path: root/sdv/docker/sdvstate/Makefile
diff options
authorParth Yadav <parthyadav3105@gmail.com>2021-07-19 19:26:06 +0530
committerParth Yadav <parthyadav3105@gmail.com>2021-07-19 19:53:45 +0530
commit27cf386ac6a133b5c75d2dbe7864ec7166d74b09 (patch)
tree5f1338e8a360fef901d4c0d3c8612c06c99102c0 /sdv/docker/sdvstate/Makefile
parent3a0d5aa439389a42d1fc0cdcefdae2fe597c3e56 (diff)
Initialize k8s test suite for Airship
This patch updates sdv framework to support multiple test suites. Current test suites: * default * k8s Current Cloud Installers: * Airship The patch also adds makefile for sdv framework to ease development work. Some useful makefile target: * make sandbox * make run * make lint * make bash Run `make help` for complete usage guide. The patch restructures the codebases directory structure. Signed-off-by: Parth Yadav<parthyadav3105@gmail.com> Change-Id: I109d13f84334ec1cfa4f9c17b74d38a979272ea5
Diffstat (limited to 'sdv/docker/sdvstate/Makefile')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sdv/docker/sdvstate/Makefile b/sdv/docker/sdvstate/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cd9b78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdv/docker/sdvstate/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# Set the shell to bash always
+SHELL := /bin/bash
+# Options
+# helper for printing yellow-bold formatted messages in makefile.
+# Usage: $S some text message $E
+S=printf "\n\e[1;33m[makefile]:
+define HELP_MSG
+Usage: make [target] arguments=value
+make sandbox
+ creates new sandbox container.
+make sandbox-clean
+ deletes sandbox container.
+make build
+ builds container image for sdv.
+make bash
+ opens a bash to sandbox contianer
+make run
+ runs sdvstate checks inside sandbox container.
+make lint
+ lints sdvstate code and generates report.
+make setup-dev
+ creates workdir for local developement files.
+Optional arguments:
+ Currently set to '$(IMG_TAG)'
+export HELP_MSG
+ @echo "$$HELP_MSG"
+# The following target enables all commands to run in same shell. This enables
+# exit to kill the program
+define CONF
+## Path to PDF file
+PDF_FILE: github.com/nfvid/sites/blob/master/intel-pod10.json
+# Airship arguments
+# Path to kube-config file
+KUBE_CONFIG : /sdv/workdir/example/config
+export CONF
+ @if [ ! -d "$(WORKDIR)" ]; then \
+ mkdir $(WORKDIR); \
+ mkdir "$(WORKDIR)/example"; \
+ echo "$$CONF" >> "$(WORKDIR)/example/conf.yaml"; \
+ $S: Created local workdir. $E; \
+ fi
+ $S: building sdv image... $E
+ @docker build . -t sdv:$(IMG_TAG) -f Dockerfile
+ @if [[ "$(shell docker container ls --format "{{.Names}}" | grep sdvsandbox)" == "sdvsandbox" ]]; then \
+ docker container stop sdvsandbox; \
+ fi
+sandbox: build sandbox-clean
+ docker container run --rm -d --name sdvsandbox \
+ -v $(PWD):/sdv/ \
+ -v $(PWD)/workdir/result:/tmp/state \
+ sdv:latest /bin/bash -c "while true; do sleep 10; done;";
+ docker container exec -it sdvsandbox /bin/bash
+define sandbox_bash
+ if [[ "$(shell docker container ls --format "{{.Names}}" | grep sdvsandbox)" == "" ]]; then \
+ echo "Sandbox container does not exists. Creating Sandbox..."; \
+ make sandbox; \
+ fi
+ docker container exec -it sdvsandbox bash -c $(1);
+ @$(call sandbox_bash, "/sdv/state --conf-file /sdv/workdir/example/conf.yaml")
+ @cp ../../../pylintrc $(WORKDIR)/pylintrc
+ @$(call sandbox_bash, \
+ "pylint --rcfile=/sdv/workdir/pylintrc /sdv/state /sdv/server /sdv/internal /sdv/tools")
+ @echo "Todo"
+all: help
+.PHONY: help setup-dev build sandbox-clean sandbox bash lint test run all