path: root/testcases/Controllers
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2015-10-04Use new environment script to setup env to run onos function testQinglong Lan1-0/+212
JIRA:FUNCTEST-60 Change-Id: Iaafb2ffee85c4fc11dde20194e9bd10789f40c65 Signed-off-b
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
.. License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. (c) OPNFV, Ericsson AB and others.


.. _Yardstick: https://wiki.opnfv.org/yardstick
.. _Presentation: https://wiki.opnfv.org/_media/opnfv_summit_-_yardstick_project.pdf
.. _NFV-TST001: https://docbox.etsi.org/ISG/NFV/Open/Drafts/TST001_-_Pre-deployment_Validation/
.. _Yardsticktst: https://wiki.opnfv.org/_media/opnfv_summit_-_bridging_opnfv_and_etsi.pdf

The project's goal is to verify infrastructure compliance, from the perspective
of a Virtual Network Function (VNF).

The Project's scope is the development of a test framework, *Yardstick*, test
cases and test stimuli to enable Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure
(NFVI) verification.

In OPNFV Brahmaputra release, generic test cases covering aspects of the
metrics in the document ETSI GS NFV-TST001_, "Pre-deployment Testing; Report on
Validation of NFV Environments and Services" are available; further OPNFV
releases will provide extended testing of these metrics.

*Yardstick* is used in OPNFV for verifying the OPNFV infrastructure and some of
the OPNFV features. The *Yardstick* framework is deployed in several OPNFV
community labs. It is *installer*, *infrastructure* and *application*

.. seealso:: This Presentation_ for an overview of *Yardstick* and
   Yardsticktst_ for material on alignment ETSI TST001 and Yardstick.
pnfv.org/about/bylaws-and-policies/terms-use" >terms of use, trademark policy, and privacy policy.