path: root/docs/testing/index.rst
blob: 70d3983b0df6341fce0b011893b05d1632dc8d8f (plain)
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.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. (c) Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others.

Bottlenecks Introduction

**Welcome to Bottlenecks' documentation !**

.. _Bottlenecks:
.. _Proposal:

Bottlenecks_ is an OPNFV testing Project.

The project's goal is to find system bottlenecks by testing and verifying
OPNFV infrastructure in a staging environment before committing it to a production environment.
Instead of debugging a deployment in production environment,
an automatic method for executing benchmarks which plans to
validate the deployment during staging is adopted.
This project forms a staging framework to find bottlenecks and to do analysis of the OPNFV infrastructure.

The *Bottlenecks* framework is deployed in several  OPNFV community labs. It is
installer, infrastructure and application independent.

.. toctree::


.. _Pharos:

.. seealso:: Pharos_ for information on OPNFV community labs.

Proposal_ for more project information.

Contact Bottlenecks

Feedback `Contact us`_

.. _Contact us: