Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines | |
2018-03-12 | Merge "Add context name to Dummy test" | Abhijit Sinha | 1 | -0/+1 | |
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.highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
| |||||
JIRA: YARDSTICK-1001 Change-Id: Ia6985795b757e5f8ff29cb1c23d909d80502fae5 Signed-off-by: rexlee8776 <> | |||||
2018-02-27 | Enable heat context to support existing network | rexlee8776 | 2 | -0/+108 | |
JIRA: YARDSTICK-970 Change-Id: I593af4b3a30e52521e3d77fd84bec16ab4733483 Signed-off-by: rexlee8776 <> | |||||
2018-02-26 | Merge "Testcase to find storage bottlenecks using Yardstick for Multistack" | Rex Lee | 1 | -0/+77 | |
2018-02-26 | Testcase to find storage bottlenecks using Yardstick for Multistack | Ace Lee | 1 | -0/+77 | |
JIRA: BOTTLENECK-217 This patch is used to find storage bottlenecks while using yardstick for multistack. Shubham is busy for his exam, I can't change his patch, so I need to resubmit a patch. Change-Id: Ibf8ec3ae7f19b27254eedabb1b95bd89a0993ed7 Signed-off-by: Ace Lee <> | |||||
2018-02-19 | Make segmentation_id configurable for tc_heat_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_trex | Mytnyk, Volodymyr | 1 | -0/+7 | |
Updated vfw/tc_heat_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_trex.yaml TC to be able to configure segmentation_id from commmand line. E.g.: yardstick -d task start --task-args='{"provider": "sriov", \ "segmentation_id": 100}' ... JIRA: YARDSTICK-1004 Change-Id: I53daae3468de2a1f523bd96817143a5f809238a2 Signed-off-by: Mytnyk, Volodymyr <> | |||||
2018-02-15 | Merge "Update heat RFC2544 based TC to support SRIOV VF ports." | Emma Foley | 1 | -0/+11 | |
2018-02-14 | BugFix: Fix to pod context filename | Xavier Simonart | 1 | -1/+1 | |
The "context:file" of tc_prox_baremetal_lw_aftr has an incorrect path, compaired to all other prox test cases. Change-Id: Id24e74905f36bc84fdf93d1a2966211ecad55c8b Signed-off-by: Xavier Simonart <> | |||||
2018-02-14 | Update heat RFC2544 based TC to support SRIOV VF ports. | Mytnyk, Volodymyr | 1 | -0/+11 | |
Updated vfw/tc_heat_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_trex.yaml TC to be able to run it in heat context with SRIOV VF ports configured in OpenStack. E.g.: yardstick task start --task-args='{"provider": "sriov"}' ... yardstick task start --task-args='{"provider": "sriov"}\ physical_networks: ["physnet1", "physnet2"]}' ... Console log: Result output: JIRA: YARDSTICK-1004 Change-Id: If0dabd0791e4e295782fee0f3de1536474218876 Signed-off-by: Mytnyk, Volodymyr <> | |||||
2018-02-08 | Prox vnf descriptor cleanup | Abhijit Sinha | 9 | -195/+6 | |
JIRA: YARDSTICK-1003 - There are redundant files for Prox vnf descriptors tg and vnf for 1, 2 and 4 port set-up. - We can use one vnf descriptor file per prox tg and prox vnf, reducing the number of redundant files. - Tested on Prox BM L2fwd 2 and 4 port test case. Change-Id: I4c61fd11725121f19392443460ac2ad39c934e2d Signed-off-by: Abhijit Sinha <> | |||||
2018-02-01 | Merge "Adding new vFirewall Test cases based on Concurrency, Connections per ↵ | Ross Brattain | 59 | -0/+2980 | |
second, Throughput and Transactions per second for various http locator image sizes including 1b, 4k, 64k, 256k, 1024k" | |||||
2018-01-30 | Add sample OpenStack/SRIOV RFC2544 based TC | Mytnyk, Volodymyr | 1 | -0/+88 | |
Add sample OpenStack/SRIOV RFC2544 based test case which can be run using external Trex. Console log: Result output: JIRA: YARDSTICK-967 Change-Id: Id0e2d6d47f459c7e6a3370735bab74f7ce502b24 Signed-off-by: Mytnyk, Volodymyr <> | |||||
2018-01-23 | Cleanup of redundant files from Prox directory | Abhijit Sinha | 15 | -631/+0 | |
JIRA: YARDSTICK-965 Removed the redundant files and directory from Prox test folder. Change-Id: I6167f0a4ccdd581153dad3ec9f5eaaf2619aacbd Signed-off-by: Abhijit Sinha <> | |||||
2018-01-02 | Merge "Adding vFW RFC2544 and ixload test cases with various packet sizes" | Ross Brattain | 11 | -0/+714 | |
2017-12-16 | samples: Add generic L3 forwarder tests | Dino Madarang | 64 | -0/+7134 | |
A generic throughput test case that can be used as a stub code for a Linux-based VNF configured as an L3 forwarder. Supported context: * Standalone OVSDPDK and SRIOV * Baremetal Code changes: * Allow pmd-cpu-mask and lcore mask for OVS DPDK * - configures interface IP addresses and static arp entries using ip command * NFVi KPIs * Allow cputune tag for standalone context to be able to PIN on NUMA 1 cpus SRIOV Test cases: * RFC2544 Ethernet framesizes, 128K Flows * 2,4 and 6 ports * 2 and 3 vcpus per port * OVSDPDK Test cases: * RFC2544 Ethernet framesizes, 128K Flows * 2 and 4 ports * 2 vcpus per port * 2 PMD threads per port TODO: * Documentation * Add 6 ports tests References: * is based on * tc_*.yaml files are based on acl/vfw test case files Added unitests Added get_stats to parse ip -s link Change-Id: Id1b969d5420dfcab7c1e695acbd2cd1655747efe Signed-off-by: Dino Simeon Madarang <> Signed-off-by: Kavindya Deegala <> Reviewed-by: Alain Jebara <> Reviewed-by: Deepak S <> Reviewed-by: Emma Foley <> Reviewed-by: Rodolfo Alonso Hernandez <> Reviewed-by: Ross Brattain <> Reviewed-by: Edward MacGillivray <> Signed-off-by: Dhaval Patel <> Signed-off-by: Ross Brattain <> | |||||
2017-12-14 | Change testcases 'cirros' image to 'yardstick-image' | Rodolfo Alonso Hernandez | 14 | -31/+31 | |
The default OpenStack 'cirros-0.3.5' image doesn't exist anymore. The image included by default in any testing OpenStack deployment is now called 'cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk', but this name can change. Because Yardstick, during the installation, deploys a customized image, 'yardstick-image', it makes sense to use it as the default image. JIRA: YARDSTICK-873 Change-Id: I8fd7cbc01d4fa52e9107f2fac7d2d9ff5d1091c7 Signed-off-by: Rodolfo Alonso Hernandez <> | |||||
2017-12-12 | Merge "Adding vFirewall HTTP Traffic Profiles for tests including ↵ | Ross Brattain | 40 | -0/+73520 | |
Concurrency, CPS, TPUT, TPS for 2Ports and 4Ports" | |||||
2017-12-12 | Adding vFirewall HTTP Traffic Profiles. | Phani Kiran Thaticharla | 6 | -1/+121 | |
Modified http_locator location for 64K, 256K, 512K and 1024K concurrency files. The traffic profiles include various http locator image sizes i.e 4K,64K,256K,512K and 1024K The traffic schema is changed to "nsb" from "isb" for all the traffic profiles Change-Id: I012da8daaa880ca80db2d3b08cebd9a73c19cd47 Signed-off-by: Phani Kiran Thaticharla <> Reviewed-by: Oscar Medina-Duran <> Reviewed-by: Deepak S <> Reviewed-by: Ross Brattain <> | |||||
2017-12-11 | Adding vFW RFC2544 and ixload test cases with various packet sizes | Phani Kiran Thaticharla | 11 | -0/+714 | |
Changed private to uplink and public to downlink Change-Id: Id9273d9489f58bd45b60a00fc9e5bcbe9e136c84 Signed-off-by: Phani Kiran Thaticharla <> Reviewed-by: Oscar Medina-Duran <> Reviewed-by: Deepak S <> Reviewed-by: Ross Brattain <> | |||||
2017-12-04 | Adding vFirewall HTTP Traffic Profiles for tests including Concurrency, CPS, ↵ | Phani Kiran Thaticharla | 40 | -0/+73520 | |
TPUT, TPS for 2Ports and 4Ports Change-Id: I3c7f047dc6d1545093aed6f64ccaed9f90d85af3 Signed-off-by: Phani Kiran Thaticharla <> Reviewed-by: Oscar Medina-Duran <> Reviewed-by: Deepak S <> Reviewed-by: Ross Brattain <> | |||||
2017-12-04 | Adding new vFirewall Test cases based on Concurrency, Connections per ↵ | Phani Kiran Thaticharla | 59 | -0/+2980 | |
second, Throughput and Transactions per second for various http locator image sizes including 1b, 4k, 64k, 256k, 1024k Change-Id: I253d1fa20a0324bc9efeaa4da1a24560e644734c Signed-off-by: Phani Kiran Thaticharla <> Reviewed-by: Oscar Medina-Duran <> Reviewed-by: Deepak S <> Reviewed-by: Ross Brattain <> | |||||
2017-11-17 | Merge "Add vfw ixload testcase for heat" | Ross Brattain | 7 | -11/+2953 | |
2017-11-17 | Merge "NSB: update vfw tc_heat_external tests" | Ross Brattain | 2 | -11/+107 | |
2017-11-17 | Merge "NSB Prox BM test case fixes for scale up" | Ross Brattain | 28 | -337/+99 | |
2017-11-16 | NSB "Prox" : Cleanup duplicated traffic profile | Abhijit Sinha | 1 | -1/+1 | |
JIRA: YARDSTICK-848 The NSB PROX MPLS test uses Binsearch traffic profile and the mpls traffic profile is a duplicate. Change-Id: Ie2124cebf306fd6917b70ecd7c23ae12ef4850dc Signed-off-by: Abhijit Sinha <> | |||||
2017-11-14 | NSB Prox BM test case fixes for scale up | Abhijit Sinha | 28 | -337/+99 | |
YARDSTICK-839 In a scale-up test the VNF number can start from 0 to MAX (num_vnf-1) The NSB PROX BM test nodes are currently marked as: tg__0: trafficgen_1.yardstick vnf__0: vnf.yardstick They need to be changed to the below: tg__0: tg_0.yardstick vnf__0: vnf_0.yardstick Changes done are: - All BM Prox test cases have tg_0 and vnf_0 as default test nodes - The prox-baremetal-1/2/4.yaml sample pod file - Cleaned Up some unused Prox test/config files Change-Id: I819011bcb35eda62b17dd3e1035918918c582b13 Signed-off-by: Abhijit Sinha <> | |||||
2017-11-10 | NSB: fix vpe_config license | Ross Brattain | 1 | -27/+10 | |
Use Apache 2.0 Change-Id: I199d09f04a5c84a25bd91dceba5e4ed1f93075f6 Signed-off-by: Ross Brattain <> | |||||
2017-11-09 | Merge "NSB Prox LW_AFTR Test" | Ross Brattain | 6 | -0/+66112 | |
2017-11-07 | Fixed incorrect Copyright Notice | DanielMartinBuckley | 1 | -27/+10 | |
Changed Copyright notice on tuples.lua from "Intel Copyright" to Apache 2.0 Change-Id: I85e6f9eb86c116d552f86cddf05b3b368b32f776 Signed-off-by: Daniel Martin Buckley <> | |||||
2017-11-07 | NSB Prox LW_AFTR Test | DanielMartinBuckley | 6 | -0/+66112 | |
JIRA: YARDSTICK-802 Addition of PROX LW_AFTR basked on PROX/DATS v037 - This support BM and Openstack Heat - This supports 4 Ports ONLY - Grafana Dashboards included - Code Coverage / Unit testing Change-Id: If2170ab458bf687256d5f1a1e840a3b9d2788ef7 Signed-off-by: Daniel MArtin Buckley <> Signed-off-by: Abhijit Sinha <> | |||||
2017-10-30 | ixia: add 1024 and 1280 byte packet size to Ixia ipv4 traffic profile | Ross Brattain | 1 | -0/+8 | |
This brings it to parity with its non-Ixia counterpart (ipv4_throughput.yaml). Change-Id: I4c91d1ae507c7b5e0a23dcf49606b16891b400bd Signed-off-by: Ross Brattain <> | |||||
2017-10-24 | Add vfw ixload testcase for heat | Jennifer Li | 7 | -11/+2953 | |
- concurrency - connections/second - throughput Change-Id: Idb977462952fba2e6a9684e916dfeca810f1ee94 Signed-off-by: Jennifer Li <> | |||||
2017-10-23 | NSB: update vfw tc_heat_external tests | Ross Brattain | 2 | -11/+107 | |
rename xe0, xe1 to uplink_0, downlink_0 enumerate tgs/vnfs starting from 0. add disable_dhcp Change-Id: Ia4f08b3ad5ab298192c249d04b10a6efbe4f210e Signed-off-by: Ross Brattain <> | |||||
2017-10-23 | BugFix: Fix to pod filename ext and prox path | Abhijit Sinha | 38 | -99/+99 | |
As per defect: - the "context:" stanza of every tc_prox_baremetal*.yaml" file has an incorrect pathname for the config file - tc_prox_baremetal_binsearch.yaml and tc_prox_baremetal_ramp.yaml refer to "prox-baremetal.yml", which idoes not exist - incorrect prox bin path Resolution: - Unify the pod file name and path for all BM tests - Prox bin path changed to "/opt/nsb_bin/prox" Change-Id: I16b25189104ad5585ddc1c2c0dd71b3c4c2aecd3 Signed-off-by: Abhijit Sinha <> | |||||
2017-10-19 | Merge "Add missing RFC2544 Ethernet frame sizes" | Rex Lee | 1 | -0/+8 | |
2017-10-19 | Merge "tc_heat_rfc2544_ipv4_1rule_1flow_64B_trex.yaml updated" | Ross Brattain | 1 | -16/+26 | |
2017-10-18 | NSB: update vfw scale-out testcases | Ross Brattain | 7 | -33/+548 | |
Change-Id: I6bd8a87f70954f288975e3e73e3cfbd36ae561dc Signed-off-by: Ross Brattain <> | |||||
2017-10-19 | Merge "add CheckConnectivity scenario" | Jing Lu | 1 | -0/+31 | |
2017-10-19 | add CheckConnectivity scenario | JingLu5 | 1 | -0/+31 | |
Change-Id: I9d246828790467c2a57ba410826ee9751fff89c5 Signed-off-by: JingLu5 <> | |||||
2017-10-19 | Add missing RFC2544 Ethernet frame sizes | Dino Madarang | 1 | -0/+8 | |
RFC2544 tests should include the following frame sizes: 9.1 Frame sizes to be used on Ethernet 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1280, 1518 Change-Id: I6ab9cccf2bb3b2678f50da157a9a49c0d9564cbd Signed-off-by: Dino Simeon Madarang <> Reviewed-by: Alain Jebara <> Reviewed-by: Deepak S <> Reviewed-by: Ross Brattain <> Reviewed-by: Edward MacGillivray <> | |||||
2017-10-19 | Merge "add VNF scale-up template" | Ross Brattain | 1 | -0/+98 | |