path: root/docs/release/userguide/installguide.oneclick.rst
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+.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
+.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
+.. (c) Anuket and others
+.. _barometer-oneclick-userguide:
+Anuket Barometer One Click Install Guide
+.. contents::
+ :depth: 3
+ :local:
+The intention of this user guide is to outline how to use the ansible
+playbooks for a one click installation of Barometer. A more in-depth
+installation guide is available with the
+:ref:`Docker user guide <barometer-docker-userguide>`.
+One Click Install with Ansible
+Proxy for package manager on host
+.. note::
+ This step has to be performed only if host is behind HTTP/HTTPS proxy
+Proxy URL have to be set in dedicated config file
+1. CentOS - ``/etc/yum.conf``
+.. code:: bash
+ proxy=http://your.proxy.domain:1234
+2. Ubuntu - ``/etc/apt/apt.conf``
+.. code:: bash
+ Acquire::http::Proxy "http://your.proxy.domain:1234"
+After update of config file, apt mirrors have to be updaited via
+``apt-get update``
+.. code:: bash
+ $ sudo apt-get update
+Proxy environment variables (for docker and pip)
+.. note::
+ This step has to be performed only if host is behind HTTP/HTTPS proxy
+Configuring proxy for packaging system is not enough, also some proxy
+environment variables have to be set in the system before ansible scripts
+can be started.
+Barometer configures docker proxy automatically via ansible task as a part
+of *one click install* process - user only has to provide proxy URL using common
+shell environment variables and ansible will automatically configure proxies
+for docker(to be able to fetch barometer images). Another component used by
+ansible (e.g. pip is used for downloading python dependencies) will also benefit
+from setting proxy variables properly in the system.
+Proxy variables used by ansible One Click Install:
+ * ``http_proxy``
+ * ``https_proxy``
+ * ``ftp_proxy``
+ * ``no_proxy``
+Variables mentioned above have to be visible for superuser (because most
+actions involving ``ansible-barometer`` installation require root privileges).
+Proxy variables are commonly defined in ``/etc/environment`` file (but any other
+place is good as long as variables can be seen by commands using ``su``).
+Sample proxy configuration in ``/etc/environment``:
+.. code:: bash
+ http_proxy=http://your.proxy.domain:1234
+ https_proxy=http://your.proxy.domain:1234
+ ftp_proxy=http://your.proxy.domain:1234
+ no_proxy=localhost
+Install Ansible
+.. note::
+ * sudo permissions or root access are required to install ansible.
+ * ansible version needs to be 2.4+, because usage of import/include statements
+The following steps have been verified with Ansible 2.6.3 on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04.
+To install Ansible 2.6.3 on Ubuntu:
+.. code:: bash
+ $ sudo apt-get install python
+ $ sudo apt-get install python-pip
+ $ sudo -H pip install 'ansible==2.6.3'
+ $ sudo apt-get install git
+The following steps have been verified with Ansible 2.6.3 on Centos 7.5.
+To install Ansible 2.6.3 on Centos:
+.. code:: bash
+ $ sudo yum install python
+ $ sudo yum install epel-release
+ $ sudo yum install python-pip
+ $ sudo -H pip install 'ansible==2.6.3'
+ $ sudo yum install git
+.. note::
+ When using multi-node-setup, please make sure that ``python`` package is
+ installed on all of the target nodes (ansible during 'Gathering facts'
+ phase is using ``python2`` and it may not be installed by default on some
+ distributions - e.g. on Ubuntu 16.04 it has to be installed manually)
+Clone barometer repo
+.. code:: bash
+ $ git clone https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/barometer
+ $ cd barometer
+Install ansible dependencies
+To run the ansible playbooks for the one-click install, additional dependencies are needed.
+There are listed in requirements.yml and can be installed using::
+ $ ansible-galaxy install -r $barometer_dir/requirements.yml
+Edit inventory file
+Edit inventory file and add hosts:
+.. code:: bash
+ [collectd_hosts]
+ localhost
+ [collectd_hosts:vars]
+ install_mcelog=true
+ insert_ipmi_modules=true
+ #to use master or experimental container set the collectd flavor below
+ #possible values: stable|master|experimental
+ flavor=stable
+ [influxdb_hosts]
+ #hostname or ip must be used.
+ #using localhost will cause issues with collectd network plugin.
+ #hostname
+ [grafana_hosts]
+ #NOTE: As per current support, Grafana and Influxdb should be same host.
+ #hostname
+ [prometheus_hosts]
+ #localhost
+ [zookeeper_hosts]
+ #NOTE: currently one zookeeper host is supported
+ #hostname
+ [kafka_hosts]
+ #hostname
+ [ves_hosts]
+ #hostname
+Change localhost to different hosts where neccessary.
+Hosts for influxdb and grafana are required only for ``collectd_service.yml``.
+Hosts for zookeeper, kafka and ves are required only for ``collectd_ves.yml``.
+.. note::
+ Zookeeper, Kafka and VES need to be on the same host, there is no
+ support for multi node setup.
+To change host for kafka edit ``kafka_ip_addr`` in
+Additional plugin dependencies
+By default ansible will try to fulfill dependencies for ``mcelog`` and
+``ipmi`` plugin. For ``mcelog`` plugin it installs mcelog daemon. For ipmi it
+tries to insert ``ipmi_devintf`` and ``ipmi_si`` kernel modules.
+This can be changed in inventory file with use of variables ``install_mcelog``
+and ``insert_ipmi_modules``, both variables are independent:
+.. code:: bash
+ [collectd_hosts:vars]
+ install_mcelog=false
+ insert_ipmi_modules=false
+.. note::
+ On Ubuntu 18.04 the deb package for mcelog daemon is not available in official
+ Ubuntu repository. In that case ansible scripts will try to download, make and
+ install the daemon from mcelog git repository.
+Configure ssh keys
+Generate ssh keys if not present, otherwise move onto next step.
+ssh keys are required for Ansible to connect the host you use for Barometer Installation.
+.. code:: bash
+ $ sudo ssh-keygen
+Copy ssh key to all target hosts. It requires to provide root password.
+The example is for ``localhost``.
+.. code:: bash
+ $ sudo -i
+ $ ssh-copy-id root@localhost
+Verify that key is added and password is not required to connect.
+.. code:: bash
+ $ sudo ssh root@localhost
+.. note::
+ Keys should be added to every target host and [localhost] is only used as an
+ example. For multinode installation keys need to be copied for each node:
+ [collectd_hostname], [influxdb_hostname] etc.
+Build the Collectd containers
+This is an optional step, if you do not wish to build the containers locally, please continue to `Download and run Collectd+Influxdb+Grafana containers`_.
+This step will build the container images locally, allowing for testing of new changes to collectd.
+This is particularly useful for the ``experimental`` flavour for testing PRs, and for building a ``collectd-6`` container.
+To run the playbook and build the containers, run::
+ sudo ansible-playbook docker/ansible/collectd_build.yml
+By default, all contaienrs will be built.
+Since this can take a while, it is recommended that you choose a flavor to build using tags::
+ sudo ansible-playbook docker/ansible/collectd_build.yml --tags='collectd-6,latest'
+The available tags are:
+* *stable* builds the ``barometer-collectd`` image
+* *latest* builds the ``barometer-collectd-latest`` image
+* *experimental* builds the ``barometer-collectd-experimental`` container, with optional PRs
+* *collectd-6* builds the ``baromter-collectd-6`` container, with optional PR(s)
+* *flask_test* builds a small webapp that displays the metrics sent via the write_http plugin
+.. note::
+ The flask_test tag must be explicitly enabled.
+ This can be done either through the ``--tags='flask_test'`` (to build just
+ this container) or with ``--tags=all`` to build this and all the other
+ containers as well.
+Download and run Collectd+Influxdb+Grafana containers
+The One Click installation features easy and scalable deployment of Collectd,
+Influxdb and Grafana containers using Ansible playbook. The following steps goes
+through more details.
+.. code:: bash
+ $ sudo -H ansible-playbook -i default.inv collectd_service.yml
+Check the three containers are running, the output of ``docker ps`` should be similar to:
+.. code:: bash
+ $ sudo docker ps
+ 4c2143fb6bbd anuket/barometer-grafana "/run.sh" 59 minutes ago Up 4 minutes bar-grafana
+ 5e356cb1cb04 anuket/barometer-influxdb "/entrypoint.sh infl…" 59 minutes ago Up 4 minutes bar-influxdb
+ 2ddac8db21e2 anuket/barometer-collectd "/run_collectd.sh" About an hour ago Up 4 minutes bar-collectd
+To make some changes when a container is running run:
+.. code:: bash
+ $ sudo docker exec -ti <CONTAINER ID> /bin/bash
+Connect to ``<host_ip>:3000`` with a browser and log into Grafana: admin/admin.
+For short introduction please see the:
+`Grafana guide <https://grafana.com/docs/grafana/latest/guides/getting_started/>`_.
+The collectd configuration files can be accessed directly on target system in
+``/opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf.d``. It can be used for manual changes or
+enable/disable plugins. If configuration has been modified it is required to
+restart collectd:
+.. code:: bash
+ $ sudo docker restart bar-collectd
+Download and run collectd+kafka+ves containers
+.. code:: bash
+ $ sudo ansible-playbook -i default.inv collectd_ves.yml
+Check the containers are running, the output of ``docker ps`` should be similar to:
+.. code:: bash
+ $ sudo docker ps
+ d041d8fff849 zookeeper:3.4.11 "/docker-entrypoint.…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes bar-zookeeper
+ da67b81274bc anuket/barometer-ves "./start_ves_app.sh …" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes bar-ves
+ 2c25e0c79f93 anuket/barometer-kafka "/src/start_kafka.sh" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes bar-kafka
+ b161260c90ed anuket/barometer-collectd "/run_collectd.sh" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes bar-collectd
+To make some changes when a container is running run:
+.. code:: bash
+ $ sudo docker exec -ti <CONTAINER ID> /bin/bash
+List of default plugins for collectd container
+.. note::
+ From Jerma release, the supported dpdk version is 19.11
+ If you would like to use v18.11, make the following changes:
+ 1. Update the dpdk version to v18.11 in ``<barometer>/src/package-list.mk``
+ 2. Replace all ``common_linux`` string with ``common_linuxapp`` in ``<barometer>/src/dpdk/Makefile``
+ If you would like to downgrade to a version lower than v18.11, make the following changes:
+ 1. Update the dpdk version to a version lower than v18.11 (e.g.:- v16.11) in ``<barometer>/src/package-list.mk``
+ 2. Replace all ``common_linux`` string with ``common_linuxapp`` in ``<barometer>/src/dpdk/Makefile``
+ 3. Change the Makefile path from ``(WORKDIR)/kernel/linux/kni/Makefile`` to ``(WORKDIR)/lib/librte_eal/linuxapp/kni/Makefile`` in ``(WORK_DIR)/src/dpdk/Makefile``.
+By default the collectd is started with default configuration which includes
+the following plugins:
+* ``csv``, ``contextswitch``, ``cpu``, ``cpufreq``, ``df``, ``disk``,
+ ``ethstat``, ``ipc``, ``irq``, ``load``, ``memory``, ``numa``,
+ ``processes``, ``swap``, ``turbostat``, ``uuid``, ``uptime``, ``exec``,
+ ``hugepages``, ``intel_pmu``, ``ipmi``, ``write_kafka``, ``logfile``,
+ ``logparser``, ``mcelog``, ``network``, ``intel_rdt``, ``rrdtool``,
+ ``snmp_agent``, ``syslog``, ``virt``, ``ovs_stats``, ``ovs_events``,
+ ``dpdk_telemetry``.
+.. note::
+ Some of the plugins are loaded depending on specific system requirements and can be omitted if
+ dependency is not met, this is the case for:
+ * ``hugepages``, ``ipmi``, ``mcelog``, ``intel_rdt``, ``virt``, ``ovs_stats``, ``ovs_events``
+ For instructions on how to disable certain plugins see the `List and description of tags used in ansible scripts`_ section.
+List and description of tags used in ansible scripts
+Tags can be used to run a specific part of the configuration without running
+the whole playbook. To run a specific parts only:
+.. code:: bash
+ $ sudo ansible-playbook -i default.inv collectd_service.yml --tags "syslog,cpu,uuid"
+To disable some parts or plugins:
+.. code:: bash
+ $ sudo ansible-playbook -i default.inv collectd_service.yml --skip-tags "en_default_all,syslog,cpu,uuid"
+List of available tags:
+ Install docker and required dependencies with package manager.
+ Configure proxy file for docker service if proxy is set on host environment.
+ Remove collectd config files.
+ Copy additional configuration files to target system. Path to additional
+ configuration is stored in
+ ``$barometer_dir/docker/ansible/roles/config_files/docs/main.yml`` as
+ ``additional_configs_path``.
+ Set of default read plugins: ``contextswitch``, ``cpu``, ``cpufreq``, ``df``,
+ ``disk``, ``ethstat``, ``ipc``, ``irq``, ``load``, ``memory``, ``numa``,
+ ``processes``, ``swap``, ``turbostat``, ``uptime``.
+``plugins tags``
+ The following tags can be used to enable/disable plugins: ``csv``,
+ ``contextswitch``, ``cpu``, ``cpufreq``, ``df``, ``disk,`` ``ethstat``,
+ ``ipc``, ``irq``, ``load``, ``memory``, ``numa``, ``processes``, ``swap``,
+ ``turbostat``, ``uptime``, ``exec``, ``hugepages``, ``ipmi``, ``kafka``,
+ ``logfile``, ``logparser``, ``mcelog``, ``network``, ``pmu``, ``rdt``,
+ ``rrdtool``, ``snmp``, ``syslog``, ``unixsock``, ``virt``, ``ovs_stats``,
+ ``ovs_events``, ``uuid``, ``dpdk_telemetry``.