BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
stable/iruyaadd yardstick iruya 9.0.0 release notesrexlee87765 years
masteradd yardstick iruya 9.0.0 release notesrexlee87765 years
stable/hunterYardstick Hunter 8.0.0 release notesrexlee87766 years
stable/gambiaYardsitck Gambia Release 7.2.0 release notes.rexlee87766 years
stable/frasertc046 kill keystone process condition incorrect - dovetailrexlee87766 years
stable/euphratesBugfix: failed to generete gui files in stable/euphrates in CIchenjiankun7 years
stable/danubeUpdate release note for Danube.3.2JingLu58 years
stable/coloradoMerge "arm64: Using wily kernel since the vivid is gone" into stable/coloradoJing Lu8 years
stable/brahmaputraRelease notes for 3.0Ana C9 years
opnfv-8.0.0commit 9bd54d7914...jenkins-ci6 years
opnfv-7.2.0commit eb6d97898b...jenkins-ci6 years
opnfv-7.1.0commit a1e5634d35...jenkins-ci6 years
opnfv-7.0.0commit b9fa3eac6c...jenkins-ci6 years
ovp-2.0.0commit 6c10a2d9cc...rexlee87766 years
opnfv-6.2.1commit a99613376d...jenkins-ci7 years
opnfv-6.2.0commit b07610535f...jenkins-ci7 years
opnfv-6.1.0commit 7dc30d54a7...Aric Gardner7 years
opnfv-6.0.0commit a4c8f2a99f...Trevor Bramwell7 years
opnfv-5.1.0commit 22c3213246...Ross Brattain7 years
opnfv-5.0.0commit 269c070a51...JingLu57 years
opnfv-5.0.RC1commit 1f04604b78...JingLu57 years
danube.3.2commit e9338f29a7...JingLu58 years
danube.3.1commit 795438d076...Ross Brattain8 years
danube.3.0commit 5bdc049447...Ross Brattain8 years
danube.2.0commit 1b267df543...JingLu58 years
danube.2.RC1commit 1b267df543...JingLu58 years
danube.1.0commit f990f63a40...kubi8 years
colorado.3.0commit 5315d784b0...Aric Gardner8 years
colorado.2.0commit ec0e69dd20...Aric Gardner8 years
colorado.1.0commit 42b98f2da7...kubi8 years
brahmaputra.3.0commit 654e1479f4...Ana C9 years
brahmaputra.2.0commit 2e0401b13b...Ana C9 years
brahmaputra.1.0commit bc63c492a8...Ana C9 years
7'>577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611