path: root/mcp/patches/0002-maas-region-skip-credentials-update.patch
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2017-10-14Add license headers where missingAlexandru Avadanii1-0/+8
2017-08-18maas.region: Add missing port to maas_urlAlexandru Avadanii1-1/+1
2017-08-10maas: region: credentials workaround, force syncAlexandru Avadanii1-0/+30
102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
.. License.
.. (c) OPNFV, Yin Kanglin and others.

Yardstick Test Case Description TC050

|OpenStack Controller Node Network High Availability                          |
|                                                                             |
|test case id  | OPNFV_YARDSTICK_TC050: OpenStack Controller Node Network     |
|              | High Availability                                            |
|test purpose  | This test case will verify the high availability of control  |
|              | node. When one of the controller failed to connect the       |
|              | network, which breaks down the Openstack services on this    |
|              | node. These Openstack service should able to be accessed by  |
|              | other controller nodes, and the services on failed           |
|              | controller node should be isolated.                          |
|test method   | This test case turns off the network interfaces of a         |
|              | specified control node, then checks whether all services     |
|              | provided by the control node are OK with some monitor tools. |
|attackers     | In this test case, an attacker called "close-interface" is   |
|              | needed. This attacker includes three parameters:             |
|              | 1) fault_type: which is used for finding the attacker's      |
|              | scripts. It should be always set to "close-interface" in     |
|              | this test case.                                              |
|              | 2) host: which is the name of a control node being attacked. |
|              | 3) interface: the network interface to be turned off.        |
|              |                                                              |
|              | There are four instance of the "close-interface" monitor:    |
|              | attacker1(for public netork):                                |
|              | -fault_type: "close-interface"                               |
|              | -host: node1                                                 |
|              | -interface: "br-ex"                                          |
|              | attacker2(for management netork):                            |
|              | -fault_type: "close-interface"                               |
|              | -host: node1                                                 |
|              | -interface: "br-mgmt"                                        |
|              | attacker3(for storage netork):                               |
|              | -fault_type: "close-interface"                               |
|              | -host: node1                                                 |
|              | -interface: "br-storage"                                     |
|              | attacker4(for private netork):                               |
|              | -fault_type: "close-interface"                               |
|              | -host: node1                                                 |
|              | -interface: "br-mesh"                                        |
|monitors      | In this test case, the monitor named "openstack-cmd" is      |
|              | needed. The monitor needs needs two parameters:              |
|              | 1) monitor_type: which is used for finding the monitor class |
|              | and related scritps. It should be always set to              |
|              | "openstack-cmd" for this monitor.                            |
|              | 2) command_name: which is the command name used for request  |
|              |                                                              |
|              | There are four instance of the "openstack-cmd" monitor:      |
|              | monitor1:                                                    |
|              | -monitor_type: "openstack-cmd"                               |
|              | -command_name: "nova image-list"                             |
|              | monitor2:                                                    |
|              | -monitor_type: "openstack-cmd"                               |
|              | -command_name: "neutron router-list"                         |
|              | monitor3:                                                    |
|              | -monitor_type: "openstack-cmd"                               |
|              | -command_name: "heat stack-list"                             |
|              | monitor4:                                                    |
|              | -monitor_type: "openstack-cmd"                               |
|              | -command_name: "cinder list"                                 |
|metrics       | In this test case, there is one metric:                      |
|              | 1)service_outage_time: which indicates the maximum outage    |
|              | time (seconds) of the specified Openstack command request.   |
|test tool     | Developed by the project. Please see folder:                 |
|              | "yardstick/benchmark/scenarios/availability/ha_tools"        |
|              |                                                              |
|references    | ETSI NFV REL001                                              |
|              |                                                              |
|configuration | This test case needs two configuration files:                |
|              | 1) test case file: opnfv_yardstick_tc050.yaml                |
|              | -Attackers: see above "attackers" discription                |
|              | -waiting_time: which is the time (seconds) from the process  |
|              | being killed to stoping monitors the monitors                |
|              | -Monitors: see above "monitors" discription                  |
|              | -SLA: see above "metrics" discription                        |
|              |                                                              |
|              | 2)POD file: pod.yaml                                         |
|              | The POD configuration should record on pod.yaml first.       |
|              | the "host" item in this test case will use the node name in  |
|              | the pod.yaml.                                                |
|              |                                                              |
|test sequence | description and expected result                              |
|              |                                                              |
|step 1        | start monitors:                                              |
|              | each monitor will run with independently process             |
|              |                                                              |
|              | Result: The monitor info will be collected.                  |
|              |                                                              |
|step 2        | do attacker: connect the host through SSH, and then execute  |
|              | the turnoff network interface script with param value        |
|              | specified by  "interface".                                   |
|              |                                                              |
|              | Result: Network interfaces will be turned down.              |
|              |                                                              |
|step 3        | stop monitors after a period of time specified by            |
|              | "waiting_time"                                               |
|              |                                                              |
|              | Result: The monitor info will be aggregated.                 |
|              |                                                              |
|step 4        | verify the SLA                                               |
|              |                                                              |
|              | Result: The test case is passed or not.                      |
|              |                                                              |
|post-action   | It is the action when the test cases exist. It turns up the  |
|              | network interface of the control node if it is not turned    |
|              | up.                                                          |
|test verdict  | Fails only if SLA is not passed, or if there is a test case  |
|              | execution problem.                                           |
|              |                                                              |