path: root/src/dma/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/router.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/dma/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/router.go')
1 files changed, 435 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dma/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/router.go b/src/dma/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/router.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..73f0b68b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dma/vendor/github.com/labstack/echo/router.go
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+package echo
+import "net/http"
+type (
+ // Router is the registry of all registered routes for an `Echo` instance for
+ // request matching and URL path parameter parsing.
+ Router struct {
+ tree *node
+ routes map[string]*Route
+ echo *Echo
+ }
+ node struct {
+ kind kind
+ label byte
+ prefix string
+ parent *node
+ children children
+ ppath string
+ pnames []string
+ methodHandler *methodHandler
+ }
+ kind uint8
+ children []*node
+ methodHandler struct {
+ connect HandlerFunc
+ delete HandlerFunc
+ get HandlerFunc
+ head HandlerFunc
+ options HandlerFunc
+ patch HandlerFunc
+ post HandlerFunc
+ propfind HandlerFunc
+ put HandlerFunc
+ trace HandlerFunc
+ }
+const (
+ skind kind = iota
+ pkind
+ akind
+// NewRouter returns a new Router instance.
+func NewRouter(e *Echo) *Router {
+ return &Router{
+ tree: &node{
+ methodHandler: new(methodHandler),
+ },
+ routes: map[string]*Route{},
+ echo: e,
+ }
+// Add registers a new route for method and path with matching handler.
+func (r *Router) Add(method, path string, h HandlerFunc) {
+ // Validate path
+ if path == "" {
+ panic("echo: path cannot be empty")
+ }
+ if path[0] != '/' {
+ path = "/" + path
+ }
+ pnames := []string{} // Param names
+ ppath := path // Pristine path
+ for i, l := 0, len(path); i < l; i++ {
+ if path[i] == ':' {
+ j := i + 1
+ r.insert(method, path[:i], nil, skind, "", nil)
+ for ; i < l && path[i] != '/'; i++ {
+ }
+ pnames = append(pnames, path[j:i])
+ path = path[:j] + path[i:]
+ i, l = j, len(path)
+ if i == l {
+ r.insert(method, path[:i], h, pkind, ppath, pnames)
+ return
+ }
+ r.insert(method, path[:i], nil, pkind, "", nil)
+ } else if path[i] == '*' {
+ r.insert(method, path[:i], nil, skind, "", nil)
+ pnames = append(pnames, "*")
+ r.insert(method, path[:i+1], h, akind, ppath, pnames)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ r.insert(method, path, h, skind, ppath, pnames)
+func (r *Router) insert(method, path string, h HandlerFunc, t kind, ppath string, pnames []string) {
+ // Adjust max param
+ l := len(pnames)
+ if *r.echo.maxParam < l {
+ *r.echo.maxParam = l
+ }
+ cn := r.tree // Current node as root
+ if cn == nil {
+ panic("echo: invalid method")
+ }
+ search := path
+ for {
+ sl := len(search)
+ pl := len(cn.prefix)
+ l := 0
+ // LCP
+ max := pl
+ if sl < max {
+ max = sl
+ }
+ for ; l < max && search[l] == cn.prefix[l]; l++ {
+ }
+ if l == 0 {
+ // At root node
+ cn.label = search[0]
+ cn.prefix = search
+ if h != nil {
+ cn.kind = t
+ cn.addHandler(method, h)
+ cn.ppath = ppath
+ cn.pnames = pnames
+ }
+ } else if l < pl {
+ // Split node
+ n := newNode(cn.kind, cn.prefix[l:], cn, cn.children, cn.methodHandler, cn.ppath, cn.pnames)
+ // Reset parent node
+ cn.kind = skind
+ cn.label = cn.prefix[0]
+ cn.prefix = cn.prefix[:l]
+ cn.children = nil
+ cn.methodHandler = new(methodHandler)
+ cn.ppath = ""
+ cn.pnames = nil
+ cn.addChild(n)
+ if l == sl {
+ // At parent node
+ cn.kind = t
+ cn.addHandler(method, h)
+ cn.ppath = ppath
+ cn.pnames = pnames
+ } else {
+ // Create child node
+ n = newNode(t, search[l:], cn, nil, new(methodHandler), ppath, pnames)
+ n.addHandler(method, h)
+ cn.addChild(n)
+ }
+ } else if l < sl {
+ search = search[l:]
+ c := cn.findChildWithLabel(search[0])
+ if c != nil {
+ // Go deeper
+ cn = c
+ continue
+ }
+ // Create child node
+ n := newNode(t, search, cn, nil, new(methodHandler), ppath, pnames)
+ n.addHandler(method, h)
+ cn.addChild(n)
+ } else {
+ // Node already exists
+ if h != nil {
+ cn.addHandler(method, h)
+ cn.ppath = ppath
+ if len(cn.pnames) == 0 { // Issue #729
+ cn.pnames = pnames
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return
+ }
+func newNode(t kind, pre string, p *node, c children, mh *methodHandler, ppath string, pnames []string) *node {
+ return &node{
+ kind: t,
+ label: pre[0],
+ prefix: pre,
+ parent: p,
+ children: c,
+ ppath: ppath,
+ pnames: pnames,
+ methodHandler: mh,
+ }
+func (n *node) addChild(c *node) {
+ n.children = append(n.children, c)
+func (n *node) findChild(l byte, t kind) *node {
+ for _, c := range n.children {
+ if c.label == l && c.kind == t {
+ return c
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func (n *node) findChildWithLabel(l byte) *node {
+ for _, c := range n.children {
+ if c.label == l {
+ return c
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func (n *node) findChildByKind(t kind) *node {
+ for _, c := range n.children {
+ if c.kind == t {
+ return c
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+func (n *node) addHandler(method string, h HandlerFunc) {
+ switch method {
+ case http.MethodConnect:
+ n.methodHandler.connect = h
+ case http.MethodDelete:
+ n.methodHandler.delete = h
+ case http.MethodGet:
+ n.methodHandler.get = h
+ case http.MethodHead:
+ n.methodHandler.head = h
+ case http.MethodOptions:
+ n.methodHandler.options = h
+ case http.MethodPatch:
+ n.methodHandler.patch = h
+ case http.MethodPost:
+ n.methodHandler.post = h
+ case PROPFIND:
+ n.methodHandler.propfind = h
+ case http.MethodPut:
+ n.methodHandler.put = h
+ case http.MethodTrace:
+ n.methodHandler.trace = h
+ }
+func (n *node) findHandler(method string) HandlerFunc {
+ switch method {
+ case http.MethodConnect:
+ return n.methodHandler.connect
+ case http.MethodDelete:
+ return n.methodHandler.delete
+ case http.MethodGet:
+ return n.methodHandler.get
+ case http.MethodHead:
+ return n.methodHandler.head
+ case http.MethodOptions:
+ return n.methodHandler.options
+ case http.MethodPatch:
+ return n.methodHandler.patch
+ case http.MethodPost:
+ return n.methodHandler.post
+ case PROPFIND:
+ return n.methodHandler.propfind
+ case http.MethodPut:
+ return n.methodHandler.put
+ case http.MethodTrace:
+ return n.methodHandler.trace
+ default:
+ return nil
+ }
+func (n *node) checkMethodNotAllowed() HandlerFunc {
+ for _, m := range methods {
+ if h := n.findHandler(m); h != nil {
+ return MethodNotAllowedHandler
+ }
+ }
+ return NotFoundHandler
+// Find lookup a handler registered for method and path. It also parses URL for path
+// parameters and load them into context.
+// For performance:
+// - Get context from `Echo#AcquireContext()`
+// - Reset it `Context#Reset()`
+// - Return it `Echo#ReleaseContext()`.
+func (r *Router) Find(method, path string, c Context) {
+ ctx := c.(*context)
+ ctx.path = path
+ cn := r.tree // Current node as root
+ var (
+ search = path
+ child *node // Child node
+ n int // Param counter
+ nk kind // Next kind
+ nn *node // Next node
+ ns string // Next search
+ pvalues = ctx.pvalues // Use the internal slice so the interface can keep the illusion of a dynamic slice
+ )
+ // Search order static > param > any
+ for {
+ if search == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ pl := 0 // Prefix length
+ l := 0 // LCP length
+ if cn.label != ':' {
+ sl := len(search)
+ pl = len(cn.prefix)
+ // LCP
+ max := pl
+ if sl < max {
+ max = sl
+ }
+ for ; l < max && search[l] == cn.prefix[l]; l++ {
+ }
+ }
+ if l == pl {
+ // Continue search
+ search = search[l:]
+ } else {
+ cn = nn
+ search = ns
+ if nk == pkind {
+ goto Param
+ } else if nk == akind {
+ goto Any
+ }
+ // Not found
+ return
+ }
+ if search == "" {
+ break
+ }
+ // Static node
+ if child = cn.findChild(search[0], skind); child != nil {
+ // Save next
+ if cn.prefix[len(cn.prefix)-1] == '/' { // Issue #623
+ nk = pkind
+ nn = cn
+ ns = search
+ }
+ cn = child
+ continue
+ }
+ // Param node
+ Param:
+ if child = cn.findChildByKind(pkind); child != nil {
+ // Issue #378
+ if len(pvalues) == n {
+ continue
+ }
+ // Save next
+ if cn.prefix[len(cn.prefix)-1] == '/' { // Issue #623
+ nk = akind
+ nn = cn
+ ns = search
+ }
+ cn = child
+ i, l := 0, len(search)
+ for ; i < l && search[i] != '/'; i++ {
+ }
+ pvalues[n] = search[:i]
+ n++
+ search = search[i:]
+ continue
+ }
+ // Any node
+ Any:
+ if cn = cn.findChildByKind(akind); cn == nil {
+ if nn != nil {
+ cn = nn
+ nn = cn.parent // Next (Issue #954)
+ search = ns
+ if nk == pkind {
+ goto Param
+ } else if nk == akind {
+ goto Any
+ }
+ }
+ // Not found
+ return
+ }
+ pvalues[len(cn.pnames)-1] = search
+ break
+ }
+ ctx.handler = cn.findHandler(method)
+ ctx.path = cn.ppath
+ ctx.pnames = cn.pnames
+ // NOTE: Slow zone...
+ if ctx.handler == nil {
+ ctx.handler = cn.checkMethodNotAllowed()
+ // Dig further for any, might have an empty value for *, e.g.
+ // serving a directory. Issue #207.
+ if cn = cn.findChildByKind(akind); cn == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if h := cn.findHandler(method); h != nil {
+ ctx.handler = h
+ } else {
+ ctx.handler = cn.checkMethodNotAllowed()
+ }
+ ctx.path = cn.ppath
+ ctx.pnames = cn.pnames
+ pvalues[len(cn.pnames)-1] = ""
+ }
+ return