamp_filter
+ _clean_data(
+ data,
+ [
+ 'timestamp_start', 'timestamp_end',
+ 'timestamp_range'
+ ]
+ )
+@app.route("/users/logs", methods=['GET'])
+def list_all_user_actions():
+ """List all users actions.
+ Supported filters: [
+ 'timestamp_start', 'timestamp_end', 'timestamp_range',
+ 'user_email'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ _filter_timestamp(data)
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ user_log_api.list_actions(
+ user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/users/<int:user_id>/logs", methods=['GET'])
+def list_user_actions(user_id):
+ """List user actions for specific user.
+ Supported filters: [
+ 'timestamp_start', 'timestamp_end', 'timestamp_range',
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ _filter_timestamp(data)
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ user_log_api.list_user_actions(
+ user_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/users/logs", methods=['DELETE'])
+def delete_all_user_actions():
+ """Delete all user actions."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ user_log_api.del_actions(
+ user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/users/<int:user_id>/logs", methods=['DELETE'])
+def delete_user_actions(user_id):
+ """Delete user actions for specific user."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ user_log_api.del_user_actions(
+ user_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+def _filter_switch_ip(data):
+ """filter switch ip related params to db/api understandable format.
+ Examples:
+ {'switchIp': ''} to {'ip_int': {'eq': int of ''}}
+ {'switchIpStart': ''} to
+ {'ip_int': {'ge': int of ''}}
+ {'switchIpEnd': ''} to
+ {'ip_int': {'le': int of ''}}
+ {'switchIpRange': ','} to
+ {'ip_int': {'between': [int of '', int of '']}}
+ the switch ip related params can be declared multi times.
+ """
+ ip_filter = {}
+ switch_ips = _get_data_list(data, 'switchIp')
+ if switch_ips:
+ ip_filter['eq'] = []
+ for switch_ip in switch_ips:
+ ip_filter['eq'].append(long(netaddr.IPAddress(switch_ip)))
+ switch_start = _get_data(data, 'switchIpStart')
+ if switch_start is not None:
+ ip_filter['ge'] = long(netaddr.IPAddress(switch_start))
+ switch_end = _get_data(data, 'switchIpEnd')
+ if switch_end is not None:
+ ip_filter['lt'] = long(netaddr.IPAddress(switch_end))
+ switch_nets = _get_data_list(data, 'switchIpNetwork')
+ if switch_nets:
+ ip_filter['between'] = []
+ for switch_net in switch_nets:
+ network = netaddr.IPNetwork(switch_net)
+ ip_filter['between'].append((network.first, network.last))
+ switch_ranges = _get_data_list(data, 'switchIpRange')
+ if switch_ranges:
+ ip_filter.setdefault('between', [])
+ for switch_range in switch_ranges:
+ ip_start, ip_end = switch_range.split(',')
+ ip_filter['between'].append(
+ long(netaddr.IPAddress(ip_start)),
+ long(netaddr.IPAddress(ip_end))
+ )
+ if ip_filter:
+ data['ip_int'] = ip_filter
+ _clean_data(
+ data,
+ [
+ 'switchIp', 'switchIpStart', 'switchIpEnd',
+ 'switchIpNetwork', 'switchIpRange'
+ ]
+ )
+@app.route("/switches", methods=['GET'])
+def list_switches():
+ """List switches.
+ Supported filters: [
+ 'switchIp', 'switchIpStart', 'switchIpEnd',
+ 'switchIpEnd', 'vendor', 'state'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ _filter_switch_ip(data)
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.list_switches(
+ user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/switches/<int:switch_id>", methods=['GET'])
+def show_switch(switch_id):
+ """Get switch."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200, switch_api.get_switch(switch_id, user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/switches", methods=['POST'])
+def add_switch():
+ """add switch.
+ Must fields: ['ip']
+ Optional fields: [
+ 'credentials', 'vendor', 'state',
+ 'err_msg', 'filters'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ _replace_data(data, {'filters': 'machine_filters'})
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.add_switch(user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/switchesbatch", methods=['POST'])
+def add_switches():
+ """batch add switches.
+ request data is a list of dict. Each dict must contain ['ip'],
+ may contain [
+ 'credentials', 'vendor', 'state', 'err_msg', 'filters'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data_as_list()
+ for item_data in data:
+ _replace_data(item_data, {'filters': 'machine_filters'})
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.add_switches(
+ data=data, user=current_user
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/switches/<int:switch_id>", methods=['PUT'])
+def update_switch(switch_id):
+ """update switch.
+ Supported fields: [
+ 'ip', 'credentials', 'vendor', 'state',
+ 'err_msg', 'filters'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ _replace_data(data, {'filters': 'machine_filters'})
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.update_switch(switch_id, user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/switches/<int:switch_id>", methods=['PATCH'])
+def patch_switch(switch_id):
+ """patch switch.
+ Supported fields: [
+ 'credentials', 'filters'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ _replace_data(data, {'filters': 'machine_filters'})
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.patch_switch(switch_id, user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/switches/<int:switch_id>", methods=['DELETE'])
+def delete_switch(switch_id):
+ """delete switch."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.del_switch(switch_id, user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/switch-filters", methods=['GET'])
+def list_switch_filters():
+ """List switch filters."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ _filter_switch_ip(data)
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.list_switch_filters(
+ user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/switch-filters/<int:switch_id>", methods=['GET'])
+def show_switch_filters(switch_id):
+ """Get switch filters."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.get_switch_filters(switch_id, user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/switch-filters/<int:switch_id>", methods=['PUT'])
+def update_switch_filters(switch_id):
+ """update switch filters."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ _replace_data(data, {'filters': 'machine_filters'})
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.update_switch_filters(switch_id, user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/switch-filters/<int:switch_id>", methods=['PATCH'])
+def patch_switch_filters(switch_id):
+ """patch switch filters."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ _replace_data(data, {'filters': 'machine_filters'})
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.patch_switch_filter(switch_id, user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+def _filter_switch_port(data):
+ """Generate switch machine filters by switch port related fields.
+ Examples:
+ {'port': 'ae20'} to {'port': {'eq': 'ae20'}}
+ {'portStart': 20, 'portPrefix': 'ae', 'portSuffix': ''} to
+ {'port': {'startswith': 'ae', 'endswith': '', 'resp_ge': 20}}
+ {'portEnd': 20, 'portPrefix': 'ae', 'portSuffix': ''} to
+ {'port': {'startswith': 'ae', 'endswith': '', 'resp_le': 20}}
+ {'portRange': '20,40', 'portPrefix': 'ae', 'portSuffix': ''} to
+ {'port': {
+ 'startswith': 'ae', 'endswith': '', 'resp_range': [(20. 40)]
+ }}
+ For each switch machines port, it extracts portNumber from
+ '<portPrefix><portNumber><portSuffix>' and filter the returned switch
+ machines by the filters.
+ """
+ port_filter = {}
+ ports = _get_data_list(data, 'port')
+ if ports:
+ port_filter['eq'] = ports
+ port_start = _get_data(data, 'portStart')
+ if port_start is not None:
+ port_filter['resp_ge'] = int(port_start)
+ port_end = _get_data(data, 'portEnd')
+ if port_end is not None:
+ port_filter['resp_lt'] = int(port_end)
+ port_ranges = _get_data_list(data, 'portRange')
+ if port_ranges:
+ port_filter['resp_range'] = []
+ for port_range in port_ranges:
+ port_start, port_end = port_range.split(',')
+ port_filter['resp_range'].append(
+ (int(port_start), int(port_end))
+ )
+ port_prefix = _get_data(data, 'portPrefix')
+ if port_prefix:
+ port_filter['startswith'] = port_prefix
+ port_suffix = _get_data(data, 'portSuffix')
+ if port_suffix:
+ port_filter['endswith'] = port_suffix
+ if port_filter:
+ data['port'] = port_filter
+ _clean_data(
+ data,
+ [
+ 'portStart', 'portEnd', 'portRange',
+ 'portPrefix', 'portSuffix'
+ ]
+ )
+def _filter_general(data, key):
+ """Generate general filter for db/api returned list.
+ Supported filter type: [
+ 'resp_eq', 'resp_in', 'resp_le', 'resp_ge',
+ 'resp_gt', 'resp_lt', 'resp_match'
+ ]
+ """
+ general_filter = {}
+ general = _get_data_list(data, key)
+ if general:
+ general_filter['resp_in'] = general
+ data[key] = general_filter
+def _filter_machine_tag(data):
+ """Generate filter for machine tag.
+ Examples:
+ original returns:
+ [{'tag': {
+ 'city': 'beijing',
+ 'building': 'tsinghua main building',
+ 'room': '205', 'rack': 'a2b3',
+ 'stack': '20'
+ }},{'location': {
+ 'city': 'beijing',
+ 'building': 'tsinghua main building',
+ 'room': '205', 'rack': 'a2b2',
+ 'stack': '20'
+ }}]
+ filter: {'tag': 'room=205;rack=a2b3'}
+ filtered: [{'tag': {
+ 'city': 'beijing',
+ 'building': 'tsinghua main building',
+ 'room': '205', 'rack': 'a2b3',
+ 'stack': '20'
+ }}]
+ """
+ tag_filter = {}
+ tags = _get_data_list(data, 'tag')
+ if tags:
+ tag_filter['resp_in'] = []
+ for tag in tags:
+ tag_filter['resp_in'].append(
+ util.parse_request_arg_dict(tag)
+ )
+ data['tag'] = tag_filter
+def _filter_machine_location(data):
+ """Generate filter for machine location.
+ Examples:
+ original returns:
+ [{'location': {
+ 'city': 'beijing',
+ 'building': 'tsinghua main building',
+ 'room': '205', 'rack': 'a2b3',
+ 'stack': '20'
+ }},{'location': {
+ 'city': 'beijing',
+ 'building': 'tsinghua main building',
+ 'room': '205', 'rack': 'a2b2',
+ 'stack': '20'
+ }}]
+ filter: {'location': 'room=205;rack=a2b3'}
+ filtered: [{'location': {
+ 'city': 'beijing',
+ 'building': 'tsinghua main building',
+ 'room': '205', 'rack': 'a2b3',
+ 'stack': '20'
+ }}]
+ """
+ location_filter = {}
+ locations = _get_data_list(data, 'location')
+ if locations:
+ location_filter['resp_in'] = []
+ for location in locations:
+ location_filter['resp_in'].append(
+ util.parse_request_arg_dict(location)
+ )
+ data['location'] = location_filter
+@app.route("/switches/<int:switch_id>/machines", methods=['GET'])
+def list_switch_machines(switch_id):
+ """Get switch machines.
+ Supported filters: [
+ 'port', 'portStart', 'portEnd', 'portRange',
+ 'portPrefix', 'portSuffix', 'vlans', 'tag', 'location'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_args(vlans=_int_converter)
+ _filter_switch_port(data)
+ _filter_general(data, 'vlans')
+ _filter_machine_tag(data)
+ _filter_machine_location(data)
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.list_switch_machines(
+ switch_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/switches/<int:switch_id>/machines-hosts", methods=['GET'])
+def list_switch_machines_hosts(switch_id):
+ """Get switch machines or hosts.
+ Supported filters: [
+ 'port', 'portStart', 'portEnd', 'portRange',
+ 'portPrefix', 'portSuffix', 'vlans', 'tag', 'location',
+ 'os_name', 'os_id'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_args(vlans=_int_converter, os_id=_int_converter)
+ _filter_switch_port(data)
+ _filter_general(data, 'vlans')
+ _filter_machine_tag(data)
+ _filter_machine_location(data)
+ _filter_general(data, 'os_name')
+ # TODO(xicheng): os_id filter should be removed later
+ _filter_general(data, 'os_id')
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.list_switch_machines_hosts(
+ switch_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/switches/<int:switch_id>/machines", methods=['POST'])
+def add_switch_machine(switch_id):
+ """add switch machine.
+ Must fields: ['mac', 'port']
+ Optional fields: ['vlans', 'ipmi_credentials', 'tag', 'location']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.add_switch_machine(switch_id, user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/switches/machines", methods=['POST'])
+def add_switch_machines():
+ """batch add switch machines.
+ request data is list of dict which contains switch machine fields.
+ Each dict must contain ['switch_ip', 'mac', 'port'],
+ may contain ['vlans', 'ipmi_credentials', 'tag', 'location'].
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data_as_list()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200, switch_api.add_switch_machines(
+ data=data, user=current_user
+ )
+ )
+ '/switches/<int:switch_id>/machines/<int:machine_id>',
+ methods=['GET']
+def show_switch_machine(switch_id, machine_id):
+ """get switch machine."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.get_switch_machine(
+ switch_id, machine_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+ '/switches/<int:switch_id>/machines/<int:machine_id>',
+ methods=['PUT']
+def update_switch_machine(switch_id, machine_id):
+ """update switch machine.
+ Supported fields: [
+ 'port', 'vlans', 'ipmi_credentials', 'tag', 'location'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.update_switch_machine(
+ switch_id, machine_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+ '/switches/<int:switch_id>/machines/<int:machine_id>',
+ methods=['PATCH']
+def patch_switch_machine(switch_id, machine_id):
+ """patch switch machine.
+ Supported fields: [
+ 'vlans', 'ipmi_credentials', 'tag', 'location'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.patch_switch_machine(
+ current_user, switch_id, machine_id, **data
+ )
+ )
+ '/switches/<int:switch_id>/machines/<int:machine_id>',
+ methods=['DELETE']
+def delete_switch_machine(switch_id, machine_id):
+ """Delete switch machine."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.del_switch_machine(
+ switch_id, machine_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/switches/<int:switch_id>/action", methods=['POST'])
+def take_switch_action(switch_id):
+ """take switch action.
+ Supported actions: [
+ 'find_machines', 'add_machines', 'remove_machines',
+ 'set_machines'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ poll_switch_func = _wrap_response(
+ functools.partial(
+ switch_api.poll_switch, switch_id, user=current_user,
+ ),
+ 202
+ )
+ update_switch_machines_func = _wrap_response(
+ functools.partial(
+ switch_api.update_switch_machines, switch_id, user=current_user,
+ ),
+ 200
+ )
+ return _group_data_action(
+ data,
+ find_machines=poll_switch_func,
+ add_machines=update_switch_machines_func,
+ remove_machines=update_switch_machines_func,
+ set_machines=update_switch_machines_func
+ )
+@app.route("/machines/<int:machine_id>/action", methods=['POST'])
+def take_machine_action(machine_id):
+ """take machine action.
+ Supported actions: ['tag', 'poweron', 'poweroff', 'reset']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ tag_func = _wrap_response(
+ functools.partial(
+ machine_api.update_machine, machine_id, user=current_user,
+ ),
+ 200
+ )
+ poweron_func = _wrap_response(
+ functools.partial(
+ machine_api.poweron_machine, machine_id, user=current_user,
+ ),
+ 202
+ )
+ poweroff_func = _wrap_response(
+ functools.partial(
+ machine_api.poweroff_machine, machine_id, user=current_user,
+ ),
+ 202
+ )
+ reset_func = _wrap_response(
+ functools.partial(
+ machine_api.reset_machine, machine_id, user=current_user,
+ ),
+ 202
+ )
+ return _group_data_action(
+ data,
+ tag=tag_func,
+ poweron=poweron_func,
+ poweroff=poweroff_func,
+ reset=reset_func
+ )
+@app.route("/switch-machines", methods=['GET'])
+def list_switchmachines():
+ """List switch machines.
+ Supported filters: [
+ 'vlans', 'switchIp', 'SwitchIpStart',
+ 'SwitchIpEnd', 'SwitchIpRange', 'port',
+ 'portStart', 'portEnd', 'portRange',
+ 'location', 'tag', 'mac'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_args(vlans=_int_converter)
+ _filter_switch_ip(data)
+ _filter_switch_port(data)
+ _filter_general(data, 'vlans')
+ _filter_machine_tag(data)
+ _filter_machine_location(data)
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.list_switchmachines(
+ user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/switches-machines-hosts", methods=['GET'])
+def list_switchmachines_hosts():
+ """List switch machines or hosts.
+ Supported filters: [
+ 'vlans', 'switchIp', 'SwitchIpStart',
+ 'SwitchIpEnd', 'SwitchIpRange', 'port',
+ 'portStart', 'portEnd', 'portRange',
+ 'location', 'tag', 'mac', 'os_name'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_args(vlans=_int_converter, os_id=_int_converter)
+ _filter_switch_ip(data)
+ _filter_switch_port(data)
+ _filter_general(data, 'vlans')
+ _filter_machine_tag(data)
+ _filter_machine_location(data)
+ _filter_general(data, 'os_name')
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.list_switchmachines_hosts(
+ user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+ '/switch-machines/<int:switch_machine_id>',
+ methods=['GET']
+def show_switchmachine(switch_machine_id):
+ """get switch machine."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.get_switchmachine(
+ switch_machine_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+ '/switch-machines/<int:switch_machine_id>',
+ methods=['PUT']
+def update_switchmachine(switch_machine_id):
+ """update switch machine.
+ Support fields: [
+ ''port', 'vlans', 'ipmi_credentials', 'tag', 'location'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.update_switchmachine(
+ switch_machine_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route('/switch-machines/<int:switch_machine_id>', methods=['PATCH'])
+def patch_switchmachine(switch_machine_id):
+ """patch switch machine.
+ Support fields: [
+ 'vlans', 'ipmi_credentials', 'tag', 'location'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.patch_switchmachine(
+ switch_machine_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/switch-machines/<int:switch_machine_id>", methods=['DELETE'])
+def delete_switchmachine(switch_machine_id):
+ """Delete switch machine."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ switch_api.del_switchmachine(
+ switch_machine_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/machines", methods=['GET'])
+def list_machines():
+ """List machines.
+ Supported filters: [
+ 'tag', 'location', 'mac'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ _filter_machine_tag(data)
+ _filter_machine_location(data)
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ machine_api.list_machines(
+ user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/machine/discovery", methods=['POST'])
+def switch_discovery():
+ """switch on/off hardware discovery"""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+@app.route("/machines", methods=['POST'])
+def add_machine():
+ """add machine by tinycore.
+ supported fileds: [
+ 'tag', 'location', 'ipmi_credentials',
+ 'machine_attributes'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ machine_api.add_machine(**data)
+ )
+@app.route("/machines/<int:machine_id>", methods=['GET'])
+def show_machine(machine_id):
+ """Get machine."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ machine_api.get_machine(
+ machine_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/machines/<int:machine_id>", methods=['PUT'])
+def update_machine(machine_id):
+ """update machine.
+ Supported fields: [
+ 'tag', 'location', 'ipmi_credentials',
+ 'machine_attributes'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ machine_api.update_machine(
+ machine_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/machines/<int:machine_id>", methods=['PATCH'])
+def patch_machine(machine_id):
+ """patch machine.
+ Supported fields: [
+ 'tag', 'location', 'ipmi_credentials',
+ 'machine_attributes'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ machine_api.patch_machine(
+ machine_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/machines/<int:machine_id>", methods=['DELETE'])
+def delete_machine(machine_id):
+ """Delete machine."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ machine_api.del_machine(
+ machine_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/subnets", methods=['GET'])
+def list_subnets():
+ """List subnets.
+ Supported filters: [
+ 'subnet', 'name'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ network_api.list_subnets(
+ user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/subnets/<int:subnet_id>", methods=['GET'])
+def show_subnet(subnet_id):
+ """Get subnet."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ network_api.get_subnet(
+ subnet_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/subnets", methods=['POST'])
+def add_subnet():
+ """add subnet.
+ Must fields: ['subnet']
+ Optional fields: ['name']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ network_api.add_subnet(user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/subnets/<int:subnet_id>", methods=['PUT'])
+def update_subnet(subnet_id):
+ """update subnet.
+ Support fields: ['subnet', 'name']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ network_api.update_subnet(
+ subnet_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/subnets/<int:subnet_id>", methods=['DELETE'])
+def delete_subnet(subnet_id):
+ """Delete subnet."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ network_api.del_subnet(
+ subnet_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/adapters", methods=['GET'])
+def list_adapters():
+ """List adapters.
+ Supported filters: [
+ 'name'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ _filter_general(data, 'name')
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ adapter_api.list_adapters(
+ user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/adapters/<adapter_id>", methods=['GET'])
+def show_adapter(adapter_id):
+ """Get adapter."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ adapter_api.get_adapter(
+ adapter_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/adapters/<adapter_id>/metadata", methods=['GET'])
+def show_adapter_metadata(adapter_id):
+ """Get adapter metadata."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ metadata_api.get_package_metadata(
+ adapter_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/oses/<os_id>/metadata", methods=['GET'])
+def show_os_metadata(os_id):
+ """Get os metadata."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ metadata_api.get_os_metadata(
+ os_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/oses/<os_id>/ui_metadata", methods=['GET'])
+def convert_os_metadata(os_id):
+ """Convert os metadata to ui os metadata."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ metadata_api.get_os_ui_metadata(
+ os_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/flavors/<flavor_id>/metadata", methods=['GET'])
+def show_flavor_metadata(flavor_id):
+ """Get flavor metadata."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ metadata_api.get_flavor_metadata(
+ flavor_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/flavors/<flavor_id>/ui_metadata", methods=['GET'])
+def convert_flavor_metadata(flavor_id):
+ """Convert flavor metadata to ui flavor metadata."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ metadata_api.get_flavor_ui_metadata(
+ flavor_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+ "/adapters/<adapter_id>/oses/<os_id>/metadata",
+ methods=['GET']
+def show_adapter_os_metadata(adapter_id, os_id):
+ """Get adapter metadata."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ metadata_api.get_package_os_metadata(
+ adapter_id, os_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters", methods=['GET'])
+def list_clusters():
+ """List clusters.
+ Supported filters: [
+ 'name', 'os_name', 'owner', 'adapter_name', 'flavor_name'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.list_clusters(
+ user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters/<int:cluster_id>", methods=['GET'])
+def show_cluster(cluster_id):
+ """Get cluster."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.get_cluster(
+ cluster_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters", methods=['POST'])
+def add_cluster():
+ """add cluster.
+ Must fields: ['name', 'adapter_id', 'os_id']
+ Optional fields: ['flavor_id']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.add_cluster(user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters/<int:cluster_id>", methods=['PUT'])
+def update_cluster(cluster_id):
+ """update cluster.
+ Supported fields: ['name', 'reinstall_distributed_system']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.update_cluster(
+ cluster_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters/<int:cluster_id>", methods=['DELETE'])
+def delete_cluster(cluster_id):
+ """Delete cluster."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ response = cluster_api.del_cluster(
+ cluster_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ if 'status' in response:
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 202, response
+ )
+ else:
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200, response
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/config", methods=['GET'])
+def show_cluster_config(cluster_id):
+ """Get cluster config."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.get_cluster_config(
+ cluster_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/metadata", methods=['GET'])
+def show_cluster_metadata(cluster_id):
+ """Get cluster metadata."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.get_cluster_metadata(
+ cluster_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/config", methods=['PUT'])
+def update_cluster_config(cluster_id):
+ """update cluster config.
+ Supported fields: ['os_config', 'package_config', 'config_step']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.update_cluster_config(
+ cluster_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/config", methods=['PATCH'])
+def patch_cluster_config(cluster_id):
+ """patch cluster config.
+ Supported fields: ['os_config', 'package_config', 'config_step']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.patch_cluster_config(cluster_id, user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/config", methods=['DELETE'])
+def delete_cluster_config(cluster_id):
+ """Delete cluster config."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.del_cluster_config(
+ cluster_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/action", methods=['POST'])
+def take_cluster_action(cluster_id):
+ """take cluster action.
+ Supported actions: [
+ 'add_hosts', 'remove_hosts', 'set_hosts',
+ 'review', 'deploy', 'check_health', 'apply_patch'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ url_root = request.url_root
+ update_cluster_hosts_func = _wrap_response(
+ functools.partial(
+ cluster_api.update_cluster_hosts, cluster_id, user=current_user,
+ ),
+ 200
+ )
+ review_cluster_func = _wrap_response(
+ functools.partial(
+ cluster_api.review_cluster, cluster_id, user=current_user,
+ ),
+ 200
+ )
+ deploy_cluster_func = _wrap_response(
+ functools.partial(
+ cluster_api.deploy_cluster, cluster_id, user=current_user,
+ ),
+ 202
+ )
+ redeploy_cluster_func = _wrap_response(
+ functools.partial(
+ cluster_api.redeploy_cluster, cluster_id, user=current_user,
+ ),
+ 202
+ )
+ patch_cluster_func = _wrap_response(
+ functools.partial(
+ cluster_api.patch_cluster, cluster_id, user=current_user,
+ ),
+ 202
+ )
+ check_cluster_health_func = _wrap_response(
+ functools.partial(
+ health_report_api.start_check_cluster_health,
+ cluster_id,
+ '%s/clusters/%s/healthreports' % (url_root, cluster_id),
+ user=current_user
+ ),
+ 202
+ )
+ return _group_data_action(
+ data,
+ add_hosts=update_cluster_hosts_func,
+ set_hosts=update_cluster_hosts_func,
+ remove_hosts=update_cluster_hosts_func,
+ review=review_cluster_func,
+ deploy=deploy_cluster_func,
+ redeploy=redeploy_cluster_func,
+ apply_patch=patch_cluster_func,
+ check_health=check_cluster_health_func
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/state", methods=['GET'])
+def get_cluster_state(cluster_id):
+ """Get cluster state."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.get_cluster_state(
+ cluster_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/healthreports", methods=['POST'])
+def create_health_reports(cluster_id):
+ """Create a health check report.
+ Must fields: ['name']
+ Optional fields: [
+ 'display_name', 'report', 'category', 'state', 'error_message'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ output = []
+'create_health_reports for cluster %s: %s',
+ cluster_id, data)
+ if 'report_list' in data:
+ for report in data['report_list']:
+ try:
+ output.append(
+ health_report_api.add_report_record(
+ cluster_id, **report
+ )
+ )
+ except Exception as error:
+ logging.exception(error)
+ continue
+ else:
+ output = health_report_api.add_report_record(
+ cluster_id, **data
+ )
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ output
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/healthreports", methods=['PUT'])
+def bulk_update_reports(cluster_id):
+ """Bulk update reports.
+ request data is a list of health report.
+ Each health report must contain ['name'],
+ may contain [
+ 'display_name', 'report', 'category', 'state', 'error_message'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ health_report_api.update_multi_reports(
+ cluster_id, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/healthreports", methods=['GET'])
+def list_health_reports(cluster_id):
+ """list health report for a cluster."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ health_report_api.list_health_reports(
+ cluster_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/healthreports/<name>", methods=['PUT'])
+def update_health_report(cluster_id, name):
+ """Update cluster health report.
+ Supported fields: ['report', 'state', 'error_message']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ if 'error_message' not in data:
+ data['error_message'] = ""
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ health_report_api.update_report(
+ cluster_id, name, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/healthreports/<name>", methods=['GET'])
+def get_health_report(cluster_id, name):
+ """Get health report by cluster id and name."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ health_report_api.get_health_report(
+ cluster_id, name, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/hosts", methods=['GET'])
+def list_cluster_hosts(cluster_id):
+ """Get cluster hosts."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ _reformat_host(cluster_api.list_cluster_hosts(
+ cluster_id, user=current_user, **data
+ ))
+ )
+@app.route("/clusterhosts", methods=['GET'])
+def list_clusterhosts():
+ """Get cluster hosts."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ _reformat_host(cluster_api.list_clusterhosts(
+ user=current_user, **data
+ ))
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/hosts/<int:host_id>", methods=['GET'])
+def show_cluster_host(cluster_id, host_id):
+ """Get clusterhost."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ _reformat_host(cluster_api.get_cluster_host(
+ cluster_id, host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ ))
+ )
+@app.route("/clusterhosts/<int:clusterhost_id>", methods=['GET'])
+def show_clusterhost(clusterhost_id):
+ """Get clusterhost."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ _reformat_host(cluster_api.get_clusterhost(
+ clusterhost_id, user=current_user, **data
+ ))
+ )
+@app.route("/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/hosts", methods=['POST'])
+def add_cluster_host(cluster_id):
+ """update cluster hosts.
+ Must fields: ['machine_id']
+ Optional fields: ['name', 'reinstall_os', 'roles']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.add_cluster_host(cluster_id, user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+ '/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/hosts/<int:host_id>',
+ methods=['PUT']
+def update_cluster_host(cluster_id, host_id):
+ """Update cluster host.
+ Supported fields: ['name', 'reinstall_os', 'roles']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.update_cluster_host(
+ cluster_id, host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+ '/clusterhosts/<int:clusterhost_id>',
+ methods=['PUT']
+def update_clusterhost(clusterhost_id):
+ """Update cluster host.
+ Supported fields: ['name', 'reinstall_os', 'roles']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.update_clusterhost(
+ clusterhost_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+ '/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/hosts/<int:host_id>',
+ methods=['PATCH']
+def patch_cluster_host(cluster_id, host_id):
+ """Update cluster host.
+ Supported fields: ['roles']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.patch_cluster_host(
+ cluster_id, host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+ '/clusterhosts/<int:clusterhost_id>',
+ methods=['PATCH']
+def patch_clusterhost(clusterhost_id):
+ """Update cluster host.
+ Supported fields: ['roles']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.patch_clusterhost(
+ clusterhost_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+ '/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/hosts/<int:host_id>',
+ methods=['DELETE']
+def delete_cluster_host(cluster_id, host_id):
+ """Delete cluster host."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ response = cluster_api.del_cluster_host(
+ cluster_id, host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ if 'status' in response:
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 202, response
+ )
+ else:
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200, response
+ )
+ '/clusterhosts/<int:clusterhost_id>',
+ methods=['DELETE']
+def delete_clusterhost(clusterhost_id):
+ """Delete cluster host."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ response = cluster_api.del_clusterhost(
+ clusterhost_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ if 'status' in response:
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 202, response
+ )
+ else:
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200, response
+ )
+ "/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/hosts/<int:host_id>/config",
+ methods=['GET']
+def show_cluster_host_config(cluster_id, host_id):
+ """Get clusterhost config."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.get_cluster_host_config(
+ cluster_id, host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/clusterhosts/<int:clusterhost_id>/config", methods=['GET'])
+def show_clusterhost_config(clusterhost_id):
+ """Get clusterhost config."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.get_clusterhost_config(
+ clusterhost_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+ "/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/hosts/<int:host_id>/config",
+ methods=['PUT']
+def update_cluster_host_config(cluster_id, host_id):
+ """update clusterhost config.
+ Supported fields: ['os_config', package_config']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.update_cluster_host_config(
+ cluster_id, host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/clusterhosts/<int:clusterhost_id>/config", methods=['PUT'])
+def update_clusterhost_config(clusterhost_id):
+ """update clusterhost config.
+ Supported fields: ['os_config', 'package_config']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.update_clusterhost_config(
+ clusterhost_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+ "/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/hosts/<int:host_id>/config",
+ methods=['PATCH']
+def patch_cluster_host_config(cluster_id, host_id):
+ """patch clusterhost config."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.patch_cluster_host_config(
+ cluster_id, host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/clusterhosts/<int:clusterhost_id>", methods=['PATCH'])
+def patch_clusterhost_config(clusterhost_id):
+ """patch clusterhost config."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.patch_clusterhost_config(
+ clusterhost_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+ "/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/hosts/<int:host_id>/config",
+ methods=['DELETE']
+def delete_cluster_host_config(cluster_id, host_id):
+ """Delete clusterhost config."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.del_clusterhost_config(
+ cluster_id, host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/clusterhosts/<int:clusterhost_id>/config", methods=['DELETE'])
+def delete_clusterhost_config(clusterhost_id):
+ """Delete clusterhost config."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.del_clusterhost_config(
+ clusterhost_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+ "/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/hosts/<int:host_id>/state",
+ methods=['GET']
+def show_cluster_host_state(cluster_id, host_id):
+ """Get clusterhost state."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.get_cluster_host_state(
+ cluster_id, host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/clusterhosts/<int:clusterhost_id>/state", methods=['GET'])
+def show_clusterhost_state(clusterhost_id):
+ """Get clusterhost state."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.get_clusterhost_state(
+ clusterhost_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+ "/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/hosts/<int:host_id>/state",
+ methods=['PUT', 'POST']
+def update_cluster_host_state(cluster_id, host_id):
+ """update clusterhost state.
+ Supported fields: ['state', 'percentage', 'message', 'severity']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.update_clusterhost_state(
+ cluster_id, host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+ "/clusters/<clustername>/hosts/<hostname>/state_internal",
+ methods=['PUT', 'POST']
+def update_cluster_host_state_internal(clustername, hostname):
+ """update clusterhost state.
+ Supported fields: ['ready']
+ """
+ # TODO(xicheng): it should be merged into update_cluster_host_state.
+ # TODO(xicheng): the api is not login required and no user checking.
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ clusters = cluster_api.list_clusters(name=clustername)
+ if not clusters:
+ raise exception_handler.ItemNotFound(
+ 'no clusters found for clustername %s' % clustername
+ )
+ cluster_id = clusters[0]['id']
+ hosts = host_api.list_hosts(name=hostname)
+ if not hosts:
+ raise exception_handler.ItemNotFound(
+ 'no hosts found for hostname %s' % hostname
+ )
+ host_id = hosts[0]['id']
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.update_clusterhost_state_internal(
+ cluster_id, host_id, **data
+ )
+ )
+ "/clusterhosts/<int:clusterhost_id>/state",
+ methods=['PUT', 'POST']
+def update_clusterhost_state(clusterhost_id):
+ """update clusterhost state.
+ Supported fields: ['state', 'percentage', 'message', 'severity']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.update_clusterhost_state(
+ clusterhost_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+ "/clusterhosts/<clusterhost_name>/state_internal",
+ methods=['PUT', 'POST']
+def update_clusterhost_state_internal(clusterhost_name):
+ """update clusterhost state.
+ Supported fields: ['ready']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ clusterhosts = cluster_api.list_clusterhosts()
+ clusterhost_id = None
+ for clusterhost in clusterhosts:
+ if clusterhost['name'] == clusterhost_name:
+ clusterhost_id = clusterhost['clusterhost_id']
+ break
+ if not clusterhost_id:
+ raise exception_handler.ItemNotFound(
+ 'no clusterhost found for clusterhost_name %s' % (
+ clusterhost_name
+ )
+ )
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ cluster_api.update_clusterhost_state_internal(
+ clusterhost_id, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/hosts", methods=['GET'])
+def list_hosts():
+ """List hosts.
+ Supported fields: ['name', 'os_name', 'owner', 'mac']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ _reformat_host(host_api.list_hosts(
+ user=current_user, **data
+ ))
+ )
+@app.route("/hosts/<int:host_id>", methods=['GET'])
+def show_host(host_id):
+ """Get host."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ _reformat_host(host_api.get_host(
+ host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ ))
+ )
+@app.route("/machines-hosts", methods=['GET'])
+def list_machines_or_hosts():
+ """Get list of machine of host if the host exists.
+ Supported filters: [
+ 'mac', 'tag', 'location', 'os_name', 'os_id'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_args(os_id=_int_converter)
+ _filter_machine_tag(data)
+ _filter_machine_location(data)
+ _filter_general(data, 'os_name')
+ _filter_general(data, 'os_id')
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ _reformat_host(host_api.list_machines_or_hosts(
+ user=current_user, **data
+ ))
+ )
+@app.route("/machines-hosts/<int:host_id>", methods=['GET'])
+def show_machine_or_host(host_id):
+ """Get host."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ _reformat_host(host_api.get_machine_or_host(
+ host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ ))
+ )
+@app.route("/hosts/<int:host_id>", methods=['PUT'])
+def update_host(host_id):
+ """update host.
+ Supported fields: ['name', 'reinstall_os']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ host_api.update_host(
+ host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/hosts", methods=['PUT'])
+def update_hosts():
+ """update hosts.
+ update a list of host as dict each may contains following keys: [
+ 'name', 'reinstall_os'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data_as_list()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ host_api.update_hosts(
+ data, user=current_user,
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/hosts/<int:host_id>", methods=['DELETE'])
+def delete_host(host_id):
+ """Delete host."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ response = host_api.del_host(
+ host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ if 'status' in response:
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 202, response
+ )
+ else:
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200, response
+ )
+@app.route("/hosts/<int:host_id>/clusters", methods=['GET'])
+def get_host_clusters(host_id):
+ """Get host clusters."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ host_api.get_host_clusters(
+ host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/hosts/<int:host_id>/config", methods=['GET'])
+def show_host_config(host_id):
+ """Get host config."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ host_api.get_host_config(
+ host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/hosts/<int:host_id>/config", methods=['PUT'])
+def update_host_config(host_id):
+ """update host config."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ host_api.update_host_config(host_id, user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/hosts/<int:host_id>", methods=['PATCH'])
+def patch_host_config(host_id):
+ """patch host config."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ host_api.patch_host_config(host_id, user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/hosts/<int:host_id>/config", methods=['DELETE'])
+def delete_host_config(host_id):
+ """Delete host config."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ host_api.del_host_config(
+ host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/hosts/<int:host_id>/networks", methods=['GET'])
+def list_host_networks(host_id):
+ """list host networks.
+ Supported filters: [
+ 'interface', 'ip', 'is_mgmt', 'is_promiscuous'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ _reformat_host_networks(
+ host_api.list_host_networks(
+ host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/host/networks", methods=['GET'])
+def list_hostnetworks():
+ """list host networks.
+ Supported filters: [
+ 'interface', 'ip', 'is_mgmt', 'is_promiscuous'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_args(
+ is_mgmt=_bool_converter,
+ is_promiscuous=_bool_converter
+ )
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ _reformat_host_networks(
+ host_api.list_hostnetworks(user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+ )
+ "/hosts/<int:host_id>/networks/<int:host_network_id>",
+ methods=['GET']
+def show_host_network(host_id, host_network_id):
+ """Get host network."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ host_api.get_host_network(
+ host_id, host_network_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/host/networks/<int:host_network_id>", methods=['GET'])
+def show_hostnetwork(host_network_id):
+ """Get host network."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ host_api.get_hostnetwork(
+ host_network_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/hosts/<int:host_id>/networks", methods=['POST'])
+def add_host_network(host_id):
+ """add host network.
+ Must fields: ['interface', 'ip', 'subnet_id']
+ Optional fields: ['is_mgmt', 'is_promiscuous']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200, host_api.add_host_network(host_id, user=current_user, **data)
+ )
+@app.route("/hosts/networks", methods=['PUT'])
+def update_host_networks():
+ """add host networks.
+ update a list of host network each may contain [
+ 'interface', 'ip', 'subnet_id', 'is_mgmt', 'is_promiscuous'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data_as_list()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200, host_api.add_host_networks(
+ data=data, user=current_user,)
+ )
+ "/hosts/<int:host_id>/networks/<int:host_network_id>",
+ methods=['PUT']
+def update_host_network(host_id, host_network_id):
+ """update host network.
+ supported fields: [
+ 'interface', 'ip', 'subnet_id', 'subnet', 'is_mgmt',
+ 'is_promiscuous'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ host_api.update_host_network(
+ host_id, host_network_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/host-networks/<int:host_network_id>", methods=['PUT'])
+def update_hostnetwork(host_network_id):
+ """update host network.
+ supported fields: [
+ 'interface', 'ip', 'subnet_id', 'subnet', 'is_mgmt',
+ 'is_promiscuous'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ host_api.update_hostnetwork(
+ host_network_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+ "/hosts/<int:host_id>/networks/<int:host_network_id>",
+ methods=['DELETE']
+def delete_host_network(host_id, host_network_id):
+ """Delete host network."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ host_api.del_host_network(
+ host_id, host_network_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/host-networks/<int:host_network_id>", methods=['DELETE'])
+def delete_hostnetwork(host_network_id):
+ """Delete host network."""
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ host_api.del_hostnetwork(
+ host_network_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/hosts/<int:host_id>/state", methods=['GET'])
+def show_host_state(host_id):
+ """Get host state."""
+ data = _get_request_args()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ host_api.get_host_state(
+ host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/hosts/<int:host_id>/state", methods=['PUT', 'POST'])
+def update_host_state(host_id):
+ """update host state.
+ Supported fields: [
+ 'state', 'percentage', 'message', 'severity'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ host_api.update_host_state(
+ host_id, user=current_user, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/hosts/<hostname>/state_internal", methods=['PUT', 'POST'])
+def update_host_state_internal(hostname):
+ """update host state.
+ Supported fields: ['ready']
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+# host_id = int(host_id)
+# hosts = host_api.list_hosts(id=host_id)
+ hosts = host_api.list_hosts(name=hostname)
+ if not hosts:
+ raise exception_handler.ItemNotFound(
+ 'no hosts found for hostname %s' % hostname
+ )
+ host_id = hosts[0]['id']
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ 200,
+ host_api.update_host_state_internal(
+ host_id, **data
+ )
+ )
+@app.route("/hosts/<int:host_id>/action", methods=['POST'])
+def take_host_action(host_id):
+ """take host action.
+ Supported actions: [
+ 'poweron', 'poweroff', 'reset'
+ ]
+ """
+ data = _get_request_data()
+ poweron_func = _wrap_response(
+ functools.partial(
+ host_api.poweron_host, host_id, user=current_user,
+ ),
+ 202
+ )
+ poweroff_func = _wrap_response(
+ functools.partial(
+ host_api.poweroff_host, host_id, user=current_user,
+ ),
+ 202
+ )
+ reset_func = _wrap_response(
+ functools.partial(
+ host_api.reset_host, host_id, user=current_user,
+ )
+ )
+ return _group_data_action(
+ data,
+ poweron=poweron_func,
+ poweroff=poweroff_func,
+ reset=reset_func,
+ )
+def _get_headers(*keys):
+ """Get proxied request headers."""
+ headers = {}
+ for key in keys:
+ if key in request.headers:
+ headers[key] = request.headers[key]
+ return headers
+def _get_response_json(response):
+ """Get proxies request json formatted response."""
+ try:
+ return response.json()
+ except ValueError:
+ return response.text
+@app.route("/proxy/<path:url>", methods=['GET'])
+def proxy_get(url):
+ """proxy url."""
+ headers = _get_headers(
+ 'Content-Type', 'Accept-Encoding',
+ 'Content-Encoding', 'Accept', 'User-Agent',
+ 'Content-MD5', 'Transfer-Encoding', app.config['AUTH_HEADER_NAME'],
+ 'Cookie'
+ )
+ response = requests.get(
+ '%s/%s' % (setting.PROXY_URL_PREFIX, url),
+ params=_get_request_args(),
+ headers=headers,
+ stream=True
+ )
+ logging.debug(
+ 'proxy %s response: %s',
+ url, response.text
+ )
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ response.status_code, _get_response_json(response)
+ )
+@app.route("/proxy/<path:url>", methods=['POST'])
+def proxy_post(url):
+ """proxy url."""
+ headers = _get_headers(
+ 'Content-Type', 'Accept-Encoding',
+ 'Content-Encoding', 'Accept', 'User-Agent',
+ 'Content-MD5', 'Transfer-Encoding',
+ 'Cookie'
+ )
+ response =
+ '%s/%s' % (setting.PROXY_URL_PREFIX, url),
+ headers=headers
+ )
+ logging.debug(
+ 'proxy %s response: %s',
+ url, response.text
+ )
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ response.status_code, _get_response_json(response)
+ )
+@app.route("/proxy/<path:url>", methods=['PUT'])
+def proxy_put(url):
+ """proxy url."""
+ headers = _get_headers(
+ 'Content-Type', 'Accept-Encoding',
+ 'Content-Encoding', 'Accept', 'User-Agent',
+ 'Content-MD5', 'Transfer-Encoding',
+ 'Cookie'
+ )
+ response = requests.put(
+ '%s/%s' % (setting.PROXY_URL_PREFIX, url),
+ headers=headers
+ )
+ logging.debug(
+ 'proxy %s response: %s',
+ url, response.text
+ )
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ response.status_code, _get_response_json(response)
+ )
+@app.route("/proxy/<path:url>", methods=['PATCH'])
+def proxy_patch(url):
+ """proxy url."""
+ headers = _get_headers(
+ 'Content-Type', 'Accept-Encoding',
+ 'Content-Encoding', 'Accept', 'User-Agent',
+ 'Content-MD5', 'Transfer-Encoding',
+ 'Cookie'
+ )
+ response = requests.patch(
+ '%s/%s' % (setting.PROXY_URL_PREFIX, url),
+ headers=headers
+ )
+ logging.debug(
+ 'proxy %s response: %s',
+ url, response.text
+ )
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ response.status_code, _get_response_json(response)
+ )
+@app.route("/proxy/<path:url>", methods=['DELETE'])
+def proxy_delete(url):
+ """proxy url."""
+ headers = _get_headers(
+ 'Content-Type', 'Accept-Encoding',
+ 'Content-Encoding', 'Accept', 'User-Agent',
+ 'Content-MD5', 'Transfer-Encoding',
+ 'Cookie'
+ )
+ response = requests.delete(
+ '%s/%s' % (setting.PROXY_URL_PREFIX, url),
+ headers=headers
+ )
+ logging.debug(
+ 'proxy %s response: %s',
+ url, response.text
+ )
+ return utils.make_json_response(
+ response.status_code, _get_response_json(response)
+ )
+def init():
+'init flask')
+ database.init()
+ adapter_api.load_adapters()
+ metadata_api.load_metadatas()
+ adapter_api.load_flavors()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ flags.init()
+ logsetting.init()
+ init()