path: root/src/dma/Gopkg.lock
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/dma/Gopkg.lock')
1 files changed, 150 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dma/Gopkg.lock b/src/dma/Gopkg.lock
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2fe2a486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dma/Gopkg.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# This file is autogenerated, do not edit; changes may be undone by the next 'dep ensure'.
+ digest = "1:9f3b30d9f8e0d7040f729b82dcbc8f0dead820a133b3147ce355fc451f32d761"
+ name = "github.com/BurntSushi/toml"
+ packages = ["."]
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+ name = "github.com/go-redis/redis"
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+ ".",
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+ "internal/consistenthash",
+ "internal/hashtag",
+ "internal/pool",
+ "internal/proto",
+ "internal/util",
+ ]
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+ name = "github.com/labstack/echo"
+ packages = ["."]
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+ digest = "1:01eb0269028d3c2e21b5b6cd9b1ba81bc4170ab293fcffa84e3aa3a6138a92e8"
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+ "color",
+ "log",
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+ name = "github.com/libvirt/libvirt-go"
+ packages = ["."]
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+ revision = "fcf300cf5543bbd7fb57e08b38ad519c910b59c4"
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+ name = "github.com/mattn/go-colorable"
+ packages = ["."]
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+ name = "github.com/mattn/go-isatty"
+ packages = ["."]
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+ name = "github.com/streadway/amqp"
+ packages = ["."]
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+ name = "github.com/valyala/bytebufferpool"
+ packages = ["."]
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+ name = "github.com/valyala/fasttemplate"
+ packages = ["."]
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+ "collate",
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+ "internal/tag",
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+ "internal/ucd",
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+ "unicode/cldr",
+ "unicode/norm",
+ "unicode/rangetable",
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+ input-imports = [
+ "github.com/BurntSushi/toml",
+ "github.com/go-redis/redis",
+ "github.com/labstack/echo",
+ "github.com/libvirt/libvirt-go",
+ "github.com/streadway/amqp",
+ ]
+ solver-name = "gps-cdcl"
+ solver-version = 1