.. _opnfv-overview:
.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
.. (c) Open Platform for NFV Project, Inc. and its contributors
Platform overview
Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is transforming the networking industry via
software-defined infrastructures and open source is the proven method for quickly developing
software for commercial products and services that can move markets.
Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV) facilitates the development and evolution of NFV
components across various open source ecosystems. Through system level integration,
deployment and testing, OPNFV constructs a reference NFV platform to accelerate the
transformation of enterprise and service provider networks.
As an open source project, OPNFV is uniquely positioned to bring together the work
of standards bodies, open source communities, service providers and commercial suppliers to deliver
a de facto NFV platform for the industry.
By integrating components from upstream projects, the community is able to conduct performance
and use case-based testing on a variety of solutions to ensure the platform’s suitability for
NFV use cases. OPNFV also works upstream with other open source communities to bring contributions
and learnings from its work directly to those communities in the form of blueprints, patches, bugs,
and new code.
OPNFV focuses on building NFV Infrastructure (NFVI) and Virtualised Infrastructure
Management (VIM) by integrating components from upstream projects such as OpenDaylight, ONOS, Tungsen Fabric,
OVN, OpenStack, Kubernetes, Ceph Storage, KVM, Open vSwitch, and Linux.
More recently, OPNFV has extended its portfolio of forwarding solutions to include DPDK, fd.io and ODP,
is able to run on both Intel and ARM commercial and white-box hardware, support VM, Container and
BareMetal workloads, and includes Management and Network Orchestration MANO components primarily
for application composition and management in the Fraser release.
These capabilities, along with application programmable interfaces (APIs) to other NFV
elements, form the basic infrastructure required for Virtualized Network Functions (VNF)
and MANO components.
Concentrating on these components while also considering proposed projects on additional
topics (such as the MANO components and applications themselves), OPNFV aims to enhance
NFV services by increasing performance and power efficiency improving reliability,
availability and serviceability, and delivering comprehensive platform instrumentation.
OPNFV Platform Architecture
The OPNFV project addresses a number of aspects in the development of a consistent virtualisation
platform including common hardware requirements, software architecture, MANO and applications.
OPNFV Platform Overview Diagram
.. image:: ../images/diagram_fraser.png
:alt: Overview infographic of the opnfv platform and projects.
To address these areas effectively, the OPNFV platform architecture can be decomposed
into the following basic building blocks:
* Hardware: Infrastructure working group, Pharos project and associated activities
* Software Platform: Platform integration and deployment projects
* MANO: MANO working group and associated projects
* Tooling and testing: Testing working group and test projects
* Applications: All other areas and drive requirements for OPNFV
OPNFV Lab Infrastructure
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