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.. License.
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.. (c) OPNFV, Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd and others.
Yardstick Test Case Description TC004
.. _cachestat: https://github.com/brendangregg/perf-tools/tree/master/fs
|Cache Utilization |
| |
|test case id | OPNFV_YARDSTICK_TC004_CACHE Utilization |
| | |
|metric | cache hit, cache miss, hit/miss ratio, buffer size and page |
| | cache size |
| | |
|test purpose | The purpose of TC004 is to evaluate the IaaS compute |
| | capability with regards to cache utilization.This test case |
| | should be run in parallel with other Yardstick test cases |
| | and not run as a stand-alone test case. |
| | |
| | This test case measures cache usage statistics, including |
| | cache hit, cache miss, hit ratio, buffer cache size and page |
| | cache size, with some wokloads runing on the infrastructure. |
| | Both average and maximun values are collected. |
| | |
| | The purpose is also to be able to spot the trends. |
| | Test results, graphs and similar shall be stored for |
| | comparison reasons and product evolution understanding |
| | between different OPNFV versions and/or configurations. |
| | |
|test tool | cachestat |
| | |
| | cachestat is a tool using Linux ftrace capabilities for |
| | showing Linux page cache hit/miss statistics. |
| | |
| | (cachestat is not always part of a Linux distribution, hence |
| | it needs to be installed. As an example see the |
| | /yardstick/tools/ directory for how to generate a Linux |
| | image with cachestat included.) |
| | |
|test | cachestat test is invoked in a host VM on a compute blade, |
|description | cachestat test requires some other test cases running in the |
| | host to stimulate workload. |
| | |
|configuration | File: cachestat.yaml (in the 'samples' directory) |
| | |
| | Interval is set 1. Test repeat, pausing every 1 seconds |
| | in-between. |
| | Test durarion is set to 60 seconds. |
| | |
| | SLA is not available in this test case. |
| | |
|applicability | Test can be configured with different: |
| | |
| | * interval; |
| | * runner Duration. |
| | |
| | Default values exist. |
| | |
|usability | This test case is one of Yardstick's generic test. Thus it |
| | is runnable on most of the scenarios. |
| | |
|references | cachestat_ |
| | |
| | ETSI-NFV-TST001 |
| | |
|pre-test | The test case image needs to be installed into Glance |
|conditions | with cachestat included in the image. |
| | |
| | No POD specific requirements have been identified. |
| | |
|test sequence | description and expected result |
| | |
|step 1 | A host VM with cachestat installed is booted. |
| | |
|step 2 | Yardstick is connected with the host VM by using ssh. |
| | 'cache_stat' bash script is copyied from Jump Host to |
| | the server VM via the ssh tunnel. |
| | |
|step 3 | 'cache_stat' script is invoked. Raw cache usage statistics |
| | are collected and filtrated. Average and maximum values are |
| | calculated and recorded. Logs are produced and stored. |
| | |
| | Result: Logs are stored. |
| | |
|step 4 | The host VM is deleted. |
| | |
|test verdict | None. Cache utilization results are collected and stored. |
| | |