path: root/apex/tests/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2018-05-23Default ctlplane to native VLANTim Rozet1-0/+3
We were not setting any vlan type value for the admin network. This caused an issue when deploying and trying to use a single collapsed network (no net isolation). The issue occurred when trying to create an external neutron network. We happen to check if the phys type is flat or vlan using this attribute to decide what kind of phys type to use for the neutron network. JIRA: APEX-606 Change-Id: I4e24dd5e8b99cef920b8203b820a77d0021631cc Signed-off-by: Tim Rozet <>
2017-09-06Adds parser tests and cleanupTim Rozet1-4/+4
Adds unit testing for the common/parsers library and cleans up some of the test files syntax. Change-Id: I7ff9d7ba20b028fba410af900a0c3107a5806d8f Signed-off-by: Tim Rozet <>
2017-08-23Migrates Apex to PythonTim Rozet1-0/+156
Removes all bash libraries and converts almost all of the code to a mixture of Python and Ansible. and still exist. will be migrated fully to in another patch. The Apex Python package is now built into the opnfv-apex-common RPM. To install locally do 'pip3 install .'. To deploy: opnfv-deploy -d <file> -n <file> --image-dir /root/apex/.build -v --debug Non-python files (THT yaml, settings files, ansible playbooks) are all installed into /usr/share/opnfv-apex/. The RPM will copy settings files into /etc/opnfv-apex/. JIRA: APEX-317 Change-Id: I3232f0329bcd13bce5a28da6a8c9c84d0b048024 Signed-off-by: Tim Rozet <>