path: root/install.sh
blob: 8fdd07569a04032e097638434a25db20eb4ade28 (plain)
# install tools
apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
    wget \
    expect \
    curl \
    git \
    sshpass \
    qemu-utils \
    kpartx \
    libffi-dev \
    libssl-dev \
    python \
    python-dev \
    libxml2-dev \
    libxslt1-dev \
    nginx \
    uswgi \
    uwsgi-plugin-python \
    python-setuptools && \
    easy_install -U setuptools

apt-get -y autoremove && apt-get clean

# fit for arm64
sed -i -e 's/^deb \([^/[]\)/deb [arch=amd64] \1/g' "${source_file}"
sed -i -e 's/^deb-src /# deb-src /g' "${source_file}"

touch "${sub_source_file}"
echo -e "deb [arch=arm64] http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty main universe multiverse restricted
deb [arch=arm64] http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty-updates main universe multiverse restricted
deb [arch=arm64] http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty-security main universe multiverse restricted
deb [arch=arm64] http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ trusty-proposed main universe multiverse restricted" > "${sub_source_file}"
echo "vm.mmap_min_addr = 0" > /etc/sysctl.d/mmap_min_addr.conf
dpkg --add-architecture arm64
apt-get install -y qemu-user-static libc6:arm64

# install yardstick + dependencies
easy_install -U pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .
32' href='#n432'>432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624
SNAPS OpenStack Integration Testing

These tests are ones designed to be run within their own dynamically created project along with a newly generated user
account and generally require other OpenStack object creators.

The Test Classes

create_security_group_tests.py - CreateSecurityGroupTests

| Test Name                             | API Versions  | Description                                               |
| test_create_group_without_rules       | Keysone 2 & 3 | Ensures the OpenStackSecurityGroup class can create a     |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | security group without any rules                          |
| test_create_group_admin_user_to_new   | Keysone 2 & 3 | Ensures the OpenStackSecurityGroup class can be created   |
| _project                              | Neutron 2     | by the admin user and associated with a new project       |
| test_create_group_new_user_to_admin   | Keysone 2 & 3 | Ensures the OpenStackSecurityGroup class can be created   |
| _project                              | Neutron 2     | by the new user and associated with the admin project     |
| test_create_delete_group              | Keysone 2 & 3 | Ensures the OpenStackSecurityGroup class clean() method   |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | will not raise an exception should the group be deleted by|
|                                       |               | some other process                                        |
| test_create_group_with_one_simple_rule| Keysone 2 & 3 | Ensures the OpenStackSecurityGroup class can create a     |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | security group with a single simple rule                  |
| test_create_group_with_one_complex    | Keysone 2 & 3 | Ensures the OpenStackSecurityGroup class can create a     |
| _rule                                 | Neutron 2     | security group with a single complex rule                 |
| test_create_group_with_several_rules  | Keysone 2 & 3 | Ensures the OpenStackSecurityGroup class can create a     |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | security group with several rules                         |
| test_add_rule                         | Keysone 2 & 3 | Ensures the OpenStackSecurityGroup#add_rule() method      |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | properly creates and associates the new rule              |
| test_remove_rule_by_id                | Keysone 2 & 3 | Ensures the OpenStackSecurityGroup#remove_rule() method   |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | properly deletes and disassociates the old rule via its ID|
| test_remove_rule_by_setting           | Keysone 2 & 3 | Ensures the OpenStackSecurityGroup#remove_rule() method   |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | properly deletes and disassociates the old rule via its   |
|                                       |               | setting object                                            |

create_image_tests.py - CreateImageSuccessTests

| Test Name                             | Glance API    | Description                                               |
| test_create_image_clean_url           | 1 & 2         | Ensures the OpenStackImage class can create an image from |
|                                       |               | a download URL location                                   |
| test_create_image_clean_url_properties| 1 & 2         | Ensures the OpenStackImage class can create an image from |
|                                       |               | a download URL location with custom properties            |
| test_create_image_clean_file          | 1 & 2         | Ensures the OpenStackImage class can create an image from |
|                                       |               | a locally sourced image file                              |
| test_create_delete_image              | 1 & 2         | Ensures the OpenStackImage.clean() method deletes an image|
|                                       |               | and does not raise an exception on subsequent calls to the|
|                                       |               | clean() method                                            |
| test_create_same_image                | 1 & 2         | Ensures the OpenStackImage.create() method does not create|
|                                       |               | another image when one already exists with the same name  |
| test_create_same_image_new_settings   | 1 & 2         | Tests the creation of an OpenStack image when the image   |
|                                       |               | already exists and the configuration only contains the    |
|                                       |               | the name.                                                 |

create_image_tests.py - CreateImageNegativeTests

| Test Name                             | Glance API    | Description                                               |
| test_bad_image_name                   | 1 & 2         | Ensures OpenStackImage.create() results in an Exception   |
|                                       |               | being raised when the ImageSettings.name attribute has    |
|                                       |               | not been set                                              |
| test_bad_image_url                    | 1 & 2         | Ensures OpenStackImage.create() results in an Exception   |
|                                       |               | being raised when the download URL is invalid             |
| test_bad_image_type                   | 1 & 2         | Ensures OpenStackImage.create() results in an Exception   |
|                                       |               | being raised when the image format is 'foo'               |
| test_bad_image_file                   | 1 & 2         | Ensures OpenStackImage.create() results in an Exception   |
|                                       |               | being raised when the image file does not exist           |

create_image_tests.py - CreateMultiPartImageTests

| Test Name                              | Glance API    | Description                                               |
| test_create_three_part_image_from_url  | 1 & 2         | Ensures that a 3-part image can be created when each part |
|                                        |               | is being sourced from URLs                                |
| test_create_three_part_image_from_file | 1 & 2         | Ensures that a 3-part image can be created when each part |
| _3_creators                            |               | is being sourced from local files and 3 creators are used |
| test_create_three_part_image_from_url  | 1 & 2         | Ensures that a 3-part image can be created when each part |
| _3_creators                            |               | is being sourced from a URL and 3 creators are used       |

create_keypairs_tests.py - CreateKeypairsTests

| Test Name                             | Nova API      | Description                                               |
| test_create_keypair_only              | 2             | Ensures that a keypair object can be created simply by    |
|                                       |               | only configuring a name                                   |
| test_create_keypair_large_key         | 2             | Ensures that a keypair object can be created with a large |
|                                       |               | key of 10000 bytes                                        |
| test_create_delete_keypair            | 2             | Ensures that a keypair object is deleted via              |
|                                       |               | OpenStackKeypair.clean() and subsequent calls do not      |
|                                       |               | result in exceptions                                      |
| test_create_keypair_save_pub_only     | 2             | Ensures that a keypair object can be created when the only|
|                                       |               | the public key is cached to disk                          |
| test_create_keypair_save_both         | 2             | Ensures that a keypair object can be created when both the|
|                                       |               | public and private keys are cached to disk                |
| test_create_keypair_from_file         | 2             | Ensures that a keypair object can be created with an      |
|                                       |               | existing public key file                                  |

create_keypairs_tests.py - CreateKeypairsCleanupTests

| Test Name                             | Nova API      | Description                                               |
| test_create_keypair_gen_files_delete_1| 2             | Ensures that new keypair files are deleted by default     |
|                                       |               | by OpenStackKeypair#clean()                               |
| test_create_keypair_gen_files_delete_2| 2             | Ensures that new keypair files are deleted by         |
|                                       |               | OpenStackKeypair#clean() when the settings delete_on_clean|
|                                       |               | attribute is set to True                                  |
| test_create_keypair_gen_files_keep    | 2             | Ensures that new keypair files are not deleted by         |
|                                       |               | OpenStackKeypair#clean()                                  |
| test_create_keypair_exist_files_keep  | 2             | Ensures that existing keypair files are not deleted by    |
|                                       |               | OpenStackKeypair#clean()                                  |
| test_create_keypair_exist_files_delete| 2             | Ensures that existing keypair files are deleted by        |
|                                       |               | OpenStackKeypair#clean()                                  |

create_network_tests.py - CreateNetworkSuccessTests

| Test Name                             | Neutron API   | Description                                               |
| test_create_network_without_router    | 2             | Ensures that a network can be created via the             |
|                                       |               | OpenStackNetwork class without any routers                |
| test_create_delete_network            | 2             | Ensures that a router can be deleted via the              |
|                                       |               | OpenStackNetwork.clean() method                           |
| test_create_network_with_router       | 2             | Ensures that a network can be created via the             |
|                                       |               | OpenStackNetwork class with a router                      |
| test_create_networks_same_name        | 2             | Ensures that the OpenStackNetwork.create() method will not|
|                                       |               | create a network with the same name                       |
| test_create_networks_router_admin_user| 2             | Ensures that the networks, subnets, and routers can be    |
| _to_new_project                       |               | create created by an admin user and assigned to a new     |
|                                       |               | project ID                                                |
| test_create_networks_router_new_user  | 2             | Ensures that the networks, subnets, and routers can be    |
| _to_admin_project                     |               | create created by a new admin user and assigned to the    |
|                                       |               | 'admin' project ID                                        |

create_router_tests.py - CreateRouterSuccessTests

| Test Name                             | Neutron API   | Description                                               |
| test_create_router_vanilla            | 2             | Ensures that a router can be created via the              |
|                                       |               | OpenStackRouter class with minimal settings               |
| test_create_router_admin_user_to_new  | 2             | Ensures that a router can be created by an admin user and |
| _project                              |               | assigned to a new project                                 |
| test_create_router_new_user_to_admin  | 2             | Ensures that a router can be created by a new user and    |
| _project                              |               | assigned to the admin project                             |
| test_create_delete_router             | 2             | Ensures that a router can be deleted via the              |
|                                       |               | OpenStackRouter.clean() method                            |
| test_create_router_admin_state_false  | 2             | Ensures that a router can created with                    |
|                                       |               | admin_state_up = False                                    |
| test_create_router_admin_state_True   | 2             | Ensures that a router can created with                    |
|                                       |               | admin_state_up = True                                     |
| test_create_router_private_network    | 2             | Ensures that a router port can be created against a       |
|                                       |               | private network                                           |
| test_create_router_external_network   | 2             | Ensures that a router can be created that is connected to |
|                                       |               | both external and private internal networks               |

create_router_tests.py - CreateRouterNegativeTests

| Test Name                              | Neutron API   | Description                                               |
| test_create_router_noname              | 2             | Ensures that an exception is raised when attempting to    |
|                                        |               | create a router without a name                            |
| test_create_router_invalid_gateway_name| 2             | Ensures that an exception is raised when attempting to    |
|                                        |               | create a router to an external network that does not exist|

create_qos_tests.py - CreateQoSTests

| Test Name                              |  Cinder API   | Description                                               |
| test_create_qos                        | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a QoS Spec with the class           |
|                                        |               | OpenStackQoS                                              |
| test_create_delete_qos                 | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a QoS Spec with the class           |
|                                        |               | OpenStackQoS, its deletion with cinder_utils.py the       |
|                                        |               | the attempts to use the clean() method to ensure an       |
|                                        |               | exception is not called                                   |
| test_create_same_qos                   | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a QoS Spec with the class           |
|                                        |               | OpenStackQoS then instantiates another OpenStackQoS       |
|                                        |               | object with the same configuration to ensure the second   |
|                                        |               | instance returns the ID of the original                   |

create_volume_type_tests.py - CreateSimpleVolumeTypeSuccessTests

| Test Name                              |  Cinder API   | Description                                               |
| test_create_volume_type                | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a Volume Type with the class        |
|                                        |               | OpenStackVolumeType                                       |
| test_create_delete_volume_type         | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a Volume Type with the class        |
|                                        |               | OpenStackVolumeType, its deletion with cinder_utils.py,   |
|                                        |               | then attempts to use the clean() method to ensure an      |
|                                        |               | exception is not raised                                   |
| test_create_same_volume_type           | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a Volume Type with the class        |
|                                        |               | OpenStackVolumeType then instantiates another             |
|                                        |               | OpenStackVolumeType object with the same configuration to |
|                                        |               | ensure the second instance returns the ID of the original |

create_volume_type_tests.py - CreateSimpleVolumeTypeComplexTests

| Test Name                               |  Cinder API   | Description                                               |
| test_volume_type_with_qos               | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a Volume Type with the class        |
|                                         |               | OpenStackVolumeType with a QoSSpec                        |
| test_volume_type_with_encryption        | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a Volume Type with the class        |
|                                         |               | OpenStackVolumeType with encryption                       |
| test_volume_type_with_qos_and_encryption| 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a Volume Type with the class        |
|                                         |               | OpenStackVolumeType with encryption and QoS Spec          |

create_volume_tests.py - CreateSimpleVolumeSuccessTests

| Test Name                              |  Cinder API   | Description                                               |
| test_create_volume_simple              | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a Volume Type with the class        |
|                                        |               | OpenStackVolume                                           |
| test_create_delete_volume              | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a Volume with the class             |
|                                        |               | OpenStackVolume, its deletion with cinder_utils.py, then  |
|                                        |               | attempts to use the clean() method to ensure an           |
|                                        |               | exception is not raised                                   |
| test_create_same_volume                | 2 & 3         | Tests the creation of a Volume with the class             |
|                                        |               | OpenStackVolume then instantiates another                 |
|                                        |               | OpenStackVolume object with the same configuration to     |
|                                        |               | ensure the second instance returns the ID of the original |

create_volume_tests.py - CreateSimpleVolumeFailureTests

| Test Name                              |  Cinder API   | Description                                               |
| test_create_volume_bad_size            | 2 & 3         | Tests to ensure that attempting to create a volume with a |
|                                        |               | size of -1 raises a BadRequest exception                  |
| test_create_volume_bad_type            | 2 & 3         | Tests to ensure that attempting to create a volume with a |
|                                        |               | type that does not exist raises a NotFound exception      |
| test_create_volume_bad_image           | 2 & 3         | Tests to ensure that attempting to create a volume with an|
|                                        |               | image that does not exist raises a BadRequest exception   |
| test_create_volume_bad_zone            | 2 & 3         | Tests to ensure that attempting to create a volume with an|
|                                        |               | invalid availability zone raises a BadRequest exception   |

create_volume_tests.py - CreateVolumeWithTypeTests

| Test Name                              |  Cinder API   | Description                                               |
| test_bad_volume_type                   | 2 & 3         | Tests to ensure the creation of a Volume with the         |
|                                        |               | OpenStackVolume#create() method raises a NotFound         |
|                                        |               | exception when attempting to apply a VolumeType that does |
|                                        |               | not exist                                                 |
| test_valid_volume_type                 | 2 & 3         | Tests to ensure the creation of a Volume with the         |
|                                        |               | OpenStackVolume#create() method properly creates the      |
|                                        |               | volume when associating with a valid VolumeType           |

create_volume_tests.py - CreateVolumeWithImageTests

| Test Name                              |  Cinder API   | Description                                               |
| test_bad_image_name                    | 2 & 3         | Tests to ensure the creation of a Volume with the         |
|                                        |               | OpenStackVolume#create() method raises a BadRequest       |
|                                        |               | exception when attempting to apply an image that does not |
|                                        |               | exist                                                     |
| test_valid_volume_image                | 2 & 3         | Tests to ensure the creation of a Volume with the         |
|                                        |               | OpenStackVolume#create() method properly creates the      |
|                                        |               | volume when associating with a valid image                |

create_stack_tests.py - CreateStackSuccessTests

| Test Name                             |   Heat API    | Description                                               |
| test_create_stack_template_file       | 1             | Ensures that a Heat stack can be created with a file-based|
|                                       |               | Heat template file                                        |
| test_create_stack_template_dict       | 1             | Ensures that a Heat stack can be created with a dictionary|
|                                       |               | Heat template                                             |
| test_create_delete_stack              | 1             | Ensures that a Heat stack can be created and deleted      |
|                                       |               | while having clean() called 2x without an exception       |
| test_create_same_stack                | 1             | Ensures that a Heat stack with the same name cannot be    |
|                                       |               | created 2x                                                |
| test_retrieve_network_creators        | 1             | Ensures that an OpenStackHeatStack instance can return an |
|                                       |               | OpenStackNetwork instance configured as deployed          |
| test_retrieve_vm_inst_creators        | 1             | Ensures that an OpenStackHeatStack instance can return an |
|                                       |               | OpenStackVmInstance instance configured as deployed       |

create_stack_tests.py - CreateStackVolumeTests

| Test Name                             |   Heat API    | Description                                               |
| test_retrieve_volume_creator          | 1             | Ensures that an OpenStackHeatStack instance can return a  |
|                                       |               | OpenStackVolume instance that it was responsible for      |
|                                       |               | deploying                                                 |
| test_retrieve_volume_type_creator     | 1             | Ensures that an OpenStackHeatStack instance can return a  |
|                                       |               | OpenStackVolumeType instance that it was responsible for  |
|                                       |               | deploying                                                 |

create_stack_tests.py - CreateStackFloatingIpTests

| Test Name                             |   Heat API    | Description                                               |
| test_connect_via_ssh_heat_vm          | 1             | Ensures that an OpenStackHeatStack instance can create a  |
|                                       |               | VM with a floating IP that can be accessed via            |
|                                       |               | OpenStackVmInstance                                       |

create_stack_tests.py - CreateStackRouterTests

| Test Name                             |   Heat API    | Description                                               |
| test_retrieve_router_creator          | 1             | Ensures that an OpenStackHeatStack instance can return a  |
|                                       |               | OpenStackRouter instance that it was responsible for      |
|                                       |               | deploying                                                 |

create_stack_tests.py - CreateStackFlavorTests

| Test Name                             |   Heat API    | Description                                               |
| test_retrieve_flavor_creator          | 1             | Ensures that an OpenStackHeatStack instance can return a  |
|                                       |               | OpenStackFlavor instance that it was responsible for      |
|                                       |               | deploying                                                 |

create_stack_tests.py - CreateStackKeypairTests

| Test Name                             |   Heat API    | Description                                               |
| test_retrieve_keypair_creator         | 1             | Ensures that an OpenStackHeatStack instance can return a  |
|                                       |               | OpenStackKeypair instance that it was responsible for     |
|                                       |               | deploying                                                 |

create_stack_tests.py - CreateComplexStackTests

| Test Name                             |   Heat API    | Description                                               |
| test_connect_via_ssh_heat_vm          | 1             | Ensures that two OpenStackHeatStack instances can return  |
|                                       |               | OpenStackVmInstance instances one configured with a       |
|                                       |               | floating IP and keypair and can be access via SSH         |

create_stack_tests.py - CreateStackNegativeTests

| Test Name                              |   Heat API    | Description                                               |
| test_missing_dependencies              | 1             | Ensures that a Heat template fails to deploy when expected|
|                                        |               | dependencies are missing                                  |
| test_bad_stack_file                    | 1             | Ensures that a Heat template fails to deploy when the Heat|
|                                        |               | template file does not exist                              |

create_instance_tests.py - CreateInstanceSimpleTests

| Test Name                             | API Versions  | Description                                               |
| test_create_delete_instance           | Nova 2        | Ensures that the OpenStackVmInstance.clean() method       |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | deletes the instance                                      |

create_instance_tests.py - SimpleHealthCheck

| Test Name                             | API Versions  | Description                                               |
| test_check_vm_ip_dhcp                 | Nova 2        | Tests the creation of an OpenStack instance with a single |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | port and it's assigned IP address                         |

create_instance_tests.py - CreateInstanceTwoNetTests

| Test Name                             | API Versions  | Description                                               |
| test_ping_via_router                  | Nova 2        | Tests the ability of two VMs on different private overlay |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | networks tied together with a router to ping each other   |

create_instance_tests.py - CreateInstanceSingleNetworkTests

| Test Name                             | API Versions  | Description                                               |
| test_single_port_static               | Nova 2        | Ensures that an instance with a single port/NIC with a    |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | static IP can be created                                  |
| test_ssh_client_fip_before_active     | Nova 2        | Ensures that an instance can be reached over SSH when the |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | floating IP is assigned prior to the VM becoming ACTIVE   |
| test_ssh_client_fip_after_active      | Nova 2        | Ensures that an instance can be reached over SSH when the |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | floating IP is assigned after to the VM becoming ACTIVE   |
| test_ssh_client_fip_second_creator    | Nova 2        | Ensures that an instance can be reached over SSH via a    |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | second identical creator object                           |

create_instance_tests.py - CreateInstancePortManipulationTests

| Test Name                             | API Versions  | Description                                               |
| test_set_custom_valid_ip_one_subnet   | Nova 2        | Ensures that an instance's can have a valid static IP is  |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | properly assigned                                         |
| test_set_custom_invalid_ip_one_subnet | Nova 2        | Ensures that an instance's port with an invalid static IP |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | raises an exception                                       |
| test_set_custom_valid_mac             | Nova 2        | Ensures that an instance's port can have a valid MAC      |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | address properly assigned                                 |
| test_set_custom_invalid_mac           | Nova 2        | Ensures that an instance's port with an invalid MAC       |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | address raises and exception                              |
| test_set_custom_mac_and_ip            | Nova 2        | Ensures that an instance's port with a valid static IP and|
|                                       | Neutron 2     | MAC are properly assigned                                 |
| test_set_allowed_address_pairs        | Nova 2        | Ensures the configured allowed_address_pairs is properly  |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | set on a VMs port                                         |
| test_set_allowed_address_pairs_bad_mac| Nova 2        | Ensures the port cannot be created when a bad MAC address |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | format is used in the allowed_address_pairs port attribute|
| test_set_allowed_address_pairs_bad_ip | Nova 2        | Ensures the port cannot be created when a bad IP address  |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | format is used in the allowed_address_pairs port attribute|

create_instance_tests.py - CreateInstanceOnComputeHost

| Test Name                             | API Versions  | Description                                               |
| test_deploy_vm_to_each_compute_node   | Nova 2        | Tests to ensure that one can fire up an instance on each  |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | active compute node                                       |

create_instance_tests.py - CreateInstanceFromThreePartImage

| Test Name                                           | API Versions  | Description                                               |
| test_create_delete_instance_from_three_part_image   | Nova 2        | Tests to ensure that one can fire up an instance then     |
|                                                     | Neutron 2     | delete it when using a 3-part image                       |

create_instance_tests.py - CreateInstancePubPrivNetTests

| Test Name                             | API Versions  | Description                                               |
| test_dual_ports_dhcp                  | Nova 2        | Ensures that a VM with two ports/NICs can have its second |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | NIC configured via SSH/Ansible after startup              |

create_instance_tests.py - InstanceSecurityGroupTests

| Test Name                             | API Versions  | Description                                               |
| test_add_security_group               | Nova 2        | Ensures that a VM instance can have security group added  |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | to it while its running                                   |
| test_add_invalid_security_group       | Nova 2        | Ensures that a VM instance does not accept the addition of|
|                                       | Neutron 2     | a security group that no longer exists                    |
| test_remove_security_group            | Nova 2        | Ensures that a VM instance accepts the removal of a       |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | security group                                            |
| test_remove_security_group_never_added| Nova 2        | Ensures that a VM instance does not accept the removal of |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | a security group that was never added in the first place  |
| test_add_same_security_group          | Nova 2        | Ensures that a VM instance does not add a security group  |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | that has already been added to the instance               |

create_instance_tests.py - CreateInstanceVolumeTests

| Test Name                             | API Versions  | Description                                               |
| test_create_instance_with_one_volume  | Nova 2        | Ensures that a VM instance can have one volume attached   |
|                                       | Cinder 2 & 3  | to it                                                     |
| test_create_instance_with_two_volumes | Nova 2        | Ensures that a VM instance can have two volumes attached  |
|                                       | Cinder 2 & 3  | to it                                                     |

ansible_utils_tests.py - AnsibleProvisioningTests

| Test Name                             | API Versions  | Description                                               |
| test_apply_simple_playbook            | Nova 2        | Ensures that an instance assigned with a floating IP will |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | apply a simple Ansible playbook                           |
| test_apply_template_playbook          | Nova 2        | Ensures that an instance assigned with a floating IP will |
|                                       | Neutron 2     | apply a Ansible playbook containing Jinga2 substitution   |
|                                       |               | values                                                    |