path: root/ui/imports/ui/components/scheduled-scan/scheduled-scan.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ui/imports/ui/components/scheduled-scan/scheduled-scan.js')
1 files changed, 511 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ui/imports/ui/components/scheduled-scan/scheduled-scan.js b/ui/imports/ui/components/scheduled-scan/scheduled-scan.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bcc591
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/imports/ui/components/scheduled-scan/scheduled-scan.js
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Koren Lev (Cisco Systems), Yaron Yogev (Cisco Systems) and others /
+// /
+// All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials /
+// are made available under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 /
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available at /
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 /
+ * Template Component: ScheduledScan
+ */
+//import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
+import { Template } from 'meteor/templating';
+import { SimpleSchema } from 'meteor/aldeed:simple-schema';
+import { ReactiveDict } from 'meteor/reactive-dict';
+import * as R from 'ramda';
+import { RRule } from 'rrule';
+import { ScheduledScans,
+ scansOnlyFields,
+ subsScheduledScansId,
+} from '/imports/api/scheduled-scans/scheduled-scans';
+import { Environments } from '/imports/api/environments/environments';
+import { Constants } from '/imports/api/constants/constants';
+import { insert, remove, update } from '/imports/api/scheduled-scans/methods';
+import '/imports/ui/components/mt-select/mt-select';
+import '/imports/ui/components/mt-input/mt-input';
+import '/imports/ui/components/mt-radios/mt-radios';
+import './scheduled-scan.html';
+ * Lifecycles
+ */
+Template.ScheduledScan.onCreated(function() {
+ var instance = this;
+ instance.state = new ReactiveDict();
+ instance.state.setDefault({
+ action: null,
+ _id: null,
+ model: null,
+ isError: false,
+ isSuccess: false,
+ isMessage: false,
+ message: null,
+ envsAsOptions: [],
+ logLevelsAsOptions: [],
+ pageHeader: 'Schedule a Scan',
+ });
+ instance.autorun(function () {
+ let data = Template.currentData();
+ new SimpleSchema({
+ _id: {
+ type: { _str: { type: String, regEx: SimpleSchema.RegEx.Id } },
+ optional: true
+ },
+ action: { type: String },
+ env: { type: String, optional: true },
+ }).validate(data);
+ instance.state.set('action', data.action);
+ R.when(R.pipe(R.isNil, R.not), x => instance.state.set('_id', x))(data._id);
+ R.when(R.pipe(R.isNil, R.not), x => instance.state.set('env', x))(data.env);
+ });
+ instance.autorun(function () {
+ let currentOptions = instance.state.get('envsAsOptions');
+ instance.subscribe('environments_config');
+ let tempOptions = [];
+ let addToOptionsDebounced = _.debounce(() => {
+ if (currentOptions.length === tempOptions.length) {
+ let result = R.intersectionWith(R.eqBy(R.prop('value')), tempOptions, currentOptions);
+ if (result.length === currentOptions.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ instance.state.set('envsAsOptions', tempOptions);
+ }, 250);
+ Environments.find({}).forEach((env) => {
+ let option = envToOption(env);
+ tempOptions = R.unionWith(R.eqBy(R.prop('value')), [option], tempOptions);
+ addToOptionsDebounced();
+ });
+ });
+ instance.autorun(function () {
+ let currentOptions = instance.state.get('logLevelsAsOptions');
+ instance.subscribe('constants');
+ let tempOptions = [];
+ let addToOptionsDebounced = _.debounce(() => {
+ if (currentOptions.length === tempOptions.length) {
+ let result = R.intersectionWith(R.eqBy(R.prop('value')), tempOptions, currentOptions);
+ if (result.length === currentOptions.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ instance.state.set('logLevelsAsOptions', tempOptions);
+ }, 250);
+ Constants.find({ name: 'log_levels' }).forEach((logLevelsRec) => {
+ let logLevels = logLevelsRec.data;
+ R.map((logLevel) => {
+ let option = logLevelToOption(logLevel);
+ tempOptions = R.unionWith(R.eqBy(R.prop('value')), [option], tempOptions);
+ addToOptionsDebounced();
+ }, logLevels);
+ });
+ });
+ instance.autorun(function () {
+ let action = instance.state.get('action');
+ let _id = instance.state.get('_id');
+ let env = instance.state.get('env');
+ R.cond([
+ [R.equals('insert'), _x => initInsertView(instance, env)],
+ [R.equals('update'), _x => initUpdateView(instance, _id)],
+ [R.equals('view'), _x => initViewView(instance, _id)],
+ [R.equals('remove'), _x => initRemoveView(instance, _id)],
+ [R.T, x => { throw `unimplemented action: ${R.toString(x)}`; }]
+ ])(action);
+ });
+Template.ScheduledScan.rendered = function() {
+ * Events
+ */
+ 'submit .sm-item-form': function(event, instance) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ let model = instance.state.get('model');
+ submitItem(instance, model);
+ }
+ * Helpers
+ */
+ isUpdateableAction() {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ let action = instance.state.get('action');
+ return R.contains(action, ['insert', 'update', 'remove']);
+ },
+ actionLabel: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ let action = instance.state.get('action');
+ return calcActionLabel(action);
+ },
+ asJson: function (val) {
+ return JSON.stringify(val);
+ },
+ getState: function (key) {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return instance.state.get(key);
+ },
+ modelField: function (fieldName) {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return R.path([fieldName], instance.state.get('model'));
+ },
+ envsAsOptions: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return instance.state.get('envsAsOptions');
+ },
+ onInputInventoryFn: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return { fn: createSetModelFn(instance, 'inventory') };
+ },
+ onInputObjectIdFn: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return { fn: createSetModelFn(instance, 'object_id') };
+ },
+ onInputClearFn: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return { fn: createSetModelFn(instance, 'clear') };
+ },
+ onInputEnvFn: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return { fn: createSetModelFn(instance, 'environment') };
+ },
+ onInputLogLevelFn: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return { fn: createSetModelFn(instance, 'log_level') };
+ },
+ onInputFreqFn: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return { fn: createSetModelFn(instance, 'freq') };
+ },
+ argsSelect: function (args) {
+ //let instance = Template.instance();
+ let classStr = args.hash.classStr;
+ let options = args.hash.options;
+ let selectedValue = args.hash.selectedValue;
+ let onInput = args.hash.onInput;
+ let disabled = args.hash.disabled;
+ return {
+ classStr: classStr,
+ selectedValue: selectedValue,
+ isDisabled: disabled,
+ options: options,
+ onInput: onInput,
+ };
+ },
+ scanOnlyFieldOptions: function () {
+ return [
+ { label: 'Full scan', value: '_full_scan' },
+ { label: 'Scan only inventory', value: 'scan_only_inventory' },
+ { label: 'Scan only links', value: 'scan_only_links' },
+ { label: 'Scan only cliques', value: 'scan_only_cliques' },
+ ];
+ },
+ scanOnlyFieldInputFn: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return {
+ fn: function (newFieldName) {
+ let model = instance.state.get('model');
+ model = R.reduce((acc, fieldName) => {
+ return R.assoc(fieldName, false, acc);
+ }, model, scansOnlyFields);
+ if (newFieldName === '_full_scan') {
+ console.log('full scan selected. all scan_only_ fields are reset');
+ } else {
+ model = R.assoc(newFieldName, true, model);
+ }
+ instance.state.set('model', model);
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ scanOnlyFieldsSelectedValue: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ let model = instance.state.get('model');
+ if (R.isNil(model)) { return null; }
+ let selectedValue = R.find((fieldName) => {
+ return R.prop(fieldName, model) === true;
+ }, scansOnlyFields);
+ if (R.isNil(selectedValue)) {
+ selectedValue = '_full_scan';
+ }
+ return selectedValue;
+ },
+ argsRadios: function (options, onInputFn, selectedValue) {
+ return {
+ inputClasses: 'cl-input',
+ options: options,
+ selectedValue: selectedValue,
+ onInput: onInputFn,
+ };
+ },
+ freqsAsOptions: function () {
+ return [
+ { label: 'Yearly', value: 'YEARLY' },
+ { label: 'Monthly', value: 'MONTHLY' },
+ { label: 'Weekly', value: 'WEEKLY' },
+ { label: 'Daily', value: 'DAILY' },
+ { label: 'Hourly', value: 'HOURLY' },
+ ];
+ },
+ argsInput: function (args) {
+ let classStr = args.hash.classStr;
+ let placeholder = args.hash.placeholder;
+ let inputValue = args.hash.inputValue;
+ let inputType = args.hash.inputType;
+ let onInput = args.hash.onInput;
+ let disabled = args.hash.disabled;
+ return {
+ inputValue: inputValue,
+ inputType: inputType,
+ classStr: classStr,
+ placeholder: placeholder,
+ isDisabled: disabled,
+ onInput: onInput,
+ };
+ },
+ getEnvsAsOptions: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return instance.state.get('envsAsOptions');
+ },
+ logLevelsAsOptions: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ return instance.state.get('logLevelsAsOptions');
+ },
+ isGenDisabled: function () {
+ let instance = Template.instance();
+ let action = instance.state.get('action');
+ if (R.contains(action, ['view', 'remove'])) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ getRecurrenceText: function (model) {
+ if (R.isNil(model)) { return ''; }
+ let rule = new RRule({
+ freq: RRule[model.freq]
+ });
+ return rule.toText();
+ },
+ getNextRunText: function (model) {
+ if (R.isNil(model)) { return ''; }
+ if (R.isNil(model.scheduled_timestamp)) { return ''; }
+ let next = moment(model.scheduled_timestamp);
+ return next.fromNow();
+ },
+}); // end: helpers
+function initInsertView(instance, env) {
+ instance.state.set('model', ScheduledScans.schema.clean({
+ environment: env,
+ }));
+ subscribeToOptionsData(instance);
+function initExistingItemView(instance, _id) {
+ subscribeToOptionsData(instance);
+ instance.subscribe(subsScheduledScansId, _id);
+ ScheduledScans.find({ _id: _id }).forEach((model) => {
+ instance.state.set('model', model);
+ });
+function initViewView(instance, _id) {
+ initExistingItemView(instance, _id);
+function initUpdateView(instance, _id) {
+ initExistingItemView(instance, _id);
+function initRemoveView(instance, _id) {
+ initExistingItemView(instance, _id);
+function subscribeToOptionsData(_instance) {
+function envToOption(env) {
+ return { value: env.name, label: env.name };
+function logLevelToOption(logLevel) {
+ return { value: logLevel.value, label: logLevel.label };
+function createSetModelFn(instance, fieldName) {
+ return function (value) {
+ let model = instance.state.get('model');
+ model = R.assoc(fieldName, value, model);
+ instance.state.set('model', model);
+ };
+function calcActionLabel(action) {
+ switch (action) {
+ case 'insert':
+ return 'Add';
+ case 'remove':
+ return 'Remove';
+ case 'update':
+ return 'Update';
+ default:
+ return 'Submit';
+ }
+function submitItem(
+ instance,
+ model
+) {
+ let action = instance.state.get('action');
+ instance.state.set('isError', false);
+ instance.state.set('isSuccess', false);
+ instance.state.set('isMessage', false);
+ instance.state.set('message', null);
+ switch (action) {
+ case 'insert':
+ insert.call({
+ environment: model.environment,
+ object_id: model.object_id,
+ log_level: model.log_level,
+ clear: model.clear,
+ scan_only_inventory: model.scan_only_inventory,
+ scan_only_links: model.scan_only_links,
+ scan_only_cliques: model.scan_only_cliques,
+ freq: model.freq,
+ }, processActionResult.bind(null, instance));
+ break;
+ case 'update':
+ update.call({
+ _id: model._id,
+ environment: model.environment,
+ object_id: model.object_id,
+ log_level: model.log_level,
+ clear: model.clear,
+ scan_only_inventory: model.scan_only_inventory,
+ scan_only_links: model.scan_only_links,
+ scan_only_cliques: model.scan_only_cliques,
+ freq: model.freq,
+ }, processActionResult.bind(null, instance));
+ break;
+ case 'remove':
+ remove.call({
+ _id: model._id,
+ }, processActionResult.bind(null, instance));
+ break;
+ default:
+ // todo
+ break;
+ }
+function processActionResult(instance, error) {
+ let action = instance.state.get('action');
+ if (error) {
+ instance.state.set('isError', true);
+ instance.state.set('isSuccess', false);
+ instance.state.set('isMessage', true);
+ if (typeof error === 'string') {
+ instance.state.set('message', error);
+ } else {
+ instance.state.set('message', error.message);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ instance.state.set('isError', false);
+ instance.state.set('isSuccess', true);
+ instance.state.set('isMessage', true);
+ switch (action) {
+ case 'insert':
+ instance.state.set('message', 'Record had been added successfully');
+ instance.state.set('disabled', true);
+ break;
+ case 'remove':
+ instance.state.set('message', 'Record had been removed successfully');
+ instance.state.set('disabled', true);
+ break;
+ case 'update':
+ instance.state.set('message', 'Record had been updated successfully');
+ break;
+ }
+ //Router.go('/link-types-list');