path: root/utils/infra_setup/heat_template/vstf_heat_template/
diff options
authorYiting.Li <>2016-01-09 09:50:27 +0800
committerJun Li <>2016-01-10 03:42:22 +0000
commit0cb54276e3b9aa3d531e574493206e2e3b5e5018 (patch)
treec2fa2ac0b66c633249e05492875fd6e153d5d55c /utils/infra_setup/heat_template/vstf_heat_template/
parenta08f4e7265637f994598f233c7713bfe877cada6 (diff)
End to End test framework bottleneck vstf test suite ci script(currently progress is ok without vstf images) Change-Id: Ifdd1289b05d2916f6022c01c2581674e01bc022f Signed-off-by: Yiting.Li <> (cherry picked from commit b8eeff7c6fdbfa5fe308e37a09853a6bc1f20d60)
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/infra_setup/heat_template/vstf_heat_template/')
1 files changed, 172 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/infra_setup/heat_template/vstf_heat_template/ b/utils/infra_setup/heat_template/vstf_heat_template/
index 11df69b8..f608e120 100755
--- a/utils/infra_setup/heat_template/vstf_heat_template/
+++ b/utils/infra_setup/heat_template/vstf_heat_template/
@@ -26,7 +26,146 @@ bottlenecks_env_prepare()
source $BOTTLENECKS_REPO_DIR/rubbos/rubbos_scripts/1-1-1/scripts/
+ echo "[INFO]Begin to clean up vstf heat-stack ,glance images and keypairs"
+ #heat stack-delete bottlenecks
+ sleep 30
+ if heat stack-list; then
+ for stack in $(heat stack-list | grep -e " vstf " | awk '{print $2}'); do
+ echo "[INFO]clean up stack $stack"
+ heat stack-delete $stack || true
+ sleep 30
+ done
+ fi
+ glance image-delete ${MANAGER_IMAGE_NAME};glance image-delete "${AGENT_IMAGE_NAME}"
+ if glance image-list; then
+ for image in $(glance image-list | grep -e "${MANAGER_IMAGE_NAME}" | awk '{print $2}'); do
+ echo "[INFO]clean up image $image"
+ glance image-delete $image || true
+ done
+ for image in $(glance image-list | grep -e "${AGENT_IMAGE_NAME}" | awk '{print $2}'); do
+ echo "[INFO]clean up image $image"
+ glance image-delete $image || true
+ done
+ fi
+ if nova keypair-list; then
+ for key in $(nova keypair-list | grep -e $KEY_NAME | awk '{print $2}'); do
+ echo "[INFO]clean up key $key"
+ nova keypair-delete $key || true
+ done
+ fi
+ #check the default flavor m1.large existing
+ if nova flavor-list; then
+ flag=`nova flavor-list | grep "m1.large "`
+ echo "[INFO]the flavor m1.large num is $flag"
+ fi
+ return 0
+ echo "[INFO]download vstf images"
+ #download vstf-manager and vstf-agent image
+ #curl --connect-timeout 10 -o /tmp/vstf-manager.img $MANAGER_IMAGE_URL -v
+ #curl --connect-timeout 10 -o /tmp/vstf-agent.img $AGENT_IMAGE_URL -v
+ curl --connect-timeout 10 -o /tmp/vstf-manager.img $MANAGER_IMAGE_URL -v
+ curl --connect-timeout 10 -o /tmp/vstf-agent.img $AGENT_IMAGE_URL -v
+ #echo "begin to test downloading from vstf directory!!!!!!"
+ #curl --connect-timeout 10 -o /tmp/vstf-test.txt
+ #echo "begin to cat /tmp/vstf-test.txt vstf directory!!!!!!"
+ #cat /tmp/vstf-test.txt
+ #register
+ echo "[INFO]register vstf manager and agent images"
+ result=$(glance image-create \
+ --disk-format qcow2 \
+ --container-format bare \
+ --file /tmp/vstf-manager.img)
+ echo "Manager image register result $result."
+ result=$(glance image-create \
+ --name $AGENT_IMAGE_NAME \
+ --disk-format qcow2 \
+ --container-format bare \
+ --file /tmp/vstf-agent.img)
+ echo "Agent image register result $result."
+ glance image-list
+ rm -rf /tmp/vstf-manager.img;rm -rf /tmp/vstf-agent.img
#vstf logic function here
+ echo "create vstf instance using heat template"
+ echo "upload keypair"
+ nova keypair-add --pub_key $KEY_PATH/ $KEY_NAME
+ nova keypair-list
+ echo "use heat template to create stack"
+ cd ${HOT_PATH}
+ heat stack-create vstf -f ${TEMPLATE_NAME}
+ retry=0
+ while true
+ do
+ status=$(heat stack-list | grep vstf | awk '{print $6}')
+ if [ x$status = x"CREATE_COMPLETE" ]; then
+ echo "vstf stacke create complete"
+ heat stack-show vstf
+ nova list | grep vstf-
+ break;
+ elif [ x$status = x"CREATE_FAILED" ]; then
+ echo "bottlenecks stacke create failed !!!"
+ heat stack-show vstf
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ "$BOTTLENECKS_DEBUG" == "True" ]; then
+ heat stack-show vstf
+ nova list | grep vstf-
+ for i in $(nova list | grep "vstf-" | grep ERROR | awk '{print $2}')
+ do
+ nova show $i
+ done
+ fi
+ sleep 1
+ let retry+=1
+ if [[ $retry -ge $1 ]];then
+ echo "Heat vstf stack create timeout, status $status !!!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ done
+ wait_heat_stack_complete 120
+ return 0
+ cd ${HOT_PATH}
+ bash -x ./
+ cd ${HOT_PATH}
+ bash -x ./
@@ -35,9 +174,42 @@ main()
#vstf parameter here
+ MANAGER_IMAGE_NAME="vstf-manager"
+ AGENT_IMAGE_NAME="vstf-agent"
+ KEY_PATH=$BOTTLENECKS_REPO_DIR/utils/infra_setup/bottlenecks_key
+ HOT_PATH=$BOTTLENECKS_REPO_DIR/utils/infra_setup/heat_template/vstf_heat_template
+ KEY_NAME=vstf-key
+ #use the default openstack flavor m1.large
+ FLAVOR_NAME="m1.large"
+ TEMPLATE_NAME=bottleneck_vstf.yaml
+ PUBLIC_NET_NAME=net04_ext
+ #load adminrc
#vstf function here
+ vstf_cleanup
+ vstf_register
+ vstf_create_heat_template
+ vstf_check_instance_ok
+ heat stack-list
+ nova list
+ sleep 100
+ vstf_launch
+ #sleep 30
+ vstf_test
+ #sleep 10
+ #echo "[INFO]bottleneck vstf testsuite done ,results in the directory ${HOT_PATH}/result"
+ echo "[INFO]Begin to clean up the vstf heat-stack and image"
+ vstf_cleanup
+ sleep 30
+ heat stack-list
+ nova list