path: root/extraconfig/pre_network/contrail/compute_pre_network.yaml
diff options
authorJenkins <jenkins@review.openstack.org>2017-07-26 11:21:46 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <review@openstack.org>2017-07-26 11:21:47 +0000
commit4c05db369cb44bc10fd3c6a131af5badcdfd351b (patch)
tree14de607f4f417b135c373430ce09aa913eb3b8e2 /extraconfig/pre_network/contrail/compute_pre_network.yaml
parentf1ff69d1a24414dc3da47b5e33e440210386d4dc (diff)
parentaa5194f878bb0c9fb98891abd6005b1b252eff3e (diff)
Merge "Contrail network realignement + DPDK enablement"
Diffstat (limited to 'extraconfig/pre_network/contrail/compute_pre_network.yaml')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extraconfig/pre_network/contrail/compute_pre_network.yaml b/extraconfig/pre_network/contrail/compute_pre_network.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a30330f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extraconfig/pre_network/contrail/compute_pre_network.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+heat_template_version: pike
+# NOTE: You don't need to pass the parameter explicitly from the
+# parent template, it can be specified via the parameter_defaults
+# in the resource_registry instead, if you want to override the default
+# and/or share values with other templates in the tree.
+ ContrailRepo:
+ type: string
+ default: ''
+ ContrailVrouterPhysicalInterface:
+ default: 'eth0'
+ description: vRouter physical interface
+ type: string
+ ContrailVlanParentInterface:
+ default: ''
+ description: Parent interface of vlan interface
+ type: string
+ ContrailBondInterface:
+ default: ''
+ description: Bond interface name
+ type: string
+ ContrailBondInterfaceMembers:
+ default: ''
+ description: Bond interface members
+ type: string
+ ContrailBondMode:
+ default: '4'
+ description: Bond Mode
+ type: string
+ ContrailBondPolicy:
+ default: '1'
+ description: Bond Policy
+ type: string
+ RoleParameters:
+ type: json
+ description: Role Specific parameters
+ default: {}
+ ServiceNames:
+ type: comma_delimited_list
+ default: []
+ server:
+ type: string
+description: >
+ This template installs the Contrail kernel module packages in order
+ to bring vhost0 interface up. Vhost0 interface must be up before
+ os-net-config takes over.
+ ContrailVrouterModuleDeployment:
+ type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment
+ properties:
+ name: ContrailVrouterModuleDeployment
+ server: {get_param: server}
+ config: {get_resource: ContrailVrouterModuleConfig}
+ input_values:
+ phy_int: {get_param: ContrailVrouterPhysicalInterface}
+ bond_int: {get_param: ContrailBondInterface}
+ bond_int_members: {get_param: ContrailBondInterfaceMembers}
+ vlan_parent: {get_param: ContrailVlanParentInterface}
+ contrail_repo: {get_param: ContrailRepo}
+ bond_mode: {get_param: ContrailBondMode}
+ bond_policy: {get_param: ContrailBondPolicy}
+ actions: ['CREATE'] # Only do this on CREATE
+ ContrailVrouterModuleConfig:
+ type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig
+ properties:
+ group: script
+ inputs:
+ - name: phy_int
+ - name: bond_int
+ - name: bond_int_members
+ - name: vlan_parent
+ - name: contrail_repo
+ - name: bond_mode
+ - name: bond_policy
+ config: |
+ #!/bin/bash
+ phy_int=$phy_int
+ bond_int=$bond_int
+ bond_int_members=$bond_int_members
+ bond_mode=$bond_mode
+ bond_policy=$bond_policy
+ vlan_parent=$vlan_parent
+ contrail_repo=$contrail_repo
+ if [[ ${contrail_repo} ]]; then
+ yum install -y contrail-vrouter-utils
+ fi
+ function pkt_setup () {
+ for f in /sys/class/net/$1/queues/rx-*
+ do
+ q="$(echo $f | cut -d '-' -f2)"
+ r=$(($q%32))
+ s=$(($q/32))
+ ((mask=1<<$r))
+ str=(`printf "%x" $mask`)
+ if [ $s -gt 0 ]; then
+ for ((i=0; i < $s; i++))
+ do
+ str+=,00000000
+ done
+ fi
+ echo $str > $f/rps_cpus
+ done
+ ifconfig $1 up
+ }
+ function insert_vrouter() {
+ if [ -f /sys/class/net/pkt1/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus ]; then
+ pkt_setup pkt1
+ fi
+ if [ -f /sys/class/net/pkt2/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus ]; then
+ pkt_setup pkt2
+ fi
+ if [ -f /sys/class/net/pkt3/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus ]; then
+ pkt_setup pkt3
+ fi
+ DEV_MAC=$(cat /sys/class/net/${phy_int}/address)
+ vif --create vhost0 --mac $DEV_MAC
+ vif --add ${phy_int} --mac $DEV_MAC --vrf 0 --vhost-phys --type physical
+ vif --add vhost0 --mac $DEV_MAC --vrf 0 --type vhost --xconnect ${phy_int}
+ ip link set vhost0 up
+ return 0
+ }
+ if [[ ${bond_int} ]]; then
+ bond_int_member_list=$(echo ${bond_int_members} | tr "," "\n")
+ ip link add name ${bond_int} type bond
+ echo ${bond_mode} > /sys/class/net/${bond_int}/bonding/mode
+ echo ${bond_policy} > /sys/class/net/${bond_int}/bonding/xmit_hash_policy
+ for member in ${bond_int_member_list}; do
+ ip link set dev $member master ${bond_int}
+ done
+ fi
+ if [[ ${vlan_parent} ]]; then
+ vlanId=`echo ${phy_int} | awk -F"vlan" '{print $2}'`
+ ip link add name ${phy_int} link ${vlan_parent} type vlan id ${vlanId}
+ fi
+ if [[ ${contrail_repo} ]]; then
+ yumdownloader contrail-vrouter --destdir /tmp
+ cd /tmp
+ rpm2cpio /tmp/contrail-vrouter*.rpm | cpio -idmv
+ cp `find /tmp/lib/modules -name vrouter.ko |tail -1` /tmp
+ insmod /tmp/vrouter.ko
+ else
+ modprobe vrouter
+ fi
+ insert_vrouter
+ if [[ `ifconfig ${phy_int} |grep "inet "` ]]; then
+ def_gw=''
+ if [[ `ip route show |grep default|grep ${phy_int}` ]]; then
+ def_gw=`ip route show |grep default|grep ${phy_int}|awk '{print $3}'`
+ fi
+ ip=`ifconfig ${phy_int} |grep "inet "|awk '{print $2}'`
+ mask=`ifconfig ${phy_int} |grep "inet "|awk '{print $4}'`
+ ip address delete $ip/$mask dev ${phy_int}
+ ip address add $ip/$mask dev vhost0
+ if [[ $def_gw ]]; then
+ ip route add default via $def_gw
+ fi
+ fi